"You? What are you?"

When three beauties who were younger and more beautiful than her said that, Miss Li was a little excited. However, she quickly calmed down and rubbed the corners of her eyes indifferently.

Seeing that Miss Li was unmoved, Huang Meng continued to look at the three beauties. Although she was very shy, the three beauties continued to talk when she thought of the bonus.

"Because we are President Xu's back."


This Miss Li was a little confused at this time. She looked up and down the three beauties again. Two were wearing skirts and the other was wearing shorts. They were all in excellent shape. All of them have extraordinary minds, each of them is bigger than her, and coupled with the beautiful face, it is impossible for people to think too much.


"—You lied to me, didn't you! Hahaha!"

This Miss Li is obviously more scheming. From the blushing faces of several beauties, she has already guessed the inside story, and laughed loudly.

"Playing this with me, it's still tender, hum!"

Seeing that the three beauties were ineffective, Huang Meng said at this time.

"Don't care if they are or not, you just need to know a little, President Xu won't like you at all, don't be sentimental."

"What is being selfish, I'm pursuing beauty." After speaking, Miss Li pulled her hair back.

"Pursuit?" Huang Meng chuckled.

At this time, Huang Meng signaled the three beauties to leave first, and she continued.

"We are all women, and I understand that a man like Mr. Xu is not attracted to that woman. But Mr. Xu is married, so it should be wise not to bother. You won't get any benefits by doing this. "

"I'm also married, what's the matter, just make friends."


Huang Meng was a little surprised. She didn't expect Miss Li to be so thick-skinned, but Huang Meng sneered in her heart and continued.

"Don't blame me for speaking badly, even if President Xu is willing to play, it's not up to you. Although you are very strict, there are still some in the 35th or 6th year of this year. I think people are very accurate, you don't. Ask yourself, why are you? Do you have good looks? You are also average, I don’t know where the courage comes from! If you look for me, you won’t be looking for you!”

Huang Meng's words were a bit poisonous. After she finished speaking, she took a deep breath, and when she thought of her last sentence, her face became a little red. But this Miss Li suddenly laughed.

"I can tell you that my strengths are incomparable to those of young people. I am mature and attractive, and my knowledge and my realm, you don't understand at all."

"Just you? Is there a realm?"

Huang Meng was irritated by what Miss Li said at this time. Like Xu Zhi, she was extremely disgusted with Miss Li at this time.

"Okay, I won't tell you, you don't understand the benefits of a woman like me."

"Benefits? I don't think you can find any advantages, so lie to yourself. You are still mature. You think you are Maotai. Eighteen-year-old women are always there, but eighteen-year-old women are always there. What advantage do you have over them? Mature? Men prefer pure and pure, what are you, an old cucumber, or frosted Now, go home and look in the mirror! We women don't know who!" Huang Meng said in one breath, exhaling heavily, it was so cool, this kind of face-to-face feeling has never been seen before.


This Miss Li was also on fire at this time. Even a woman couldn't sit still under such words.

Gu "I tell you, my aunt was just making excuses just now. My aunt is now thirty-seven years old. She is not only attractive, but also young. I spend more than 50,000 yuan on beauty every month. My skin doesn't need a little girl. It's worse than that, even more tender than them."

"Yoyoyo~ I'm dying of laughter, as far as your skin is concerned, it's not even comparable to mine. Why didn't you say this when the three beauties were there just now, why didn't you brighten your face? "

"It's bright!" Miss Li was so angry that she was about to take off the mask, but her hand suddenly stopped.

When the back of her hand touched her dry skin, she had to admit that her skin was far worse than those beauties. When she got old, no matter how much maintenance she took, she would never return to eighteen years old. Has been defeated, is a complete defeat.

Pretending to be calm, she gently released her hand to lift the mask, and Miss Li suddenly found that Huang Meng was looking at her with a smile.

"Are you doing it right on purpose? I won't fall for you." Miss Li put her arms around her chest.

"Don't worry about my intentions, you should be able to recognize yourself now, don't bother, it's not good for you, not to mention you have no advantage." Huang Meng comforted at this time.

"I don't care, I just like him, I'm going to eat this, or I won't give up."

"Take a bite?" Huang Meng, who knew the meaning of this Miss Li's words, blushed slightly at this moment. She didn't expect that this person was not only shameless but also very shameless.

Seeing that she was still unwilling to give up, Huang Meng decided to use the trump card, which was what she thought of when she first went to uu.

Pulling Miss Li, Huang Meng was about to take her to the uu commercial building, but Miss Li broke free from her.

"What are you doing? What are you pulling me for?"

"Follow me, I don't believe that you can still talk like that when you get there."

"Really? Just go!"

Although she didn't know where to go, Miss Li was reluctant to be convinced and followed closely behind Huang Meng.

Huang Meng sneered in his heart and took Miss Li to the customer service department of the commercial building here. At this time, the customer service department was busy, and although the air conditioner was on, the employees in the house were wearing cooler clothes than when Xu Zhi saw it yesterday.

Miss Li didn't understand why Huang Meng brought her here~www.readwn.com~ looked at Huang Meng, but Huang Meng took her around the customer service department.

Then the two stood at the top of the stairs.

Huang Meng "See, there are more than 300 women in the customer service department on the upper and lower floors, with an average age of no more than 23. What are you? President Xu will ask you, do you think you are special? What kind of fairy do you think you are? Reincarnation? You are nothing, look, that one is no worse than you!"

Miss Li stopped talking at this time, looking at the scene in front of her, she felt a deep sense of frustration.

The breath of youth suddenly tore apart the disguise she depended on for survival.

Huang Meng's words echoed in her ears, "There are more than 300 women here, the average age is no more than 23, you are nothing"

"Ah! I don't believe it!"

She shouted, alarming everyone, and a few girls ran out of the customer service department and surrounded her.

Originally, these girls were well-intentioned, thinking that something was wrong and came to help. As a result, when Miss Li saw so many women younger and more beautiful than her, she couldn't hold it anymore, and ran down the stairs screaming.

She went downstairs very fast, as if she was avoiding something.

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