The old man was very angry, but the old man was very angry.

Seeing that the store owner Bo Lai and Shi Tou were about the same at the beginning, Keqing gritted her teeth in dissatisfaction.

Although she knew that some merchants in Liyue Harbor had a general or even a bad attitude when facing customers, especially when facing foreign merchants, this kind of thing was the kind that the people would not report and the officials would not investigate. If you didn't see it, there would be no problem.

After all, you are a businessman. Merchants with bad attitudes will naturally get worse little by little, and the market will teach them how to be human first.

Before anything worse happened, these merchants who only had bad attitudes and no obvious violations in other aspects, in the eyes of Qixing, made less mistakes than those profiteers who smiled and ripped off customers.

Yes, if we only look at the essence of the matter, what Bolai did now is not as bad as Shitou's bad behavior of trying to cheat foreign tourists yesterday.

But the problem is not this now. The problem is that this scene is broadcast to the whole of Teyvat.

If Shitou's performance in the video yesterday finally won a lot of face for Liyue.

Then Bolai's attitude now will also make some foreigners have some negative impressions of Liyue Port.

After all, Shitou cheated people, but he cheated with a smile. You are so bold, Bolai, you put on a bad face right at the beginning, and you also spoke rudely to the guests. This is the whole of Teyvat that ruins Liyue Port's business reputation.

The nature is too bad.

What's more, you don't even look at the three guests opposite you, who are they.

One is Mr. Zhongli, whose real identity is the Rock King Emperor, one is Miss Traveler who is destined to travel through the entire Teyvat continent, and the last one is also a very strange little Paimon, who is known as the best tour guide in Teyvat.

Bolai, you are really good. You can offend such big names.

Thinking of this, Keqing suppressed the urge to cover her face and ordered her subordinates.

"Tsk, where are the Qianyan Army and the Taxation Bureau who went to check the stones yesterday? Now follow me, let's go to the North Pier to rectify the business environment."

No one opposed Keqing's suggestion. For the commercial port city of Liyue Port, business can be said to be one of the lifeblood of the city, and what Bolai is doing now, to put it in a big way, is not an exaggeration to say that it is a job-breaking.

When Keqing and her friends were heading towards the North Pier, the Wanyou Shop at the North Pier had been surrounded by angry shop owners around. Bolai was sweating as he dealt with other bosses who glared at him.

"Everyone, everyone, let's talk it over. We have been neighbors for so many years, it shouldn't be like this!"

Several leading merchants raised their fists, but they didn't hit them in the end.

"Asshole, it doesn't matter if your reputation is ruined, but if we are implicated and we are audited by the General Affairs Department, you better be careful."

Bo Lai laughed along, cursing himself on the screen in his heart, how could he forget the most basic principle of doing business with a smile.

Now he can only hope that the self on the screen is like Shitou yesterday, even if he doesn't perform well at the beginning, he must have the same highlights in the end.

While Bo Lai was worried, the video on the screen continued.

Faced with the rude and somewhat rude businessman, the knowledgeable Zhongli did not get angry, but calmly put forward his request.

"Golden House Hidden Beauty, Shanyin Jin Cluster, Piaomiao Xianyuan, these three kinds of colorful flowers, please take one of each to see."

Bo Lai, who had just mocked Paimon, was stunned when he heard Zhongli's words, and immediately smiled.

"——Oh! This master is an expert!"

After saying this, Bolai even mocked the Traveler and Paimon.

"The two around you are servants, right? Servants should not speak before the master."

[Kong: I have never seen such a bold person. ]

[Kong: I need to reward him personally. ]

[Ying: Ahem, brother, there is no need. I am not angry. Paimon is still stomping his feet in the air. ]

The Traveler is indeed not angry. After all, she is a being who can stand shoulder to shoulder with gods. For such ordinary verbal offenses, she basically just laughs it off.

Even the video shows the next three options of the Traveler.

[Finally one day, it's my turn...]

[Is this the retribution for calling Paimon for emergency food...]

[No, don't you think I look familiar...]

Seeing these three options, Paimon

Meng didn't even stamp his feet.

[Paimon: Okay, choose the second one. ]

[Ying: I'm curious about the third option. Have I made a name for myself in Liyue Harbor by now? ]

Perhaps sensing Ying's thoughts, the Traveler on the screen did choose the third option.

Bolai looked at the Traveler carefully and hesitated.

"Hmm? We seem to have met before... Oh, it's the Traveler, I'm sorry, I didn't speak in a good tone just now."

[Paimon: Ah, the boss who had such a bad attitude just now, after recognizing the Traveler, he actually apologized so easily? ]

[Ying: Hum (chest up), this is my face as the protagonist, the savior of the world. ]

[Xin Yan: But Uncle Bolai's eyesight is a little bad... Did it take him so long to recognize the Traveler? 】

【Xingqiu: It seems that the Traveler has already made a name for himself in Liyue Harbor. Uncle Bolai has also seen the Traveler, especially with a little Paimeng next to him. Such a distinctive feature, but he didn't think of it at the first time...】

The real Bolai is already a little tearful, stuffing a handful of walnuts into his mouth.

"Stop talking, stop talking, I'm already replenishing my brain."

The Bolai on the screen doesn't know how much trouble he has caused himself outside.

After recognizing that it is the Traveler, Bolai's attitude suddenly became very enthusiastic.

"Please, please, dear guest, take a look. If you have any other ideas, please tell me."

Hearing this, Zhongli thought for a while and said.

"Well, depending on the growth environment and ancestral relatives, the colorful flowers will show different characteristics... Boss, these are all good and are kept very fresh."

Zhongli seemed to appreciate Bolai's goods and pointed to one of the colorful flowers.

"For example, this kind has luxuriant branches and leaves, stamens like a golden house hiding a beauty, and long-lasting green leaves. It is mostly grown in places with complex hydrological conditions."

"In the shade of the mountains or in humid places, the petals of the rainbow flower are large and the stamens are dense, and the fragrance is fragrant, which can be called a cluster of flowers."

"The last kind is aloof and cold, with sparse branches, leaves, and flowers. The fragrance is light when the flowers bloom, but it is very long-lasting. It was discovered by chance when the ancients climbed the mountains to visit the immortals."

"However, to this day, most wild rainbow flowers have disappeared during the geographical changes in Liyue, and now they are mostly cultivated artificially..."

Listening to Zhongli's long speech, Bo Lai admired him very much.

"Hey, sir, you are indeed an expert. Even I didn't know there were so many details..."

[Chongyun: So there are so many things to say about the rainbow flower? I have learned a lot. 】

[Hu Tao: Haha, otherwise why did we have to find Zhongli as a guest official in our Wangsheng Hall? ]

[Paimon: Zhongli is worthy of being Zhongli. His knowledge of the upper class is so good that even the bosses who specialize in this business are willing to admit defeat. ]

[Ying: Of course, after all...]

[Paimon: After all? After all what? ]

[Ying: Nothing, you eat chicken. ]

[Paimon: Mmmmm. ]

Paimon, who was stuffed with a whole sweet flower-stuffed chicken by the traveler, pouted and thought about life for three seconds, then decisively gave up his previous doubts and wholeheartedly dealt with the delicious chicken in front of him.

Faced with Bo Lai's flattery, Zhongli was modest.

"He only knows a little bit, but my traveler friend is not to be underestimated. He is a person who will eventually travel all over the continent."

Everyone carries the flowery sedan chair. Since Zhongli said so, the traveler was naturally modest.

Two options appeared on the screen:

[It's not that great actually...]

[I'm really ignorant about the Neon Flower...]

Most of the audience who saw this thought that Zhongli's words were just ordinary human relations, just polite.

However, the few people who knew Zhongli's true identity would not regard this sentence as a simple politeness.

Although after the videos and discussions in the past few days, everyone has basically recognized the so-called identity of the Traveler as the protagonist of the game, but many people who think more about it still have reservations about what this protagonist can achieve in the end.

Now with the personal certification of the Rock King Emperor, one of the oldest seven rulers of the world and also the dignified God of War, everyone has recognized that the Traveler will eventually travel all over the continent.

In the face of Zhongli's praise, Paimeng seemed to be honored and said happily.

"Mr. Zhongli is too polite... So which of these three Neon Flowers should we choose?"

[Hu Tao: I know this question. ]

[Gong Zi: Yes, I know it too. 】

【Paimon: Humph, I want them all! 】

【Paimon: The title tells us everything! 】

【Walnut: Oh, little Paimon, watch the disc

The dishes are ready. ]

[Hu Tao: You used to call him Zhongli, Zhongli all the time, but when the guest official said something nice, you immediately called him ‘Mr. Zhongli’. ]

[Paimeng: I, I also know the basic interpersonal relationships, okay? ]

Seeing Paimeng’s sophistry in the discussion area, many viewers can even imagine the cute little guy in their minds.

In fact, just like what the people in the discussion area said, Zhongli’s next answer on the screen was as expected.

“Boss, I want them all.”

Paimeng was so shocked that he hid back: “Again?!”

[Xianyun: Humph, ignorant, here we want all the colorful flowers, which is different from the previous night stone. ]

[Ah Ping: Hehe, don’t scare the little guys. ]

[Ah Ping: For the ointment to worship the gods, we need to make as many varieties as possible, and then let the gods choose, so it’s okay to choose all of them here. ]

[Xianyun: Let's just say we have to have it all here. ]

[Paimeng: I see. I thought Zhongli hadn't considered the Mora issue. ]

[Zhongli: Hmm...]

[Zhongli: Indeed, there is the Mora issue here. ]


Faced with Paimeng's surprise, Zhongli chuckled.

"Hehe, when you go to the opera, you have to order the most popular actresses. When you walk your bird, you have to buy the most expensive thrush - this is life."

[Hu Tao:...Guest, our budget was in deficit last year. Do you have any plans? ]

[Zhongli: Master, I think it must be because Liyue was peaceful and prosperous last year, and even this year fewer people left. ]

[Hu Tao: Haha. ]

[Ningguang: I hope there will be more people like Mr. Zhongli in Liyue Harbor who have a life creed like him. 】

【Keqing: That would make your business easier, right...】

Zhongli on the screen didn't know that his rich young man's life creed was clearly heard by his boss, and he explained it seriously.

"However, the reason I bought three kinds of colorful flowers this time was not because of my life creed."

"You don't know that according to tradition, if different colorful flowers are made into ointments and offered in front of the Seven Heavens Statue, the Rock King will make his own choice."

"But this kind of ancient attention and some overly complicated traditions have been gradually simplified."

Zhongli's tone was a little regretful and a little relieved.

"But this is the only immortal ceremony belonging to one of the Seven Gods in 3,700 years. We should follow the tradition and pay attention to offering these ointments."

Including Wendy, those who knew Zhongli's true identity secretly complained that the old man might be nostalgic and wanted to take this opportunity to relive the traditions and memories of the past.

But have you ever thought about how embarrassing it would be if the fact that "Zhongli saw Morax off to his grave" was exposed?

Oh, that's right, the old man is a huge stubborn stone, very thick, so he is naturally not afraid of this embarrassment.

As the ruler of a country, as long as he is not embarrassed, there will naturally be many people who will use "Lord Emperor must have some deep meaning in doing this" to help explain.

After giving the reason, Zhongli seemed to realize something, pondered for a while, and asked rather embarrassedly.

"Well, so... well... did you bring money?"

[Paimeng: I knew it. ]

[Paimeng: Ah, it's over. I always feel that I haven't really met Zhongli, but I have already gotten used to Zhongli's lavish spending and the fact that I don't bring money. Now I see that Zhongli doesn't bring money, and I don't feel anything wrong. ]

[Zhongli: Excuse me. ]

Not only Paimeng in real life, but also the traveler and Paimeng on the screen feel the same way.

Paimon put his hands on his hips and said angrily: "You didn't bring money again--! Zhongli--!"

On the side, two options appeared next to the traveler.

[It seems that I have gotten used to it. ]

[It might be more strange if he brought it. ]

[Ying: I choose the second one. ]

[Hu Tao: Oh, guest, your name is known to everyone from Inazuma to Nata. ]

[Zhongli: I'm sorry for not considering it. ]

Even the immortals who stood by the Rock King were speechless at this time.

However, the conversation between Zhongli, Paimon and the traveler made Bo Lai realize something, and he asked tentatively.

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