The more you think, the more you will be punished.

Of course, they are not wrong to think so, but the process of drawing the conclusion has nothing to do with correct reasoning. In a math test, even if the answer is right, the process is wrong, and at most they will be given one point.

But reality is not a test. Sometimes, as long as the answer is right, it doesn't really matter.

Anyway, the foreigners who don't know the reason now assume that Mr. Zhongli, who has been personally certified by the travelers who came from outside the world, is a big shot in Liyue. In this case, if there is any shocking news in the video, they will be much less shocked than the locals of Liyue.

On the screen, as the buffering symbol gradually stopped rotating, the video to be played also completed the buffering and began to play officially.

Similar to the video where the Wind God fooled you, today's second video also plays the actual game screen. You can see this by just looking at the subtitle box below the characters in the screen.

People in Teyvat are still very quick to accept new things. Even if they have just learned a concept, they can immediately apply it to the next video.

In the screen, Zhongli, who is dressed gorgeously and has a majestic appearance, is facing the screen, while the travelers Kong and Paimon are facing away from the screen. The three of them are standing near Feiyunpo.

From the prompts and content in the dialog box, it can be seen that Zhongli is talking at the beginning of the video.

"This is the first advance payment from [Young Master]. If it is used up, you can also go to him to reimburse the subsequent payment."

"Okay, let's get going. The first step in preparing the ceremony... is to obtain the best [Night Mooring Stone] of quality that is enough to match the gods."

[Ying: Uh, so this should be the actual game screen with my brother selected as the self-player character? It's strange. In this game where you can choose your gender, someone actually chose my brother. I thought everyone would choose me. But then again, is this a different kind of reunion? 】

Sora in the Abyss wanted to say no, but he had been patient for so long. Even the plan that had been advanced for more than half in Mondstadt had to be abandoned because of his sister's intrusion. Now he couldn't let his inability to tolerate a little ruin his big plan.

It's just that his sister's narcissistic and sloppy personality hasn't changed at all.

【Xiangling: Ceremony? Matching gods? Hmm, what kind of god's ceremony requires a night stone? 】

【A Ping: It's the ceremony of sending off the immortals. When those old friends left, Liyue would always hold a grand ceremony of sending off the immortals. But I don't know when this tradition started, and everyone gradually forgot it. 】

【Lishui Dieshan Zhenjun: Hum, so the mortals nowadays are really messed up. 】

Obviously, the Qianyan Army was also composed of mortals in the past. Those mortals could wear armor weighing thousands of pounds with immortal power, wield heavy rock spears given by the emperor, and fight with the emperor.

Even so, the army formed by mortals did not play a big role in the battles between immortals and even gods.

But the mortals at that time would not rely on immortals for everything, abandon the right path all day long, and run to the mountains to pursue immortal fate day and night. They really practiced their vows, followed the emperor, and fought with the immortals.

Now look at the Qianyan Army, which can only wear light armor and hold spears weighing more than ten pounds...

Alas, it makes people sigh.

[Xianyun: No, the point is, this is a god-level ceremony to send off the immortals... If we in Liyue hold a god-level ceremony to send off the immortals, wouldn't it be——]

[Xueyue Zhuyang Zhenjun: Liuyun, have you forgotten the video of the footprints yesterday, and the words conveyed by the emperor in a dream? ]

[Xianyun: Humph, how could this immortal forget? ! But why is the emperor's ceremony to send off the immortals hosted by the emperor... Mr. Zhongli? And the funds are provided by the Fatui? Could it be that this man called Gongzi, although a foreigner, has great respect for the emperor? ! ]

[Gongzi: Uh... (gives up thinking) You are right. ]

[Lishui Dieshan Zhenjun: Humph, no matter what, it is really inappropriate to let a foreigner be in charge of the expenses of such an important ceremony, and Mr. Zhongli is in charge of the main ceremony, but no representative of the Seven Stars came forward to personally supervise the whole process! 】

Ningguang and the others sitting in the Qunyu Pavilion looked at each other with a wry smile.

No, fellow immortals, you are too lazy to even cover it up now, right?

This is a gift from the Emperor.

Xian Dian Yi, you were so calm during the discussion, the key point was not on the Emperor's soul returning to heaven, but you were fussing over sending Xian Dian Yi... Isn't this telling others that there was something behind the Emperor's death, or to put it simply, it was fake? !

"The Footprints PV said that the Emperor was murdered in public, and if the Emperor would come out in public, there would only be one chance every year, and that was to invite Xian Dian Yi."

Unlike several other colleagues, although Keqing was also shocked, she now almost guessed that the Emperor was actually fine, which avoided the most unacceptable development, and she was still able to analyze calmly.

Ningguang nodded and took over the conversation: "And the so-called plot should all follow the traveler who is in Mondstadt. According to the time, it should be this year's invitation ceremony. This year's invitation ceremony is hosted by me... Alas."

Ningguang sighed and apologized to the others, especially Ganyu, saying: "I lost my composure. It should be because I suddenly encountered the assassination of the emperor. I was at a loss and did the wrong thing in a panic."

At this moment, Ganyu, who had been forced to pass on the message by Zhongli who was impatient waiting for her to work overtime yesterday, felt a little embarrassed.

Although the emperor must have his deep meaning in what he did, anyone in Liyue, even the immortals, would panic when they suddenly encountered the assassination of the emperor.

Ganyu put herself in Ningguang's position in that situation and thought about it. She felt that she might not perform as well as Ningguang.

"Miss Ningguang, don't blame yourself too much. I believe that the Emperor must have a deep meaning for doing this."

Ningguang looked at the other Seven Stars calmly.

No escape, the Emperor must not have been assassinated.

Simple words may not reveal anything, but the expression on the face of the Seven Star Secretary, the half-immortal Miss Ganyu, has too many flaws.

However, there is still too little information now. I hope this video can give them more information and let them know what the Emperor is thinking.


Looking at Zhongli in the video, although Keqing has not guessed it yet, Ningguang, Tianshu and a few other Seven Stars have actually roughly guessed that Mr. Zhongli is very likely to be the Emperor from the strange attitudes of the immortals before.

Although it is very shocking to hold a funeral for yourself, but-

I still say that.

The Emperor must have a deep meaning for doing this.

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