The old man was buried in the grave, and the old man was buried in the grave.

People from different countries and different identities once again focused their conflicts on the doctor. It can only be said that there are no useless people in this world. Even a pile of shit has its place to shine and heat.

Even a guy like the doctor actually has his uses.

For example, let other countries unite as one.

I hope that one day, I can openly say "Doctor, you were born despicable, died great, and your sacrifice brought peace and unity to the continent of Teyvat."

At this moment, the plot development in the video on the screen is just like what Alice said before. If nothing unexpected happens, it is indeed an accident.

After such a series of warm and friendly memories that even make people grin unconsciously, the video that has accumulated enough buffs for the audience finally reveals its true colors.

The camera slowly moves down from the two dolls snuggling together in the moonlight, and the blood-stained bandages, disinfectant potions, gauze used as bandages, cotton swabs with blood, medical scissors and tweezers are included in the camera one by one.

These items tell the audience that the Hearth House in the past was not a warm, fairy-tale place. Everything in the past was just a false appearance disguised by the previous servant Kugavina, in order to make the children willingly become tools and stepping stones.

It is still a dangerous place for the Fatui to cultivate tools and agents, such as those who are deep in the darkness.

Hidden under the warmth pretended by the previous servants is extreme cruelty and cannibalism.

In this regard, even the biological daughter of the previous servant is no exception.

Krevy raised her bandaged hand high up, looking at the bow tied on it with satisfaction.

Peruvili looked helplessly at Krevy, who still had hope and light in her eyes, and was a little puzzled.

"Can mother and daughter quarrel?"

Hearing her friend's question, Krevy, who was covered with stains and injuries, was silent for a moment, turned around and opened the window behind her.

Outside the window, the beautiful Milky Way hung in the sky, colorful, making many viewers who had never looked at the sky carefully in the dark night realize for the first time that the starry sky of Teyvat was so beautiful.

Krevy and Peruvili were blowing in the night breeze, staring at the starry sky.

Krevy said irrelevantly.

"I heard that on the night of winter, there will be colorful auroras in the sky..."

Hearing Krevy suddenly talking about something that seemed unrelated to her question, Peruvili turned her head in surprise.

"When I grow up..." Krevy had a bright smile on her face, and turned her head to look at Peruvili who was surprised: "Let's go and see it together."

At this moment, Krevy was a ray of light in Peruvili's childhood, like the first white moonlight, leaving a deep impression on the servant that he would never forget in his life.

[Ying: Hiss, this injury... Is this called a quarrel? We usually call it domestic violence. ]

[Keqing: This bastard should be arrested immediately and deprived of her custody! ]

[Servant: Thank you, no need, I have completely solved this problem. ]

[Master: Hahahaha, I didn't expect you to tell some cold jokes. ]

[Servant: I'm just stating the facts. ]

[Yae Shenzi: What a classic development, in our Inazuma, we usually call it a flag. ]

[Xinhai: I didn't expect that I could see the same plot in the novel in reality. ]

[Shadow: Ummmm, so the girl who set the flag died later, right? ]

[Servant:...Yes, Lord Thunder God. ]

[Cole: Well, at least, did you and Krevy finally fulfill your promise to go to the winter to see the aurora together (looking forward to it)? ]

[Tinari: Krevy! ]

Perhaps because he heard that the children of Hearth House had suffered the same or even worse treatment as her, Krevy, contrary to her usual hatred of the Fatui, actually hoped that Krevy and the servants could have a better ending.

Even through the information said by the servants and other executives in the previous discussion area, and the information revealed in this video, it was revealed that Krevy died in the end.

But even if it was a tragic ending, Krevy now hoped that the two childhood friends could at least fulfill such a beautiful and ignorant promise.

But it is obvious that Krevy's experience is still too little, and I don't know if she can do it now.

To others, these words seemed more like a provocation, so Tinari grabbed Cole immediately.

General Raiden is a dignified Inazuma god, one of the seven rulers of the world. Whatever she said, whoever she offended, the entire Teyvat continent, except for a very few, had to hold back.

You, Cole, are just a small shrimp apprentice ranger in Xumi. If you say something wrong or offend someone, you will follow Krewe if you are not careful.

But who is the servant? She is determined to be a good "father" of the Hearth House. She has taken care of at least a thousand orphans, so she naturally sees that Cole has no bad intentions.

Especially Cole's identity and experience, which really made the servant feel some sympathy and recognition from the bottom of his heart, so when it comes to Cole's problem, the servant really didn't treat him as an ordinary stranger.

It's just that this question really pokes the servant's heart and lungs.

[Servant:...After I defeated Kugavina, before I became a new generation of servant, I was imprisoned in the cell of Solstice. That was the first time I saw the aurora on Solstice night. It was really beautiful. ]

Although the servant's words did not seem to directly answer Cole, even Cole, who thought he was stupid and couldn't even learn to read, could react.

This promise was not fulfilled in the end.

[Linnie: Alas, I am really glad that the one who is in charge of the Hearth House now is "Father" instead of "Mother". ]

[Linnet: Well, I would rather not have such a "mother". ]

[Femini: So the darkness that Krevy said was - ah! ? ]

[Linnie:...Femini, what are you hiding from your brother? ]

[Femini: This, this, I, uh, Linnie...]

[Linnet: Femini is stupid. ]

[Servant: Femini said that it was the remnant of Krevie, a shadow living in the past... But it is true. It is not good to leave it like this. It has caused some children who do not know the truth to misunderstand many things. Let's deal with it in the next two days. ]

[Ying: I smell the smell of a character-exclusive legendary mission. ]

[Alice: Hmm? Hiss, it is true. This animation was specially made, and there is a remnant of Krevie who is a ghost child in the Hearth House. It is very suitable for players to use it as an intervention point to "get acquainted" with the servant. ]

[Servant:... I see, that is to say, in the original game, the time when I finally faced and solved Krevie and some other problems should be after the traveler came to Fontaine? ]

[Alice: Oh, it's easy to talk to smart people. Give some hints and they can analyze it themselves. ]

[Servant: After all, this is also the basic skill of the children from our Hearth House. 】

What a joke. The servant is the biggest intelligence chief of Zhidong. She is responsible for intelligence collection and analysis. Her reasoning and analysis ability is naturally not weak.

She simply understood what Ying and Alice, the two people who know the rules of games outside Teyvat the most, said. Combining the information she knew, the servant easily analyzed more information about her future.

The servant who analyzed this information looked up at the screen with a bright smile. She was still the little Krewe who had not given up hope and was innocent. It was inevitable that she felt a little soft in her heart.

'Forget it, the time is not right now anyway, let's push it back.'

Peruvili thought somewhat evasively.

On the screen, after making an agreement with her good friend Peruvili that was almost like, no, it should be said that it was a flag, the young Peruvili looked at such a different Krewe, slightly widened his eyes, and looked at each other with some expectation.

But soon, just as Ying and Alice and others said before, the knife came.

The servant's expectant eyes were filled with surprise, shock, and disbelief the next moment.

A little fire flashed by, a blood stain stained Peruvian's cheek, and even her iconic red cross pupils shrank slightly.

It was unknown how much time had passed, but what the audience saw was that Krewei, who had grown up a lot, had a look on her face that was more like comforting her friend than a smile, and her head was weakly resting on Peruvian's shoulder.

Krewei used up her remaining strength to bless her friend:

"You will become a very good [king]."

The scene changed, the smoke in the sky dissipated, and a sharp sword pierced from Krewei's back.

[Ying: Sure enough... I knew it. ]

[Young Master: Well, this station of Alechino

posture, legs parallel, left hand hanging naturally... Did this girl named Krevy bump into him herself? ]

[Servant: Yes, although Krevy has tried for many years, she can no longer hold on at this time. The situation in the Hearth House has collapsed to the point where she can no longer maintain superficial peace, so...]

[Servant: So this is Krevy's last and first free choice. ]

[Servant: She chose a free death. ]

[Chongyun: No... Even in this situation, you still have the mood to analyze the moves and actions in the video? ]

[Xiangling: Too, too cruel, how could such a cruel thing happen? ]

[Doctor: So, the Fatui have such a bad reputation in this Teyvat continent, not just because of me, my other colleagues are not good either--]

[Clown: Hmm? ]

[Doctor: Ahem, this previous servant and I are definitely the same. ]

[Guobeng: You are quite self-aware. ]

[Gongzi: Haha, apart from my family and the queen, I don't care about anything else. I only care about martial arts and fighting. ]

[Wendy:... What a pity. I always feel that this girl and I get along very well. ]

[Servant: Haha, Your Excellency Wendy, Krevy did dream of becoming a bard in the future, and freely witnessing her own story on this continent. ]

[Wendy: Alas, she should not be in your winter, but in my Mondstadt. May the wind soothe her regretful soul. ]

[Ying: How should I put it, Servant Sister, as you said, after all, now we have this kind-hearted Mr. Screen, and it is not impossible to make up for any regrets. ]

[Servant: Indeed, I used to think that Krevy and I could only meet again in the next life, but now it seems that there is still hope that we can fulfill the promise in this life. 】

Speaking of this, even Alechino, who has grown to this point, couldn't help but smile subconsciously.

After having hope, looking at the screen again, the scene that made her completely burn out her sanity at the beginning seemed not so desperate.

Of course, even if it is not so desperate, but now revisiting the scene of Krevi dying under her sword, it is still not very pleasant.

The servant looked at the screen, and Krevi rushed up and was pierced by her sharp blade. Her upper and lower lips trembled and moved, and her expression changed repeatedly, but she didn't cry in the end.

"Sorry... Thank you."

After forcing herself to say the last sentence, Krevi's body slid down from Peruvian weakly, fell to the ground, and left this world with regret and relief.

Peruvian was left alone. After such a great shock, her eyes were dull and she didn't say a word. She seemed to be stunned, and she seemed to be so angry that she couldn't speak.

At this time, it seemed as if even the heavens, oh, in Teyvat, it should be said that even the justice of heaven was crying for it. Drops of water fell on the broken and collapsed windows, reflecting the sad, angry and silent figure of Peruvian.

Under the heavy rain, the broken Colosseum belonging to the children of the Hearth House, a one-handed sword tied with Bubble Orange, was lonely and slanted on the ground.

The entire circular wall like the Colosseum was full of traces of damage after the battle, broken tree trunks, and deep pits of explosions. It was hard to imagine that this was a scene caused by a group of teenagers fighting each other.

Even if it was said that there were two regular armies, with regiment-level support firepower, fighting each other here, people would believe it.

Obviously, the plan of the previous generation of servants was successful.

The group of children she adopted grew up one by one, and each of them was considered a good player on the continent of Teyvat. They could be elites among all countries, and even in the game, they could be NPC passers-by.

But it was these children who were raised with great difficulty that finally used this method of raising poisonous insects to decide the only king, Peruvili.

The friends who could lick each other's wounds in the past are gone. Now Peruvili can only deal with his own wounds by himself.

The blood-stained bandages and gauze are the same as before, but there is only one child left who needs them.

The pink dolls and empty syringes on the ground that no one picked up can be said to be the best irony of the orphanage.

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