The answer given by the Rock King, who rarely answered questions, was soon guessed by someone, or a god, or a tree branch, as to why Zhongli chose this Daweiqiu.

[Nashida: Is it because of the strange Qiuqiu man with the word "Wei" on his mask in the last conversation? ]

[Buyer: The mask with the word "Da" is called Daqiu, and the mask with the word "Wei" is called Daweiqiu. Well, this makes sense. ]

[Zhongli: Well, you are worthy of being the God of Wisdom. My idea is also very simple. ]

[Zhongli: I think that even for difficult questions, the video and the questions should not give us no ideas at all. At least there should be some clues that we can't see normally. ]

[Zhongli: And this strange Qiuqiu man with the word "Wei" engraved on his mask, who is similar to the members of Qiuhayou Knights in the video, I think his appearance should not be a complete coincidence. ]

[Ying: I see, a guy with the same style, but he did not appear at the place where Qiuhayou had a dinner, but appeared in the emoticon package, which means that this guy is either an enemy or an old friend. Yes, this answer is indeed very likely. ]

[Alice: My reason tells me that this is far-fetched, but my emotion tells me that I should not look for rationality in outrageous second creations. Compared with other answers, it seems that the possibility of this answer is indeed higher. ]

Although some comments from others seem to enhance the accuracy of this answer, even Zhongli, who said this answer, only thinks that this answer has only a 40% chance of being correct.

There is no more, after all, this is a difficult question, and everyone really has no idea, so they can only force an interpretation.

However, for his wish to be fulfilled, the probability of 40% is already very high, and it is worth Zhongli to take a gamble.

After all, if there is no question and answer, and no screen that falls from the sky, it is conceivable that Zhongli's wish may not be fulfilled until Teyvat is finally destroyed.

As for what to do if he loses the bet?

As the God of Contract, Zhongli will naturally face the punishment directly-after all, his three exemptions are useless, and this question is worth using this authority once.

Zhongli abides by the contract, and it is not that he does not know how to adapt. The screen says that five-star users have three exemptions every month, so it is a waste not to use it.

Moreover, the problem with this question is not the punishment that can be exempted, but other aspects.

Compared with the unknown terrible punishment, it is a pity to miss the high-difficulty question and answer reward after answering it wrongly.

If you answer it wrong once, the level of the reward will also be reduced, and it is possible that Zhongli's wish cannot be fulfilled.

Fortunately, as the god of precious gold, Zhongli obviously had good luck, and his knowledge and experience were also powerful enough this time. With eight points of luck and two points of thinking, Zhongli finally answered the question correctly.

[System: The answer is correct. ]


Even the comrade who has been around for more than 6,000 years, after seeing the four words that were obviously ordinary but extremely dazzling and flashing in the eyes of everyone pop up on the screen, at this moment, he subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

Damn, although he seemed very calm before, in fact, even Zhongli was very nervous, afraid of missing this opportunity.

[Ying: Congratulations. ]

[Alice: Huh? Is it true? ]

[Wendy: Oh, I still want to see how the old man performs in the punishment. ]

[Ying: I remember that Morax's immunity authority has not been used yet. What are you thinking of, Barbatos? ]

[Yajye Godson: Oh, there is an honest child here, we won't tell her. ]

[Zhongli: Haha, sorry for making fun of me. ]

[Xianyun: Emperor, I will cook for you today, how about celebrating? ]

[Zhongli: That's great. ]

[Lishui Dieshan Zhenjun: Liuyun's cooking skills, well, it's worth looking forward to tonight. ]

[Xiaoyue Zhuyang Zhenjun: Hahaha, I just picked some fairy dew here, I'll take it over tonight. ]

[Ganyu: Then I'll take some wine back from Liyue Harbor. ]

[Xiao: I'm here, um...]

[Xianyun: The Great Sage who conquers demons can just come directly, don't worry about those two old guys, they usually eat and drink for free, it's really not right for me not to help them this time. ]

[Ruotu: Haha, it's really worth looking forward to. ]

[A Ping: Hehe, it seems that I

I will play the piano tonight. 】

Several immortals or semi-immortals have agreed to have a gathering tonight, but it is not entirely to take advantage of Zhongli's award to have a dinner.

There are too many good things recently, so they, a group of idle clouds and wild cranes, can't help but want to get together frequently.

One is that Ruo Tuo Dragon King has finally recovered from endless wear and tear and is no longer crazy. How can one night be enough for this gathering of old friends? At least we have to raise a glass to invite the bright moon for ten days and ten nights.

There is another one.

Well, if nothing unexpected happens, there may be more than one old friend who will come to this party tonight.

What is the emperor's wish, everyone can more or less guess.

And the rewards on the screen have always been set up according to the needs of the winners.

If everything goes well, it is possible that Xianyun and Aping's best friend, the Dust Demon God, will return tonight.

As long as she thinks of this possibility, even if her heart is dead and Grandma Ping has sealed her piano for a long time, she will transform into Ah Ping tonight and play the heavenly music again.

[System: Reward the distinguished five-star user with a set of useless person training device-Zhongli, and the Seat of Heroes (Liyue Special Edition). ]

[System: The Seat of Heroes, the prototype is the hall where the great god Odin meets the dead in the Norse mythology of the earth. In the past twenty years, it has been famous as the place where people who signed a contract with Alaya or the legendary fallen heroes in the Type-Moon world are located. ]

[System: This Seat of Heroes has been modified by the system to adapt to the ground vein environment of the Liyue area of ​​the Teyvat continent. It can perfectly match the transformation of the Liyue ground vein, without any toxic side effects, and will not affect the growth and survival of races such as the Rock Dragon Lizard, and will not make a fat dragon crazy. Please feel free to use it. ]

[System: Once this Seat of Heroes is used, all the existences that can be called "Heroes" in the past, present, and future corresponding to the concept of Liyue can be included in it, and can be summoned using the corresponding summoning rituals and holy relics. ]

[System: Friendly reminder, different levels of Heroic Spirits consume different elemental forces per day. It is not recommended for ordinary users of the Eye of God to perform long-term summoning. It is not recommended for ordinary immortals to summon more than two Heroic Spirits, and it is not recommended for demons to summon more than five Heroic Spirits. Morax... well, you can do whatever you want. ]


Seeing the rewards given by the system in the end, almost the entire Teyvat continent was boiling.

Those who have a little reading comprehension ability all realize that this reward is amazing.

Think about it, before, the chief priest of Narukami Taisha, Yae Kamiko, only received a reward for summoning a Heroic Spirit once, and he could revive a family member of the Thunder General in history, the famous White Star bloodline descendant, Master Kitsusai.

Now, this high-difficulty question and answer reward directly gave a whole Heroic Seat.

Although it only corresponds to the Heroic Seat of Liyue, it is Liyue.

It can be said that it was the most brutal region in the entire Teyvat continent during the Demon God War. It had the largest number of demons, countless immortals and beasts participated in the war, and the number of heroes in the entire Liyue region was not a small number.

Apart from other things, since the screen came down in the past few days, we have learned from the chats in the discussion area and the videos played that the allies and immortals who died in the battle under the command of the Rock King Emperor in Liyue can be counted on one's fingers.

The Dust Demon God died, the four of the five Yakshas except the Great Sage of Demon Subjugation, the True Lord of Yixiao Daotian...

Just these few people were summoned, and in theory, Liyue's current top combat power can be directly regarded as doubled.

Moreover, there is one thing that cannot be ignored.

After Liyue has the Heroic Seat, the combat power evaluation of the owners of the Eye of God in the Liyue region will also float up.

Although the screen suggests that ordinary God's Eye owners should be cautious in summoning Heroic Spirits, it seems that even if they cannot summon Demon God-level Heroic Spirits, summoning Immortal-level Heroic Spirits is still possible for ordinary God's Eye owners in a short period of time.

Does that mean that in the future, when facing God's Eye owners in the Liyue region, they must be regarded as strong people who may have Immortal-level trump cards?

[Young Master: Hahahahahaha, I've decided. Liyue will be my second home in the future. Everyone here is talented and speaks well. I like it here very much! ]

[Rooster: Didn't you say you were going to Nata? ]

[Young Master: What the hell is Nata? I'm not familiar with it! ]

[Fire Dragon King: ·······]

[Young Master: I will stay in Liyue in the future. Hahahahahaha. In the future, any owner of the God's Eye will be a strong enemy worth fighting. Isn't this too dreamy? ! ]

[Ye Lan: This guy really has this idea. 】

【Ningguang: Haha, as long as in the future

Continue to be the emperor's wallet, then let him be. 】

Several immortals saw Tartaglia's crazy words, and they were already unhappy with this guy who would release the demon god Osel in the future, and they wanted to teach him a lesson.

But after seeing what Ningguang said in the discussion area, they were stunned, and then pretended to be fine.

Well, that's right, since this sucker is willing to be the emperor's wallet to atone for his sins, it's not impossible for everyone to turn a blind eye.

Gods from other regions, and even dragon kings, congratulated the rock king Morax. Although they didn't answer the question correctly, they also saw hope from the reward Zhongli received.

A difficult question, perhaps a difficult entry-level question, allowed Liyue and Morax to get such a big benefit, make up for so many regrets, and complete such a great feat. This undoubtedly gave other gods and dragon kings, and even the deeper hidden beings, more hope.

With hope, the guys who had previously disdained to participate in the screen-watching Q&A here are all preparing to participate appropriately at the right time.

Answer a little bit, it's free anyway.

However, some people's attention is focused on other places.

[Hu Tao: Waste maker? Why is Ke Qing nicknamed this? ]

[Hu Tao: Sometimes I feel like I'm raising a waste. ]

[Zhongli: Ahem, sorry for the joke. ]

Many people and immortals in Liyue were furious when they saw that their respected Rock King Emperor was called a waste.

But after seeing who was speaking clearly...

Oh, the weather is so good today, Hu Tao is going crazy again~.

Everyone has gotten used to it. After all, this is a lively girl that the Emperor himself has clearly stated that he can't handle, and she is also the breadwinner of the Emperor's current retirement life in theory. If possible, everyone still doesn't want to provoke this person.

[Ying: It should be the performance in the game... I remember that the rock shield was mentioned in the previous post. Let me ask, is Zhongli's shield particularly strong? ]

[Xianyun: Although the Emperor is called the God of War, compared with his famous martial arts, the Emperor's defensive magic is actually more powerful. During the Demon War, when fighting with other demons, the Emperor often defeated his opponents with a sharp rock spear, and after the battle, even his clothes were intact. ]

[Ying: OK, I know why this is called a useless person making machine. In the game, if there is Zhongli in the team, the others don't have to consider the problem of positioning. ]

[Alice: This is such a super model character. It will definitely be weakened in the future. Either the value of the rock shield will be reduced, or hostile monsters that can ignore the shield will be added. ]

[Ying: I feel that the latter is more likely. The former will make players go crazy, right? ]

[Yae Shenzi: Haha, you can't say for sure~ ]

After all the commotion, the screen is finally going to play the last video of the day.

[System: Now playing the last video of the day——]

[Ying: Finally the last video, I can't wait to catch up with the series offline. ]

After all, the screen has just launched the series-chasing function. Although there are relatively few series in it and there are many restrictions, other series can only be put in after the first video is played on the screen.

But Miss Ying, the traveler of many worlds, is still very satisfied to be able to live a familiar and nostalgic life of chasing series in this Teyvat continent.

[Alice: Come on, everyone guess, is this last video as light-hearted as the previous four, or is the screen going to do something big? ]

[Tinari: It's hard to say. After all, it seems to be a similar situation the day before yesterday. After playing four light-hearted videos, the last one came hard. ]

[Yae Shenzi: After all, if the previous ones are not laid out light-heartedly, how can the role of the knife be highlighted? ]

[Funina:... To be honest, what you said suddenly gave me a bad feeling. ]

[Navia:... You are not really going to broadcast the video of Funina's execution? ]

[Charlotte: Although I want big news, that kind of big news... Well, I really don't want it. ]

[Ying: Don't worry, I will comfort Fu Fu. At worst, I will -]

[System: - "Genshin Impact" animated short - "The Road Not Traveled"]

[Ying:... Now I suddenly have a bad feeling. ]

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