"Everyone is here, then our meeting will officially start!" Xu Zhi came in, glanced at the crowd, and said.

When he glanced at the crowd, he even looked at Lin Dajun, and when he saw Lin Dajun's overwhelmed face, Xu Zhi smiled slightly.

Xu Zhi continued

"My colleagues, the things to be discussed in today's meeting were decided last week. But I have one thing to announce before the formal discussion."

When Xu Zhi said this, Lin Dajun who was sitting below suddenly raised his head. He thought that it might have something to do with him, Lin Dajun stared at Xu Zhi intently, but Xu Zhi didn't look at him at this time.

Xu Zhi went on to say, "Everyone knows about this. Since the last bad thing happened, the position of the minister of our logistics department has been vacant. It is not a good thing to delay. Without a leader, the work cannot be done. And After my careful inspection, I decided to let Lin Dajun serve as the Minister of Logistics. During this time, he managed the restaurant very well, which can be said to be excellent, as everyone can see. I think it is the best way for him to serve as the Minister of Logistics. The right person."

After Xu Zhi finished speaking, he looked at Lin Dajun, while other ministers also looked at Lin Dajun, but Lin Dajun was a little stunned at this time. He was not dumbfounded, but was overwhelmed by surprises.

Looking at the gazes of so many people, Lin Dajun finally remembered something and waved his hand quickly.

"No! President Xu, how can I be a minister? You think too highly of me, no."

"Ha ha!"

Xu Zhi laughed, "Don't worry, when you arrive at the logistics department, you can do it with confidence. Do you think that since you can manage the restaurant well, why can't you manage the logistics department? The restaurant is a large department of the logistics department. You can do such a good job. , the logistics department is naturally not a problem."

"Okay!" Xu Zhi decided not to give Lin Dajun a chance to speak, and he took the lead in applauding, "Let us all congratulate Lin Dajun for being the Minister of Logistics, and we will help each other in the future."

"Clap clap clap!!"

Applause followed Xu Zhi incessantly, and the ministers sitting had no opinion on Lin Dajun's role as the logistics minister.

After all, he is the most suitable candidate now. After such a big incident happened in the logistics department before, it would not be suitable to choose another one from within the company, and it would not be suitable for other ministers to serve concurrently. Lin Dajun came from outside. Although it was not long, it was indeed very suitable.

What's more, Xu Zhi didn't give any minister a chance to object at all. He announced the appointment directly.

At this time, Lin Dajun looked at the congratulatory people in front of him, very confused, especially confused, it felt like a dream.

At the beginning of this year, he was still worried about his work, but in just a few months, he became a minister of such a large company, which filled his heart with an indescribable thought, which can be described with a garbled word.

Any ideas came out of my mind, and they jumped out one by one, and I couldn't pull them.

When he was managing the restaurant, he had heard one thing, that the ministers in the company all had cars.

Gu: At this time, Lin Dajun suddenly thought that he is now a minister, and if he also has a car to drive, Lin Dajun's hand suddenly itchy. He already had a driver's license, but he didn't have much chance to drive. This time he became a minister, not to mention, and there was a car to drive. Lin Dajun's heart was in chaos again, but this chaos was mixed with a A taste of joy.

When Xu Zhi saw Lin Dajun's spirit, he smiled. For Lin Dajun, this was indeed something that needed to be digested.

After the appointment was announced, Xu Zhi was about to officially start the theme of today's meeting, but before the meeting, Xu Zhi looked at Lin Dajun and said, "Lin Dajun, you just took office as minister, and there are a lot of things to be caught immediately, so I Let Minister Gu Wenwei of the Human Resources Department bring you to get acquainted first."

After Xu Zhi finished speaking, he gave Gu Wenwei a wink. Gu Wenwei stood up and walked out of the conference room with Lin Dajun.

Xu Zhi did this not intentionally to keep Lin Dajun from participating in the meeting, but had other plans. One is of course to really make Lin Dajun calm down, and the other is that it is not appropriate for Lin Dajun to be present for the next thing. If he hears it, he will inevitably think about it.

After Gu Wenwei and Lin Dajun left, Xu Zhi changed his face, his face suddenly became serious, and at the same time he took out a piece of paper from a folder on the table. up.

Xu Zhi looked at the paper and began to say, "My colleagues, I have something to announce to you. On Friday, the court sentenced several people in our company, Gao Zhibin. Among them, Gao Zhibin's circumstances were particularly serious, and he was sentenced to 11 years in prison and returned all the money. Illegal gains. The chef was sentenced to seven years and three months, and all the illegal gains were also returned. Several other accomplices, depending on the seriousness of the circumstances, were sentenced to prison terms ranging from seven months to three years. After Gao Zhibin heard the sentence, none of them appealed. ."

Putting down the paper, Xu Zhi looked at the minister who was sitting, but at this time no minister and Xu Zhi looked at each other, everyone stared at the table in front of them, wondering what they were thinking.

Xu Zhi sighed and said

"Like everyone, I feel very sad when I hear this news. Everyone comes to work to make money and to realize their ideals. I hope everyone will take this as a warning, and don't end up with your dreams and your dreams if you don't earn money. I sent myself to prison. I think everyone, keep this matter in mind and don't follow Gao Zhibin's footsteps."

That's all for Gao Zhibin, Xu Zhi put down the paper and continued to talk about the spring competition of Jumping Fire~www.readwn.com~ Well, that's all for now, let's get to the main topic of this meeting.

Since the beginning of this year, the number of our jumping lines of fire has continued to rise, which is inseparable from our huge domestic player base. At the same time, I also think that it has something to do with the employees in our company, and our employees have done a very good job in retaining the player group.

And according to my next prediction, the number of players will still increase during this summer vacation, and the unknown market is still very large. This year, the Spring Split is just the beginning, and we have a lot to do. Increasing the intensity of plug-ins and cracking down on bad industries that breed games are all things that we need to solve urgently, not to mention the new version of the game and the new map.

Although the fs controlled by our company has achieved very good results, at present, the jumping line is still the main revenue of our company, and the jumping line is still our top priority today. That is to say, the evergreen tree that jumps the line of fire cannot fall, does everyone understand? Can't relax for a moment. "


The ministers below answered in unison.

Xu Zhi nodded, and he continued, "If the last uu league was a horn of charge, then this spring split is a banner of victory, which means our jumping line of fire."

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