The two of them were in a mess, and the two were in a mess.

Sora: "So after disturbing the giant pet that was kept illegally, the bard, knowing that he was in the wrong, also fled."

On the small screen, the traveler and Paimon, who were secretly hiding behind the tree and observing, accidentally disturbed Tevarin, causing Tevarin to hit Wendy twice and then ran away.

Thinking about it now, there must be some personal grudges in these two hits.

[Ying: Ah, now that I think about it, Wendy's expression at that time was really scary, as if she wanted to kill me. ]

[Wendy: Hey, didn't I know you at that time? ]

[Tevarin: I testify that this guy was really serious at that time, and his braids were shining. ]

[Tevarin: No need to give me face, if you want to beat him up, count me in. ]

[Wendy:... Traveler, you can increase the force a little, I think Tevarin is still a little confused. ]

Wendy: "Then the traveler ran into Mondstadt's top fire scout knight Amber Bingbei and brought her into Mondstadt."

[Amber: fire scout? ? ? ]

[Eula: Isn't this good? The wind god himself admitted that Mondstadt's fire scout is the strongest. ]

[Amber: No way, this is obviously a joke in this video. Among the companions that the captain took on the expedition, there are also many owners of the Fire God's Eye. They are all much stronger than me. ]

[Ying: Uh, but they are not in Mondstadt, so the top fire scout in Mondstadt should be Amber at the beginning of the game. ]

[Bennett: Ah, that... forget it. ]


[Klee: Klee doesn't understand, what does the Fire Queen mean?]

Sora: "And was given the wings of wind that can glide in the air. At this time, the frightened Dongfeng Citroen suddenly broke into the city and attacked the people."

Looking at the sky that suddenly changed color and the Dongfeng Dragon that rolled up the storm on the small screen, everyone was silent.

[Qin: In other words, if this screen hadn't come down, Lord Tevarin would have attacked Mondstadt under the influence of the blood of the dragon that day?]

[Ying: It seems so. From here on, the plot and our reality have changed and differed.]

[Tevarin: I said that my mind was not clear at that time, and there was an annoying guy who kept whispering in my ear - but what does Citroen mean?]

[Ying: It should be a joke unique to the other world. I'm not sure.]

[Alice: Ah, I know this. When I was picking up things before, I seemed to have seen it in a magazine. It seemed to be a car brand. ]

[Ying: That's really fitting. ]

[Tevalin: Asshole, did the video maker think I was a wind slime pulling a cart? ]

[Ying: Uh, I don't think that's what it means. The cart should refer to an automatic vehicle that is not powered by animals. ]

[Alice: And it's a very high-end brand. ]

[Tevalin: High-end... That's about right. ]

[Wendy: Actually, Tevalin, is there a possibility that as a high-level elemental creation of the wind element... In essence, you are no different from a wind slime? ]

[Tevalin: Then do you want to try the fangs and claws of my wind slime? ]

[Wendy: Hey, what a beautiful dragon~! ]

Wendy: "I hope the relevant brands will voluntarily pay the sponsorship fee after this episode is broadcast."

The words of the God of Wind confirmed what Alice and Ying said from another perspective.

Sora: "After the Ace Aerial Battle, the Traveler temporarily repelled the Wind Dragon."

[Tevalin: Humph, someone who just came into contact with the Wings of Wind can defeat me in the air, even if I was not clear-headed at that time, this is impossible... Barbatos, it must be you! ]

[Vendy: Hey. ]

Vendy: "After landing, the cavalry captain Kaeya, who came after hearing the news, expressed his welcome and invited the Traveler to the Knights' headquarters for a detailed discussion."

[Kaeya: These shoes are definitely mine, um, not bad, my appearance is quite handsome. ]

Sora said teasingly: "No matter how much you praise my sister, you can't change the fate of mining."

[Kaeya: ? ? ? ]

[Diluk: He said that you are a mining specialist in the game, um, that should be the case. ]

[Kaeya: Oh, thank you for your trouble to explain. ]

[Sora: This is the only sentence that I actually agree with. 】

【Kong: Anyone who approaches my sister will be dragged into the abyss to mine. 】

【Ying: Ugh, brother, you are so disgusting. 】

Wendy: "In order to stop the ravages of the Wind Dragon, the Traveler needs to help the Knights control the abandoned


[Tevarin: Barbatos, what did you call me just now?]

[Wendy: The wind god on the screen called me, what does it have to do with me, Wendy.]

[Jyn: The abandoned temple of the four winds... Ruins...]

[Jyn: I think we should take out part of the budget to clean up the temple of the four winds.]

[Tevarin: Finally, there are some people with conscience in Mondstadt.]

[Kaeya: Actually, there are not many people with such conscience. Sir Tevarin, it is really rare for you to meet our leader.]

Sora: "In one of the temples, Kaeya keenly discovered that it was the Abyss Cult that was obstructing the Knights behind the scenes. "

Looking at the Ice Abyss Mage on the small screen, Kaeya showed a playful smile.

[Kaeya: Interesting.]

[Tevarin: Now I remember, it was these guys who kept mumbling and nagging in my ear.]

[Kong: I have given up my previous plan.]

[Ying: Wait, brother, you were talking about the Abyss and the plan before... What on earth are you doing?]


[Ying: Don't tell me you've become a bad guy and joined the Abyss Cult, which is obviously a villain organization!]

[Ying: And you've become a key cadre there.]

[Kong: Ah, that, where should I start... ·】

【Yuan Shang: Actually, it's not the core cadres, but our prince. 】

【Kong: Shut up, even if I exile you, I can't shut you up! 】

【Ying: Okay, I almost understand why you ignored me before. 】

【Kaeya: After all, if the brother is the enemy of the seven countries, it is still an obvious villain style. In order not to implicate his sister, it is better to distance himself from him. 】

【Qin: Indeed, if we didn't see this screen at the beginning, but knew that the blood relative of the traveler was the prince of the Abyss Cult. 】

【Lisa: I guess we would also doubt the traveler. 】

Wendy: "And he calmly provoked the Abyss Mage."

Kong: "I don't know why an ice character is so arrogant to an ice Abyss Mage. ”

【Kaeya: Uh, is there any explanation for this?】

【Ying: It should be a game mechanism problem. Generally, when the same attributes fight each other with elemental attacks, they are either immune or their attacks are reduced by a percentage.】

【Kaeya: Okay, but in reality, I still have a way to fight the Ice Abyss Mage.】

Vendy: "At this moment, a red figure flashed by and easily solved the Abyss Mage."

On the small screen, Diluk suddenly jumped out and made the Ice Abyss Mage lose his combat ability with one move.

Sora: "I have a feeling that they will be captured and made our colleagues in the future. ”

【Kaeya: Hahahaha, Master Diluk is the host, I can’t do it, I already have the scene.】

【Diluk: Don’t worry, even if you ask me to be the host, I will definitely not forget you.】

【Kaeya: ······】

【Ying: Good fellow, you two are hurting each other here?】

Vendy: “After successfully controlling the Four Wind Guardian Temple, the Traveler concealed the existence of the Wind Dragon Breeder from the Knights of Favonius.”

Sora: “Then I saw a green guy in Mondstadt Square.”

On the small screen, Wendy ran past the fountain in Mondstadt.

Wendy said happily: “Are you referring to Otto?”

Sora’s face darkened: “Don’t play dumb.”

Wendy: “Hey. ”

[Ying: So this Otto is a character from another game?]

[Alice: Lord Wind God, please don’t break the fourth wall at an inappropriate time.]

[Wendy: It’s unfair. I don’t even know who this Otto is.]

[Tevalin: I feel like this Otto is a little…]

[Kamisato Ayato: I’m a little concerned.]

Sora: “Once again, I encountered a bard who violated the rules by raising a giant pet. At this time, the bard sang to the residents of Mondstadt about the reason why the wind dragon became ferocious.”

On the small screen, Wendy stood under her statue and sang to a crowd of people from all walks of life, especially travelers and Paimon, about the poem about Tevalin protecting Mondstadt and being tortured by the dragon’s blood.

Wendy: “It turns out that the wind dragon Tevalin was contaminated by poisonous blood during the battle with foreign enemies, and his temperament became manic. That’s why he attacked Mondstadt because he was frightened. ”

Sora: “And the bard was interrupted by the traveler when he was helping Tevarin remove the curse, which resulted in a series of subsequent events.”

When Wendy heard what Sora said, she said unhappily: “So this is all your fault!”

Shock my sister.jpg

[Ying: Pfft, which photographer took this photo? This, even I have to admit that it is so vivid. ]

[Amber: Hahaha, the way the Traveler opened her eyes wide makes me wonder what she saw that made her so surprised. ]

[Bennett: So this is why Lord Tevarin was so angry before... But it didn't attack Mondstadt here. ]

[Barbara: Thank you for the blessing of Lord Barbatos. ]

[Paimon: Although I think it should be thanks to this screen. ]

[Paimon: But I understand why Wendy's expression was so scary at that time. ]

[Lisa: Seeing that you can save your friend right away, but being interrupted and failing at the last minute, it is indeed easy to make people angry. ]

[Ying:... I wonder if this will be the closest time I have ever been to death in the Mondstadt plot? ]

[Wendy: Hate it, Traveler, I am not that decisive. ]

Sora: "Using this as a threat, the bard asked the traveler to go to the church to steal the Sky Harp."

[Barbara: Well, Master Barbatos, you clearly came to the church to reveal your identity, and all of us nuns will fight for you. ]

[Wendy: Ah, this, well, if I'm not mistaken...]

[Rosaria: Maybe Bartobas has already revealed his identity. ]

[Kaeya: But because the tone is very similar to mine. ]

[Diluc: The nuns didn't believe it. ]


Well, Barbara thought about it carefully and really couldn't find a reason to refute it.

As it turned out, the video that followed also verified this point.

Wendy: "The bard first asked the nuns about the situation of the Sky Harp in the church."

Watching Wendy calling a nun in white "Sister Nun" on the small screen, more than one Mondstadt person was silent.

Kong frowned: "A guy who is thousands of years old calls me "Big Sister" so affectionately. How shameless."

Wendy: "Unfortunately, after revealing that he is the wind god Barbatos, his request to borrow the harp was still rejected."

[Barbara: That, it seems to be Sister Gothlind. ]

[Rosalia: Tsk, a very troublesome guy, always looking at me. ]

[Barbara: Well, Sister Gothlind's words, in this case, there is no way not to believe it. ]

In Mond Cathedral, Sister Gothlind, the person involved, was both terrified and surprised.

She was terrified because in her original future, it seemed that she had refuted Lord Barbatos, the wind god.

She was surprised to see Lord Barbatos calling her "Sister Nun". What a dreamy scene.

Then she twitched with a click.

Fortunately, Barbara was weak and Captain Jean was still worried about her, so she was kept from participating in the Tevarin Rescue Operation. She was still in Mondstadt Cathedral, and she immediately used her elemental combat skills to wake up Gotlind with a slap.

Kong: "How could the dignified Mondstadt Wind God fall to the point of singing on the street? I hope the Wind God fooled you."

[Kong: Humph, I don't want to wear a crown, that's it. ]

[Ying: It seems that my brother knows more than me. Can you give your lovely sister some basic knowledge? ]

[Kong: ······This, sister, you have to know that I already have my own journey, so if you want to know this news——]

[Ying: I'll give you three seconds to organize your words, don't tell me that I also have my own journey. ]

[Kong: ······]

[Ying: Well, it's a dead duck to say that, it seems that I must have my own journey, fortunately I have the best guide in all of Teyvat. ]

【Paimon: Hum (proud). 】

Vendy: "After confirming that the Sky Harp is in the church, the Traveler and the Bard decided to sneak into the basement late at night to steal the Sky Harp."

Sora: "Under the close supervision of the Knights of Favonius, the Traveler broke through many obstacles and finally reached the Sky Harp."

Although Sora said so, looking at the small screen, the Traveler Ying ran past the Knights of Favonius and successfully reached the deepest part of the church's secret room.

Not to mention the silence of the Mond people, even the civilians of other countries were silenced.

【Grandmaster: Did I take too many people away? 】

【Jin: I'm sorry, Grandmaster, this is all my responsibility. I will start special training when I go back. 】

【Lisa: Although it's not good for me to say this, it seems that everyone in the Knights has been a little too lax in recent times. 】

【Kaeya: Ahem, this...】

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