The old man was very angry.

"【Innocence】 and 【Kindness】, what a beautiful character, but unfortunately~ they are useless!"

Kugavina commented coldly on Krevy and Peruvian, delaying the battle to decide the king until today.

However, this insulted Krevy's efforts so far, and further angered Peruvian, causing her to burst out with more powerful strength, making the battle on the scene appear to be that Kugavina had been dodging Peruvian's sword, so for a while, it seemed that Peruvian had the upper hand.

[Servant: Well, it seems that this video is a little different from reality. The video shows that I went to Kugavina for revenge immediately after the battle with Krewe, but the actual situation is that I just said that there was actually a year between them. I went to find the other party after I was sure enough. ]

[Ying: Art, art needs it. If the time interval of one year is really shown in this animation, the taste will change. Now the plot is arranged like this, doesn’t it seem to be more touching to the audience and make the players willing to pop rice? ]

[Yae Shenzi: Pop rice, it’s really a vivid image. ]

Yae Shenzi thought about it briefly and understood what the traveler meant by "pop rice". After all, in Inazuma, rice is, to a certain extent, equivalent to a general equivalent that is more valuable. In addition, Yae Shenzi herself has a Yae Hall and likes to make some light novels and other entertainment methods. She can really understand what Ying said.

This scumbag fox has even been thinking seriously about how to apply the various means of popping rice used by the official game on the screen to her Yaetang.

Some people pay attention to the original purpose of this video itself, while others pay attention to the battle between the two sides in the video.

[Young Master: What a clever attack, tsk, what a pity, there is no chance to fight with this senior. ]

[Servant: Oh, I would rather fight with you than want this guy to exist in Teyvat again. ]

[Young Master: Okay (plan approved), we have a deal! ]

[Servant: ·······]

[Ying: Shocked, Tartaglia may be the biggest beneficiary of this video. ]

[Charlotte: Oh, this title is good, decided, let it be the title of today's news. ]

[Xingqiu: Well, I am not talented, and I am not well-trained, but I can see that in this video, the servant lady has been led by the previous servant so far? ]

[A Ping: Haha, that's right, although it seems that she has the upper hand now, in fact, in these few moves, the woman named Kugavina didn't even lose much physical strength. On the contrary...]

[Servant: So my current rule is that anger and sadness are not emotions that children of the Hearth House should have. They will only make people lose the most basic judgment ability. ]

[Ying: Then how did you win in the end, servant sister? ]

[Servant:...I don't understand it either. Anyway, when I was at a disadvantage, I saw Rou Dengling...I exploded. ]

The servant concealed some of the facts.

In fact, she released some of the suppression of the curse at that time, and the curse quickly eroded her body, which exchanged for huge power.

Of course, few people can notice this detail, or the black color in this video that symbolizes the curse has climbed above the forearm, and there is no decisive persuasive effect.

After all, the scene that the audience saw of Peruvian's fingers being eroded by the curse was when she was a child. The next time they saw this scene symbolizing the curse, Peruvian had grown up.

So no one can be sure whether the curse has now eroded her forearm because it has been too long or she deliberately let the curse erode.

In terms of performance, the fact that the audience saw was as if Peruvian was provoked by Kugavina at that time, flew out and happened to see the withered soft lamp bell symbolizing Krevi, and then a huge force emerged from her body unreasonably, and the whole person seemed to be reborn.

Now think about it, this scene is considered normal in Funina's drama, but it looks strange in reality.

It's really a pity that she always tells the children that impulse is the choice closest to failure. As a result, it is performed here as if she relied on impulse and anger to defeat the previous generation of servants.

It's really ironic that they are like people.

The servant watched the screen, and he and Kugavina fought back and forth. From the beginning, he seemed to have the upper hand, but gradually became unable to hold on. In the end, he was angered by the other party's words, and he seized the flaw and hit the other party flying and smashing the stone. Finally, he burst out and suppressed the other party, with no expression on his face.

"A bound bird can never fly to the sky, and you are no exception."

Only this sentence, even now, still makes the servant feel a little fluctuating.

[Ying: I understand, I know how this old witch lost. ]

[Linnie: Hmm? Yes, how did she lose? ]

Linnie said that he was still analyzing the battle on the screen, and he didn't see any signs of his father winning now.

Even if Linnie had never seen the previous generation servant Kugavina, just through this fight on the screen, he had to admit that Kugavina was worthy of being the servant of the previous generation.

This fighting power, this swordsmanship, and the mindset of destroying the enemy's mind during the battle are all top-notch choices.

Even if Lini were to fight Kugavina now, he could not think of a way to defeat her.

Lini could only guess that his father had used some very costly methods, such as exchanging injuries for lives, or a posture that was close to mutual destruction, to finally defeat Kugavina, who was now in full advantage in the picture.

[Alice: She probably wanted to say that the villain died because of talking too much. ]

[Ying: Bingo~! ]

[Yae Shenzi: Indeed, although I know that this woman is attacking his heart, in such a short time, she has said 13 sentences and 62 words... To be honest, this is a bit beyond the scope of attacking his heart. It is completely a self-emotional venting and useless show-off. ]

[Servant: Haha, the villain died because of talking too much, which is really a golden sentence with a good warning. ]

[Young Master: I understand. From now on, when I fight with others, I will first use the Demon King Armor, and then make sarcastic remarks after I knock the opponent down. ]

[That Villette: ·······]

[Young Master: No, wait a minute (finds the blind spot)···I remember that in the previous video, I was arrested as a suspect in the serial disappearance of girls in Fontaine···You didn't sneak attack me while I was transforming, so I lost, right? ]

[Silkcock: Stupid apprentice, it's because you are too weak - being defeated is being defeated, and being sneak attacked during the transformation is also one of your weaknesses. ]

[Silkcock: You don't think about how to solve this weakness, but complain that others can't defeat you in this way. I don't remember that I taught you this way. Go and practice 10,000 more slashes today. 】

【Young Master: Master, I won't talk about your mysterious appearance... Forget it, you are right. A strong man should not complain about the reason for failure. I will go to practice now! 】

Young Master went to practice with conviction, and Peruvian on the screen, inspired by the soft lantern bell symbolizing Krevi, burst out with a new power.

"Hehehe, give up, let me, as a [mother], guide you to become a true [king]."

The music sounded, and Peruvian, who was completely awakened, was not disturbed by Kugavina's dirty talk this time. He just stood up from the rubble silently, holding a sword and standing silently opposite Kugavina, expressing his attitude with his silence and actions.

Obviously, this in turn stimulated Kugavina. For the first time in the battle, Kugavina lost her composure and rushed up actively.

But unlike before, this time facing Kugavina's fierce offensive, Peruvian became the one who was at ease.

With just a few easy movements, Kugavina's swordsmanship, which amazed countless martial arts masters watching the battle on the continent of Teyvat, always avoided Peruvian's body just right, as if she had already performed it with Peruvian.

Even if she couldn't avoid it, it would only add two scratches to the innocuous places. With Peruvian's current physique, she was at the level where she would go to the infirmary a little later and the wound would heal completely by itself.

This set of movements was like flowing clouds and water. Although it was extremely concise, it was just right, just like a textbook martial arts teaching video.

Looking at Peruvian's expression, Kugavina finally realized that something was wrong, and she retreated and jumped to a place she thought was safe.


Kugavina raised her head and looked at Peruvili who wanted to say something for the first time since the battle, but Peruvili rushed up almost instantly, bent her waist and kicked backwards, kicking Kugavina into the air with great force.


After Vina was kicked out, Peruvian's voice came out late.

"You—don't deserve it!"

Kugavina, who was kicked into the sky and fell right in the center of the building's dome window, no longer cared to listen to what Peruvian said. This unexpectedly heavy blow made her spit out blood, and she was really seriously injured.

But Peruvian didn't want to let her go. All she wanted to do now was to split Kugavina's legs in half.

Driven by this emotion, Peruvian waved her hand, and it seemed that endless flames, responding to their owner, rushed up from the cold ground illuminated by the moonlight. The unscientific but very elemental force swept over and completely devoured Kugavina, who was terrified and seriously injured.

The sky-high flames not only devoured Kugavina, but also turned this huge marble building into a pile of ruins under such an attack.

[Ying: A very classic explosion scene. ]

[Alice: It's too classic. ]

[Yaejinko: Recently, even our Yae-do authors rarely use such a classic way to write novels. ]

[Xingqiu: What (shocked), this, this routine is no longer popular? ]

[Cole: Eh, eh? I, I clearly feel that this is very exciting. ]

[Yaejinko:... Well, it seems that there is still a market for this kind of writing. ]

[Ying: It's normal that the overseas market is not saturated. ]

[Chongyun: Oh my God (speechless), this, shouldn't we pay more attention to the power of the executive himself? Why do we consider it from the perspective of writing description. ]

[Ying: No matter how strong the force is, it is certain that I, the protagonist, will be defeated every time I arrive at a new map. I used to see this kind of scene when I watched xx elves. ]

[Sora: That Pikachu is a veteran actor... But sister, you should have five elements in Fontaine, so even if you face this power, you should...]

[Ying: What power? Tell me! Ah, you are a riddler again!]

Seeing that Sora finally realized the truth while talking, Ying was a little mad. Her brother was so easy to fool before, how come he is so smart after not seeing him for five hundred years?

Generally speaking, if a simpleton becomes smart, it is either because he has been possessed by another spirit or because he has experienced a lesson that is deep enough for him to learn.

Judging from the brother's behavior, it should be the latter, right?

[Diluk: Well, did the fourth seat of the Fatui executive have this level of power many years ago...]

[Kaeya: This is really a disturbing fact. @Wendy, Your Excellency Wendy, does Mond have any backup plan or secret weapons? I always feel that the gap between Mondstadt and Winter is a bit big in terms of high-level combat power. 】

If it's just a servant, it's actually okay. After all, although Mondstadt is in such a bad state now, it's still a novice village in the game, but that's because most of Mondstadt's combat power has been taken out on an expedition by Grand Commander Falga. Mondstadt itself is actually quite powerful.

But the problem is that even if the main force of the Knights is included, Mondstadt's high-level combat power is still a bit worrying.

Don't forget that the servant is only the fourth seat of the executive officer, and there are three guys who are said to be comparable to the devil in front of him.

This has widened the gap.

[Yae Shenzi: I think that you Mondstadt's worries are a bit redundant... In terms of high-level combat power losses, aren't we Inazuma the ones who have suffered the most? ]

[Kujo Sara: With the general here, Inazuma will definitely be fine! ]

[Yae Shenzi: Then you can't let the image be like the hero in the game, from the miscellaneous soldiers to the devil, all by yourself. ]

[Kujo Sara: ...Yes, you are right. We should practice harder and help the general. ]

[Shadow: Umm, I don't mind. ]

[Yae Shenzi: Come on, be good, eat your tri-color dumplings. Children should not interrupt adults' affairs. ]

[Shadow: Shenzi (frown), I think you——]

[Yae Shenzi: Add two more bottles of dango milk. ]

[Shadow: You continue (satisfied). ]

[Nashida: ...Umm, why do I feel that in terms of high-level combat power, it is actually our Xumi who is the weakest now? ]

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