At this time, after eating chicken, Wang Dalong also felt a little tired. He played Jumping Fire in the morning, and in the afternoon, he played in a desperate situation, and his stomach couldn't hold it anymore, so he decided to stop broadcasting.

"Okay, dear viewers, whether you are an old fan or a new fan, I hope you all have a good time watching today. That's it for today's live broadcast, we'll see you tomorrow, by the way, new fans don't forget to click and follow, Pay attention and don't get lost."


"Dalong is still short as always, but I'm used to it, see you tomorrow."

"The big dragon is really short, the big dragon is really short, the big dragon is really short..."

"Enough, you guys, if you want me to say, Dalong broadcasts an average of twelve or three hours a day. Even if it is converted into millimeters, it is very long. At least it exceeds 99% of the anchors."


"By the way, I have a question that I haven't figured out yet. Why didn't that person just fight Dalong???"

"I'll tell you the one above, because the jungler didn't come~~~"

"Bah... such a cold joke."


It has been more than a month since it entered China in a blink of an eye. With its unique gameplay, it quickly gathered a group of loyal players, and the number of online users in China is more than one million every day.

Because of learning from the experience of his previous life, Xu Zhi did not agree with Wang Kewen's suggestion that he would serve the whole world. In Xu Zhi's view, some games can be served globally, but some games just can't.

Survival in a desperate situation is this kind of game that just can't be played, and he is more suitable to play in partitions.

In the month since entering the country, the number of people online is still increasing every day, and there is no need to worry about the factor of insufficient number of people, and partitions can reduce the delay factor and bring players a better experience.

Now in uu, a group of anchors who make a living have been born out of desperation.

Like Wang Dalong and the others before, it was just a temporary promotion, and they didn't turn to the idea of ​​​​surviving in a desperate situation. Other anchors don't think so much. Many anchors who used to be in the niche shooting game, under the vigorous promotion of Dream, have all survived the dead.

Now on uu live broadcast, there are three top anchors in desperation, and their usual popularity is more than one million, and among them, rice is the most popular.

Dami originally broadcasted a very niche shooting game, and usually just had a meal to eat. After entering the country in a desperate situation, he immediately seized this opportunity and flew directly from the wind.

Every day before the live broadcast, there are a large number of viewers waiting in his live broadcast room. When asked why he loves watching rice, many people say that rice is accurate, and people are just, never strict, dare to fight, and press the gun It is a must, once set a record of killing 30 people in a single round. Sometimes in the four-row mode, rice forms a team by himself, and the four-person team that he kills can't lift his head. Moreover, the rice man is also upright, and he is liked by many audiences. In addition, uu pushed it, and it became popular.

But behind the high popularity every day, a word gradually emerged.

Hang up!

There are many people who suspect that Rice is hacking, and they question it in the live broadcast room all day long, and as more and more people like it, Rice's suspected cheating is also being discussed by more people.

After the discussion, many people even went to the Dreamland official to report. Sometimes, three out of ten reports about the survival of the dead were made of rice.

The operation team of Dream Official's Survival from Nowhere once reported the rice issue to Wang Xiangliang, but after inspection, Wang Xiangliang found no traces of rice plugging, so he ignored it for the time being.

Speaking of Wang Xiangliang, after the last jumping fire match ended, he got on the hook again.

It's not about jumping the line of fire, it's about getting out of the woods.

This is the task that Xu Zhi gave him. In the past life, the game was so cool that one of the reasons was that there were a lot of plug-ins in the game, and the ordinary players were unbearable. It forced out many people who love this game. In the past life, there was no better way to deal with cheating. You could only investigate and punish one by one, and sometimes tens of thousands of accounts could be banned in one breath, but it was of no use.

The pressure to face is as great as the previous life, and there is another difference from the previous life, it is a free game, which means that the cost of hanging will be smaller than the previous life.

Wang Xiangliang has been having a headache for nearly a month. He tried everything he could, but he couldn't stop more and more players from hanging up.

From the public beta to the present one month, a hidden plug-in chain has been gradually spawned. During this period, the people attached to this chain are not one or two, but form a complete ecological chain. There are R&D plug-ins, some selling plug-ins, large and small intermediaries, various website card alliances, group chat information, anyway you can think of places, there are traces of plug-ins.

Of course, from the source, as long as the game is not cracked by plug-ins, it will be fine. If they can't develop plug-ins, everything will stop.

But Wang Xiangliang knew that this was impossible. This was a problem that has existed since ancient times.

Attacking is far easier than defending!

No matter how perfect your game mechanics are and how advanced your various technologies are, there will always be loopholes. After all, these are all developed by humans, and humans are bound to be imperfect.

Even if you take a well-written program and show it to ten or a hundred senior programmers, they all say it's fine. Then it may still have problems. It can be said that from the birth of the program, loopholes are unavoidable, especially the more complex the program, the more loopholes.

In this case, Wang Xiangliang thought of the previous jumping fire line and anti-plugging, but he found that these two could not be regarded as one object to learn from.

The main reason is that the game mechanism of the desperate situation makes him too easy to open and hang. He is not like jumping the line of fire, a map is so big, you can easily be found as long as you open and hang. In desperation, the map is too big, as long as you open a simple perspective, don't hit people, as long as you get up, you can easily survive. Hide to the end, even if you close the plug-in, you have a great chance to eat chicken, and this is a great injustice.

Thinking about this situation, there is absolutely no way to prevent it.

Moreover, it is too simple to open a plug-in now in a desperate situation. Wang Xiangliang found it on the Internet two days ago, and the various websites on the search engine can hardly turn to the bottom, and the prices range from high to low. Everything. The popularity of a game is to fatten them first.

Wang Xiangliang tried attacking and blocking this kind of website, but it didn't work. It's not too difficult to open a website. It may not be used for a few hundred dollars. What can you do.

"Plug-in, plug-in, you can't fight well."

Wang Xiangliang sometimes hates those players, don't you think it's not good to play games well, why do you have to use plug-ins, isn't it enough to be scolded all day long? You say that you play some upgrade games and turn on an assistant to help you hang up. That makes sense, but what's the point of hanging up in this kind of shooting game?

Wang Xiangliang can't think of the reason, but the reality is that there are more and more cheaters who survive in desperation. The speed of growth is even more than the growth rate of players every day.

For such a technically difficult and extremely hidden plug-in problem, Wang Xiangliang was at a loss.

Speaking of which, he had thought about his past two days ago, and had some different feelings in his heart.

Before he entered the dream, he was specializing in developing plug-ins. At that time, he would care about what other people think. Anyway, I developed it and handed it over to the next family. Whoever sells it and buys it, it has nothing to do with me. It's enough for me to make money. But now, his thinking is different. He hates cheating from the bottom of his heart, and he also hates his past self.

As the saying goes, the **** determines the head, and the thinking will change at any time. Wang Xiangliang now has a deep understanding of it.

After thinking about it and hating it, Wang Xiangliang still had to face this thorny problem. Xu Zhi handed over this matter to him, and he had to do it, and he had to do it well.

"Would you like to catch two as a model and kill the chickens to warn the monkeys?"

Wang Xiangliang thought to himself. He thought it would be ruthless, and directly arrested the two plug-in teams, and cooperated with the police to sentence them to ten or eight years.

But then, Wang Xiangliang shook his head.

In the past few years, Wang Xiangliang has not only grown in his position, but also has a deeper understanding of the world in his heart.

He knows that arresting two people may make many people afraid in a short time, but as long as a week or even a day has passed, those people will come back again, because the interests are too objective.

After paying the cost of developing the plug-in, then it is a business without capital. How much you can earn by selling it is faster than stealing money. Driven by interests, not only will it not make him so afraid, it will even make more people crazy.

And more than that, it could have the opposite effect.

Maybe, some people are just sloppy selling, and sometimes they are afraid that the game will be cold. But seeing you caught like this, when I was afraid, I just flooded it and sold it, and left after earning a fortune. This is definitely not a good thing for a desperate situation.

Now it seems that this can be said to be difficult.

More importantly, plug-ins will have a greater and greater impact on the game over time. After a while, it may be too late for you to think about it.

Wang Xiangliang is having a headache, and he still has no good solution until now.

But he has to act again. If he doesn't act again, those who sell cheats will become more and more rampant.

Just yesterday, on the uu live broadcast, someone actually opened a live broadcast room called the Big Game of Threats, and there are several kinds of plug-ins competing in the same field. What was involved was a lot of uproar. Although Dream closed the live broadcast room in time, the adverse effects still spread out.

It was already late at night, and Wang Xiangliang was still thinking about this issue. From the game itself, it seemed that there was no way out. Wang Xiangliang wondered if it could be avoided from other places, for example...for example...

Wang Xiangliang looked at a foreign movie that was used as the background sound in front of him. This movie was a bit bloody, and it was not allowed for minors to watch it, but it was released normally abroad and was assigned the highest level.


"This seems to be a method." Wang Xiangliang's eyes suddenly lit up.

After having this idea, Wang Xiangliang pondered for a while, thinking that this is completely feasible.

Speaking of which, it is not technically impossible to avoid cheating, it is mainly a measure of monitoring and banning. In one sentence, for certain suspicious behaviors, Dreams can be detected, but whether to seal them or not is a question.

If it is not sealed, it is really suspicious, but if it is sealed, what should I do if the letter is wrong, Dream can’t be 100% without mistaken sealing. Lowering the ban standard can prevent a lot of cheating, but it is also detrimental to the game itself. There is a feeling of killing one thousand enemies and self-destructing eight hundred.

But now, after Wang Xiangliang had the idea of ​​​​grading, he suddenly felt that there was a way to solve it.

Since there are too many plug-ins, it's better to put all the suspicious plug-ins on one server, let them compete on the same field by themselves, and don't interfere with normal players. And focus on monitoring their behavior, as long as they find that they meet a standard, they will be banned immediately, which should greatly reduce false bans.

Thinking of this, Wang Xiangliang finally smiled, and now it seems that this way is feasible.

It is worth mentioning that Wang Xiangliang's idea at this time is inseparable from the rating system of the movie in front of him. At the same time, he is also a little inspired by yesterday's live broadcast of the same game with the plug-in. This may be a combination of good and bad.

The frenzied live broadcast of plug-ins has provided Wang Xiangliang with ideas. Don't you want to compete, so let's have a good comparison.

With his thoughts wide open, Wang Xiangliang brought the computer and wrote more details.

For example, how many levels should players be divided into in the game, what are the standards, how should new accounts be classified, and how should the suspected cheaters be downgraded, all these details should be gradually added by Wang Xiangliang.

Silent all night, until dawn the next day, a smile appeared on Wang Xiangliang's face.

After weighing last night, he gradually had a complete system.

Within the game server, each account is rated individually, from level 0 to level 10, from low to high. Level 0 belongs to the permanent ban level, which is the kind of plug-in that is dead, and can never be turned over, and it does not need to be regarded as a level. As for level 1, it is an account that has stepped into the gate of permanent ban. As long as there is any suspicious behavior, the direct ban is permanent.

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And level 2-3 is the level that is seriously suspected of being a cheater. These are basically blocked for three days to a month. Although they are not permanently blocked, their level has also been reduced to level 2-3. This extremely low level is subject to the strictest monitoring and may fall into level 1 at any time.

Level 4 is slightly better, it is suspected but there is no evidence, those who have not been banned, are only monitored. And level 5 is the level of the new number, and the follow-up is to rise or fall, which needs to be measured according to a variety of factors. Level 6 is a neutral preference player, level 7 is a better level, basically a green player, and level 8-9 is a step up. At this level, you will basically not be banned. If Suspicious behaviors will only be downgraded, 1-2 levels at a time, and only if they drop below level 5 can they be banned, which means they are extremely safe. As for the 10th level, that is the white list. This is granted by the dream official. Any behavior will not be banned, but how to grant it to Wang Xiangliang has not yet been thought of.

When it comes to the upgrade system, there are many influencing factors, the most important of which are the online time, registration time, and monitored behavior.

As long as there is no suspicious behavior for a long time, his progression will be higher. For example, the new account's level 5, as long as he has no suspicious behavior within a week, and the online time is more than ten hours, it will be upgraded to level 6 in the background.

At the same time, being reported will also affect the upgrade slightly, but Wang Xiangliang has not thought about it.

As for the benefits of upgrading, that's great, not only will you not be banned, but also an improvement in the game environment.

Now there are a lot of people online who survive the desperation. Although it is a game of 100 people, it can fully support Wang Xiangliang's core idea, that is, in a map, only people of adjacent levels can play. What does it mean? For example, a level 5 account can only match players with level 4 or level 6. Not only can people with level 2 and level 3 be unable to match, even people with level 7 and level 8 cannot be matched.

This is considered from a variety of factors. For new accounts, it is necessary to consider creating a relatively fair environment for them. At the same time, it should also be considered that they are likely to hang up and cannot affect other players, so they can only be matched. The neighbor's level, if you want to match higher, you can only upgrade.

The advantages of doing this are obvious, greatly eliminating the existence of plug-ins, but there is also a disadvantage, that is, the matching time may be affected.

After players are graded in this way, the base of millions online will be divided into zones, which will inevitably have a lot of impact on the speed of matching. But Wang Xiangliang thought to himself that everything has advantages and disadvantages. Although time is sacrificed, it also brings a good game environment. In the long run, it is worthwhile.

And this problem, as long as players generally do not hang up, it is not a problem.

That is to say, when most players do not hang up, then everyone will quickly rise to level 7, level 8, or even level 9, and it will not affect the match at that time.

Thinking about the future, those players with high ranks will enjoy a fair environment, while those with low ranks will not be able to match anyone for a long time, and on the other hand, the use of plug-ins can be reduced.

In one night, Wang Xiangliang came up with these and made many implementation details. Today, he couldn't wait to arrange it.

After working until dawn, Wang Xiangliang didn't make up his sleep at all. He simply ate something and hurried to the company.

Time waits for no one, and these ideas of his have to be practically applied to achieve results, and they have to be deployed on the server, which all take time.

In the company, Wang Xiangliang first reported the matter to Xu Zhi, and after receiving Xu Zhi's support, he quickly organized manpower to do it.

And when he was nervously busy with anti-plug-ins, there was an anchor who fell into a bigger whirlpool on the uu live broadcast.

It's none other than the most popular anchor today, Rice.

Yesterday, he was actually hammered again by someone saying that he had opened a plug-in, and he also analyzed frame by frame. What he said was well-founded and attracted a lot of people's attention for a while.

Due to public opinion, Rice had to start broadcasting early in the morning.

"Hanging ratio, hanging ratio, hanging ratio!!!"

"It's too embarrassing to live broadcast, the official quickly blocked him."

"Yeah, it's too dirty."

"Get out, get out!"


Seeing these abusive words, Dami's eyes were red, but he explained over and over again: "Everyone, don't be tempted, I definitely didn't open it, if I open it, the official will not block me until now. ?I know you guys have reported me a lot, but I really didn't open it. I'm really a genius in a desperate situation. I don't know why I killed the Quartet when I got to this game. It's not my fault. Is there anything wrong with being excellent?"

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it, I don't believe anything."

"That's right, you've said so much to avoid the important points. When you talk about yesterday's video, people will beat you up."

"Yes, yes, tell me about yesterday's video, say, did you open it?"

"Strongly request to watch the video again."

Looking at these barrages, Dami sighed and said: "I know everyone is following that video, I watched it yesterday, and to be honest, it was all I typed normally, I don't know why it became like that when he analyzed it. .I asked a lot of people yesterday, and now I have a conclusion, which I will tell everyone now."

Rice continued: "You may not know that our live broadcast has push streams and frame numbers. What do you mean, what you see is different from what I see on the computer screen. You watch it through the live broadcast. When I play the game, there is already one factor, and then I record the screen and analyze it, and there are a lot of things lost, maybe a frame number, maybe an action. So my behavior seems to be So suspicious, what I want to tell everyone is that I really didn't drive, I'm willing to take any test."

Rice said so much and was very sincere. There were also many fans who believed in him in his live broadcast room, and they all stood up at this time:

"Don't be led by the rhythm, everyone must have their own judgment."

"That is, the technology of rice has always been so high, excellence should not be a sin, you can't ask everyone to be the same as you."

"Come on rice, I will always believe in you, just looking at your face, I know you won't open it."

"A video doesn't explain anything, there needs to be more evidence."

"Who wants to say that the rice is on the hook and let the official seal him, but the official has not moved, what are you worried about?"


Seeing a lot of barrages supporting him, Da Mi was a little excited. At this time, someone sent him a private message in the backstage of uu, which was sent by a loyal fan, and Da Mi opened it.

"Rice, you know, I've always supported you. But those who don't know the truth can easily be led to the rhythm, and they talk about money. Over time, it's either **** or shit. You have to be vigilant, it's not easy for you to this day, You must make a most direct response to break all doubts. I originally wanted you to go to the official to make a statement, but I think many people may take this to find trouble for you. I thought about it just now. An excellent idea, that is, you go to an offline place, live broadcast for a few days, and make them all shut up."Click to download the APP on this site, massive Novels, free to read!

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