How can you become the richest man by letting you host a game company https://

Gao Zhibin grabbed the life-saving straw and started talking, Xu Zhi still looked at him with a slight smile.

"Mr. Xu, you can see that I was lining up for dinner that day. Those potatoes were all in my stomach. If I can't eat it, I can still eat it. President Xu, you should know that the restaurant I manage, I have never missed a dish. Every meal is full of meat and vegetables. There may be a little bit of leakage in the ingredients, but there is absolutely no problem with the big aspects. I used to be greedy and greedy, but the quality is generally no problem. ."

"Is there any problem with moldy potatoes?" Xu Zhi asked back.

"Mr. Xu, that's because they didn't store them well. The potatoes are a little small, but they definitely didn't get moldy when they were bought." Gao Zhibin's four fingers on his right hand stood up at this time, as if swearing.

Seeing Gao Zhibin who was still arguing, Xu Zhi responded with a slight smile. He knew far more than Gao Zhibin imagined, and looking at Gao Zhibin now is like watching a clown performance.

"Okay, let's talk about auntie beating again." Xu Zhi said to Gao Zhibin.

"Auntie?" Gao Zhibin showed a puzzled expression. Seeing this, Xu Zhi reminded him, "It's a matter of everyone's meal size during the meal."

"Oh," Gao Zhibin said in surprise, as if he had suddenly realized, "Mr. Xu can't blame me, I said before, let them write down the leader's appearance, and when they cook for the leader, they should beat more, but let's It's not that the company doesn't have a leadership canteen, these are the preferential treatment that leaders should receive, I did it wrong."

Gao Zhibin was aggrieved at this time like a three-year-old child. After speaking, he looked at Xu Zhi at a loss. Xu Zhi could only say one thing in his heart.

"What else?" Xu Zhi reminded.

"Anything else? No, I just said that." Gao Zhibin said immediately.

"Really? Why didn't I hear this from Aunt Dafan? Aunt Dafan told me that their leader, your head chef, told them to beat more eggs and more meat when cooking meals for the leader. Is this the case?"

"My God, President Xu, I've done a good deed wrong, what's wrong with wanting the leaders to eat something good!" Gao Zhibin's tears of grievance were about to fall.

"Haha," Xu Zhi chuckled and continued, "Taking care of the leaders can't be wrong, this is not the point of the problem, the focus is on the food. Take a dish of scrambled eggs with tomatoes as an example. Originally, a plate of tomatoes and eggs took 30 to scramble. Since this year, the number of eggs has become 20. Where did the remaining 10 go? Huh? Then when you beat the leaders, the more eggs you beat, the less the employees beat. I saw this with my own eyes. I see. Originally, there were thirty eggs in a plate, and everyone could eat eggs. Now you do this, and many employees only have tomatoes when they serve eggs with tomatoes. Those who don’t know it think that the eggs have been beaten by the leaders. I don't know if it was eaten by you.

Do you think I don't know these little tricks you play? This is still just one dish. There are also many problems with other dishes. The small amount adds up. How much do you have to eat for this one? You think I don't know? Speaking of which, your method has deceived many people, including me, everyone has been busy all day, and no one will care about it after a meal, but you are still arguing when I found out? "

After Xu Zhi finished speaking, Gao Zhibin lowered his head, suddenly he thought of something, and began to say, "Mr. Xu, the chef and I have absolutely no idea about this, this must be done by those recruited chefs, you know, the fattest in the kitchen It's the chef, and the eggs must be in their stomachs."

"Oh, is that so? I don't think you're thin. Then I'll ask him again, what happened to the meat?" Xu Zhi continued to ask.

"Meat? Haven't there been too much meat?"

Gao Zhibin said in surprise.

"It's true that there is no shortage of meat, but I want to ask you where you bought meat that is half cheaper than the market. I couldn't believe it when I got this news before. I really can't believe that you are so bold. Dare to do this, but in front of the evidence, I can't help but believe that all the meat was bought by the chef?"

"Mr. Xu, we buy a lot, so it's naturally cheaper. I admit, I did greedy a little bit with the price difference, but didn't I give it back to you today?"

"Hahaha." Xu Zhi burst out laughing.

"You are still arguing. Let me ask you, you bought the bad meat from the market to cook. After the dishes are prepared, you are afraid that the employees will have diarrhea and put anti-diarrheal medicines in the dishes. Can you use a greedy word to describe it? You, It can be endured, in order not to attract suspicion, you eat that kind of meat more delicious than anyone else, so you are not afraid of retribution?" Xu Zhi said this, his face turned hideous, when he got the news , The first reaction was impossible, how could such a thing happen, but the facts taught him a lot, this group of people has no bottom line than he imagined.

"Mr. Xu, absolutely not. You must believe me. I can't do this kind of thing. If you don't believe me, you can use the leftovers from the past two days to test."

"No need. You see me in the past few days to I have wiped everything that can be wiped off, I know that, but there is one thing you can't wipe off. I have you in my hand to buy it. The record of laxatives, in order not to attract attention, you bought this medicine by yourself. Let me ask you, if you have six people in your family and you buy three boxes of antidiarrheal medicines at one time, do your family have diarrhea all day long? Is your toilet not squatting broken?"

Speaking of this, Xu Zhi sighed, "There are all kinds of people in the society, it's not surprising that there are scumbags like you, what you do can't be described as greed, you are trying to make money and kill your life, I think the law You will be punished."

"President Xu, President Xu, listen to my explanation, you must listen to my explanation." Seeing that he couldn't hide it, Gao Zhibin's hands trembled, but the bank card in his palm was still steady.

"No, if you dared to do this under my nose, you should have imagined that today will come. I am also surprised that the company does not miss you in any benefits, and you have been driving the car for almost half a year. Why do you do this. "Speaking of this, Xu Zhi suddenly roared.

"Did you know that there are pregnant women working in the company, if you do this, you are killing people!!!"

After Xu Zhi was reborn, he lost control of his emotions for the first time. His hands trembled like Gao Zhibin. He wanted to fan Gao Zhibin on the spot, but he held back. This kind of person should be punished more severely.

"Mr. Xu, I was wrong, I was wrong, this ten million is all the money we greedy, you take it to compensate the employees, you can let us go, we will get out of this city immediately." Gao Zhibin knelt down. beg for mercy.

"Not enough!" Xu Zhi controlled himself and said in cold words.

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