The two of them were very close, and the two of them were very close.

Seeing that the real people also appeared in the discussion area, everyone confirmed some of their previous speculations.

[Yae Shenzi: Indeed, a very classic plot... You two are not going to have a conflict for some reason, right? ]

[Javebita: Uh, this... yes. ]

Javebita thought, that's right, I'm ready to shut myself up, my friends are lying down and kicking their legs, according to what the traveler said, this should be a knife.

[Alice: That's for sure. I guess you didn't get to see your friend for the last time after he passed away. Then you did something else out of guilt, regret, and a little awkwardness... Then all these things were mixed together, and the magical version of the plot was completed. ]

[Ying: Anyway, it's about the knife. ]

[Alice: But did the screen boss forget the horse charm that he gave to Yan Fei? ]

[Yan Fei: Yeah, what disease do you have? ]

[Yan Fei: Forget it, don't tell me. Anyway, I can't cure diseases, I can only cure diseases. ]

[System: ···The answer is correct. ]

[Ying: It seems that the screen boss is very reluctant. ]

[Alice: Nonsense, it's your turn to find out that you gave the wrong person to answer the question. Would you be happy? ]

[Yae Shenzi: The key is that this reward was only issued the day before yesterday. ]

[Xinhai: Actually, it is not wrong to give it to them. After all, these two are from Xumi, and Miss Yanfei has not yet treated all the patients in Liyue. And it is not realistic to expect Miss Yanfei to cure all the patients in the whole continent by herself, right? ]

[Ying:... (Reacted) Yes, yes, yes, the screen master is right, the screen master is wise! ]

[Yae Shenzi: Ahem, I was not very steady when I spoke before, and I did not consider this point. ]

[Alice: Hahahahaha, you are too weak, I am not afraid! ]

[Ying: Think about your daughter, madam, you don’t miss your daughter either...]

[Alice: (sliding on her knees) Screen master, I am too superficial! ]

Ignoring the Traveler’s antics, the system seemed to be unable to see their ridicule, and it distributed rewards normally like an emotionless machine.

[System: Reward ordinary two-star user Kavebida Tianshengya (1/1). ]

[System: Tenseiga is one of the precious swords used by Seshomaru, the son of the demon king of the other world, Dog General Toga. It is known as the "Sword of the Underworld" and is made from the teeth of Dog General. It is one of the three swords of Fang. ]

[System: Tenseiga represents the heaven among the three swords of Fang. It can kill things that are not in this world. It is a healing sword that cannot kill things in this world. It belongs to the sword of the other world. It can revive the dead by killing the messenger of the underworld (each person can only be saved once). If it is activated with true compassion, one swing of the sword can save hundreds of lives. ]

[System: This item has been modified in combination with the actual situation of the Teyvat world. It can and can only be used once. The number of people that can be resurrected is related to the user's own will and determination. ]

[System: There is no wrong item, only items that are not used in the right place. How to use this item is up to you. ]

[Country Collapse: !!! ]

[Guobeng: Human... No, Mr. Gavibida... (uncomfortable), I will find a way to solve your friend's problem, please keep this reward first. ]

[Guobeng: No matter what the cost, I will definitely solve your friend's illness, believe me! ]

[Guobeng: So... I will talk to you in detail later. ]

[Gavibida: Uh, this...]

[Ying: Don't worry, there are so many people watching, and he said this in the discussion area. Unless he doesn't want to stay in Teyvat anymore, he won't break his promise. ]

[Gavibida: In this case, I understand, Mr. Guobeng, I will wait. ]

Sanbing's eyes at this time revealed surprise and determination.

After he knew the truth of the year, he knew that all his actions over the years were like puppets. Under the control and deception of the doctor, Sanbing had a tendency to self-destruct for a moment.

But after watching the video on the screen and reflecting on himself, his thoughts changed. The only thing he wanted to do in his life was to make up for his mistakes and fight the two with the doctor.

Fighting with the doctor was fine. Although the doctor was much stronger than him now, he had made up his mind. No matter what method he used, he would

No matter what method he used, he had to fight with the other party, at least he had to leave a permanent scar on the other party.

But the problem was that if he wanted to make up for his mistakes, he wanted to revive all of Niwa and the others, and he wanted to make up for the people he had hurt over the years, the resurrection rewards he needed were too many for him to do.

Although there were resurrection prizes in the rewards on the screen, and the explosion rate seemed to be very good, how many questions did he have to answer to revive the people he had let down and the people he had killed later?

This was a huge investment even if the entire continent was assembled.

Now, Guo Beng saw the opportunity to make up for all the mistakes in the past at once, at least most of them.

"This Tianshengya, if possible, theoretically it is possible to revive all those people at once."

If all these people were resurrected, Sanbing felt that he could focus all his attention on how to deal with the old silver coin of the doctor.

"At present, the easiest way is to ask the legal expert from Liyue for help... But I have no relationship with him, and even from the initial impression I left on him, he may not think very well of me..."

Sanbing fell into deep thought.

He was not afraid of how much he would have to pay.

After all, Sanbing still had some self-destructive tendencies. As long as he could make up for the mistakes he made in the past and cause losses to the doctor, Sanbing could say that he would do anything.

But the problem was that he didn't know what price he would have to pay to get Yanfei to help.

And this matter was quite urgent, because no one knew how long the man named Gulab could last. What if he went to travel the earth veins before Sanbing invited Yanfei over? Then, Kavebitra, who had received a one-time reward of natural teeth, would definitely use his reward to revive his friend without saying a word.

Comparing the cost of a simple cure now with the cost of a possible resurrection reward in the future, everyone knew which one was more expensive.

"So the key is to be fast, to invite the legal expert from Liyue in the shortest possible time and with the utmost sincerity."

Oh, this is the blind spot of Guobeng's thinking.

He used to be an arrogant villain. When he changed his gender, he became a female ghost. When was he ever humble? He was the only one who bullied others, and no one else could bully him.

So Sanbing now misses the self who just woke up from the Borrowing Scenery Pavilion, with a pure mind and very kind heart.

If it was that him, he would definitely be able to invite Yanfei, right?

"Or I'd better delete myself in the World Tree..."

For a while, Sanbing was a little self-destructive.

Of course, this was just angry talk. After all, fate has improved to the current situation. It would be too stupid to go back to the original path.

But although I don't know what to do, I can seize the time.

At that moment, the scattered soldier did not say anything, and regardless of the dangerous situation that the remnants of the Fatui outside Xumi City were still eyeing him, he flew straight into the sky and headed towards Liyue quickly.

When the scattered soldier headed towards Liyue without saying a word, the content discussed by the star users of various countries in the discussion area can be said to be all-encompassing, from the investigation of the mental state of the Xumi people to the speculation of the response mechanism of the Fontaine prophecy, from the combination of the Seven Sages Summoning deck to whether Cyno is a crazy official, it can be said that they talked about everything for a while.

Of course, just when we were chatting excitedly, the second video of the day came.

[System: Now playing the second video of the day——]

[Ying: Ahem, here it comes, the second one. ]

[Ying: I hope there will be another chance to get some wool. ]

[Alice: How can you talk like that? That is obviously a gift from my adoptive father. ]

[Ying: Yes, adoptive father, please give me a chance to lie down in the future! ]

[Nashida: The traveler started talking about some outside knowledge that we don’t understand again. ]

[Yae Goddess: You just want to get something for nothing... You can come to Inazuma Narukami Taisha, wear a witch costume, and hug my thighs, little guy~. ]

[Ningguang: Hehe, if the traveler agrees to become my exclusive special agent, you can get a lifetime of wealth. ]

[Lisa: Sister, I also have some patent knowledge during my study in Xumi, and I have quite a bit of savings, little cutie. ]

[Funina: Oh (surprise), there is such a way! ]

[Funina: @Ying, I have accumulated five hundred years of film remuneration and salary. The salary for being the ruler of a country is quite high. You don't

Come to Fontaine to help me? ! ]

[Wendy: Hmm? Do you get paid for being a ruler? ]

[Barbara: Of course, the church has a special grant project every year for divine work. As long as you come to West Wind Cathedral, these Mora are yours. You can buy as much cider as you want. ]

[Wendy: Uh, I'm still not used to going to work. Now I'm free and easy. It's pretty good to sell some songs every day to exchange for some drinks. ]

[Zhongli: Well, in general theory, I'm also paid now. ]

[Hutao: Your salary is not enough for you to keep accounts at one time. ]

[Ying: I don't know about this. Mora is not my responsibility. I'm only responsible for spending. ]

[Nashida: You still have to check the details of the bill, just in case. ]

The situation on the scene strangely turned into gods from various countries discussing their own salary issues.

It can be seen that, strictly speaking, the God of Wind, God of Rock, God of Thunder and God of Grass actually don't have Mora in their pockets, only the God of Water...

[Navia: Strange, is it my illusion? I always feel that Funina is a little bit unique among the gods. ]

[Leosli: After all, our Lord God of Water is also a big star part-time. ]

[Navia: Hmm (thinking), it seems to be okay. ]

Funina, who was just nervous, put her heart at ease again, and the traveler she invited, after thinking for three seconds, decisively felt that his hesitation at this time was a lack of trust in his adoptive father.

[Ying:... You give a lot, but there are also a lot of things to do. ]

[Ying: Not like a adoptive father, who only uses some questions and answers to feel sorry for Yingying. ]

[Paimon: Traveler, be normal... And you all forgot that if you answer the questions wrong, is there a punishment? ]

[Wendy: It feels like punishment hasn't happened for a long time, and I seem to have ignored it. ]

[Hutao: Very good, big brother screen, let's do a difficult one to cheer everyone up! ]

[Arata Ichito: Hahahahahaha, I agree! ]

[System: -- Genshin Impact female characters | Bust ranking --]

[Hutao: I admit that I was too loud just now, big brother, please let me go. ]

[System: Restarting...]

[System: -- [Genshin Impact HoYoFair] Level is not a problem]

[Ying: Huh? Something seemed to have flashed by just now? ]

[Yae Shenzi: Oh, sister, I don't mind at all~. ]

[Lisa: Haha, it's no big deal. ]

[Xianyun: Humph, the disciples raised by this immortal are all raised in the most immortal way! ]

[Ganyu: Um...]

[Funina: No, no, no, that video is too embarrassing, we can't post it! ]

[Navia: Hehe (puffing out her chest), Funina, do you really think it's too embarrassing to post? ]

[Funina: What else could it be (being stubborn)? ! ]

[Hu Tao: Yes, that's right, what else could it be? ! ]

[Kamisato Ayaka: Um, this, this topic is indeed a bit embarrassing, it's better not to post it in public. ]

[Nashida: I'm a little curious, for me, is it my appearance after using the Intensified Transformation Rod, or my original appearance? ]

[Keqing: Ahem, I don't care. ]

[Ningguang: Oh (puffing out her chest), that's great, our Yuhengxing doesn't care about these things. ]

[Keqing: Tsk. ]

[Qiliangliang: I'm only over 200 years old, I can still grow! ]

[Zaoyou: Heightened? ]

[Kamiri Ayaka: Uh, Zaoyou doesn't need to participate in this topic. ]

[Falusan: Tsk, if it weren't for this curse. ]

[Kole: Well, if it weren't for me, I didn't have enough to eat when I was a child...]

It can be seen that this world is unfair. Some people can face it calmly, and even be proud of it, but in the eyes of others, it is an untouchable taboo.

And even if there are people who are proud enough in this aspect, once these topics are discussed and displayed in public, it is unacceptable.

But fortunately, Hu Tao's response in this regard is very quick and timely.

Or the existence behind the screen is just seeing that the tails of the star users are about to rise to the sky, so he specially released the name of this video to knock.

The video played on the screen at the end is not the video that flashed and the title is not good, but another video that at least from the title, there is no problem.

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