The truth is, the truth is that the world is not perfect.

There is no shortage of people with strong martial arts or sharp eyes on this continent. The not-too-subtle release of the wind god Barbatos was noticed by the gods, and many masters also found something wrong, but no one had the time to speak out about these findings.

After all, it would be too unfair if one accidentally provoked the Fatui executive who dared to openly attack the gods like a madman, or the gods who looked unreliable but did not know the depth of the matter, because of a momentary exaggeration.

However, this can only be said that most people think so. As we all know, there are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people. There are hundreds of millions of intelligent life in Teyvat. There are always some mavericks among them, especially the existence of the Eye of God, which will make the host's personality more prominent, so there are still some single-celled organisms who choose to ask if they don't understand.

[Tadalia: I don't understand the rest, but ma'am, um, about this video, don't you find anything wrong? ]

[Madam: Tsk (impatient), what's wrong, no, it should be said that nothing is wrong, I don't admit that I did this! I also don't admit that I am going to do this kind of thing! ]

Although Tartaglia wanted to say that since it was like this, he openly admitted that he had the demeanor of an executive of the Fatui, but at least the young master still understood what he did and how much people hated him on this continent. The higher-ups also asked him to act as secretly as possible before the Queen collected all the Hearts of God, so he had to change his words in the end.

[Tadalia: Okay, okay, well, that's not true, and you're not going to do it - but I'm just assuming, assuming, don't you realize that this Venti-sama seems to have not been serious from beginning to end? ]

[Lady: Huh? How is that possible? ! That weak, powerless, bard? ! ]

[Captain: Rosaline! ]

[Lady: Um, tsk. ]

After that, no matter who else was in the discussion area, even when Barbara was stopped by Jean and could not reason offline, and could only output violently online, the lady did not reply at all, as if she was chopped into ashes by the unknown Thor who passed by.

As for Barbara, escorted by Jean, she rushed to the Angel's Gift with trepidation, only to see the long-time spiritual friend Ying, and Paimon who was destroying the 37th Angel's Gift special snack.

As for the wind god Barbatos himself, his whereabouts are unknown at the moment.

The matter of Barbara, a fanatic fan, is still to be continued. She is now outputting to the lady online, but the system's questions have also come out.

[Question: As the most dedicated of the Fatui executives, how many Hearts of God did the lady bring back for the noble Queen in her long and short life:]

[A. 1]

[B. 2]

[C. 3]

[D. 4]

[E. 5]

[F. 6]

[System: This question is difficult, and the answer method is to answer quickly. Only users with three stars or above can answer the question. The countdown starts now, 5, 4...]

[Xingqiu: Sure enough.]

[Tinari: It's like this again.]

[Luyeyuan Heizo: It can't be said that there is no relationship.]

[Linnie: It can only be said that it is not very related.]

[Paimon: What are you talking about (confused)? ]

[Lisa: Hehe, little cutie, what they are saying is that this question has little to do with the information revealed in the video itself. ]

[Navia: Forget it, I'm actually used to it. ]

[Tinari: Well, it's not completely unrelated. At least we know what the Heart of God in the question is? ! ]

[Kavi: Thank you for the popular science, ma'am. ]

[Xiangling: Thank you. ]

[Qiranliang: Thank you. ]

[Linette: Thank you. ]

[Lei Movie: Thank you. ]

[Wendy: ·······]

[Zhongli: ·······]

[Yae Shenzi: Oh my, I didn't expect it. ]

[Lei Movie: No (slightly panicked), I'm just curious about what the effect of this +1 is. 】

Wendy looked at the little guy in the discussion area who she had seen in the Seven Gods gathering before, who always had a tight smile on his face and followed closely behind the first generation Thor who looked exactly like her but was very gentle and kind. He really hadn't changed at all.

Seeing that the old acquaintances were still the same as before, it was as if the wear and tear on his body had been reduced a bit.

"This world is always full of so many surprises and beauty, Rosalyn Cruzshi

Ka Luoerfat, I won't tell you to let go of the past, but you are not without a future, you can try to look forward. "

The lady looked at the bard who suddenly appeared and stopped them.

The way he appeared, which she couldn't detect, made the lady realize that the guys in the discussion area were not talking nonsense, and the bastard Fengshen was really acting her in the video.

"Hey." Wendy touched the back of his head in a signature way: "Actually, I'm really weak now, why don't you try to hit me, maybe you will drop some high-level items. "

Wendy tried to show off the "forbidden knowledge" he had just learned from the alien traveler, the witness of Teyvat, but seeing the lady's still tense face, he shrugged and handed over a chess piece that had just appeared in the video.

"I wanted to give it to you in a more reasonable way. After all, visitors from heaven still need to be respected. But forget it, the established script has been disrupted. I, the top bard, am not the best playwright in Fontaine after all, so let's not waste it. "

The Heart of God floated in front of the lady. Even the lady was stunned for a moment because Wendy gave away the "most important" item of the god so easily.

When the lady held the Heart of God firmly and looked up again, Wendy's figure had disappeared.

The lady's expression was dazed for a moment. Once upon a time, she and Rustan had offered the wind flowers of the Wind Flower Festival in front of the statue of the wind god. At that time, her face must have been full of respect and faith for the wind god, just like that annoying little nun in the discussion area.

But everything is over. Rustan is gone, and the Mond she is familiar with is gone. Even she herself has long been lost in endless hatred.

"Asshole bard, my future has long been doomed! ”

The lady said this while looking at the description of her own question on the screen.

“A long and short life”

It is true that her life is long. After all, compared to the life of ordinary people who live only a hundred years, she has lived for more than five hundred years, which is indeed a long life.

But short...

[Albedo: Okay, Klee, you don’t have to use the cymbals to blow up the big bad guy. If I am not mistaken, the big bad guy will be gone soon.]

[Klee: Hmm? Brother Albedo, Klee doesn’t understand what you said.]

[Ying: Let me make a bold assumption. In the games I played in other worlds before, there are many settings in the background that are hundreds or thousands of years old, or even have a longer life. However, as the main story of the game begins, these beings with long lives often only appear for a short time before being killed by the plot. . ]

[Paimon: Uh (confused), it's so complicated, I don't understand. ]

[Klee: Um, Klee doesn't understand (confused). ]

[Alice: Oh, little Klee, what I mean is that the bad guy who bullied the God of Wind will soon get the punishment she deserves. ]

[Klee: Wow, mom is so awesome! ]

[Barbara: This is what you deserve, ma'am. If you sincerely repent now and change your ways, you may also be forgiven by the loving Lord Barbatos. ]

[Madam: Oh, naive, little nun with clear eyes, you don't understand my business at all! ]

The lady, who had already realized from the title that her future might not be good, mocked Barbara in the discussion area and took a deep breath.

The lady gritted her teeth, waved her hand, and ordered the fools who were at a loss behind her.

"Let's go back! "

"Back, where, madam?"

The lady glared at the inconsiderate debt collector and said, "Of course, to the winter."

She took a hard look at the screen in the sky, where the elites of various countries were racking their brains, guessing how many God's Hearts the model worker of the Fatui had finally gotten.

And what her future would be like.

The lady sneered.

She, the lady, must get all the other six God's Hearts for the Queen, and then burn herself into her original appearance in the most magnificent fire, and find the one she is most familiar with.

[Madam: I choose F!]

[System: Wrong answer.]

The lady sneered disdainfully. In her original destiny, she might not have gotten all the other God's Hearts, but now she has decided to welcome a new destiny.

Before the Queen's mercy can no longer suppress the flames that burn her, she must repay this favor.

The so-called problems and punishments are not a concern. She just

She was just expressing her determination.

[System: The punishment for the lady Rosalin Cruzshika Lowfat who answered the wrong option is——]

Come on, let me see what punishment you will give me!

[System: In the next 24 hours, repeat the time when the wolf cub Rustan died! ]

Wait——? !

After seeing her punishment clearly, the lady found that the scenery in front of her had changed instantly before she could react.

The quiet and peaceful Mondstadt and the green grass were gone. Her vision was filled with flames and scorched earth, as well as the figure standing alone in front of the dragon who was full of malice towards everything in the world.

At this moment, the lady understood.

For her, this place is indeed a veritable hell.

The lady was revisiting hell, and in reality, others were also commenting on the lady's silent answer and then being punished like a clown.

[Young Master: Is this guy okay? There was no reaction at all. ]

[Servant: After all, the punishment on this screen should be the most targeted and unbearable punishment for the person, right? ]

[Girl: And this is the first wrong punishment for the first difficult question. ]

[Scattered Soldier: Humph, ridiculous. ]

[Young Master: So, why doesn't she use exemption? ]

The reason for not using exemption is easy to understand, and many people have guessed it.

Unlike the previous punishment in reality, this kind of punishment is more focused on mental attack and punishment, which can easily make the person "forget" that she still has the right to exemption.

What's more, even if the lady remembers it, it is still a question whether she will choose exemption.

After all, this punishment is hell for her, but it is also an opportunity to see her lover Rustan again.

To be honest, the lady looked at Rustan's performance in the fight, and for a while she didn't know whether this was a punishment or a reward.

[Qin: Young Wolf Rustan, I remember that this is the founder of the West Wind Swordsmanship currently used by our Knights of Favonius. ]

[Lisa: He was also the vice-captain of the Knights of Favonius who assisted Grand Master Elendrin, the Lion of Light, in the past. ]

[Kaeya: He is a young wolf after all. Generally, those with this title will eventually become Grand Masters, but...]

[Eula: He died while protecting Mondstadt before he became Grand Master of the Knights. ]

[Amber: Hmm, I understand a little bit. So the punishment of the lady is to relive the scene of Rustan Senior's death in a loop. That is to say, Rustan Senior is a very important person to the lady. And the reason why the lady is so hostile to Wendy is that she puts most of the responsibility for Rustan Senior's death on Wendy? ]

[Ying: Oh, Amber is worthy of it. Isn't this a very reasonable idea? 】

Finally, we figured out some of the grievances between the lady and Mond, especially the wind god Barbatos, but this was not the reason why Barbara and the others would understand the lady. Even if they knew the reason, Barbara and other followers of the wind god were still full of hostility towards the lady, but the hostility was slightly reduced at this time.

The hostility was reduced because their wind god Barbatos took the lead and was the first to have an unclear relationship with the lady, and also because of the girl's emotional feelings about so-called love and hate.

Especially after finding out the reason why the young wolf Rustan died, everyone can only say that the lady is really good at venting anger.

The lady's matter has come to an end for the time being. Anyway, she is now being punished by the system with ecstasy, so everyone will ignore her for the time being.

The lady took the lead in eliminating a wrong option. The remaining five alternative answers still need everyone to continue to choose and guess.

【Xianyun: Humph, it really eliminated the most useless answer. Regardless of anything else, the Emperor's Heart of God will definitely not be taken away by the Fatui! So it must not be 6! 】

Zhongli drank a mouthful of tea and looked at the screen calmly.

He had already made a deal with the Ice God Barnabas remotely yesterday, and handing over the Heart of God was basically a done deal.

[Funina: The answer certainly cannot be E. I am the queen who judges the gods. How could the Heart of God in my hand be taken away by a mere Fatui? ! ]

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