"Hey, is that so, how could this be? You walruses shouldn't be." Li Gongzi was intrigued by Cao Jing's words at this time, and had a face-to-face conversation with Cao Jing.

"You don't know, Mr. Li. In the first half of last year, everything was fine. In the second half of the year, a dream company suddenly appeared on the market, which had a great impact on our business. This year, the impact is even worse. It's all a headache. Especially our president, he has said at this meeting that if the dream continues to develop like this, our walrus will have to go out of business within two years. "

"Closed? Impossible, right?" Li Gongzi's interest was getting higher and higher at this time.

Cao Jing adjusted his tone of speech slightly: "Li Gongzi, this is a real possibility. To be honest, none of us have the bottom line. It's not that our walrus is not doing well, it's really that the dream is too powerful."

"Dream? How come I've never heard of it before?"

"Master Li, have you heard of jumping the line of fire?" Cao Jing asked back.

"Jumping the line of fire, I know, some of my friends like to play, what's the matter, you mean?" Li Gongzi also rolled his eyes at this time, and he seemed to think of something.

Cao Jing continued: "It is this jumping line of fire, which is made by fantasy. They rely on this game to earn more than 10 billion a year. And more than that, when they have money, they will create a uu to fight against our tt. Now We can't beat them, maybe we will go out of business after two years, and once we go out of business, their income will be doubled."

At this time, Young Master Li didn't say anything and drank a glass of wine. Cao Jing sighed: "To be honest with that dream company, I wanted to change jobs. If Mr. Wang hadn't been nice to me, I probably wouldn't be here today."

"Job change?" Li Gongzi looked at Cao Jing curiously.

Cao Jing also took a sip of wine: "Young Master Li, you should be able to understand that water flows from a high place to a low place, and now a walrus is like a leaky boat, a smart person will naturally have to make plans for the next step. You are like me, If they change jobs in the past, they will definitely welcome them with both hands. I am at least a vice president. The development momentum of Dream is so fierce now that I think it will become a hegemon in a few years, not to mention that they have foreign companies. I am a vice president in charge of the region, and I am stronger than our walrus president Wang today."

"Hahaha." Li Gongzi laughed a few times after listening to Cao Jing's words.

"You are not afraid of what I told you, Mr. Wang, you little Cao, you dare to arrange your company like this, you are in Caoying and sweating."

Cao Jing showed his life's acting skills at this time. He did not show a panicked expression, but did the opposite and said in a nonchalant tone: "I'm not afraid that the president will know, I think he will also know about it. Understand me, there are many people in our company during this time, I know that he wants to win me over and buy me through this banquet, but who can tell what will happen in the future."

Hearing what Cao Jing said, and taking another look at Cao Jing's expression, Young Master Li turned his head and stopped talking to Cao Jing, and started talking with others.

Cao Jing felt a little urgent to urinate at this time. When he saw Li Gongzi's indifferent expression, he thought that he had already done everything he could, so he walked towards the bathroom.

After five minutes, Cao Jing came out of the bathroom and came to Li Gongzi again.

What he didn't expect was that the president came back here at some point. When Cao Jing came back, both Li Gongzi and the president looked at him with strange eyes.

But Cao Jing didn't panic at all, he and the president passed the "qi" in the car.

"Xiao Cao, your president is very angry with what you said just now." Li Gongzi laughed and said in a tone that was not too big of a deal to watch the fun.

The president's face was slightly angry at this time, and Cao Jing was also a little frightened. Hearing what Mr. Li said, he really told the president what he said. Did this mission fail? However, Cao Jing still chose to trust the president.

I saw the president, and there were four or five expressions on his face in an instant, including anger, impulsiveness, puzzlement, understanding, and helplessness. In the end, it all turned into a sentence: "Hey, there is nothing you can do."

After speaking, the president left, but Young Master Li, who was standing there, was stunned.

He watched President Walrus behave like this, and then he became interested.

But then he didn't say a word to Cao Jing until the banquet was over.

After it was over, Cao Jing followed the president into the car, and before Cao Jing could speak, the president said, "I don't blame you, this Mr. Li is smarter than I thought, I thought a lot, he won't believe you at all. , you're still too shallow."

Seeing that the president was a little dejected, Cao Jing said at this time, "President, I think he believed it."

"Believe it?"

"Yes, maybe he didn't believe a single one of what I said at first, but after you just said that, he believed it. I think he's got his mind, and there won't be any movement in the future."

"Oh? Then there's something to see." The president frowned and narrowed his eyes.

Cao Jing asked again at this time:

"Hey, President, I've always had a question, that Mr. Li, shouldn't there be a shortage of such things, right? He hosted the banquet again today~www.readwn.com~ It's so grand, so luxurious, and so powerful. A dreamy heart?"

Hearing Cao Jing's question, the president was in a good mood, patted him on the shoulder, and said with a smile:

"Hahaha, how can there be enough of this kind of thing? Naturally, the more the better. And he has not been so ideal recently. He clearly has something to do, but he has made a banquet that is not of this size so grand, isn't it just pretending, I'm afraid of being seen, who can't see it. As for whether or not to do anything, the meat is all over the mouth, so he can't help but be moved..."


late at night.

"Go and investigate the Dream Company situation for me! Hurry up!"



"...According to the results of our overnight survey, the various businesses of Dream Company are very promising, from their games to uu, they have great potential. It is expected that within three years, they will become a leading company, and even more time. short."

"Where's their president?"

"Their current president, Xu Zhi, is very capable and has a lot of ideas. According to their employees, he is a very good person and has a lot of courage, but nothing else."

"I see."

"...The other thing we haven't investigated is the former president of their company, who is now the wife of Xu Zhi, whose name is Qin Zishu. The file is not with us, and it will take some time to investigate."

"No need, time is running out, I can't wait."


In the afternoon of the second day after the banquet, Li Gongzi set foot on the plane to Xijing.

No need for him to be in a hurry.

Several businesses behind him are now in deficit, the stall is very large, and funds are urgently needed. At this time, the dream company is like a cash cow delivered to the door, or an unattended cash cow. How can he not be moved.

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