At the beginning of the meeting, Smith summed up his achievements first, and as he talked, Wang Kewen felt something was wrong.

It's not that Smith said it badly, but that he said it too well, and it made Wang Kewen feel a little uncomfortable.

"Our achievements in fs today are inseparable from everyone, but there is a particularly key person among them. He came from afar and not only participated in the research and development in person, but also brought us extremely important materials. The iceberg meets the river, and it is like the flame meets the dead branches. We reacted violently and promoted each other to improve each other. We have achieved today's results of fs, and we undoubtedly have to express our sincere gratitude to him."

Smith looked at Wang Kewen while talking, and the others also looked at Wang Kewen at this time, which made Wang Kewen a little flattered. He thought to himself, was he talking about himself? It should be talking about himself.

Wang Kewen was a little frightened for a while, but he seemed to be in the dark again, and felt a omen that often appeared suddenly before good things came, like a fire, which made him a little excited.

Looking at Smith, Smith smiled at Wang Kewen and began to announce

"Okay, I announce that after discussions between the company's shareholders and management, we have unanimously decided that Mr. Wang Kewen will be the vice president of our company, and this appointment will take effect immediately. In the future, Wang Kewen will report directly to the shareholders and enjoy some incentives. Equity, let us congratulate Mr. Wang Kewen."

After speaking, Smith took the lead in applauding, and then the people sitting below applauded one by one. During this time, Wang Kewen has conquered them, no one objected to this appointment, and everyone was very happy for Wang Kewen.

Looking at the congratulatory crowd, Wang Kewen's unsatisfactory tears suddenly flowed out. He quickly wiped it off, but the excitement in his heart could not be wiped away. Looking at the blurring crowd in front of him, Wang Kewen suddenly greeted everyone. bowed.

"Thank you!" Wang Kewen said sincerely.

After Wang Kewen finished speaking, Smith smiled and opened the slideshow. The above was a video that had been recorded. It also congratulated Wang Kewen. The protagonist in the video was naturally Xu Zhi.

"Hi everyone, it's a pleasure to meet you all.

Today is the day that Wang Kewen became the vice president. I would like to express my most heartfelt congratulations to Wang Kewen. This section of Wang Kewen's performance is a surprise to me and everyone, so after our discussion, Wang Kewen was appointed as the vice president. I believe he will be able to do as well as before. I also hope that Wang Kewen will work harder in the days to come and look forward to doing better.

At the same time, I also wish all my colleagues in the company good health and smooth work! Xu Zhi's congratulations didn't last long. After the brief speech, the video ended, but Wang Kewen was in tears again at this time.

Looking at all the colleagues who were sitting, he secretly turned his head away and kept wiping away tears with his fingers.

"Wang, are you all right?" Smith asked with concern behind him.

Wang Kewen controlled his emotions, turned his head and said with a smile, "I'm fine, I'm just a little too excited."

"Hahaha," Smith laughed a few times, "it's something to be excited about, and I'm excited for you too."

After finishing speaking, Smith asked tentatively, "Now, do you want to say something? Or do you want to talk about it later?"


Wang Kewen took a deep breath, stood at the front of the conference room, and started talking. Appointed as vice president this time, no matter which aspect, he must express his attitude.

"Dear colleagues, I would like to say something before thanking me. I think the main reason for my election as vice president this time is that the real battlefield 2 information I brought has added a fire to the research and development of our fs, and everyone has I was so grateful that I became a vice president.

But what I must say now is that the first person to thank for this information is Mr. Xu. Thank him for his tolerance and tolerance towards me. Without Mr. Xu, I would not have this information, and I would not be where I am today. Although Mr. Xu is not here, I would like to express my most sincere respect to Mr. Xu. "Wang Kewen looked up and looked out the window, his eyes seemed to see Xu Zhi.

He continued, "At the same time, I want to explain that I not only want to thank President Xu, but also to those colleagues who fought for Real Battlefield 2 before. I will never forget them. Although we are separated by thousands of miles, I must speak to them. thanks.

From the past to the present, my life has experienced a lot of ups and downs, which has benefited me a lot and made me understand a lot. Suffering has never been a source of decadence, but a wake-up call. In the days to come, I will give full play to all my abilities to help the company achieve better results, and I hope everyone will give you a lot of support. Finally, thank you for your help, and I will continue to work hard. "

Wang Kewen's speech was very real, and Smith was a little touched when he heard it. Suddenly Smith thought of something, and after Wang Kewen finished speaking, he said

"Oh, Wang, I forgot to tell you, we also prepared a special celebration party for you tonight, and we won't stop getting drunk."

Wang Kewen laughed when he heard it.

This night, the celebration party went on as scheduled, but the scale was smaller than last night. At this party, the employees of the company can freely choose to participate or not to participate. Even so, there are still nearly 200 people who are not drunk in the company.

At last night's party, Wang Kewen wasn't drunk, but he couldn't help being drunk tonight.

After drinking it, Wang Kewen only felt that everything around him was turning the lights were turning, the fire was turning, and he himself was turning. I can no longer see the faces of the people around me, but Wang Kewen feels this is a happy feeling.

When Wang Kewen was very drunk, in a rental house in the same city, Cao Jing was staring at the computer and studying motionlessly.

Looking at the amazing reviews on various websites, it was hard for him to figure it out.

"The annual masterpiece fs is popular all over the world!!"

"The founder of Smith fs! The rise of a business empire!!"

"There is another mysterious game company behind the fs company, and the creator may be someone else!!"

"Global revenue exceeded 500 million yuan! The era of entertainment games is coming, or is it the peak of the era of consumption? Interview with Smith to reveal the secrets for you!"

"Smith revealed that there is a mysterious man behind fs! King R??!!!"

In the past two days, the news that fs has exploded in the world has long been known to everyone in the game industry. Although Cao Jing works in the investment company of Walrus, he has already paid attention to this news.

It was nothing at first, but then the game became more and more popular, and the news spread more and more. When Wang Kewen was the main creator of fs, Cao Jing couldn't sit still. This is impossible.

How can you become the richest man by letting you host a game company https://

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