"You, how can you say the size of this golden lock. I think your golden lock is much more delicate than the child's great-grandfather's. I accepted it for the child. You must have spent a lot of time on this pair of golden locks. Right." Qin Zishu sighed while holding the pair of densely patterned golden locks.

"Yeah," Huang Meng looked up at Qin Zishu, "I went to a small town to order it, but the size is too small."

"Okay, don't worry about the size, your heart is the most important." Qin Zishu put a pair of golden locks and the pair given by her grandparents during the day by the pillow together. As for the red envelopes received during the day, they were all stuffed in the closet beside the bed, and they were full.

After a while, Xu Zhi and Qin's mother returned to the ward after dinner. Xu Zhi also brought a copy to Huang Meng. As for Qin Zishu, she had a special maternity meal to eat.

Not long after they came back, the two children were groaning hungry again. Qin Zishu hurriedly fed the milk. The child fell asleep. After eating, he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

At this time, the lights in the ward also dimmed, and Xu Zhi gently touched the faces of the two children. Compared with the petite faces of the children, his palms were extraordinarily huge, and it seemed that one hand could support the two children. Although the palm of his hand is large, Xu Zhi's strength is very light, stroking the child's face, passing lightly like a feather.

The child seemed to feel his father's touch in his sleep, with a smile on his face.

On one side, Qin Zishu, who was lying on her side, watched this scene with a warm smile on her face.

Suddenly Qin Zishu said, "Husband, you will take care of everything in the company in the future. I want to take good care of the children at home."

Hearing Qin Zishu say this, Xu Zhi stroked her forehead with his hand again:

"Why do you suddenly remember to say this today?"

Without speaking, Qin Zishu hugged Xu Zhi's arm, Xu Zhi saw this and hugged Qin Zishu gently.

Words are better than words.

For the next two days, Xu Zhi, Huang Meng, and Qin's mother stayed with Qin Zishu in the hospital. During this period, many people came to visit, and Qin's father also took time to come twice. Three days later, Qin Zishu was healthy and returned to his home in Modu.

After staying at home with Qin Zishu for another three days, Xu Zhi and Huang Meng decided to leave and return to Xijing.

As for Qin Zishu, she is inconvenient to leave now, and the child is too young to withstand the toss, but Xu Zhi and Qin's mother and Qin's father have agreed that when the child is a little older, Qin Zishu will take the child back to Xijing to meet Xu Zhi. live together.

Of course, this was facilitated by Qin Zishu. Mother Qin seemed a little unhappy that Qin Zishu wanted to take the child back to Xijing, but it was probably a few months later, so she didn't say anything.

Saying goodbye to the Qin family, Xu Zhi and Huang Meng sat in their uncle's car and headed for Xijing.

On the way, Huang Meng suddenly sighed and said: "It's still modern, you can go wherever you want, there are planes and trains, and you will arrive in a few hours. In ancient times, a letter would have to be passed on for a month, let alone people. already."

After Huang Meng finished speaking, the eldest brother who was driving said: "Who said no, if it was placed in ancient times, it was so far apart, when you know that Zi Shu gave birth to a child, the child will probably be over the full moon by then, and the full moon will be served with wine. It's over."


After the eldest brother finished speaking, Xu Zhi and Huang Meng both laughed.

"Hey, I said, how do you feel this time? After having a child, did the pressure on your body suddenly increase?" Brother Uncle glanced at Xu Zhi and asked.

"It's more than big, it's bigger than the sky, and it has become a kind of responsibility." Xu Zhi said.

"Let me tell you, when my daughter-in-law gave birth to a child, I lost sleep for three days. From the time my child went to school, I thought of getting married in the future, and then I thought of the scene where my grandson gave me a funeral." My uncle said again with a smile. road.

After the eldest brother finished speaking, Xu Zhi and Huang Meng laughed again, and smiled. Inspired by the eldest brother, Xu Zhi also imagined at this time: When these two children grow up, what will it be like to go to school? What will work be like? Will I cry when the girl gets married in the future? I'm afraid it will. And just like what my uncle said, in the future, the children of the two children, or even the grandson, will be buried for him, what kind of scene will that be.

Thinking of this, Xu Zhi can even think of the explosion of the universe, the extinction of the Milky Way, the disappearance of human beings, the invasion of higher beings, and the advent of a new era.

The eldest brother who was sitting in the front cab looked at Xu Zhi's imaginative smile, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Don't be in a hurry to laugh, then you and Zishu will have a good time. Now the child is still young, and it will be annoying when he is three years old or four years old. At that time, I used to be troublesome every day, and it was very torturous. But when I was older, I would be fine, and I would be sensible and manageable. Then you would have to worry about your children's studies, but I think this should not be a big problem. With you here, it shouldn't be a problem to study."

Hearing the uncle talking about studying, Xu Zhi smiled softly: "The pressure on children is too much now, I think in the future my children and Zi Shu's children will be more relaxed."

"Hey~ you'll know when the time comes." Uncle said in a familiar tone, but Xu Zhi didn't refute.

After driving all the way to the airport~www.readwn.com~ Xu Zhi and Huang Meng said goodbye to their uncle and then boarded the plane back to Xijing.

This time, the tickets were bought early, and Xu Zhi and Huang Meng both sat in two adjacent seats in the first-class cabin. As soon as the plane took off, Xu Zhi turned on his laptop and started working.

The test of fs:go in foreign countries has been very smooth. Dream Company has decided to introduce fs:go. After the official public test, it will be launched to the market together with foreign countries. During this time, Ding Xiaomei has been catching this matter, doing some related work such as copyright approval for entering the country. It is expected that it will be done in one to two weeks.

Dream Company's attitude towards this fs:go is a moderate attitude, and there is no vigorous publicity, but it is not at all. After the launch, all channels of Dream Company will do a wave of publicity for fs:go.

However, although the official promotion has not yet started, some domestic game forums have been keenly reporting relevant news.

After all, fs:go has been tested during this period of time, and the evaluation of foreign game media is very good. Some media even gave the title of the most anticipated fps shooting game this year. Some serious gamers in China have already experienced this game, which is still being tested abroad, in some ways, and they have given very good reviews.

Compared with the previous jumping line of fire from Dream Company, although fs:go is a shooting game, in general, it is two completely different directions and takes different paths.

The game itself is not good or bad, and the road is not good or bad, but in the eyes of some domestic players, this fs:go allows them to find a vent.

Some game forums reporting fs:go have become smoky, and the whole story is about foreign fs:go and domestic jumping lines of fire.

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