The young master's eyes lit up when he saw this. He had been in Liyue Harbor for so long that he couldn't hold it in any longer.

There are so many martial arts masters in Liyue, but none of them like fighting, which makes the young master stationed here very depressed.

If he had known earlier, he should have applied to go to Nata. After watching videos and discussing in the past few days, the young master found that Nata is his paradise.

However, he is in Liyue now, and his affairs are not yet completed, so he can't go to Nata happily for the time being.

Thinking of this, even the young master who always smiles has a melancholy face.

Alas, it's not easy to find a master in the discussion area, but the intelligence chief Ye Lan has been avoiding him these two days and is unwilling to fight.

This white-haired fairy who looks ruthless and taciturn can't avoid fighting, right?

[Young Master: Interesting, I didn't expect there is such a good player in Liyue. I must spar with him when I have the chance. ]

[Shen He: Okay, I will seriously smash your head to the ground three times. ]

[Yan Fei: Well, although I know that the Mingxia Floating Life Stone itself has the property of floating, this is too outrageous. Does Miss Shen He also have the blood of the immortal family? ]

[Shen He: No, well, I don't think so. ]

Shen He was a little uncertain as he spoke. After all, with her original family, it's not reliable to expect Shen He to have a deep understanding of the family tree and bloodline composition.

[Keqing: Is there something wrong with our focus (covering her face), shouldn't we pay more attention to the answer to this question? ]

[Gan Yu: How should I put it? The difficulty of this question is low, so it's actually not that difficult. The correct answer should be among us. ]

[Ye Lan: As long as we collect everyone's titles, we should be able to choose Miss Shen He's title. ]

[Gan Yu: I should be the one guarding the moon. ]

[Ke Qing: Thundering Rain. ]

[Ning Guang: Haha, Moon Covering Heavenly Power, this should not be considered. ]

[A Ping: Fairy Rui Ling Long is Yao Yao's title, but this girl, she may not even care about this title. ]

[Yao Yao: ? ? ? ]

In fact, it is fortunate that Grandma Ping, as Yao Yao's master, has given Yao Yao a title.

Otherwise, there may really be a few unknown titles here.

After all, most of the titles on the game character portraits are for players to see. It is not that in the local continent of Teyvat, anyone can call out other people's titles, or that some characters do not even know that they have titles.

That is to say, the atmosphere in Liyue is special. Basically, all the well-known characters can get a title. The owners of the Eye of God are generally well-known people. Among the star users in Liyue, all of them are owners of the Eye of God, so they can correspond.

For example, if there is a title like "Never Stop Dancing" mixed in here, which is closely related to the future plot, but it is a title that is hidden from the locals of Teyvat, then everyone will be in a dilemma.

After all, it is impossible that before the Water God collapsed the throne, when everyone did not know that Furninna was not the real Water God, everyone knew her title "Never Stop Dancing" which is closely related to her identity.

[Yunjin: Hongyu Chanjuan... Hmm, I seem to have heard someone call me that. ]

[Xianyun: Although I can help you rule out Luanyin Hexin, but this question does not actually require us to summarize who the titles are, right? ]

[Ningguang: Indeed, these titles basically highlight personal characteristics. Even if you just look at the title itself, you can roughly analyze the correct answer. ]

[Yan Fei: So in fact, it seems that the only thing that can confuse people is the title of Liuyun Zhenjun. ]

[Xin Yan: After all, it has the word "crane" in it. ]

[Chong Yun: But I just watched my aunt's opera. Even someone like me who doesn't understand opera can see that the option of "Gu Chen Qiong Huai" should be the answer. ]

[Xing Qiu: Not to mention, Yun Jin broke up the lines of the entire play, crushed them, and fed them to us bit by bit. ]

[Xiang Ling: Ah, is this question a free point question? ]

[Xian Yun: That should be it. ]

[Zhong Li: Since you are asking about Shen He's title, then Shen He should answer it yourself. ]

[Shen He: Okay, Gu Chen Qiong Huai. ]

[System: The answer is correct. ]

The decent star users in the discussion area have no objection to Shen He's answer to this question.

First of all, as long as the video is about a certain person or a few people

For a personal video, the Q&A after this video basically follows the tacit understanding that the person related to the video should answer, unless even the person related to the video has no intention to answer, then other people will answer.

Secondly, this question is just a simple one, and the analysis of the whole question is completed by Liyue's star users. Everyone is a decent person, who would rush to answer in this situation?

To put it simply, it is a simple-level Q&A reward, so that everyone does not have to be shameless.

[Ying: Sad, the screen always asks us to rush to answer, but we end up being so harmonious, isn't it a bit bad? ]

[Shen He: Hmm? Traveler, do you want to rush to answer? Sorry, I——]

[Ying: Ahem, Shen He, you are too easy to be amused. When I arrive at Liyue Port today, I will teach you what humor is~. ]

[Xian Yun: No need, with a master like me who is so good at chatting, Shen He and Gan Yu, these two children have not learned my humor, what can you do? ! ]

[Ying: Everything depends on human effort. At worst, Shen He and I can sleep side by side tonight. ]

[Paimeng: Okay, don't get sick. I'm afraid that if you continue talking, Liyue will ban us from entering. ]

[System: Reward the distinguished five-star user Shen He, the Herbal Killer, with the Seven-Star Lamp (1/1). ]

[System: Xuan can't change his fate unless he spends money. His fate is both lonely and fierce, and he is extremely murderous. It is a rare and unlucky fate that hurts others and himself. What should I do? Don't be anxious or panic. You only need to use this product to complete a specific ritual to change your fate. Now it's a big opening promotion. You don't need 998 raw stones or 498 raw stones. As long as you answer the questions correctly, the surprise prize will be sent to your home immediately. ]

[System: The Seven Star Lamp was originally a life-extending soul-calling lamp. After being modified by this system, it is adapted to the local situation in Teyvat. The current function of this reward is to modify the existing fate of the host of the ceremony, and change the original fate one-to-one to any one of the positive fate database. ]

[System: The fate in the positive fate database is divided into five levels according to the rarity of the fate: white common, blue advanced, purple rare, orange legendary, and colorful mythical. The replacement probability is 50%, 30%, 10%, 8% and 2% respectively. It is recommended that Taoist friends use this reward with the color spray for better results. ]

[Ying:... I don't know how to complain anymore. ]

[Alice: There are indeed too many elements. ]

[Dolly: Oh, this lottery method is not bad... But the explosion rate of the grand prize is a bit high, I think——]

[Nasida: Well, Acting Great Sage, immediately formulate a bill on the lottery guarantee and minimum probability requirements. ]

[Elhaisen: I understand, Little Auspicious Grass King. ]

[Dolly: Oh, no~~~~~~! ! ! ]

[Yanfei: Ahem, the Seven Star Lamp, I remember that in ancient times in Liyue, there were also alchemists who tried to use the Seven Star Lamp to prolong life. ]

[Ying: Did it succeed? ]

[Yanfei: Three succeeded, two failed, but the three who succeeded... how should I put it, not only did they live a miserable life for the rest of their lives, but they also affected the people around them. ]

[Xiao: Later, because this technique disturbed yin and yang and was accompanied by ominous signs, the emperor ordered a comprehensive ban. Now it has become a famous evil technique in Liyue. ]

[Xiao: Many other methods have evolved from the Seven Star Lamp, such as the method of dreaming in various realms, the method of floating in the world and leaving a body, and other fairy methods... Alas. ]

[Ying: I feel like there seems to be a big melon here, but I'd better wait and ask in detail later. ]

[Paimeng: Hmm, I don't quite understand. Could it be that the Seven Star Lamp awarded on this screen is also one of the methods evolved from the Seven Star Life-Extending Ceremony you mentioned before? ]

[Xianyun: Maybe, but unfortunately, this thing can only be used once, otherwise I would have to study it carefully. ]

Watching the live broadcast of the award ceremony, seven gorgeous and bright lamps with faint glowing clouds fell from the sky and slowly landed in front of a fairy with long white hair and a noble temperament, as if she was ethereal and ethereal. Ying's eyes suddenly lit up.

For the first time, Ying felt that it was great that she had the habit of sleeping in. Otherwise, if she was the one who woke up first instead of her brother, then it would be her brother instead of her who would be the traveler and many beautiful girls today.

At the same time, Shen He, who received the disposable Seven Star Lamp, also received a gift from the screen at the same time.

After the live broadcast ended, while others were discussing, popularizing or going off topic in the discussion area, Shen He started playing her own video on the screen in front of her.

The name of the video

The title is "You are the red rope that binds me"...

Looking at the future experience that was originally destined to happen, even after the traveler in it was completely replaced by Ying, Shen He's eyes still gradually brightened.

The original temperament that seemed to be indifferent to everything and out of the world, all faded at this moment, making Shen He, a fairy far away from the world, stained with human colors again.

- Although this color is a little weird.

The only thing we can know is that if Ying really comes to Liyue Port today, it is not certain who is the hunter and who is the prey.

But if we consider it from the perspective of pure strength, I am afraid that Paimon will raise the telescope tonight and shout out that famous saying.

"That woman beat the traveler to her knees, maybe she wants to force her to go back to work as a star!"

After watching the exclusive video, Shen He looked at her with an expectant look that Xianyun had never seen before.

"Master, I..."

"Hmm..." The two pieces of poultry in the state of Liuyun Jiefeng thought for three seconds, and a smile appeared on his crane's beak, which even made people feel glittering in a trance. He decisively gave a thumbs up with his wings: "Go, do what you should do."

Shen He, who was recognized by his master, no longer had a trace of confusion in his heart.

This made Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun say with emotion: "It's good to be young."

At this time, the information of the fourth video of the day also appeared on the dark screen.

[System: Now playing the fourth video of the day - "Genshin Impact" animated short - "Song in the Ashes"]

Seeing this title, especially the first time seeing "animated short", which is completely different from the previous official PV, character introduction, etc., the discussion area was very lively.

[Ying: Oh, it seems that the market for the game "Genshin Impact" is not bad, and the miHoYo company is also thriving. ]

[Amber: Hmm? How, how come the traveler is so emotional all of a sudden? ]

[Ying: Because generally, few game companies make animated shorts for their own games. If they have that spare money, wouldn’t it be better to make some scam CG to cheat people out of money? Those who can make animated shorts all mean that the game is developing well and has earned a lot of money for the company, which gives the game company the motivation to continue investing. ]

[Alice: This is actually a good thing. At least everyone doesn’t have to worry about Nata and Solstice never existing. ]

[Rooster: Your statement is a bit too scary (wiping cold sweat). ]

[Ying: Instead of worrying about whether Nata and Solstice in the game can exist, we should actually worry more about this screen. I hope that in the next few days, the screen will not light up one day, or it will suddenly go black while playing a video. ]

[Xiangling: Why do you say that suddenly? ]

[Ying: I just had some feelings, and I said this by taking advantage of the specialness of this video. After all, think about it, when did Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun become a five-star character, and when did the servant become a five-star character. ]

[Servant: I see, that's how it is. ]

From the name alone, you can't tell that this video is about the servant telling his own story. Now he can calmly use the reasoning ability of an executive, and quickly figured out what the traveler meant by saying this.

[Paimon: I don't understand. ]

[Xiaogong: Yes, does this becoming a five-star character have anything to do with whether Mr. Screen will continue to broadcast videos? Isn't this decided by the game company? ]

After all, Klee can be a five-star character, but Kaeya is a four-star character. The audience of Teyvat continent also understands that the division of four and five stars is not very related to the determining factors in their traditional cognition, such as strength and status. The game planners have their own set of judgment criteria.

Oh, if the comparison between Kaeya and Klee is not convincing enough, then you can look at Ningguang and Baishu. One is a physician from Bubulu, while the other is the vague boss of the Liyue Seven Stars. Their identities and status are very different. As a result, Ningguang is only a four-star, while Baishu is a five-star.

[Gongzi: Ahem, so troublesome. I hate thinking about such boring things. @Servant, hey, if you understand, please help explain it. ]

[Yae Shenzi: I see, I figured it out. ]

[Xinhai: So that's the case. Is the time difference so big? ]

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