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Throwing the potatoes in his hand into the potato basket, Xu Zhi clapped his hands, walked to the side again, and flipped through the large bundles of vegetables on the ground. After reading the various preparations, Xu Zhi revealed something Thinking look.

After Xu Zhi stayed in the back kitchen for a while, it happened to be the dream company's meal time, and a line began to line up at the dining window.

After watching the back kitchen, Xu Zhi turned on the faucet for washing vegetables, washed his hands, and walked out of the back kitchen.

Seeing Xu Zhi emerge from the back kitchen, all the employees who were queuing were surprised, as if they never expected Xu Zhi to emerge from the back kitchen.

Xu Zhi smiled at the people who were looking at him, but at this time, a person suddenly emerged from the crowd and ran towards Xu Zhi quickly. This man is young, less than thirty-five, 1.7 meters tall, and weighs 170. He trembled when he started running.

Xu Zhi saw that this person was the company's logistics director, Gao Zhibin.

Regarding the company's logistics department and the director himself, Gao Zhibin, Xu Zhi has not paid much attention to since he joined Dream Company as the president. Mainly because other things are already busy enough, and there is no time to take this aspect into account. Moreover, this logistics department was established by Qin Zishu at that time, and there has been no problem in business, and Gao Zhibin has done a good job, so Xu Zhi doesn't need to worry about it.

At this time, he trotted towards Xu Zhi, Gao Zhibin was full of smiles, stopped in front of Xu Zhi and immediately said, "Mr. Xu, why didn't you notify me in advance of your inspection work? I have no preparation for this. The kitchen is dirty just after cooking, so I can let them mop the floor."

"Haha!" Xu Zhi laughed twice and patted Gao Zhibin's shoulder, "Don't be nervous, I just borrowed the kitchen faucet to wash my hands, you can go eat."

"Mr. Xu, you didn't eat it, I dare to eat it, Mr. Xu, please hurry up!" Gao Zhibin said, pointing to the window where the meal was being served.

"No, no, I've already eaten outside today, so you can go." Xu Zhi put away his smile and said to Gao Zhibin again.

Hearing Xu Zhi say this, Gao Zhibin looked at Xu Zhi, as well as Ding Xiaomei and the chef behind him, and said with a smile on his face, "Then I'll go."


Xu Zhi raised his hand, and after Gao Zhibin turned his head three times and left, Xu Zhi looked at Ding Xiaomei again: "You go to dinner too, you've been hungry all morning."

Ding Xiaomei nodded and stood at the back of the crowd.

This restaurant in Dream Company does not have any staff canteens and leadership canteens. Everyone eats together. Xu Zhi is very satisfied with the rules that Qin Zishu had set before.

At this time, after Ding Xiaomei was at the end of the crowd, Xu Zhi did not leave the restaurant, but went directly to the dining window. Seeing Xu Zhi coming over, he was the first employee who was about to make a meal, so he quickly gave way to Xu Zhi. Seat, it seems that Xu Zhi is going to cut the queue.

Although Xu Zhi didn't dare to disagree with anyone who jumped in the queue, Xu Zhi never did that. He came to the window at this time, glanced at the auntie, and asked, "Auntie, what dishes are there today?"

Auntie Dafan clearly knew Xu Zhi and was generous. Hearing Xu Zhi's question, she quickly replied:

"Boss, today we have eggplant and beans, braised chicken nuggets, vermicelli tofu, braised duck blood, mushroom greens, tomatoes and eggs, pork with plum vegetables, fried chicken legs, mapo tofu..."

Just like reporting the name of the dish, the auntie who beat the rice reported all kinds of things together. At this time, the other windows were not picking up food, and she looked over here, as if she was watching a novelty. Xu Zhi also didn't want to disturb everyone's meal time. After looking at all the dishes, Xu Zhi left the dining window.

As soon as Xu Zhi left, the windows resumed operation as if the start button was pressed, and became lively.

Standing outside the restaurant for a while, Xu Zhi managed his thoughts just now, then turned his head and entered the restaurant. This time, he walked among the dining crowd, and kept looking at the plate. After dozens of plates, Xu Zhi nodded and left the restaurant.

In the eyes of others, Xu Zhi's series of actions can be said to be inexplicable and completely incomprehensible, but Xu Zhi's thoughts at this time are already very clear.

Back at the office, Xu Zhi went to work.

After everyone else had eaten and returned to work in the afternoon, Xu Zhi stopped what he was doing and called Huang Meng in.

"Huang Meng, bring me the financial statements of the company's logistics department over the years." As soon as Huang Meng came in, Xu Zhi said.

"Mr. Xu, wait a moment." Huang Meng replied simply, without any doubts.

After speaking, Huang Meng quickly went downstairs, found the report of the logistics department, and brought it to Xu Zhi.

After bringing the report, Huang Meng didn't leave. Xu Zhi asked her to open the report with him, and looked at the financial situation of the logistics department over the years.

Xu Zhi knew a little about accounting. At this time, he carefully opened various financial items, and Xu Zhi found several abnormal items, and Huang Meng frowned on one side.

Xu Zhi didn't know what Huang Meng discovered, but Xu Zhi's discovery was mainly concentrated in the restaurant of the logistics department.

The establishment of a restaurant by the company is a benefit for The loss is not a big deal. Basically, the scale in previous years was one million. Since last year, the number of people has increased, and the number has expanded. There is no problem. , but looking at the purchase list of each item, Xu Zhi felt that the problem was big.

He was in the back kitchen just now, but he wasn't blind. He read all kinds of materials, especially all kinds of vegetables.

Take that basket of potatoes as an example, the price on this report is the price of the highest quality potatoes, but what Xu Zhi saw just now were mostly called medium potatoes, and some of them were even moldy. No one will buy it if it is placed in a poor family, because the potatoes are moldy and harmful to the human body.

Speaking of which, the dishes in the company's restaurant are basically not stocked, they are all bought the day before. There are only vegetables like potatoes that can be put in, and I will buy them for a few more days.

But this storage time should not exceed five days at most, and the potatoes will become moldy in five days, which is impossible. The company's restaurant is not a garbage dump. It can be moldy so quickly. It can only be said that there is a problem with the potato itself. Although the mildew is not big, the problem is not small.

In the back kitchen just now, Xu Zhi was on fire. After reading the purchase list, he became even more angry, but he did not immediately call the logistics minister, but continued to read.

"Mr. Xu, this is my negligence. I'm afraid the problem with this statement is not small, and various billing data are overstated." After watching for a while, Huang Meng said apologetically to Xu Zhi.

"The problem of over-reporting will not be mentioned for the time being, and now there are more serious problems."

Xu Zhi said. In Xu Zhi's view, the problem is not in the over-reporting and under-reporting of the report.

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