The old man was very proud of his work as a maid, but he was also very proud of it.

Noelle felt guilty for some reason, and her tone immediately weakened. She even subconsciously agreed with the servant's words.

"You are right. With intelligence, we can choose the most appropriate time, the most appropriate place, and the most appropriate tools to deal with the people who need to be dealt with."

As Noelle spoke, the camera rotated 360 degrees around the two people without dead angles. At the same time, around the two people, there were pictures of Noelle's past floating in the air.

Those were precious memories of Noelle and Ying.

It was a wonderful CG of the two people's invitation task.

Looking at the last scene, there are scenes of Ying and Noel sleeping opposite each other on the lawn, and there are also scenes of the two working together to defeat the powerful enemy Rock Helm Hill King, and there are memories of the two reading by candlelight in the Knights' Library at night. Many people who are familiar with Noel are silent.

Good guy, the unopened flower of the Knights' Order, it seems that it will be stolen by a guy who travels around?

[Ying: Hiss, I, will I have so many precious memories with Noel in the future? ]

[Noel: I am looking forward to learning the essence of being a knight from the Honorary Knight Senior. ]

[Ying: I don't know if the house price in Mond is expensive, so I should buy a house in Mond. ]

[Keqing: Ahem, you, you think too far, right? ]

[Jin: Noel has added too much work to herself. ]

[Lisa: Jean, anyone in the Knights can say this about little Noel, but you are the only one who is not qualified to say it (helpless). ]

[Alice: I agree with Jean's workload. Jean herself is very strong for not dying suddenly. ]

[Linnie: But Miss Noel's words may be interpreted differently in the ears of father. ]

[Linette: Originally, it was said that we would grow up and accompany the travelers, but now it's like this...]

[Femini: Well, it would be misunderstood as an investigation of the assassination target, right? ]

[Servant: But Miss Noel's words are really professional. Well, they can be included in the training materials of Hearth House in the future. ]

[Alice: What's this? Love and assassination are essentially the same? ]

Obviously, the servant in the video also misunderstood Noel's words.

Unexpectedly, this killer disguised as a maid was not only not angered by her words, but was so humble and polite. The servant admired Noel even more.

"Very modest."

'This little girl needs more attention in the future. '

Not realizing that in the servant's mind, her status was getting higher and higher, her image was getting more and more strange, and she even became the focus of the other party's attention, Noel was still respectfully speaking about her experience.

"Finally, I think time management is also very important, so that the task can be completed on time."

The servant nodded and praised: "Indeed, in complicated situations--"

As the servant said this, he was thinking about his past experience and lessons from such infiltration missions.

"The opportunity is fleeting, time waits for no one, why don't we go in together."

[Kaiya: Good guy, this is going to be a collision between Mars and the Earth, the one who applied for the maid and the one who infiltrated the assassination, two people went in together...]

[Ye Lan: Although it is absurd, it is not impossible for such misunderstandings to occur in reality. After all, even I have encountered some ridiculous coincidences in missions before. ]

[Young Master: Wait, did someone just use my habit of speaking? ]

[Servant: I don't understand, I'm not interested, I don't know. ]

[Noelle: Well, let's not talk about becoming a knight. As a maid, I have so many shortcomings that I can have such a bizarre misunderstanding. ]

[Amber: Ahem, Noelle, don't be so self-deprecating all of a sudden. This is you in the video, not you in real life. ]

[Noelle: But I just put myself in the situation. I feel that even if it's the real me, I might have some misunderstandings in this situation. ]

[Ying: Oh, Noelle is so cute. What should I do? I want Noelle to be my maid even more. ]

[Paimon: Humph, you just want to be lazy! ]

[Ying: Paimon, you have to know that she is a dedicated maid. In the future, someone will prepare and serve whatever you want to eat. If you are tired from traveling, someone can give you a massage or even carry you on your back. Just think about it. ]

Seeing what the traveler said, Paimon thought about it carefully.

Well, in that case, it seems really wonderful to have a maid.

Although she now has a treasure like the gourmet tablecloth, she can eat whatever she wants in the future.

But after all, this thing has some restrictions. It can only be used three times a day, not anytime and anywhere. And she is hungry anytime and anywhere 24 hours a day. What if the opportunity to use it every day is used up and she is hungry again, wouldn’t it be perfect to have a maid cook for her at this time?

Moreover, if her phantom limbs are tired of flying, someone will carry her on their backs and even give her a gentle massage, which is also a huge temptation.

Open your mouth when food comes, stretch out your hands when clothes come...

For a while, Paimon's saliva was almost flowing down.

Paimon was fantasizing there, and the video on the screen was finally about to end.

Facing the servant's invitation, Noelle seemed to have been recognized by some senior in the maid world. She excitedly clenched her fists, expressing her joy, and quickly agreed.


After resolving the disagreement - in their opinion - they both pushed open the door together. In the luxuriously decorated reception room, a fat Liyue man wearing traditional Fontaine aristocratic clothing turned back in surprise.

- By the way, this guy is a real person, not a 3D model.

He looked at the two people with different styles at the door with some fear and hesitation.

The shadows of Noel and the servant were reflected on the wall behind him, so tall and gloomy that it seemed like they were in a horror movie.

"We are here to interview the maid!"

"We are here to take your dog's life!"

At the door, Noel and the servant said in unison.

'I am here to interview the maid...'

'I am here to take your dog's life...'

The two finally realized that something was wrong.

After being stunned for three seconds, the two looked at each other in amazement.

The most fearful thing is that the air suddenly becomes quiet.

Even the narrator felt that this look was very embarrassing.

[Linnie: Ahem, puff, ahem, although, although I know it's not right, but, but I really, have never seen my father show that kind of expression. ]

[Linnet: Ding Ding, my father's surprised photo, get it. ]

[Servant:... Linnie, Linnet, it seems that I have to give you two some special training. ]

[Femini: I, I pulled you, but I didn't stop you...]

[Ying: Although I know it's not right, but the expressions of Noelle here and the servant sister are very funny. ]

[Noelle: Wow, let, let you see the loss of composure. ]

[Servant: Forget it, just treat it as daily entertainment, it's still acceptable. ]

[Master: Hahahahaha, you, you have this day! ]

[Keqing: The person who appeared at the end, is not a model... In other words, it's a real person? ]

[Ganyu: Judging from his appearance, he looks like a Liyue or Inazuma person. ]

[Xianyun: Is he an actor invited by the video producer, or is he the real person himself? ]

[Alice: Both are possible. A real person is more likely to appear on screen. After all, for this type of video creator, it is a bit too extravagant to hire an actor. ]

[Ying: It’s not that there are no big hands who will invite actors to make a sophisticated video, but for such a video that is obviously produced at a low cost, it is more appropriate for the up-loader himself to upload it. ]

[Yanfei: But at least we can see the real people from the outside world. They look no different from the people on the Teyvat continent. ]

This "Liyue" guy who flashed in the clothes of the Fontaine nobles can be said to be the first real person from the outside world that they have seen since the screen came into being. After seeing that the humans from the outside world are no different from them, the audience in Teyvat didn’t know whether to be happy or regretful for a while.

At this time, the screen brought up its own problems in a timely manner.

[Question: The perfect maid Noelle is a legend in Mondstadt. Legend has it that if you encounter any trouble in Mondstadt, just shout "Noelle, help me" and a wild Noelle will jump out from the corner to help you solve the problem in a friendly way.

So, such a perfect maid, in the 1.4 Wind Flower Festival version of "Genshin Impact", a permanent invitation task was grandly launched. So, how many endings can the traveler get after completing the invitation task? ]

[A. 1]

[B. 2]

[C. 3]

[D. 4]

[E. 5]

[F. 6]

[G. 7]

[H. 8]

[System: The difficulty of this question is medium, and the answer method is quick answer. Users with three stars or above can

To answer the question, the countdown starts now, 5, 4...]

[Kaeya: Good boy, now the idea of ​​"When in trouble, call Noel" will spread throughout Teyvat. ]

[Jin: It seems that it is not enough to just prohibit calling Noel casually in the Knights' Manual. ]

[Lisa: We need to take further measures. ]

[Noel: Invitation... mission? ]

[Ying: Uh, invitation, is it the invitation I was thinking of? ]

[Alice: That should be right, it's called an invitation, but it's actually a date. ]

[Noel: Date, date, date... date? ? ! ! ! ]

[Noel: This, that, I... uh. ]

[Jin: Ahem, Honor Knight, Noel is still young——]

[Alice: Come on, Jean, guess who will be the invitation quest in the 1.4 Wind Flower Festival version, um, our Mondstadt exclusive version? ]

[Jin: ······]

[Jin: Traveler, I think it is necessary to discuss with you the emotional communication issues of minors. ]

[Ying: Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, Captain Jean, my little Ying is loyal and sincere! ]

[Alice: Will you do the invitation quest? ]

[Ying: Of course, I would be a fool if I didn’t do it? ]

[Jin: ······]

[Kaeya: Ahem, I understand it a little bit. So, in the game, as long as we are four-star or five-star users, we can’t escape the clutches of the Traveler? ]

[Ying: emmmmm, it shouldn't be that bad. At least if you have an invitation task, I may not want to do it. ]

[Kaeya: Hey, don't be like that. Maybe there are female players who like me? ]

[Ying: That is definitely a niche among the niches. Your invitation task will definitely be postponed. It is not certain when it can be done. ]

[Ningguang: Haha, although I also want to know how the traveler invites me in the game, how about we focus on this question first? ]

[Paimon: Okay, boss! ]

[Ying: ? ? ? When did Ningguang become your boss? ]

[Paimon: Just last night! ]

Ying gritted his teeth, grabbed little Paimon, and pulled her face.

This little money-grubber is too easy to be bought, especially for a super rich woman like Ningguang who is rare among the few in Teyvat.

[Ying: Tsk, I will rule out A and B first. C is also likely to be ruled out. The reason is very simple. I have never seen a galgame with a single ending or two endings. There are also very few cases with three endings. ]

[Alice: I agree with this. ]

[Yae Shenzi: Oh~, is that the idea... Then I will rule out H. There are many light novels about love and stock speculation in our Yaedo. Although there are also some that use if lines to write different endings, there are generally only four or five, at most five or six. No matter how you think about it, I don’t think there will be a love novel with eight endings. ]

[Ying: Tsk, tsk, tsk, you are wrong. I have played a love game with multiple main endings. There are as many as 27 endings with the male protagonist’s death as the bad end. ]

[Yae Shenzi:... It seems that if I want to develop Yaedo to a higher level, I still have a long way to go. ]

[Nashida: Let me, the god of wisdom, think about it here. ]

[Nashida: I think that to estimate the number of endings for this invitation task, we should put ourselves in the player's perspective. ]

[Buyer: As a player, when encountering a date task with a favorite character, you naturally don't want too little content, but as a player, you don't want the plot to be too long. ]

[Nashida: That's right, so I think the maximum number of endings should be 4 to 6 as the best value. ]

[Ying: Although I think we should put the planner's perspective in... But since Nashida said so, um. ]

[Nashida: The more important reason is that in the video just now, when Miss Noel was thinking about the servant's words, there was a scene where multiple photos of her and the traveler flashed by. ]

[Nashida: I took a look and there were a total of six photos. I'm not sure if these six photos are each an ending. After all, some of the photos seem to be linked together into a cause-and-effect relationship. 】

【Buyer: Even so, the number of endings will not be less than three. Using the void to deduce and calculate these six photos, we believe that the number of endings should be between 4 and 6. 】

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