The game is not a 1:1 replica of Teyvat. Even the proportions of different buildings in different regions and corresponding places in reality may be different. 】

【Ying: After all, we have to consider the gameplay and the temperature of players' devices. If you let players run from one country to another, it really takes ten days or half a month in real time... this game will die. 】

【Alice: There are also memory killers. 】

【Ying: The CPU is so hot that you can cook. 】

【Xiangling: Cooking? Is this CPU a kitchen utensil from the outside world? 】

【Ying:... Well, this feeling is hard to explain in a few words. I will explain it to you in detail later. ]

[Xiangling: Okay, I'll cook a table of dishes. When Ying and Paimon come, we can eat and chat.]

Sora, who is obviously controlled by the player, takes a step and turns back, leaving only a back view for the audience.

And above the obviously processed screen, a line of text appears.

[Everyone seems to call me differently in Teyvat]

This sentence seems to be said by Sora who is jogging, or it is the creator of this video who thinks Sora should say it in the video.

The audience didn't understand what this sentence meant at first.

Travelers have different names?

The traveler in real life is called "Ying", and the traveler in this video is called "Sora". Are there any other names?

But as the video progresses, the audience has some understanding of the meaning of this sentence.

"Ah, the Honor Knight brother is here!"

Sora ran past the Seven Days Statue of Starfall Lake and ran to Klee, who was standing by the lake and had bad intentions towards the fish in the lake.

At this time, Klee on the screen raised her hand and a bouncing bomb started to explode the fish, and Klee's voice was heard on the screen.

There were even subtitles below, and in the subtitles, the six big words "Honorary Knight Brother" were even marked in red, as if they were afraid that others would not notice it.

[Ying: ···I have some idea what this video is about. ]

[Kong: Me too, but from the perspective of the game, this should be normal, after all, this game allows you to choose the male or female protagonist. If you really call them by their names in the game, the programming of some plot dialogues will be twice as complicated, and at least you need to add an if judgment statement to call database resources. ]

[Ying: There are also voice actors' dubbing, even if the voice actors in the world we traveled to before don't seem to make much money, but even so, if all the dubbing involving the protagonists needs to be prepared in two sets, the cost will increase a lot. ]

[Amber: Huh? Ying, what are you and your brother talking about? I don't quite understand it? ]

[Kole: Me, me too. ]

[Nashida: If judgment statement... I always feel that this part of knowledge is very suitable for me. ]

[Ying: It's very simple, it's about how the traveler is called by others in the plot of the game. ]

Although it feels a bit strange to hear the name "traveler" from Ying's mouth, everyone can understand what she means.

[Amber: Huh? Isn't it Ying? Uh, it's called Kong in the game? ]

[Albedo: I see, it's for this consideration. Indeed, when it is uncertain whether the player has chosen Ying or Kong, it is better to call the traveler not by name, but by a nickname for the purpose of saving and simplicity. ]

[Amber: Huh? Huh? ]

[Eula: Ha (sigh), Amber, it's very simple, put yourself in the shoes of the game's screenwriter, when designing the plot, you don't know in advance whether the player has chosen Kong or Ying, how do you call the traveler in the plot at this time? ]

[Amber: The traveler who came from afar...? ]

[Amber: But this is too strange. We can create a game corresponding to Teyvat, but a more specific name cannot be accurately designed? ]

[Ningguang: It's not that it can't be designed, it's a cost issue. I saw Traveler mentioned voice actors before. Um, these are the artists who dub the characters in the game, right? ]

[Alice: Artists... uh, kind of. ]

[Ningguang: That's right. The game officials can naturally give different names to players of different genders, but in this way, the remuneration spent on dubbing involving Traveler's name is also doubled. ]

[Yunjin: It's just like the stage fee, performance fee, and tea fee. ]

Ningguang's explanation and Yunjin's personal testimony are very convincing.

Although most people still don't understand what voice actors mean, everyone can understand it by comparing it to Mr. Yunjin's tea fee.

Oh, it turns out to be a cost issue.

[Nashida: Well, I think there may be factors that allow players to better immerse themselves in the game. ]

[Ying: Hiss, it's Dada as expected, the God of Wisdom has a good head. ]

[Yae Shenzi: Hmm, calling the Traveler with a code name that is similar to a nickname, rather than a more specific name like "Kong" and "Ying", can make players better immersed in the game and reduce their feeling that this is someone else's story. ]

[Nashida: Also, as the Traveler said before, the design of this game is also consuming. More accurate names will indeed bring twice the design and calculation consumption in the relevant plot. ]

After all, Nashida has been traveling in the void for five hundred years, and has a very deep understanding of the void.

She understands that the more complex the virtual world, the greater the computing power required.

[Alice: Actually, I don't think this reason is a big deal. Anyway, it's just a random sacrifice of a programmer, plus increasing the baldness rate of the remaining programmers. The capitalists won't care about this cost. ]

[Amber: Well, although I still don't quite understand, but as for me, um, now in reality, I will always call you Ying! ]

[Ying: Hehe, thank you, Amber, I know you are the best~. ]

[Xiangling: Me too, if Ying is tired of traveling in the future, you can come to our Wanmin Hall at any time. Wanmin Hall emphasizes a feeling of home. ]

[Ying: Don't worry, I know what this video is about. ]

[Ying: Combining the last video yesterday and the question, I have almost guessed the development of the game plot outside. ]

[Ying: It's only been four years. Other game characters call me by various nicknames, but my brother calls me "Ying". It's an old routine that doesn't move my heart at all. ]

[Alice: You are really skilled. ]

[Sora: After all, in a certain world before, Ying completely became a homegirl and stayed at home for hundreds of years... In the end, it was not suitable for us to live there, so we left. ]

The star users in the discussion area talked to each other. After the beginning of this video was played, the content and intention of this video were almost guessed. Then the picture in the video turned around and came to the front of Klee and Sora.

"Want to go fish frying with Klee?"

Klee sweetly invited the honorary knight brother.

With this invitation as the starting point, more and more star users in the discussion area found themselves appearing in the picture of this video.

There was Yae Kamiko standing there under the sacred cherry tree at Narukami Taisha Shrine, showing a pair of long white legs.

Facing Sora who was running over, she called out in a teasing tone.

"Oh, little guy, how come you have time to come and see me today?"

[Yae Kamiko:... Although, in fact, the palace maid uniform I wear on weekdays is still very conservative. ]

[Ying: I want to see this! ]

[Yae Kamiko: Uh, this, little guy, you have to know——]

[Ying: You call me little guy, can't I see the long white legs? ]

[Yae Kamiko: This is private clothing... Let's talk about it in private after you come to Inazuma. ]

[Shadow: Traveler, don't believe what this fox says, she is just acting for you now, when you really come, it will be a general's sword in private. I tell you, this fox is very bad and good at acting. ]

[Alice: Good boy, these are really good girlfriends, pitting each other. ]

[Yae Miko: Oh, sometimes even if you know there is a pit ahead, the little guy will jump into it, right? ]

[Ying: emmmmm, are there big white legs? ]

[Kamisato Ayaka: Traveler, this is too shameless (blushing). ]

[Raiden General: I will not swing my sword at innocent people. ]

[Ying:... You didn't say that before -]

[Raiden General: The past is the past, and the present is the present. You can't use the eternal standards of the past to kill the current traveler. ]

Good boy, Ying remembers that he didn't set such a flexible moral bottom line for his own dolls at that time.

It seems that after a long time, even the dolls that are said to be the most resistant to wear and tear are actually "wearing" or evolving in places that she didn't notice?

In the video, after the Miko under the sacred cherry tree, it became Mondstadt.

At the gate of the Knights of Favonius, Lisa, wearing the uniform of the Order Academy in her student days, stood at the gate with a rose flower glowing with electricity on her fingertips and a pair of long white legs.

"Good morning, little cutie."

[Lisa: I miss it so much. This is the Order Academy costume I modified myself before. ]

[Seno: Yes, it's my senior sister. ]

[Leila: Good, so beautiful. I wish I could be as confident and mysterious as this sister Lisa. ]

[Faroshan: Come to me and choose my class. After one semester, I guarantee that you will have power and mystery. ]

[Leila: Really, Teacher Farusan? ! ]

[Faroshan: Humph, do you think my knowledge can be faked? ]

[Seno: Actually, Senior Farusan's class has a very strong hypnotic effect. When you fall asleep, you will become confident and powerful. ]

[Leila: ? ? ? ]

[Ying: Okay, it's big white legs. I'm going to Mondstadt to find Lisa... cough cough, sister Lisa. ]

[Yae Shenzi: Oh, you changed your mind so quickly. It really makes sister sad. Sob (fake crying). ]

[Lisa: Hehe, little guy, I will make you feel numb (sweet smile). ]

[Paimon: Oh, Lisa is so scary, no, so majestic! ]

Even Paimon's little head knows when to provoke and when to know when to act.

As expected, after Lisa, the screen changes again.

This time the scene is in front of the Coral Palace on Haige Island. Xinhai, wearing the Coral Palace's set of modern shrine maiden clothes that even Xinhai now still blushes and beats his heart, and showing his belly and big white legs, stands at the door with a thoughtful look on his face.

"From now on, you will be promoted to the captain of the Kaigi Island Special Operations Team [Swordfish Squad 2]!"

This time, Sora ran to the side of Xinhai and used his wind element combat skills. A water element Rasengan bloomed in front of Xinhai, as if it was a romantic flower dedicated to Xinhai.

[Xinhai: I finally forgot about this miko costume... Why do you want me to remember it again? ]

[Goro: Captain of Swordfish Squad 2? It seems that the traveler has helped a lot in our just struggle. ]

[Ying: Don't worry, wherever there are cute girls being oppressed, there is my little Ying to help out. ]

[Kujo Sara:... In other words, um, I'm not cute enough, right? ]

[Ying: Ahaha, this, Sara should be called Yingzi. ]

[Alice: We have tasted enough of your hobbies. So far, these three have all white legs, either bare legs or white silk... Your hobbies are really distinct. ]

【Ying: I can't help it. Who made me always be so consistent? 】

After that, more people appeared on the screen.

As Kong ran quickly towards Ying who was standing at the dock, many friends and partners he made along the way appeared one after another on the upper and lower ends of the screen.

Wendy, Barbara, Lisa, Xiao Gong, Diluk, Goro, Qin, Eula, Fischl, Diona, Kaeya, Albedo, Nashida, Keqing...

Many people, also accompanied by many names.

"Stranger Catching the Wind"


"Little cutie."

"Hey, partner."

Finally, Kong stopped and sat at the end of the wooden platform with his sister at the end of the plank road, watching the sunset of Teyvat in silence.

【Ying: Hiss... You know what, seeing this, I really felt a little bit, um, a little bit. ]

[Amber: After all, in real life, many of us call Ying by her real name. ]

[Gongzi: Um, was it me who called her "partner"? ]

[Gongzi: Oh, I knew we would get along well. Let's have a fight to celebrate our friendship! ]

[Lisa: Although, I seem to have appeared twice? ]

[Albedo: I'm a little curious, why are our poses the same in the scenes we appear in? What is that hand you're extending doing? ]

[Vendy: Throwing badminton. ]

[Klee: Great, Klee is going to participate in the badminton festival! ]

[Kaeya: Um, should I be honored to be in there too? ]

[Kaeya: By the way, someone's clothes in there are a little... cough cough cough cough]

[Diluk: Do you have any questions (pull your fist)? 】

【Kaeya: No (Flower of Hope)...】

【Ying: This is incredible. This scene... I think I guessed what the ending is. 】

【Ying: Come on, bring up the last one. 】

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