The camera zoomed out, and everyone could see that this huge carrier, which looked even bigger than Tevalin, was flying high in the sky of Teyvat.

Sharp-eyed viewers, such as Keqing, who had once measured the land of Liyue with her feet, immediately recognized that the current flying location was exactly above Liyue.

On the right side of the screen, in the dialogue column similar to the discussion area, countless dialogues began to flash like a screen refresh, and at the same time, small black dots kept jumping out of the tail of the carrier in a disorderly order.

After the explanation of the travelers in the discussion area, everyone knew that this was the participating players looking for a suitable landing place for themselves and starting to parachute.

Some people jumped down in advance just to stay in a place where the competition is not fierce, and then find a way to develop. However, such places generally have few resources and are far from the core area of ​​the final shrinking circle. If you are not careful, although you can survive, you will die in the subsequent poison circle and bombing.

Some people like to pursue excitement and choose to jump in the core area of ​​the battle at the beginning. There are the most abundant resources there and it is also the last place where the shrinking circle is expected. But correspondingly, this is also the most dangerous place. Unless you are very confident in your skills and luck, it is best not to choose to jump here.

By the way, as a high-level player, the traveler is naturally ready to choose the most competitive place to jump down.

As the traveler is also preparing to parachute, Paimon's commentary sounded again.

"The traveler chose Yilongbu as the landing site."

Seeing that the transport plane was about to arrive at Yilongbu, the traveler jumped off the plane without hesitation, and the screen camera also turned to Ying's first-person perspective, allowing everyone to experience the feeling of rapidly descending from a high altitude and quickly approaching Yilongbu.

"This is where the competition is most intense."

In sharp contrast to the rapid descent of the camera, Paimon's overly calm commentary.

Watching the Yilongbu, which is very familiar to countless Liyue people, getting bigger and bigger in the camera, the immersive first-person perspective made many viewers stand up subconsciously and look for hiding places in panic, even though they knew it was a video and fake.

This is not surprising. After all, it is like the first movie in history. Even if the picture is not real at all, people will subconsciously hide and run away when they see the train rushing towards them.

Although Teyvat has the Fontaine and the Xumi Void, which are comparable to movies, or even have more black technology than movies, the technology is not so advanced in most places. Virtual reality is only enjoyed by a few people. For most Teyvat people, the video on the screen is the first video product they have ever seen.

The other videos that were shown before were fine, after all, they were all from a third-person perspective, but this first-person perspective of falling from a high altitude is really unfriendly to many people. It is too immersive, as if you were jumping from a high altitude.

After falling a few hundred meters calmly, the traveler calmly pulled the parachute rope. From the first-person perspective, everyone could only see that the speed of the perspective approaching the Yilong Port suddenly slowed down. This slowed down speed made many people subconsciously breathe a sigh of relief and their spirits were no longer so tense.

"Let's take a look at the perspectives of other players."

From Ying's perspective, you can see Keqing in a skirt in front, holding the "cloth" held by several ropes with both hands, and slowly falling to the ground.

[Keqing: Is this a parachute... So why not use the Wings of Wind? ]

[Amber: That's right, it's so good to use the Wings of Wind, you can fly wherever you want. ]

[Ying: This is different from the reaction I want. ]

[Alice: What other reaction do you want? Although parachutes are not popular in Teyvat, things like wind wings are popular. Although not everyone can fly wind wings, parachutes are really nothing special here. 】

【Yae Shenzi: After all, there are more magical wind wings~. 】

【Ningguang: However, the carrying and training of wind wings are still relatively cumbersome. In case of emergency, it is not convenient to deploy them immediately. If this parachute is simpler than wind wings, it is not impossible to purchase a batch here in Qunyu Pavilion. 】

【Ganyu: Well, Qunyu Pavilion will encounter strong crosswinds during flight and landing. If there is such a parachute on the back at any time, it will be very beneficial to the safety of the guards above. 】


Li: I will arrange the production right now! Please, Ms. Tianquanxing of Liyue, please consider the business of our small shop. ]

[Ningguang: Haha, I have heard a lot about Master Sangge Mahabayi of Xumi... Well, if the quality is guaranteed, we can consider it. ]

[Ying: Is there really anyone who finalizes this kind of business in the discussion area on the spot? ]

[Kaeya: Oh, to be honest, with the discussion area, a communication method that connects all of Teyvat, even our Jingfu Port in Mondstadt is much more lively than before. ]

[Rooster: Correspondingly, the reputation of our Zhidong is much worse than before. Tsk tsk, it's really an unprovoked disaster. ]

[Cole: Hum, with the Doctor and the others here, your reputation can't be good. ]

[Doctor: Oh, this is really... Thank you for the compliment. ]

After Paimon finished changing the perspective, the camera on the screen changed from Ying's first-person perspective to the perspective of another player who was rapidly descending.

At the same time, the background music of the video was changed to a very fast music that made people think of falling.

It can be seen that the owner of the perspective is also preparing to do the same action as Ying to open the parachute, but...

"Where is my parachute?"

After pulling for a long time, the owner of the perspective, or everyone saw that this was the unlucky Bennett from Mondstadt, and he did not open the parachute.

When Bennett fell to the ground and kissed the earth, all the audience saw that there was nothing behind Bennett.

Yes, nothing, no parachute, and no wind wings.

It has been said long ago that players who jump to places like Yilongbu, where competition is fierce, must have strong skills and good luck, otherwise they will be like Bennett, who will be inexplicably killed on the ground.

[Bennett:...Ah, it is like this again. ]

[Fischl: The favor of fate is just one step away from you. ]

[Oz: Miss means - not only that, there is a gorgeous treasure chest next to where you fell. ]

[Ying: This luck is simply amazing. I don’t know whether Bennett is lucky or not. He encountered a gorgeous treasure chest at the beginning. ]

[Bennett: Gorgeous treasure chest... Ah, anyway, if I open it, it can only turn into some cabbages at most. ]

[Ianshan: Oh, there are people in the world with such bad luck. It’s eye-opening. ]

[Mona: Gorgeous treasure chest can only open cabbages... Uh, this guy, is it convenient for me to tell your fortune for you (curious)? ]

[Ying: No, it’s okay in reality, but can there be a situation in the game where the character falls to death without a parachute? Isn’t this thing defaulted to the back? ]

[Alice: Bugs are part of the game. Don’t play if you are unhappy. ]

The appearance of Bennett, the first eliminated person, kicked off this large-scale chicken-eating gun battle.

Bennett also made some contributions. He was killed as soon as he landed, and Mora exploded on the ground. He also got the achievement of killing himself, which was the nickname of the Mondner King, which made Bennett feel a little embarrassed.

By the way, Bennett was the only one in his team, and the fact that he ranked directly at 50th did not surprise Bennett. After all, he was used to this situation.

The perspective changed and returned to Ying.

Ying, who was constantly running on the top of the Yilongbu building, found that there were people parachuting at this time.

Seeing Wendy hanging under the parachute and slowly descending without any defense, how could Xie Ying miss such an opportunity? He decisively used the pistol in his hand and shot a few times at Wendy who was defenseless in the air, and successfully made the opponent land directly into a box.

No, it should be said that he was flying in the air and turned into a box.

"Why did someone just get off the plane at this time? Next one!"

Paimon commented very impolitely.

[Barbara: No, Lord Barbatos! ]

[Wendy: Ah, I'm old, my reaction can't keep up with the young people. ]

[Shadow: Humph, I think you were drinking on that plane, right? ]

[Yae Shenzi: Rather than saying that you drank virtual wine on the plane, I guess you missed the chance to jump off the plane because you drank in reality. ]

[Zhongli: Well, in general theory, this fits my impression of the drunkard poet. ]

[Ying: Thank you, Wendy, you are such a good person. You let me get the precious initial development funds. ]

[Wendy: Okay, okay, just buy me a drink later. ]

[Paimon: Humph, there are contestants who secretly mixed offline here, and this referee will not tolerate any sand in his eyes! ]

[Ying: Three sweet flower-stuffed chickens. ]

[Paimon: Deal! ]

The perspective changes to another

A contestant, from the style of the ornaments worn on the right hand of the contestant who was fiddling with the weapon in his hand, some people have guessed who this person is.

"This exquisite thing is rare to see."

Sure enough, the sudden words of Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun, who went online with his real name, completely exposed who the player in this perspective was.

"Wait for this immortal to find a place where no one is around to study it carefully."

As he said this, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun skillfully pulled out the magazine and ejected a bullet that had been loaded in the pistol...

Well, many viewers who are familiar with guns have more or less guessed what will happen later.

Sure enough, just when Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun wanted to restore his pistol and find a place where no one is around to study the weapon in his hand.

Her vision suddenly turned pale.

Obviously, this fairy bird was suddenly hit by a flash bomb and was directly blinded.

In the blinding white light, Master Liuyun Jiefeng could not see anything, but could hear the constant "Barbara, go!" and the continuous shooting of guns.

When the white light faded, Master Liuyun Jiefeng, who was already seriously injured, could only see Sister Barbara of Mond's Prayer Ceremony flashing before his eyes, holding a submachine gun and sliding continuously, and then leisurely leaving the crime scene, taking away her last bit of blood.

Killer: Barbara who rescued the dying and healed the wounded

[Master Liuyun Jiefeng:... Rescue the dying and heal the wounded? ? ? ]

[Master Liuyun Jiefeng: You told me this is called rescue the dying and heal the wounded? ]

[Lady: Haha, I already knew the true nature of this little nun. ]

[Barbara: After all, I am the nun of Lord Barbatos. Since Lord Barbatos has been eliminated, my only task is to send everyone else to see Lord Barbatos. ]

[Diona: Wow, so scary. ]

[Amber: Does Miss Barbara have this side? ]

[Kujo Sara: I didn't expect that Mondstadt also has such a loyal and brave believer of God. ]

[Bennett: Miss Barbara, um, sometimes...]

[Barbara: What's wrong with sometimes (smiles puzzled)? ]

[Bennett: Very gentle! Miss Barbara is an extremely gentle person! ]

[Barbara: Very good, very energetic. ]

[Ying: I have to say, this kind of Barbara is also unique. ]


The perspective on the screen returned to Ying's character again. Ying was obviously very good at this kind of shooting game. First, he picked up a gorgeous treasure chest and got 5,000 Mora, and then bought a better weapon combat supply pack, successfully upgrading his musket and getting rid of the dilemma of only having a small biubiu in his hand.

"Everyone has got better weapons now, let's see what other players are doing?"

As Paimon explained, the perspective changed from the traveler to Funina.

This made all the Fontaine audience excited, and their attention increased by two plus signs, and they couldn't wait to see the wonderful performance of their own water god.

Funina found a supply box that happened to fall on the eaves.

She didn't choose to climb up, but stood directly under the house and shot the wooden box with the weapon in her hand, shooting the supply box down.

It was a coincidence that the young master just appeared from the corner at this time, and didn't see the danger above his head. He just shot at Funina, and then was knocked down by the supply box that fell from the sky.

Funina killed Dadali Duck.

"No way, this is possible?"

Even the referee Paimon was shocked by Dadalia's childish exit.

[Young Master: Oh, this is not fair, I didn't see it... And what the hell is my nickname? Dadali Duck? ]

[Rooster: Good fellow, after you bid farewell to winter, even your name has started to play with Liyue's homophonic puns? ]

[Ying: StarCraft players are like this, they never have the option of looking up. ]

[Alice: And we gunfight players need to consider more. ]

[Funina: Hum, hum, hum (puffing out her chest and looking up proudly), you see, this is me, Funina's combat wisdom! ]

[Claulinde: Hmm (clapping hands), you are worthy of being Lady Funina (expressionless). ]

[Charlotte: Oh, I'm going to take a picture of it, it will be on the headlines tomorrow! ]

[Then Villette: Hmm, this news needs to be reviewed, and be careful not to cause unnecessary contradictions and conflicts. ]

[Charlotte: Leave it to me. ]

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