The two of us are so happy.

[Hu Tao: Pancake, cut off the god draw? ]

[Ying: Puff... cough cough cough, Hu Tao, you always give me something that makes people's eyes black. ]

[Eula: ? ? ? ]

[Alice: Don't worry, they are playing homophonic puns. ]

[Eula: Humph, I will remember this grudge! ]

[Ke Lai: Well, Miss Eula, she looks like a good person. ]

[Ying: Ke Lai, you should be careful when using the word "good person" in the future. Now in the outside world, the word "good person" is becoming less and less a good word. ]

[Ke Lai: ? ? ? ]

Kole said that she had just learned to read, and that was not what was written in the book. You, a scumbag traveler, should not lie to her, an illiterate Xumi.

[Paimon: I always feel that those who have a good relationship with Amber are all good people in the eyes of Kele. ]

[Kaeya: No, no, no, you have to exclude me. ]

[Amber: Uh... That, Captain Kaeya, actually our relationship is a little...]

Amber wanted to say that we are not that close, so don't come to touch me.

She is not a beautiful girl.

[Qin: In other words, the friends Amber makes are all very good people. ]

[Ying: Yes, that's fine (convinced). ]

In Eula's graceful dance and fierce battle demonstration, many monsters familiar to Mond people appeared one after another, and fell under Eula's highly ornamental sword.

However, the Hill Climbers, the Tricksters, and even the Ruins Heavy Machine are fine, everyone can understand, but that Ice Abyss Mage...

Could Miss Eula have used physical attacks to break the opponent's shield?

Oops, I feel a little sympathy for this unlucky Ice Abyss Mage.

The last few drum beats fell, the music was approaching the end, and the third act of the ritual dance also came to an end.

Eula, who ended the dance with the last finishing move, seemed to have noticed something, and said with a little disgust and joy:

"How long do you want to peek?"

Turning around and zooming out, behind Eula, the fiery red bunny stood there playfully with his hands behind his back.

Just like Eula said, I don't know when Amber started watching Eula's solo dance.

After hearing what Eula said, Amber touched the back of her head and said a little embarrassedly:

"I'm just worried about you, that's why..."

Eula laughed at Amber's look, but she was still very happy about the concern of this best companion and friend in the Knights.

"Then... how about dancing with the sinner?"

Eula invited the fiery red rabbit.

On the contrary, Amber, who had always been very active and enthusiastic, was a little overwhelmed by Eula's sudden invitation.


The big words "Original God" appeared on the screen, and the video ended.

[Amber: Oh, is it about that day? ]

[Eula: Humph, that day you secretly peeked from behind for a long time. ]

[Amber: Eula is... The last invitation to dance was too abrupt. ]

[Eula: You are so shameless. Count how many times you stepped on my foot afterwards? ]

[Amber: Hehehe, then, that's not because I don't know how to dance the noble dance. ]

[Ying:... How should I put it, this atmosphere, the atmosphere that makes people can't get involved. ]

[Alice: Yes, I understand you. ]

[Cole: Uh, uh. ]

[Tinari: Ahem, Cole, we are going to organize a team and go to Mondstadt to do some things later -]

[Cole: I want to go! ]

[Yanfei: Oh, it makes me want to dance with you, but unfortunately, according to the plan, I seem to be the last to arrive in Mondstadt. ]

[Xiangling: Oh, speaking of which, I just saw Miss Eula's headdress and it seems -]

[Yanfei: Ahem. ]

[Ying: Uh, indeed, I also look like -]

[Yanfei: Take my flying kick! ]

[Ying: Puff! ]

[Ying: If I can get there, as long as I can get there (stretching out my hand)...]

[Yan Fei: Really, you still don't learn your lesson. ]

Yan Fei looked at Ying, who was pretending to fall to the ground and trying to reach her waist, and was a little speechless.

[Ying: Actually, I don't know if your flying kick just now was both civil and military, but it was actually a reward for me. ]

[Kong: I always feel that Ying's condition is getting worse. Is this also wear and tear? ]

[Alice: No, although wear and tear can be varied, I can guarantee this one thing.

I tell you, this guy is definitely not caused by wear and tear. 】

[Question: The dazzling solo dance lights up the fire of one's own soul, which represents the hope of being favored by the gods. However, the knight of the waves is noble and pure, protecting Mondstadt and making Lawrence great again in his own way. So, here comes the question.

Speaking of ritual dance, we have to mention ritual drama. In this story about the ancient Mondstadt people resisting the tyrant and embracing freedom, the three nobles have different reference roles and weapons. So, what are the representative roles and weapons of the Lawrence family from which Eula came? ]

[A. Guardian, sacrificial sword]

[B. Guardian, sacrificial bow]

[C. Warrior, sacrificial sword]

[D. Warrior, sacrificial greatsword]

[E. Pioneer, sacrificial sword]

[F. Pioneer, sacrificial bow]

[System: This question is of low difficulty. The answer method is quick response. Any star-level user can answer the question. The countdown starts now, 5, 4...]

Seeing this question, especially the four big words "low difficulty", many, no, most of the Mond people, their eyes revealed a clearness of ignorance.

I was just embarrassed, and my own star-level users in the discussion area were still finishing off the knife.

[Lisa: Yes, it's a low-difficulty question. ]

[Qin: Yes, it's really simple. ]

[Amber: Huh? Is this question simple? ]

[Kaeya: Captain Qin, I think you should consider the issue of average quality education for the people. 】

With the touching history of Mondstadt people who can forget their own East Wind Guardian and call the other side the Wind Dragon, can we expect them to answer this question easily?

They can't even remember that they saved Mondstadt Valin five hundred years ago, so how can we expect them to remember the glory of the sinner Lawrence family a thousand years ago?

However, no matter what, there are still quite a few people who know the correct answer to this question, not only some Mondstadt users in the discussion area, but even some star users of Winter Solstice and Xumi know the correct answer.

Well, it should be said that the number of people who know the correct answer in Xumi and Winter Solstice may be more than that in Mondstadt.

Even among ordinary passers-by, there are many people who know the correct answer.

Especially those Lawrence members who cling to the glory of the old aristocracy.

Eula knew that her uncle with a problem in his brain circuit was also a one-star user. Although she didn't know if the screen was blind and gave her uncle a precious star user privilege, in order to prevent her uncle from doing anything else, Eula decided to answer this question first.

[Eula: The correct answer is pioneer, sacrificial bow. ]

[Eula: Among the three nobles, Lawrence was responsible for opening up the living space for humans, and the weapons he used were mainly bows and arrows. In the subsequent sacrificial drama, the Lawrence family also used sacrificial bows. ]

[System: The answer is correct. ]

Seeing the "correct answer" prompt given by the system, Eula subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, this system has not been human many times before, and she was also afraid that this seemingly simple question might be a trap, deliberately making some ancient knowledge that modern people like them don't know.

In addition, I finally didn't let my uncle get the reward for answering the questions on the screen because he still clings to Lawrence's old prestige and the so-called honor of the nobility.

"Well, even if my uncle gets the reward for a simple question, it doesn't seem to cause any trouble."

But it will definitely cause some trouble, making Lawrence's reputation, which is already in the sewer, even worse.

[System: Reward the honorable five-star user, the Knight of Revenge, Eula Lawrence, with a frozen fruit. ]

Seeing the system's address to herself, Eula secretly clicked her lips.

But what exactly is the frozen fruit?

[Shikanoin Heizo: Well, I remember that the punishment that Brother Ito is still experiencing now seems to be the effect of a fruit called the negative fruit. ]

[Kamisato Ayato: That's right, it's from a world called One Piece, the so-called devil fruit ability. ]

[Kaeya: Oh, the Frozen Fruit, this name sounds very suitable for the owner of our Ice Elemental God's Eye. ]

[Eula: Enhance my elemental power... Well, it's a pretty good reward. ]

Although it's just a simple enhancement of elemental power, it seems a bit too ordinary for this magical screen, but after all, this is just a simple question and answer, and the reward given is naturally not comparable to those medium or high difficulty question and answer rewards.

A group of Teyvat natives came from their

Knowledge reserve began to try to understand the Ice Fruit, obviously underestimated the ability of this top elemental devil fruit.

[System: The Ice Fruit is a kind of elemental devil fruit. After eating it, the body can turn into ice, and it has the ability to create freezing air, which can make physical attacks, most energy attacks, and non-domineering attacks ineffective against itself. ]

[System: It can create ice through the body, and can also turn objects it touches into ice. After deeply exploring the power of the fruit, it can even freeze the ocean instantly, and even achieve the ability to permanently change the geology and climate of an island. ]

[System: After the system transformation, the first user of this fruit should have the above basic abilities, and can resonate with the Eye of God by developing the fruit ability, gradually change its own state of existence, and finally reach the level of a demon god. ]

[System: Please note that although there is no seastone in the world of Teyvat, there is no seastone factor in the sea, and no one practices domineering, the elemental force that can react with the ice element can affect the user of the Ice Fruit. 】

Watching the award ceremony live, the football-shaped fruit with a wave-shaped twisted pattern on the whole body, which looked very evil, fell from the sky and landed in the hands of the Wave Knight on the snow-capped mountains. Many people's eyes were full of heat.

They admitted that they spoke too loudly before and offended the devil fruit master.

Originally, the negative fruit acting on the ghost of Inazuma was like a prank. Everyone didn't take the devil fruit seriously and seriously underestimated the value of the devil fruit.

But after watching the introduction of this frozen fruit on the screen just now, these viewers realized that they were wrong.

This so-called elemental devil fruit, just after eating it, can make the eater have the ability to be immune to physical damage, and only a few elemental types that can react with ice elements can harm the fruit ability user.

This is the ice element. Although it is not an orphan element like the rock element, from today on, for this Wave Knight of the Knights of Favonius, the grass element and the rock element basically have no damage. The wind element and the water element basically have to be attacked against their attributes. Only the fire element and the thunder element can cause normal damage.

Of course, it is rogue to talk about the effect without considering the dosage. If it is the Rock King or the Little Auspicious Grass King, it must be able to cause damage with the corresponding elemental power, but the demon god is an existence above humans, so it is normal to be able to do this.

More importantly, this thing can resonate with the Eye of God, gradually improve the user's existence itself, and let it evolve into a god.

Although people who have the Eye of God are called original gods, meaning that they have the hope of becoming gods.

But in fact, those who understand it all understand that the so-called theoretical ability to become a god generally means that they cannot become a god.

From ancient times to the present, there are very few humans who can become gods with the Eye of God, and most of the users of the Eye of God eventually turn into a handful of yellow earth.

But Eula's situation is different.

After seven days of questions and answers and rewards, the generosity of the screen is obvious to all the continent.

This gentleman said that the ice fruit can resonate with the Eye of God, allowing the user to eventually become a demon god, so there is a high probability that this Wave Knight will become the new god.

This speculation made all the Mondstadt people look complicated.

Although most Mondstadt viewers have changed their views on Eula after this video of Eula's personal introduction, the fact that Lawrence will become the new god will really make Mondstadt people ptsd.

[Wendy: Good guy, then can I say that the orthodox Ice God is in Mondstadt from now on? ]

[Barnabas: ······This Wave Knight, are you interested in coming to Winter to be an executive? ]

[Ying: Hahahahaha, Eula has been an executive for a long time~. ]

[Barnabas: ? ? ? ]

[Servant: ···Ah. ]

[Ying: Being a Wave Knight in Mondstadt during the day and a servant of the chief of the Winter Intelligence at night, I get two salaries for one person, so cool! ]

[Yanfei: Ah, this joke hasn't gotten over yet? ]

[Eula: Traveler, when will you return to Mondstadt? I'll treat you to a Wave Pie. ]

[Mika: Ah, the captain's Wave Pie is delicious. ]

[Ying: But I feel like if I really go back, what I eat won't be a Wave Pie. ]

[Eula: How could that be? I'll let you experience the real Wave. ]

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