The proposal was made, but the truth was revealed.

Of course, the matter was not over yet. For a proposal, it was not enough for Nan Fang to put a ring on the woman's finger. The woman had to give the man the same gift in return. .

After being put on the diamond ring symbolizing the proposal by her lover, Funina shyly made a "hush" gesture to Kong, and then dragged the green mousse cake plate in front of him over to Kong in his puzzled eyes.

[Ying: Good man, I thought that was the extreme just now, but I didn't expect there would be a more courageous plot than this! Whose general is this? ! ]

[Funina: Hiss, hiss, hiss, I, I won't take out a diamond ring from the cake... Damn, it really is! ]

[Navia: Does this count as a two-way trip? ]

[Funina: What the hell is a two-way trip? This video is just a random matchmaking. ]

[Ying: Brother has been silent since just now, what's wrong? Is the shock too great and he can't speak anymore? ]

[Kong: Stop it, I'm thinking about the meaning of life. ]

[Alice: This bitter melon is so sweet. ]

[Xiawolei: This coffee is so sweet. ]

[Hutao: Why does this tea taste like honey? Keqing, did you use this year's new tea? ]

[Zhongli: That's right, I used last year's old tea, bitter and fragrant... But, Hall Master, you have to know that if your heart is sweet, you will be sweet. ]

[Ganyu: The Emperor is right. ]

[Xiao: What the Emperor said makes sense. ]

[Xianyun: Well, that's just right. I'm planning to visit an old friend in Chenyu Valley recently. I'll buy some tea on the way. ]

A certain little carp was horrified.

Could it be that my old friend really wants to tie her to that damn merit-free machine?

It's been so many days, and he hasn't given up on this idea?

[Ying: It's okay. It can be used as a side dish when eating dessert. ]

[Yae Shenzi: This girl is hopeless. ]

[Laila: Um, why is my coffee still bitter? ]

[Falushan: This silly kid didn't really believe that she should drink unsweetened coffee after watching this video? 】

"I love you, it's like a conflict of going the other way

Crazy but afraid of having no way out

Can you let me stop this pursuit~"

Under Sora's surprised eyes, Finina used both hands very seriously, slowly lifted his left hand, and silently put the ring she had also prepared in advance on Sora's left ring finger slowly and firmly.

After doing all this, Finina seemed to have accomplished something great, and showed Sora a smile from the heart, extremely pure, and extremely moving.

At this time, Sora also came out of his shock, looked at the ring on his left hand, smiled, and doted on Finina's nose.

[Finina: Hahahahahaha, finally, it's finally over. ]

[Claurinde: This, calm down, Lady Finina, you forgot, the screen's punishment for you this time is...]

[Xiawolei: The entire Teyvat continent played this video ten times in public. ]

[Funina:...Ahhh, kill me!!!]

[Charlotte: Eh? This song seems to be different from the last magic video. Is it a continuation of the last video?]

[Ying: The songs are all continuous. The producer is really meticulous.]

[Ying: To be honest, the smile that Funina showed at the end...Let go of Funina, let me do it!]

[Kong: Yes, yes, yes, you go ahead, I wish you could go ahead...No, sister, you are a woman, and this Funina is also a woman——]

[Ying: What do you think?]

[Kong:...No, as long as you are happy.]

[Funina: You two brothers and sisters don't consider my opinion at all, right?! Be careful or I will catch you all and screw you in Melopenerburg! ]

[Nashida: This, this is not bad (persuasion), Senior Furninna, this video is actually the creator's wish for you to be able to live for yourself after unloading all the burdens (crazy gestures and hints). ]

[Zhongli: Yes, that makes sense. ]

[Wendy: Hey, I want to sing this poem throughout Teyvat until the end of the world. ]

[Shadow: Umm, not bad, there are lovers in the end... Wait, the guy I'm going to chop now is the subordinate of the man in the video? ]

[Yae Shenzi: No, what were you watching before? ? ? ]

[Shadow: I was watching it as a love movie. ]


Fernina: I'd rather show my execution video. ]

[Navia: That way it won't just be you who will be punished, it will be all the people of Fontaine, okay? ]

[Servant: Yes... Indeed. ]

[Fernina: No, I'll do whatever you say today -]

[Naviette: Ahem. ]

[Fernina: Hmm. ]

[Navia: Too bad, I almost let it slip. ]

"Just this pair~ the last and only~

red high heels~"

Faced with Sora's doting gesture, Fernina stuck out her tongue and playfully closed one eye.

After completing the beautiful operation of proposing to each other, the two of them, as if no one else was around, fed each other cake at the Angel's Gift Bar with the energy that would make all single dogs full, until the end of the video.

Oh, it wasn't the end.

After all, the screen only went black for a moment, and then lit up again immediately.

The only thing you need to do when you are in the business is to have a good reputation. If you say you will show it ten times, you will show it ten times. You will never miss a single time. The screen master really made all the viewers in Teyvat watch this sweet and greasy video ten times with relish, without worrying about whether everyone will have too much sugar.

However, no one thinks that it is meaningless to show the same video too many times. After all, this is the scandal video of the queen of waters, directions, people and laws in Fontaine. In the past, everyone had to spend a lot of money to buy tickets to see her performance. Fans outside Fontaine had to travel through mountains and rivers to Fontaine.

Now you can watch the performance for free without leaving your home. Everyone feels that watching it ten times is not enough.

You must watch it carefully, watch it seriously, record it with a video recorder and watch it repeatedly, and watch it critically with a mysterious smile on your face!

As for Funina, when she played the video for the third time, she had already transformed herself into the future in the game, lying on the water god's throne and crying silently after being judged.

Good guy, the screen still gave a perfect reproduction.

[System: Punishment is over. ]

[Funina: I choose D, Xumi chapter-Lambad Tavern. ]

[Ying: Wait? It's still possible? The person who was just punished can continue to answer seamlessly? ]

[Funina: I have made such a great sacrifice! ]

[Funina: Of course, the quick hand will win, the slow hand will lose! ]

[Arakaki Ito: Despicable. ]

[Navilette: Those who insult, despise, and discriminate against the water god in various ways will be punished with a minimum of 15 days in prison and a maximum of seven years in Fontaine. ]

[Jiuki Shinobu: Ahem, the boss is actually talking about himself. He just had a dance battle with a hillbill, but the other party didn't win, so he called all the hillbill people in the tribe to chase the boss. ]

[Alice: But the answerer who was just punished can still seamlessly continue to answer questions. This operation, even I didn't expect it. ]

[Nashida: After all, Seno could answer questions about his job title before. ]

[Ying: This loophole... Good guy, a system was built on a bug, right? ]

[System: The answer is correct. ]

[Ying: Did you see that? The screen was shocked by this operation before it reacted. ]

The screen didn't react at all, as if it was an emotionless answering machine.

[System: Reward the distinguished five-star user ███-Funina, the God of Justice, with a random door. ]

[System: The random door, also known as the random door and the time door, is one of Doraemon's magical props. ]

[System: The appearance is the same as that of an ordinary single-sided sliding door, with a pink door frame and a handle. ]

[System: The method of use is "When opening the door, think about the destination, otherwise it will lead to an unpredictable area", and the principle of use is to use hyperspace to connect two places together. ]

[System: Friendly reminder, this reward is a random door, and the longest span is 10 light years. ]

[Navia: I don't quite understand this reward... But I'm curious about what the black part of the title of Funina in the system prompt at the beginning is. ]

[Charlotte: The ruler of the God of Justice? No, it doesn't make sense. That's the current God of Justice? There's still one word missing, um...]

[Xiawolei: No matter what it is, Lady Funina is Lady Funina. She has done so much for Fontaine. We can't be suspicious of Lady Funina just because of some black words. ]

[Claulinde: You're right. 】

Looking at the discussion area where everyone was guessing what the blacked-out part of her title was, Fu Nina sneered. Not only was she not nervous at all, she didn't even care at this moment.

Even though the screen was very friendly and blacked out the part that exposed her biggest secret

, she won't appreciate it.

She won't forget that the screen just played the outrageous video ten times, which she didn't want to recall after watching it, and completely sealed it up.

Damn, ten times!

After this wave of shameful play, Funina is now invincible. Even if she is exposed on the spot as the God of Water, she doesn't care.

Tired, destroy it, nothing matters, even if the blackened area is "impostor" is not a big deal.

With this reward, where can't she go in the world?

She can even hide outside Teyvat, find a place to stay for decades, and quietly wait for the people who know her black history to leave before coming back.

For the first time, Funina felt how wonderful it was to have a lifespan that exceeded that of humans. At least she could outlive most of the people who knew her black history.

As for the remaining guys who are also immortals, there is really nothing she can do.

The more she thought about it, the more she felt that she was right. Her dead eyes gradually became more lively and began to turn around.

Even during the live broadcast of the reward, she directly swung the pink arbitrary door in front of the Cardinal of Oracle and held the door handle.

[Funina: Traveler, you are now on the ship of the Dragon King Beidou, right? ]

[Ying: Hmm? Yes, yes, what do you want to do? ]

[Funina: Haha, I understand. ]

Seeing that Funina was about to open the door, the live broadcast of the system's reward awarding also ended in a hurry. A slender figure anxiously jumped out of the Cardinal of Oracle and grabbed Funina who wanted to open the door and leave.

"Wait, Funina!"

Navilette on the side instantly widened his eyes.

The figure that jumped out of the Cardinal of Oracle was exactly the same as Funina, but with a completely different temperament and clothes, another "Funina".

In other words, the person who jumped out when he saw that Funina was about to leave was the real demon Fukaros.

He is also the real water god of Fontaine.

[System: Now playing the third video of today——]

[Ying: Strange, Funina just asked me where I was and what I was doing. Could it be that she wanted to use the reward just now to come to me? ]

[Ying: Haha, I know I am very charming, um... But why hasn't she come yet? The flowers I waited for are all withered. ]

[Beidou: Yes, yes, I have prepared the wine. ]

Funina, who was held by herself in the mirror, raised her eyebrows and suddenly felt fortunate that she did not rush over rashly, otherwise she would definitely be forced to drink by this woman who was not sure whether she was more of a pirate or a merchant.

[Alice: Today's third video was also played in a hurry, and the reward awarding live broadcast just now was also the shortest one in history. Strange... Something must have happened to make the screen uncle cover it up like this. ]

[Naviette: Well, something happened a little bit, I'm sure you will know about it later. ]

[Funina: Hahahahahahahahahahaha, I knew it! ]

[Navia: Fu, Funina, are you okay? ]

[Funina: Hmm? It's okay, I'm fine, I've never been so fine, hahahaha. ]

[Funina: I finally got the chance. ]

What opportunity did Funina get? Before everyone had time to ask, the screen had already listed the name of the third video of the day.

[System: ——[Genshin Impact Animation] You're the only one who stole my job? ! ]

Seeing the title of the third video, everyone immediately put down the hot topic just now.

What Funina encountered, you can ask later after all the videos today are played. Now, it's better to focus on the new video.

After all, things have priorities.

[Kaeya: Genshin Impact Animation... Is this title format a second creation or an official one? ]

[Ying: It should be a second creation. ]

[Alice: And this title... You are the one who stole my job? ! No matter how I look at it, it seems like a funny second creation. ]

[Lisa: Speaking of work, the first thing I can think of is the cute Jean and Noelle. ]

[Amber: That's right, sometimes I really hope that Jean and Noelle can have a good rest. ]

[Ningguang: When it comes to Liyue, the first thing I can think of is our Yuheng Star and Miss Ganyu, who is the secretary of the Seven Stars. ]

[Yae Shenzi: Oh no, Inazuma can't think of anyone who has anything to do with work. Could it be that little guy Ayato? ]

[Kamisato Ayato: Haha, I'm idle all day long, and I can't say I love work. It's still Master Yae who has worked hard. ]

[Yae Shenzi: This little guy is getting more and more difficult now. ]

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