The old man was killed, and the old man was killed.

However, if a few Liyue star users think about it, they can also realize how the difference happened.

It's very simple. Liyue was defeated by the Rock King Emperor very early on and unified the country.

The demon gods who showed up died, escaped, and were sealed. The temporarily obedient ones also hid from Morax until they were finally given an ultimatum by the law of heaven and were also smashed to death by the stars.

To this day, even if some customs and habits are stubbornly preserved in some of the territories of other demon gods, they have almost been digested and absorbed by Liyue and incorporated into the culture of Liyue.

So although there are some differences in Liyue cuisine, they can basically be regarded as differences under the same system.

The separation between Fontaine and Xumi was longer and the reasons were more complicated.

For example, Xumi, the desert and the rainforest are two completely extreme environments, and they were essentially developed under the rule of different demon gods. Even if the Flower God and the Red King died, the Grass God did not interfere too much in the desert.

In addition, the previous teachings were not human. They said that they digested and absorbed the desert area, which was considered suppression and contempt. It was already very good that they did not force the heroes in the desert area to go to Luo. It would be strange if they could integrate.

Fontaine was in a bad time, and she had time to digest and absorb the territories and people of other demon gods, but...

The first water god violated the taboo and was ignorant. The second water god had been sharpening his knife for five hundred years, wanting to cut him. Fufu, who was pushed to the front, had to hide her identity and govern the country as a human.

It's good that Fontaine has developed to this point. What else is there to pursue?

When the audience broke out the second big discussion about cuisine because of the cuisine of various countries, the AI ​​enemies on the screen, who were embarrassed by the unreasonable and shameless sneak attack of the despicable traveler, staggered back and tried to regroup.

It must be said that the enemy AI in this ranking task is indeed very smart.

After being hit hard by Ying's offensive and defensive support Noel, they immediately learned this method.

The remaining enemies stood in a row, holding shields in their left hands to form a shield wall, and guns in their right hands to form a hail of bullets. For a while, Ying and Klee were only able to defend themselves.

"Hit their shields, and then run behind the bunker!"

Although Ying's current weapons are not good for such tactics, there is still the initially awakened bomb demon Klee.

After saying that, without waiting for Klee's reply, Ying had already thrown the water element grenade in her hand.

A water element grenade naturally cannot blow up the enemy's rock shield, but Klee seems to be born for the job of blasting. She quickly took advantage of the enemy's attention being attracted by the grenade and leaned out.

"Leave it to me!"

A fire grenade was launched.


The classic evaporation and explosion reaction of water and fire elements.

After the enemy's formation was destroyed, Klee immediately followed Ying's instructions and went to the back of the bunker, while Ying decisively clicked on Charlotte's support on the support interface.

[Charlotte: Oh, is it finally my turn? ! ]

[Charlotte: I'll take a good picture! ]

[Jin: Putting aside the fact that Klee violated the rules to join the battle, I didn't expect that the Honor Knight was so talented in tactical and strategic arrangements. ]

[Ying: After all, you have seen a lot. ]

[Alice: It's just a——]

[Ying: ? ? ? ]

[Alice: Ahem, the Millennium King——]

[Ying: ? ? ? ]

[Alice: ·······Are you old and smart? ]

[Ying: Although it's not a good thing, it's much better than the previous ones. 】

【Zhongli: ······】

【Xianyun: ······】

【Ying: ······】

【Wendy: ······】

Charlotte's support weapon is a sniper rifle with a scope and sideways shooting.

With the reinforcement of the sniper rifle, the enemy, whose rhythm was already disrupted, soon suffered heavy losses.

But Charlotte's support weapon was not very durable. Ying ran out of bullets after just a short while, so she had to decisively switch back to Keqing's lightning submachine gun.

【Charlotte: Ahaha, this, well, the film is limited after all. 】


Ying, holding a submachine gun, once again transformed into an agile warrior, relying on his good body skills, and rushed out directly.

And there is one thing that cannot be ignored.

That is, Charlotte's weapon was ice-based before, and Keqing's weapon was thunder-based.

Although the enemy has a shield, the shield has been contaminated with ice elements. At this time, it is attacked by thunder elements...

[Kaeya: Haha, these people should learn elemental reactions well. ]

[Nashida: Although they are already very smart, they are a little slow in some aspects. ]

[Alice: It should be that they simply haven't encountered such an unethical enemy, so they haven't learned some dirty fighting methods. ]

The last kick kicked the last enemy away and rolled 360 degrees and 7 or 8 meters away, and fell heavily to the ground. There were finally no enemies at the mission site. Ying panted and finally relaxed a little.

Putting away the weapon, Ying turned around and said to Klee who leaned out to check the situation:

"We're going to give the bad guys a big surprise. Let's set this timer for ten minutes and put it there, okay?"

As he said this, Ying took out a bomb marked with the fire element logo and C4 symbol, with digital buttons and display.

[Alice: OK, my little baby must have set the time wrong. ]

[Klee: Huh? Why? ]

[Alice: This video is only eleven minutes in total, and it's already more than halfway through. ]

[Albedo: Analyze it rationally, Klee may have set it to ten seconds. ]

[Ying: ······I should pay more attention when I play with Klee in the future? ]

[Klee: Hehe. ]

[Keqing: No, no, no, wait! Before that, shouldn't the focus be on why a little girl was given an explosive device so naturally? ]

[Qin: ······I'm used to it. 】

Klee nodded cheerfully and cutely, took the timed jump from Ying with both hands, hummed and laughed, and went to install the settings.

——It makes people worry whether this little girl can grow up healthily and normally.

Ying turned to look at the mission target database, inserted the USB drive, and began to import data.

It was the speed of data import that was slightly disproportionate to the speed at which the enemy took the elevator to reinforce, which made Ying grin.

So Ying decisively chose to skip classes, used the grass element pistol, and fired a few shots at the device, successfully completing the data transmission instantly.

[Nashida: Although the void is built based on the Heart of the Grass God, don't rashly try Ying's approach in the video. ]

[Buyer: The grass element can't speed up the operation of the void, it will only make your void explode. 】

Seeing that the task was completed and the enemy had not arrived yet, Klee was still installing the Bouncer. Everything seemed to be going smoothly. At this time, Ying finally laughed from the bottom of her heart and turned to Klee and said easily:

"Okay, I'm done here, we should--"

Ying's excited expression only lasted until she saw Klee on the other side with her head down, her hands behind her back, her cute little feet rubbing on the ground anxiously, and she was very guilty.

"Klee messed up... Can I still shut it down?"

The C4 placed on the equipment next to it, the bright countdown on the timer was so conspicuous.

[Alice: Although... Klee is so cute. ]

[Klee: Um, Klee, did you do something wrong? ]

[Qin: The Klee here is really restored. Every time I caught Klee by the lake, she had this expression. ]

[Amber: Klee still admits her mistakes, that's good. ]

[Ying: Good fellow, are we going to escape from the jaws of death or run for our lives? ]

Frightened by the countdown of only a few seconds left, Ying was only halfway through her action of taking a breath of cold air before she interrupted it by herself. She decisively ran over and grabbed Klee's neck and ran towards the window.

At this time, the enemy also happened to come out of the elevator. Ying didn't care about these unlucky guys. She smashed the heavy French window with her shield and jumped out in the fire and smoke with Klee on her back at the last second of the explosion.

Klee, who was flying in the air, inadvertently saw the explosion scene behind her with flames rising to the sky. The whole person showed an innocent smile like a child, which was the look of discovering the treasure of a lifetime and the real fun.

Well, she is just a child.

Just a very dangerous child who is very keen on bouncing bombs.

[Alice: Yes (putting her hands on her hips and nodding), she is worthy of being my daughter. ]

[Ying: From then on, the legend of a little bomb girl spread in the organization. 】

【Eula: This is no longer a legend in Mondstadt. 】

【Mika: Um, Tokori-senpai

Thanks to Noel, I often have to update the exploration map. 】

【Noel: Last time I went to fish fry with Senior Klee, I thought it was training to become a knight...】

【Lisa: The Knights' educational work for children... Well, it's a cliché. 】

Although the flames of the explosion were very dazzling, the crisis in front of us must be faced squarely.

At this time, Ying finally showed the value of her first place in the ranking task. She used Noel's shield as a skateboard, the outer wall of the building as a ski resort, and even the enemies who were completely unreasonable arranged on the outside as deceleration brakes, and began to perform a parkour drama like a Hollywood action movie.

After a dazzling aerial thrilling battle and parkour, Ying and Klee finally hit the thrown grenade with a pistol, broke through the last enemy, and completed an incredible operation. After that, Ying and Klee fell safely into the soft trash can.

Most people would have been so scared that they couldn't move at this time, and even their pants were wet.

But Keli is not a normal child. Facing such a thrilling scene, she laughed heartily.

"That... of course it is not its original use."

In the cafeteria, the trio who watched the thrilling scene just now, Noel hesitated and made a small defense for her exclusive equipment.

For Noel, who has a dedicated personality, this is the ultimate she can do for her old brother.

[Alice: I have seen this part. When I was picking up garbage at the border, there were some devices that could watch videos. There was this part in the movie. ]

[Ying: I seem to have seen it too. It seems to be a classic scene performed by an actor with a big nose. I remember that he revealed in an interview later that he did not use a safety rope here. ]

[Alice: Hmm? Is it this part? Why do I remember it was another movie about going downstairs? ]

[Ying: He was very bold when he was young, and many of his stunts did not use a double. ]

[Seno: It's okay. ]

[Xingqiu: It's a little difficult, but it's not impossible. ]

[Claulinde: Well, if you change to a pair of more convenient shoes, it can be done. ]

[Gongzi: Ha, a piece of cake. ]

[Ying:... That actor is different from you Teyvat supermen. Not only does he not have the Eye of God, but he also did it in a world where everyone is mortal and has no supernatural powers. He did it entirely by relying on physical instincts and skills. ]

[Xingqiu: Ahem, if you say that, it's really admirable. ]

Ying and Klee climbed out of the garbage dump and got into a defense-specialized modified Hummer H1 that had been parked next to the building at some point.

Klee, sitting in the passenger seat, looked left and right, and was very curious about this majestic and domineering car that she had never sat in before.

"Oh! I've never done this kind of thing before. Can you drive it?"

Isn't this question embarrassing?

Facing Klee's expectant eyes, Ying hesitated and showed an awkward expression of an unlearned Berserker.

"Uh... maybe, I've only read the manual..."

Putting both hands on the steering wheel, Ying, who was also scared of driving such a big thing for the first time, didn't know what to do.

At this time, the enemy who jumped out helped her make up her mind.

A man in a black suit shot at the driver's seat, which made Ying shrink her neck and made her realize that this ranking task has not been completed so far. Only by escaping from the port can the whole task be considered settled, and her points and rough stones can be truly saved.

Thinking of the rough stones, Ying was inspired. She immediately threw away her hesitation, squeezed her potential, and started the car according to the steps in the manual.

"Yes! Of course I can drive!"

Stepping on the accelerator to the bottom, the huge Hummer H1 broke through the heavy door and drove away, followed by three motorcycles chasing after it.

[Ying: Wow, this car is awesome. It would be nice to have one on my trip. ]

[Nashida: Well, it's a bit troublesome. At least in Xumi, this car may not be very convenient to drive. ]

[Keqing: It's a bit troublesome here in Liyue. Some bridges may not be able to pass this car. ]

[Alice: Even if it can be passed, can you drive? ]

[Ying: Didn't I drive it? ! ]

[Beidou: Hahaha, this car is awesome. I want to get one someday! ]

[Navia: I agree. Me too. ]

[Yelan: Good idea. ]

[Dixia: I like it. ]

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