The sword thrust out, without asking for the cause or the consequence, just trying its best.

Fortunately, the monster was already at the end of its strength, otherwise it would not have played tricks and had to eat people in a unnecessary way by sacrificing people.

The monster was killed by a single blow, and even the high cliff where the monster was located collapsed. The dead monster was buried by rocks, and the exhausted little Shenhe lost the ability to move and fell towards the cliff.

Just when Xiao Shenhe seemed to be about to fall into an endless hell, a white crane suddenly appeared, swooped down, caught the falling Xiao Shenhe, and leisurely carried Xiao Shenhe from the bottom of the valley, soaring into the clouds and mist, and soaring among the clouds between the mountains.

The crane flew through the air, and a divine deer full of fairy spirit suddenly appeared. Of course, everyone had already recognized it at this time. This was the True Lord Xueyue Zhuyang among the three-eyed and five-manifested immortals of Liyue.

[Xiaoyue Zhuyang: Oh, not bad, I am really photogenic. ]

[Xianyun: It’s a pity that it’s only a two-star. ]

[Xiaoyue Zhuyang: Liuyun, you...]

[Xianyun: Alas, who told you two old guys to always go out and play without telling me, that’s why I’m a five-star, and you are all that, right, passerby modeling two-star NPC. ]

[Lishui Dieshan: Why am I also affected? 】

【Yunjin: Ahem, actually, the sentence "The earthly fate is hazy, the immortal fate is surging" is in the manuscript written by my father now. When I looked at Tianheng Mountain, I felt that the peaks and ridges here were steep, the water was gurgling, and it was like a paradise. However, putting it here actually means that the goddess' earthly fate is hazy from now on, and the immortal fate is endless from now on. 】

【Xianyun: Not bad, you are worthy of being a master, the choice of words and sentences is very appropriate, it is indeed the earthly fate that is hazy, Shen He, she is still in the world, but it is hazy, she will have to experience the world again sooner or later, worthy of being praised by the emperor Yunjin master. 】

【Yunjin: As for "the family relationship is scattered and the Jiangfu invites", it means that since then, the goddess's family relationship has been scattered, and the earthly fate is cut off. "Jiangfu invites" describes that the goddess has been cultivating immortality in the immortal mansion since then. 】

【Xingqiu: After all, it is a bit too straightforward to use "asking for immortality", so "Jiangfu invites" is more subtle. ]

[Ying: Hiss, I, my eyes are already spinning. It's just a few words, how can I interpret so many meanings?]

[Zhongli: Liyue text, it's amazing, isn't it?]

"The red silk binds the rotten woodcutter, and the snow and mud are far away."

Not only the True Lord Xueyue Zhuyang, but also two cranes with different colors than white and more colorful appeared, spreading their wings towards each other.

They were the True Lord Liuyun Jiefeng and the True Lord Lishui Dieshan.

A red line suddenly rose from between the immortals, flying between the beautiful mountains and rivers of Liyue, and finally wrapped around the little Shenhe, who had become a disciple of the immortal family, wearing a tight suit and holding a spear, and bound her fate.

After the red rope was completely wrapped around Shenhe, Shenhe, who was standing among the immortals, had completed the transformation from human to immortal, and even her long black hair turned into a head full of silver hair, which was not ordinary at first glance.

[Shen He: The "red silk binding" at the end is because I have a lonely fate. My master said that I must use this red rope to lock my soul and curb my murderous nature. ]

[Yun Jin: I see, no wonder it was modified like this. I understand. ]

[Shen He: It's okay. If nothing unexpected happens, this should be the story I tell you in the future. Since I think I can tell you these and let you sing them, it's okay to tell them now. ]

[Yun Jin: I understand that "Lan Ke Qiao" is taken from a legend in Liyue. It tells a story about a woodcutter who went into the mountains to chop wood and saw a pair of immortals playing chess. The woodcutter was fascinated by them. When the chess game was over and the woodcutter wanted to go home, he found that the wooden handle of his axe had rotted. When he returned home, he found that many years had passed and things and people had changed. 】

【Yunjin: I guess that the use of "Lan Ke Qiao" here with the previous "Zhu Si Fu Jue" should be to describe that after Miss Shen He started to cultivate immortality, time passed by like flowing water. When she returned to her hometown, she found that her hometown had long been in decline, the sea had turned into mulberry fields, and they didn't recognize each other when they met. 】

【Zhongli: As expected of Master Yunjin, with the existing information and clues, you can infer why the future "Goddess Splitting the View" has been changed like this. 】

【Yunjin: "The traces left by wild geese on the snow" uses the traces left by wild geese on the snow to describe the memories of the past, which are gradually forgotten as the cultivation progresses. 】

【Shen He: I

Indeed, I have almost forgotten what happened back then, and even my father's face is blurred in my memory. ]

[Paimon: Hiss, Yunjin is so amazing, so amazing! ]

[Yunjin: Sorry for showing off, everyone. ]

How else can it be said that only you know yourself best?

Although there are some exceptions to this sentence in the real world, there are also examples of outsiders who know you better than you do.

But this time, Yunjin can really understand her future self better, through the discussion area, the declining village at the foot of Tianheng Mountain described by the Seven Stars Secretary, the stories told by the immortals, and then to Shen He's own narration, as well as her own daily accumulation.

Although Yunjin still doesn't know what will happen between her and Miss Shen He in the future, Yunjin has analyzed why the "Goddess's Splitting of the View" written by her father was finally modified into the appearance in the video.

"The crane returns without seeing the old splendid pillars, the spider silk is in vain to bind the soul banners, the cause and effect of the world is vague and disappears."

In a spacious but very dilapidated house.

Shen He, who has grown up and is wearing the traditional black silk of Liuyun Sect, looks a little dazed at first, but upon closer inspection, she seems to be indifferent and lingers in this house that used to be her home.

After walking for a while, Shen He seemed to have found something. She spread out the worn-out scroll that seemed to be about to be damaged and carefully read the evil spells recorded on it.

From this rotten and damaged scroll, Shen He seemed to have found the real reason why her father sacrificed her to the monster when she was a child.

However, the fact that the spirit of a child was broken and all the beauty turned into grief was enough to make a child suffer. For Shen He, who has been cultivating immortals for many years and has a vague worldly relationship, it can no longer move her state of mind that has been polished for many years.

Shen He did not make any comment on what happened that year. At least on the surface, she seemed to have not cared about what happened that year. Today, she suddenly returned to her hometown without telling anyone, just to confirm her guess that year.

After confirming, Shen He turned around and left without any nostalgia, leaving the place that hurt her that year.

It seemed that for this girl who worshipped as a fairy and practiced with all her heart, she would sever her worldly ties and throw her life into the deep mountains and old forests where there were few people.

The camera turned again, and the picture returned to the stage where Master Yun was performing, and the camera turned with Master Yun who was dancing and spinning.

With the end of Master Yun's last sentence "Yan Xiao", the drama of "The Goddess Splits the View" seemed to have come to an end.

[Ying: "The crane returns and does not see the old Huabiao" I understand, it means that Shen He will not see the scenery of the past years when he returns to his hometown? ]

[Yun Jin: Haha, it's almost the same. The traveler has made great progress. ]

[Yunjin: Although the names of Hegui and Miss Shenhe here are somewhat coincidental, they actually use the allusion of Hegui Huabiao, which is used to lament the changes of the world. ]

[Shenhe: So the home back then has now become so dilapidated? It seems that there is no need to go back and take a look. ]

[Ganyu: Well, in fact, it should be said that the entire village has been completely ruined since then, and the remaining population has moved to Liyue Port or nearby villages and towns. ]

[Xianyun: Ahem, um, Shenhe, come here, this is your senior sister Ganyu, who is now a seven-star secretary in Liyue Port. When you go to Liyue Port in the future, go find your senior sister. ]

[Ganyu: If Junior Sister Shenhe comes, please come to Yuehai Pavilion to find me. ]

[Xianyun: By the way, in order to deepen your impression of Ganyu and get closer to her, I will tell you about Ganyu's childhood——]

[Ganyu: Ah, by the way, Master Liuyun, I suddenly remembered something. ]

[Xianyun: Hmm (impatient)? What is it? ]

[Ganyu: That, uh, yes, if Junior Sister comes to Liyue Harbor, livelihood is a problem, but food, clothing, housing and transportation are even more of a problem. I want to ask Shen He if he has any taboos and what plans he has for the future. ]

[Xianyun: Oh, so, this is indeed very important. Well, then let me tell you about Shen He——]

[Shen He: Ahem, Master, I want to be self-reliant for a while. If everything has to be arranged by Senior Sister, then what kind of experience is this? ]

[Xianyun: Hmm, that makes sense. Well, I won't care about this matter. ]

[Lishui Dieshan: Ahem, let's continue to listen to the opera, listen to the opera. ]

[Xueyue Zhuyang: That's right, that's right. It's not easy to hear the drama of Liyue Harbor in this deep mountain. I can't miss it. Yes, I can't miss it. ]

[Zhongli: Haha, even in Liyue Harbor, Master Yun's drama is unique. You are in for a treat today. ]

[Xianyun: Okay (disappointed). ]

Emperor Yanwang has spoken, Master Liuyun Jiefeng

Even if she felt very suffocated, she could only hold it back at this moment, and could not freely use her special talent of being very good at chatting.

Yun Jin from Yun Han Society wiped the non-existent cold sweat from her forehead, and continued to explain with a smile.

[Yun Jin: Uh, um, cough, the second sentence "Spider silk is in vain and the soul flag is floating" is mainly used to describe the dilapidated scene of Miss Shen He's hometown, and it is also a way to express emotions through scenery. The word "in vain" best describes the absurdity and helplessness of the events of that year. ]

[Ying: I, I have some of the feelings of doing Chinese reading comprehension back then. ]

[Kong: Ahem, me, me too. ]

[Hu Tao: Hi, I seem to see the scene of the old man hitting my palm and urging me to do my homework. ]

[Xing Qiu: Hiss. ]

[Chong Yun: Stop reading, stop reading, I have felt the same way. ]

[Yao Yao: Hmm? Why are everyone so miserable? It is a very happy thing to study with my friends in class. 】

[Xiangling: Sometimes I really think Yaoyao is terrible. 】

[Yaoyao: ? ? ? ]

[Ying: Good boy, I feel like I was looking up to the top student in the past. 】

[Kong: Listen to the opera, listen to the opera. 】

[Yunjin: As for the last sentence, I should not say more. This should be the ending of "The Goddess Splits the View" after the final draft. The story of the whole goddess ends here. 】

Yunjin's detailed explanation of the opera she will sing in the future made many people think of many unbearable memories.

Especially the torture experience of "the strange light in the eyes of dead fish" and "two trees in front of the house, one is a jujube tree, and the other is also a jujube tree" that even the author himself does not know what it means, but the test paper maker wants you to analyze more meanings.

It really makes people who have received exam-oriented education in the past suffer.

But the situation here is slightly better.

After all, the one explaining these lines is a famous beauty, and as the "author", Yun Jin is different from those authors who "didn't think so much at the time", but can really analyze a set of reasonable content for opera.

But unfortunately, sometimes, even the original author cannot predict the future.

Yun Jin thought this should be the end of "The Goddess Splits the View" and was ready to drink a sip of tea to moisten her throat, but unexpectedly, the video on the screen has not ended yet.

I only saw that the screen gave a close-up of Yun Jin's eyes that seemed to be able to speak.

So close, so close that the distance of gachi made Yun Jin's face blush slightly.

Even if she always goes on stage to sing opera on weekdays, she has never been so close to others.

Fortunately, this picture is only a short moment, and then Yun Jin flicked her sleeves to the audience below the stage, bowed, and then said.

"The Goddess Splitting the View" should have come to an end here, but today I will add another chapter - sing it for you all - to listen to -"

At this time, the melody on the screen, along with Yun Jin's gradually rising tone, changed from the previous sadness and sorrow, and directly raised the melody, which also foreshadowed that the protagonist of the opera, Shen He, whose first half of his life was full of regrets and tragedies, finally began to change.

"A high-pitched song may not be unknown to people, as there are people who understand and appreciate it."

As Yun Jin took steps and gradually approached the screen, the picture also changed like the beginning of the opera.

As the sun rose, Shen He was no longer alone beside the Liyue mountains and waters in the early morning. Standing next to her was a blond boy and a floating mascot.

The three of them looked at the Liyue Harbor welcoming a new day together. The expression on Shen He's face was so peaceful, which formed a great contrast with his previous expressionless and indifferent expression.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that this girl, who was calm by nature and had cultivated to the point where she seemed to be a different person from a normal human being, had regained her own emotions.

Even though it was only a little bit at this time, it still made many people and immortals who cared about Shen He feel relieved.

The woman in the immortal cave of Aozang Mountain, in the state of an immortal crane, wiped the non-existent tears from the corners of her eyes with her wings, which made Shen He confused.

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