The guns were even smaller than the smallest women's pistols in Fontaine's hands, but they were much more powerful and their design speed was eye-opening. Some people opened their eyes wide and couldn't look away. [Xiawolei: Oh, this shooting frequency, oh, this shooting smoothness!] [Xiawolei: Lady Funina, I think our special forces need to change their uniforms (excited).] [Funina: No budget.] [Xiawolei: Okay then (disappointed).] [Ningguang: This kind of weapon... In the outside world, have fire guns evolved to this extent? ]

[Albedo: It's on par with Kanreya's technology. ]

After all, it was a country that created robots that were three or four meters tall, could generate whirlwinds, and could launch missiles hundreds or thousands of years ago. This technological strength is really amazing.

Not to mention that Kanreya also has large mechas that are hundreds of meters tall.

So even though most of the countries in Teyvat still use cold weapons, now they only use pistols, which is just eye-catching. They think that this technical strength is very interesting and can catch up with Kanreya's basic technology.

[Kaeya: Oh, although it can't pose a threat to real masters, but...]

[Xinhai: Masters are always a minority. In a country, the grassroots armed forces are the majority. ]

[Xinhai: Even if the fish in the sea gather together, they can gather a force that even giants are afraid of. ]

[Yae Shenzi: Haha, but it may also be regarded as a more convenient and quick meal by larger predators. 】

Although in Teyvat, the top power is the real weight that determines a country, and even the world.

But life is not always about being unpopular, and most of the time it is still about oil, salt, sauce and vinegar.

We can't let General Raiden patrol the castle town every day to catch lawbreakers, and we can't let Yae Shinko ignore the Mingshen Taisha and turn around to eliminate the sea ghosts every day, right?

It would be strange if this fox could be so diligent. She is now so lazy that she has thrown all the work of the chief priest to the fox palace tied to the sacred cherry tree.

So in the eyes of the top leaders of most countries, this advanced fire gun that can fire continuously and has obviously lower training requirements than bows and arrows, swords and guns is a weapon that is very suitable for the lower-level armed forces.

Of course, countries like Fontaine and Winter, which have long replaced elemental fire guns, have a deeper understanding of this point, and have even started to prepare for imitation research and development.

So don't think that Funina said there was no budget in the discussion area. In fact, while she was talking in the discussion area, she and Villette jointly sent a letter of urging to Momang Palace to pass this additional budget as soon as possible.

The audience in front of the screen watched the different performance of modern weapons that were different from the Teyvat elemental force system, and watched Ying Operator laughing wildly while dodging the rain of bullets.

Most people can only watch the excitement, and only a few viewers can realize the value of this offensive and defensive battle, and their hearts are constantly improving the evaluation of the continuous fire gun in the video.

With a slide, Ying Huohua hid behind the bunker with lightning, then adjusted the sight, bent his waist and leaned out, raised his gun and fired a few quick and accurate bursts.

The bullets filled with water elemental force instantly knocked down several black suits.

However, this is a ranking task, and the black suits are well-trained. Even if Ying's shooting skills are amazing, the opponent is outnumbered and can always find an opportunity to counterattack.

Several bullets were fired at Ying, but they were blocked by the shield that suddenly appeared in front of her, and cracks appeared.

Seeing this, Ying quickly hid while the shield was not overloaded.

[Navia: Uh, is it my illusion? I always feel that the images of the enemies in the ranking missions of Traveler and Little Sister Klee...]

[Charlotte: Oh, they look like the elites of the Thorn Rose Society. ]

[Navia: Not just like us, the elites of many parties in Fontaine are dressed like this, okay? ]

[Charlotte: For example, Miss Navia always follows you two. ]

[Navia: Ahem. ]

[Kaeya: I think that in the future, the knights at the grassroots level of the Knights Templar can actually be equipped with a pistol. ]

[Qin: Indeed, this can improve everyone's combat ability and survivability, and the cost... well, it's not too much. 】

【Keqing: Is this the way of thinking about arming...

·If the Qianyan Army is also equipped with such secondary weapons. 】

【Kujo Sara: If you let——】

【Yae Shenzi: Ahem, wake up, we are not a country like Liyue that produces Mora, or a country like Mondstadt with superior natural conditions, we don’t have that many Mora. 】

【Kujo Sara: Oh, okay. 】

Users in the discussion area expressed their opinions on the screen that was very different from the fighting style of Teyvat.

In the next video, they can fully appreciate how Ying, wearing tactical equipment, uses very standard tactical movements to deal with multiple enemies with guns in a reception hall with a complex environment.

Ying fought back and forth with the enemy, while Klee, who was hiding behind the pillar obediently, was a little bored.

Klee, who had not received any follow-up instructions, could only use her subjective initiative to study the revolver howitzer in her hand, which she had never seen before but inexplicably felt cool and very suitable for her.

But when doing research, there are always accidents. For example, Klee accidentally pulled the trigger and fired a grenade.

Yes, it was definitely an accident.

As for whether it was intentional or not, only Klee herself knows.

Coupled with Klee's high luck value, this grenade was not wasted at all. Even if it was a random shot, it hit the enemy on the opposite side very accurately. And then, by coincidence, among several enemies, it hit the only enemy contaminated with water element.

You say, there are so many enemies, and there is only one person contaminated with water element, and he happened to be standing in the middle of the crowd. This grenade seemed to have eyes and hit the opponent accurately...

[Alice: In terms of luck, no one in Teyvat can match my daughter. ]

[Klee: Wow, it hit! ]

[Amber: Ahaha, Klee's luck is really very good. ]

[Eula: If you draw a lottery, you will definitely win. If you play a game of luck, you will definitely win. ]

[Bennett: You and I are two extremes. ]

[Fischl: The one who is consecrated will definitely open up the fate of the day! ]

[Oz: The lady means that she also envies Miss Klee's luck, and sooner or later she will be able to change her own destiny. ]

[Ying: Speaking of which, although I have only started traveling for more than two months, I have only learned the basics of elemental theory... But shouldn't fire and water evaporate when added together? Why is there an explosion? ]

[Alice: You should ask the magical Dudu. ]

[Klee: Dudu is my best friend! ]

[Ying: I understand. The grenade fired by Klee is powerful... I wonder if Klee has a built-in fire damage increase in the game? ]

[Alice: I think so too. After all, she is my daughter (proud). 】

A burst of grenade seemed to open the door to a new world for Klee, and Klee, who was hiding behind a pillar and seeing this scene, had her eyes shining. There were even little stars twinkling around her, and she looked at the weapon in her hand with surprise.

Ying, who also saw this scene, turned her head in her busy schedule and expressed her affirmation and praise to Klee.

"Well done!"

However, there was no room for slackness on the battlefield. Ying immediately noticed that an enemy was approaching, and before she even finished her words of praise, she lay down and raised her gun, hitting an enemy who was crossing the bar.

But there were too many enemies. After solving this one, another one approached from the side, and even added some strength pressure to Ying's shield at close range.

Seeing that there were a bunch of enemies on the opposite side, even wearing bulletproof vests, holding assault rifles, shotguns and other weapons that were more powerful than pistols, the obviously more elite elite enemies kicked open the door and rushed in.

Ying knew that if they continued to play like this, even if they won, they would win ugly. The time wasted might make Jean realize what was happening here and run over to unplug the wires and network cables.

At that time, it was a small matter for her and Klee to be scolded and put in the confinement room. The big matter was that the ranking points were reset to zero and the original stones were lost!

Thinking of this terrible consequence, Ying immediately gave up the previous steady tactical actions and started running in the field, moving quickly while raising her gun and shooting.

The enemy was not to be outdone and fought back.

Fortunately, at this time, there was a teammate named Klee who had awakened some unimportant interests beside Ying. She was laughing and supporting, and one grenade after another, as if it had eyes, was specifically aimed at the crowd.

Looking at the screen, the loli holding the howitzer, with bright eyes and grinning arrogantly, the audience on the continent of Teyvat fell silent.

[Lisa: Is there something wrong with the education of the Knights? 】

【Eula: On one side

Laughing wildly, while innocently destroying the enemy... She is worthy of being the Spark Knight, and she lives up to her name. 】

[Amber: Ahaha, as for Klee, well, it's not strange. 】

[Alice: Oh, she is worthy of being my baby daughter. 】

[Ying: I feel that since the beginning of this video, Ms. Alice's state is a little bit wrong. 】

[Albedo: Hehe, after all, it's normal for Aunt Alice to be like this when I see Klee is very lively. 】

[Keqing: I think... children should be guided well. 】

[Xiaogong: Wow, what a talented little girl, I really hope to meet her in Inazuma, and we can study fireworks together. 】

[Klee: Okay, Sister Xiaogong is a good person! 】

There is a violent loli hiding in the dark and shooting cold guns with grenades. It is obvious that even if it is just an enemy controlled by AI design, it is unbearable.

"Go around and attack from both sides!"

The learning and tactical abilities of the highly intelligent AI are quite good. The temporary change of tactics really caught Ying off guard, causing Ying to unexpectedly collide head-on with an enemy who was ready to attack at a corner.

In other words, Ying was very skilled and quick-witted, and did not just attack with the weapon in his hand. At such a close distance, a spear might not be as effective as a melee or a pistol.

So Ying decisively knocked down the enemy with a melee technique first, and then took out the melee pistol to harvest.

This set of actions was so smooth that even the young master would applaud.

However, there were too many enemies. After knocking down one, there were still more. Even when Ying was concentrating on dealing with the enemy in front of him, the other enemies were not just watching. The virtual enemies controlled by the highly intelligent AI had learned to shoot from behind.

I don't know who he learned from.

Right, Klee.

Faced with the dilemma of being besieged by the enemy, Ying did not hesitate and directly chose to use support.

"Now it's time to call for support!"

Ying tapped the watch on her left wrist, and a virtual screen popped up, showing the support screens of Keqing, Noelle, Charlotte, and Yaoyao that were previously drawn.

After careful consideration, Ying still chose Keqing's support. After clicking, two domestically made Type 06 submachine guns with lightning appeared in front of Ying.

Ying smiled excitedly, caught the two submachine guns, swiped them, and turned around to get ready to fight.

In the cafeteria, Charlotte, who was swiping her phone, and Keqing, who was happily eating golden shrimp balls, were sitting here.

Someone used their own special weapon support, and it was obvious that Keqing would be prompted.


Keqing paused while putting the golden shrimp balls into her mouth, and leaned forward to look at the phone that popped up the prompt.

Keqing, who believes in efficiency above all else, still does not forget to eat even when checking the messages on her phone.

——Of course, it is also possible that she is eating her favorite golden shrimp balls, and she is afraid that a demon will pop out from nowhere and eat all the golden shrimp balls in an instant.

[Ningguang: Someone's preferences are really easy to understand. ]

[Keqing: Hmm. ]

[Keqing: I just like to eat golden shrimp balls, what's wrong with that? ! ]

[Xiangling: So Yuhengxing likes to eat golden shrimp balls? Hehe, next time you come to our Wanmin Hall, I promise to make you happy once. ]

[Keqing: Call, just call me Keqing, Xiangling. ]

[Ying: Yes, remember, remember, feed it the right way next time. ]

[Keqing: Hey, feeding... cough, only this time, no more. ]

[Gongzi: Hiss, you make my blood boil, Traveler, I can't wait to fight with you. ]

[Ying: Ahem, you have the nerve to bully a poor guy who just woke up from the seal for two months and has recovered his strength for less than a week? ]

[Young Master:... Uh, this, it seems... Well, I'll wait for you to recover. ]

[Sikeke: This honest child...]

[Noelle: So this is how support works. I wonder what kind of help I can provide to the Honor Knight Senior? ]

[Yaoyao: Yaoyao is also curious! ]

[Charlotte: My support won't be a bunch of cameras with flashing lights constantly, right? Well, it's not impossible. At least it can be used as flash bombs. ]

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