The truth is that the ... In short, the people of Fontaine are all born in the Year of the Dog. They were all flowers and applause when they were the center of attention before, but now that things have not been concluded, they want to split and step on them. If you find out that you have slandered a good person in the future, won’t you feel guilty?

I always feel that these people of Fontaine will treat Lady Funina in the same way even if they are facing her. If there are rumors that Lady Funina is not the water god, or that the prophecy will break out because of the water god, they will treat Lady Funina in the same way.

Obviously, these orphans stayed in Fontaine and even risked living in Fontaine Court, mostly because they hoped that their hometown would be safe and able to deal with the disaster predicted. Alas, this scene is really depressing.

He is thick-skinned and doesn’t feel much, but I hope that Linnet, who has been hurt before, and Femini, who is more emotional, will not have any big problems.

[Ying: Okay, let's get back to the point. Now I can understand it. After all, ordinary orphanages will not say to orphans "defeating all brothers and sisters". ]

[Servant: My predecessor, she is indeed not worthy of being a "mother". Femini is right about one thing. The Hearth House at that time and the Hearth House now are almost two different things. ]

[Linnie: Now is different from before. "Father" has supported all of us children. ]

[Ying: I understand. Then this video is probably very new. It may have been released "recently". It is specially made for servants before entering the pool. ]

[Alice: In order to wash the title of "servant", the villain characters must be whitewashed before entering the card pool. This is already a routine. ]

[Ying: Indeed, I guess, in the game, I may also encounter people from your Hearth House in the early maps. The identity is probably still an enemy. These characters from the Hearth House are portrayed too hatefully in the early stage, so they will naturally have to be replaced in the later stage. ]

[Doctor: Humph, you all say I am a villain. Don’t you think that everything about us is just a tragedy compiled by the game company to make money, and it deserves to be called evil? ]

[Nashida: I may have had similar ideas to you in the past, Doctor, but you who still hold this idea now, well, to use the words taught by Ying, you are too sweet! ]

[Doctor: ? ? ? ]

The Doctor felt it was outrageous. What kind of mess did this traveler teach the God of Wisdom?

The two white rabbits walked through the scenes that symbolized the daily life of the Hearth House in the past, and in the last scene, where the two dolls fought each other, the picture paused.

The next moment, the place where the dolls stood suddenly cracked from the ground, and a white doll sitting on a gorgeous chair with countless broken dolls under her feet appeared in the picture.

This white doll wore a small white crown with a black tip. The most distinctive feature was her two eyes, with two blood-red "X"s carved in them.

"Become the [king] here!"

The previous servant said so.

The picture zoomed out, and countless smaller dolls worshiped under the pile of broken dolls, and looked at the white doll on the top of the doll hill, which symbolized the corpses of children, with eyes full of various emotions.

In the end, the picture pulled away from this fairy-tale picture, and everyone could see clearly that this was actually a picture from a book with a fairy-tale style.

[Servant: It's a little different from what I remember. There shouldn't be such a clear picture in the "fairy tale book" in Kugavina's hand. ]

[Servant: Although it's true that she valued me the most from the beginning. ]

[Ying: Artistic effect, artistic effect, animation, if it's completely realistic, it's boring. ]

[Funina: But this picture also implies that your predecessor valued you a long time ago and secretly decided that you would succeed her in the future.

's next servant? ]

[Servant: No, I don't think she is that great. At the beginning, she just wanted me to be an emotionless tool called "King", a very useful prop. Even if it has a nice name, I will not directly take over her job. ]

How could that vicious woman think so?

Even if she really wants to be the next servant, it won't be so early. It will only be considered when Kugavina is too old to get out of bed.

You know, even among all the "servants" in history, the servant of the previous generation - Kugavina is also an extremely bad guy.

The servant thought of his childhood friend, or it can be said that he was his only friend at that time, Krewei.

Thinking of Krewei, the servant's heart was hard.

Go whitewash, go reverse thinking, go pretend to be loyal.

I just want Kugavina to die!

Even though this animation may imply that Kugavina really decided to use cruel means to train her from the beginning, the servants did not feel grateful to Kugavina.

After all, she actually saw this from the beginning. Among their batch of orphans, Kugavina only valued her.

And even if the other party trained her, it was not good intentions, just to train her as a useful tool.

If it weren't for Krewe, there would be no servants today, and she would not have so many feelings, let alone become a "father".

[Charlotte: I feel very confused now. It's obviously a big news, but can this really be published in the newspaper? I just finished writing the report, and the Fatui agents came to execute me in the next second, right? ]

[Funina: To be honest, if you haven't changed people, it's our turn to audit your Hearth House and where the orphans taken from our Fontaine have been sent. ]

[Xingqiu: Although there is an old saying in Liyue that a general's success is the result of the sacrifice of thousands of soldiers, this is too... these are just children, right? ]

[Yelan: The previous servant, he was a very difficult and disgusting opponent, but if I really have to choose, it is better to face the previous servant than the current servant. The saying that the disciple is better than the master is really reflected in you. ]

[Amber: Too much, they are obviously children, and they are all orphans, but they are like this! ]

[Cole: Amber, the Fatui have always been like this. ]

[Dixia: Humph, such a guy is not even as good as us desert hyenas. ]

[Guobeng: Tsk, the servant, ah, I mean the one in front, is a very bad and disgusting woman. This point, even when I was in the Fatui, I felt the same way. ]

[Gongzi: I seconded. ]

[Gongji: Ahem, don't say anything that is not conducive to unity. ]

[Young Master: Okay, okay, old man - but speaking of that, old man, those things you told me about servants before... are they referring to the servants of the previous generation? ]

[Rooster: The reasons are very complicated (difficult to hold). ]

Most of the star users in the discussion area belong to the good camp according to their composition.

Well, most...

So when they saw the hints and implications in the fairy tale book, especially when they thought about the many orphans that Zhidong had collected and accepted from various countries - including Zhidong himself - for so many years, and finally put them into this kind of breeding, everyone was terrified.

This feeling reached its peak when they saw the next scene in the video.

In the picture, a pair of hands closed the fairy tale book just now.

In front of the book, there was a pair of children sitting on small chairs with innocent expressions such as expectation and joy, forming a semicircle, looking expectantly at the person telling the story.

Seeing Krevy, who knew nothing at the time, with eyes full of innocence and expectations and curiosity about the future, even the servant who now felt that his heart was as hard as iron could not help but feel a twitch in his heart.

Not only Krevy, but also those companions of the Hearth House who accompanied her almost throughout her childhood and were eliminated one after another under Kugavina's values.

Although she had no feelings for the guys other than Krevy at the time, thanks to Krevy, she actually had a good relationship with others later, and for a period of time she could even barely call them companions.

"I didn't expect that after so many years, I can still see your faces again. This screen is not without its benefits. Do you know that I have almost forgotten you background boards?"

The servant laughed at himself. As for the plot in the video, as an eyewitness,

Especially since this was an experience she would never forget in her life, the servant naturally knew what would happen next.

After all, this video should be regarded as the beginning of her friendship with Krevi.

"Where is Peruvili?"

In the admiration and admiration of the children, Kugavina, who was still well disguised and did not reveal her madness and extreme tendencies in front of the children and the audience, tilted her head like a very tolerant and gentle mother, and asked with a little cute doubt.

"Didn't she come to listen to the story?"

The blonde bubble orange girl sitting next to the little girl with pink hair and a soft lantern pendant immediately raised her hand high.

"Report to her mother, she is holding a funeral for her little spider!"

As the girl reported, the camera gave a small garden, under a big tree, where the young servant, no, it should be said that Peruvili, squatted there with a little sadness.

[Ying: Hiss, madam, your hairstyle is very dangerous... So this guy is the former servant? I guess, there will definitely be a plot where you kill her later in this animation. ]

[Servant: If we continue... That's right. ]

[Master: Haha, hahahaha, are you the first executive officer in our batch to lose his real name? ]

[Servant: No (serious), because the real name of the former executive officer Sanbing was revealed by himself. ]

[Guobeng: I am no longer an executive, thank you. ]

[Lady: By the way, my real name, um, should be considered exposed, right? ]

Although it is only known to a few people.

[Amber: Oh, the two little girls sitting in the front row are so cute. ]

[Cole: Huh? ! ]

[Fimini: Eh? ! ]

[Eula: That's enough. ]

[Linnie:... Hmm? Femini, why are you interfering? ]

[Femini: That, that...]

[Laila: These lovely children, in the end... I, I don't want to watch it.]

[Shadow: Um, Shenzi, Inazuma should have a special department to adopt orphans without relatives and elderly people who can't take care of themselves.]

[Shenzi: OK~.]

[Kamisato Ayato: Over the years, the Fatui took advantage of the chaos in Inazuma and took away many children from us.]

[Servant: Since you have neither the will nor the ability to manage these children, then the Hearth House will naturally open its doors to them.]

[Kujo Sara: But not after today. The general has personally issued an order that from now on, all orphans in Inazuma will be properly resettled.]

[Kosai Palace: To be honest, it would be better to think more about how to reduce the factors that cause orphans to appear, and it would be better to reduce the number of orphans directly from the source. ]

[Ying: Ahem, back to the point. Regarding these children, let's ask the people involved. @Servant, Servant Sister, what happened to the children here? ]

[Servant:... I am the only one left in this episode. ]

[Bennett: Damn, these are all orphans, how can you——? ! ]

[Servant: In fact, my friend, the pink-haired girl in the picture, is actually Kujavina's daughter, a biological child. ]


[Diluk: Humph, the Fatui are really inhuman. ]

Faced with other people's accusations, the servant didn't even raise her eyes.

As for directly talking about what happened in the past in the discussion area, did it violate her discipline as the head of intelligence?

Please, this screen has thrown such an animation video here, what's the point of keeping it secret?

Instead of worrying about these, it is better to use a more sincere attitude here to exchange for the goodwill of other star users, and throw all the pots on the previous generation of servants. As a contemporary servant, she is the "good person" who reshapes the Hearth House.

As an intelligence chief and diplomat, the servant is actually very good at this.

In the Buffati Mansion, Femini, who did not help with the magic show with Linni and Linnet, looked at the pink-haired little girl on the big screen above and was a little confused.

That girl, Krevi, the ghost of the Hearth House, the girl who once helped many brothers and sisters, turned out to be the daughter of the previous generation of servants?

Huh? Wait!

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