The invincible Mr. Zhongli has not forgotten that the trial thunder god of Inazuma has a pirate compass, a tool for finding things.

In other words, we can't simply say that this compass is just a tool for finding things, because this pirate compass can even create something out of nothing to a certain extent.

In this way, even if some of the old friends who died in the past were really unlucky and left no relics, they could also use this pirate compass to forcibly create a corresponding holy relic.

This is also why Yan Fei agreed to the deal with Sanbing so readily.

Otherwise, the gods and immortals of Liyue would not tolerate the previously evil Fatui. Even if the other party was recruited by the God of Wisdom, they would not have to give face to the other party.

In fact, the other party also had something they needed, so they reached this cooperation.

The basis of the contract is a transaction agreed by both parties. This kind of "fair" transaction where both parties get what they need is also in line with Zhongli's character.

It is precisely because they know that this transaction was pushed by the Geo King Emperor, so the Fatui pretended not to see that Sanbing, an executive-level traitor, took the initiative to walk out of Xumi's Order Court.

Otherwise, with the doctor's desire to do experiments that he could not suppress now, how could Sanbing have a smooth journey to Liyue.

On the Liyue side, because of the powerful performance of the Geo King Emperor, after obtaining the Heroic Throne corresponding to the concept of Liyue, they finally saw the hope of realizing Zhongli's long-cherished wish of "I want to buy osmanthus flowers and carry wine together, and meet my old friends again today."

On the other hand, Funina, Fukaros and Navilete, who were far away in Fontaine, were also dealing with the prophecy and...

Reconciling their confessions.

That's right, it's already this situation. The prophecy of the destruction of Fontaine, which had previously overwhelmed the entire upper echelons of Fontaine, has now become an official-level event of the Momang Palace that only needs to be dealt with a little.

- It's still the kind of event that can be postponed for a week, and if one chapter is missing, the process must be re-run, and there is no sense of urgency.

On the contrary, in order to deal with the prophecy, Funina had to play the role of the water god for five hundred years without knowing anything. The three of them need to reconcile their words and try to minimize the impact.

"Or, I might as well run away, leave Fontaine, hide in a place where no one knows me, and come back after a few decades."

After the pressure on her head was gone, Funina's whole mind was inclined to lie down and let it go.

To be honest, if it weren't for the two videos of her and that abyss prince who were inexplicably paired up to sell candy that were broadcasted in the past few days, which almost stimulated Funina's nerves, Funina could really show everyone how to train a scoundrel.

"Ahem, Funina, I admit that when I asked you to play the role of the water god, I didn't give you a deadline... I'm really sorry, but the main reason is that I wasn't sure at that time how many years it would take to deal with this prophecy."

On Funina's left hand, Fukaros, who was holding Funina's white little arm tightly and not letting go, begged for mercy in a flattering way.

Before there was a screen, the prophecy weighed on all the people of Fontaine, and she, Fukaros, could comfort herself with the excuse that she made the greatest sacrifice in the end and died.

Her sacrifice was equivalent to Funina's.

And after the crisis, Funina could also live the life she loved, which was also the life Fukaros expected.

But now there is no prophecy crisis, right? No matter how you look at it, she is in the wrong. Forcing a human to endure the mental torture of playing a god for five hundred years, this level of wear and tear...

To paraphrase a line from the game.

Funina is really great.

However, Fukaros said that she was also helpless. Who could have known that five hundred years ago, when Egolia was taken away by the previous generation of grass gods to repair the sky and the entire Fontaine situation was in turmoil, there would be a screen falling from the sky in the future, which directly paralyzed the heavenly justice.

God has mercy on her. She has sharpened her knife for five hundred years and was mentally prepared to die, but it turned out to be like this...

"Oh, I don't care. Anyway, when I think about my true identity being exposed in public, I feel embarrassed and want to dig my toes into the floor!"

Navilette, who was sitting opposite the two Fufu, was now shocked by the knowledge of all the truth.

After recovering from his shock, he pondered for a moment and said to Funina.

"From a general rational point of view, Ms. Funina, the existence behind this screen definitely has a favorable impression of you."


Funina was a little stunned, not knowing what her father-in-law meant by saying this.

Fukaros on the side took over the conversation: "In other words, Mr. Screen may show some videos that tease you, but will not really show videos that will completely hurt you. In other words, the possibility you are most worried about should not happen."

What is Funina most worried about?

The exposure of her identity can only be regarded as embarrassing for her now. To put it bluntly, with Funina's reputation over the past few hundred years and her powerful performance in the past few days after the advent of the screen, holding the two major rewards of saving Fontaine, even if the fact that she is not a god but a human is exposed, everyone will not condemn or boo Funina now, but cheer and applaud.

What really made Funina unacceptable was the completely unfamiliar and hideous appearance of the people of Fontaine judging her in the video.

Even though she knew that such an ending was the destined future, Funina just wanted to escape and didn't want such a scene to be exposed to the whole of Teyvat. She could be said to be escaping from reality or having an ostrich mentality. In short, Funina didn't want to see the people she had insisted on protecting for five hundred years glaring at her.

"So, what are you going to do?"

Funina was a little confused. She was not very good at thinking, but she was good at analyzing with enough information.

Fukaros spread his hands: "It's very simple, we just need to publish some facts."

"Partial facts?"

"Yes, Fu Nina is not a god, but a human, but it is indeed a side of me, Fukaros, and my humanity. There is nothing wrong with this, right?"

"But, the two of us completely 500 years ago-"

"Just don't say it. Anyway, as long as it is not exposed, everyone will draw the inference we want based on the guidance of specific information."

"Will there be no problem?"

Fu Nina was still a little worried. She understood what the other self meant. After all, the newspaper and journalism industry in Fontaine was very prosperous, and the so-called partial facts were the forte of reporters.

Isn't it just using limited information to create a misleading situation, and then to create the situation that what we said was all facts, but the audience misunderstood and drew the conclusion they wanted.

But this is not without hidden dangers. After all, there is a screen hanging in the sky. If the other party reveals some information, all their efforts will be in vain.

"I don't think you need to worry too much about this." That Villette interrupted, "Just now, the three of us communicated with each other about the information we had, and then used the Cardinal's Oracle to make a simulated judgment. We all saw what the original future was like."

Fukalos took over the conversation and comforted Funina. She finally saw the possibility of making up for Funina, so how could she really let Funina hide in a corner and live in seclusion?

"It was a grand trial, but Finina, you still insisted that you were the water god until the end. In a sense, this is indeed true. After all, no one has concrete evidence to overturn this."

Finina did not forget that when she was reasoning about what would happen in the future, the cardinal of the Oracle gave possible evidence: "But if they use the water of the original fetal sea as proof..."

"You are the human side of the water god. Since you are a human, you are naturally restrained by the water of the original fetal sea. This is reasonable."

"Although Finina is a human, she is also the human side of the water god. It is not wrong to call her the water god. This is also reasonable."

"We just didn't think that Finina was actually nothing. As far as I know, I just abide by what I asked you to do in the mirror. "

Speaking of this, Fukaros spread his hands: "In this case, the conditions are gathered. In order to deal with the prophecy, the water god wants to experience human life in a limited time, so he split himself. After all, we are pure water elves in essence. Separation and fusion are normal. "

"Funinna has lived a god's life as a human for five hundred years, which is also part of the prophecy. There is nothing wrong with it."

"And as a human, she has endured the wear and tear of the gods for five hundred years. Such a sacrifice is very great."

And this is not a lie, it is a fact.

Declaring this, Fukaros held his ideal self and begged: "In short, Fufu, don't leave. We can finally live like the present.

We are getting together leisurely like this. At worst, I won't show up in front of people in the future, and you will be the only water god in the open. "

In other words, Fukalos will act as Funina's backstage spirit, and he will just show up to fight for her when needed in the future.

"Hehe, why do I still need the position of water god? Continue to endure torture?"

Seeing that Funina was still a little hesitant, Fukalos gritted his teeth and said, "Well, at worst, let me play the role of crying on the throne."

"Okay, deal."

Fukalos said that he had never seen anyone change his face so quickly.

This water god who had been autistic in the cardinal's office for five hundred years and silently sharpened his knife was stunned to see Funina, the best actress in Fontaine, change her face in a second, took out a whip from his arms, and looked at her with a smile.

"It's a deal, you cry on top, and I will reluctantly perform "The Death of the Water God" below, you can't regret it! ”

“The Death of the Water God? Does Fontaine have this play?”

“I wrote it overnight last night. Do you have any questions? ”


[Funina: Ladies and Gentlemen, the most famous star in Fontaine, Funina, will be performing “The Death of the Water God” at the Opiclay Opera House in a few days. Please don’t miss it~.]

[Navia: Huh?]

[Leosley: Hmm?]

[Claurinde: What?]

[Charlotte: Big news!]

[Chavore: Lady Funina, I have prepared the props you ordered!]

[Funina: Hehehe, very good!]

[Navia: No, what are you doing… No, this “The Death of the Water God”, well, I almost understand that you are rushing to make a show to deal with the prophecy, but why do I feel that you are inexplicably excited now?]

[Funina: Keep it a secret~, You will know when the time comes. ]

You can make yourself in the mirror and Fukaros cry. Obviously, Funinna, who has been forced to play the role of the water god for five hundred years and whose mental state is already a little abnormal, is very excited now.

[Ying: Yo, it's the middle of the night, and you haven't slept yet? ]

By the way, it's two o'clock in the morning now. Even Inazuma's country girl Lei Dianying has killed a lot in the Yuanxia Palace, killing Yuanshang and selling his teammates as soon as possible. Now they have returned to the castle tower to read light novels, eat three-color meatballs, and drink dango milk to reward themselves.

But the discussion area in the early morning this morning was particularly lively.

From time to time, star users would come out and sigh.

[Barbara: Studying medicine can't save Mond. ]

[Diluk: Lu Guoba... It's really too high. ]

[Bennett: What am I? I didn't know that you sponsored the Mondstadt News. ]

[Albedo: Well, there are quite a lot of sponsors for this news... Klee, is your Bounce Bomb appearance rate a bit high? ]

[Klee: Hehehe. ]

[Jin: Klee, you're still not asleep? ! ]

[Ying: Ahem, Bennett's luck aura shocked me. ]

[Keqing: Let me clarify one thing, I'm really not a beef offal seller, I'm just experiencing the life of a beef offal vendor. ]

[Xiao: Let me clarify one thing, I wasn't standing behind the Wind God to attack, I was listening to music. ]

[Vendy: Killing the Wind God Barbatos has nothing to do with me, Venti, Xiao, don't mind it. ]

[Hutao: Oh, @Vendy, I didn't expect you to work so hard I will promote the business of Wangsheng Hall. When the sales increase, I will give you 30% of the profit. 】

【Wendy: I ​​say, Master Hu is wise. 】

【Paimon: Why is there only six episodes of "Mond News"? I really want to know what happened after the Lantern Festival. 】

【Kaeya: Ningbing Duhai Zhenjun... Haha, it really suits me. 】

【Lisa: Oh, the guys from the Abyss Cult have a good eye. They picked this book at once. 】

【Qin: Lisa... Shouldn't all the books in the library be checked? Such a taboo book was borrowed as a fairy tale book. Even I think it's a bit outrageous. 】

【Amber: Mond's head... So everyone thinks of me like this? 】

【Eula: Damn it, I'll remember this grudge! 】


And so on.

The reason is also easy to understand.

Who made the screen hot update a new function today?

The people of Teyvat who experienced the joy of chasing anime for the first time were addicted to it at the first moment. I am sure that quite a number of them will go to work with dark circles under their eyes and yawning tomorrow.

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