The question is, how can you make a good choice?

[Question: The three kinds of ointments made in the video, after being worshipped by the three travelers in front of the Seven-day Statue, which one did the Rock God Statue of the Rock King finally choose? ]

[A. The first one]

[B. The second one]

[C. The third one]

[D. I want all of them]

[E. None of them]

[System: The difficulty of this question is medium, and the answer method is to answer quickly. Only users with three stars or above can answer the question. The countdown starts now, 5, 4·······]

[Paimon: Strange, how come this screen has also been infected with Zhongli's habits? ]

[Paimon: The Rock King can't be as unreliable as Zhongli (spreading his hands)? ]

[Ying: Paimeng, could it be that this question does have a fourth option? ]

[Paimeng: Ah, is the Rock King so philanthropic? ]

[Xianyun: Although I should say something disrespectful to the Immortal Master... but forget it. ]

[Chongyun: By the way, although it is a bit rude, can the Seven-Day Statue still choose the ointment at this time? ]

[Xiangling: Hmm? ]

[Hutao: Oh, I know, I understand this. ]

[Zhongli: ? ? ? ]

[Hutao: You see, we humans can become ghosts after death, so the old Rock King must have an ominous after death after his death, ah, no, he has a spirit after death. ]

[Hutao: It must be that the Rock King held on to his last breath and chose the ointment through the Seven-Day Statue. ]

[Xianyun: Disrespectful... um, you are right. 】

Zhenjun Liuyunjiefeng suddenly remembered that this little girl named Hutao seemed to be the head of the Wangsheng Hall of this generation, and the old man Yanwangdijun was now a guest in the Wangsheng Hall.

Could it be that Yanwangdijun had indicated this statement to the head of the Hutao Hall?

The immortals fell into deep thought.

But they fell into deep thought, and the sudden silence in the discussion area, in the eyes of other viewers, even the immortals under the Yanwangdijun recognized the statement of the head of the Hutao Hall. They suddenly realized why the Yanwangdijun, who had passed away, could choose perfume for his funeral through the Seven Days Statue. There was a reasonable explanation.

After all, Teyvat has a ground vein that is said to be able to record everything. Even if the Yanwangdijun died, he could not return to dust completely in the end. After his soul returned to heaven, he showed his spirit through the ground vein and chose a pleasing ceremony for his funeral. What's wrong?

Although some people envy the gods for being able to choose a tomb that they like after death, no one said anything. Instead, they began to think about which of the three perfumes the Rock Lord likes.

[Ying: First of all, we need to make it clear, which of the three perfumes does the Rock Lord like? ]

[Paimon: Hmm? Traveler, what do you mean by this? ]

[Ying: So, is the Rock Lord's true body a man or a woman, @Wendy? ]

[Wendy: I ​​call him old man. ]

[Ying: Tsk, what a pity... ahem, I mean that some situations can be ruled out. ]

[Funina: Miss. Ying'er has already explained the applicable scopes of the three perfumes. Here, we just need to know which type of women Morax likes, right? ]

【Funina: Uh-huh (serious), since the reign of the Water God, there has been no gathering of the Seven Gods, so I really don’t know what the Rock God is like. As followers of the Rock God, the immortals of Liyue should know it best, right? 】

Yes, of course.

But who among these three-eyed and five-manifest immortals dares to answer this question?

So no matter how Funina asked in the discussion area, the Liyue immortals, including Xianyun and other immortals, seemed to have gone offline and kept silent.

【Funina: Strange, is this so difficult to say? 】

【Funina: @Wendy, as a first-generation god like the Rock God, you should know the answer to this question, right? 】

【Wendy: Ah, that, how should I put it, it’s a bit inconvenient for me to answer here now - Tevarin, shut up! 】

【Funina: ······】

Just now, the traveler asked you a question and you answered it immediately. But you just perfunctorily answered it when it came to me. You are treating me differently!

Funina gritted her teeth, and her little canine teeth sparkled under the light of the chandelier.

【Funina: Now, unless Morax answers it himself, it seems that we can only analyze it ourselves, right? 】

Funina really wants to grab more rewards for questions now. One more reward,

The more secure Fontaine's future is, Funina is still clear about this.

[Nashida: Actually, I can connect to the World Tree to check it now... But I always feel that this is unfair and unwise, so I don't plan to use this method to answer daily questions. ]

[Funina: I almost forgot your power, Nashida, but in an emergency, I can still make emergency decisions. ]

[Nashida: I know (well-behaved), senior 'Funina'. ]

[Funina:... Ahem, let's continue to analyze. ]

Funina suddenly realized that after the Grass God got the intensified transformation stick that could temporarily increase his power and strength yesterday, he could theoretically be regarded as the youth version of the Great Compassion Tree King for two hours a day and the full version of the Great Compassion Tree King for five minutes.

It is natural that the Grass God, who can theoretically connect to the World Tree to check all the information of Teyvat's past, present and future, discovered some small secrets that he wanted to hide.

Fortunately, only the righteous and lawful gods like the Grass God have this ability. Seeing her polite attitude just now, this child is really a good person, no, a good god.

If the law of nature also realizes her true identity, it will be a lot of fun.

At that time, except for pinning all her hopes on this suspicious screen, Funina really has no other choice.

Thinking of this, Funina clenched the rebirth cross in her hand, and her desire to answer the question became stronger.

[Lei Movie: I used to attend the Seven Gods Gathering held in Liyue with my sister. At that time, I was just a shadow warrior, accompanying the gods at the end. In my impression, Morax should be a very traditional and powerful god. ]

[Wendy: Ahem, I finally escaped. Ah, that, how should I put it, it’s good that the old man didn’t beat me up when he saw me. Even if I really know the answer to this question, I dare not say it. ]

[Ying: I feel that a certain wind god has started to fool around again. ]

[Ying: But the Rock King, hearing this name, I feel that I will not choose the first option. ]

[Keqing: This, indeed, if we talk about the impression that the Emperor gives us, it should be the second or third option. ]

[Ningguang: As for the fourth option, well, it does not quite fit the impression of the Emperor. Similarly, the fifth one should not be either. ]

After all, this is not a market to buy things. Mr. Zhongli himself said that it was enshrined in front of the Seven Heavens Statue and let the Rock King choose it himself. Since it is a choice, it should not be the "all" option.

Similarly, the colorful flowers used in these three perfumes were personally selected by Zhongli himself at the Wanyou Shop in Bolai, and there should not be an emergency situation where the Rock King is not satisfied with any of the perfumes.

So "all" and "none" are options that can be eliminated in the first step.

[Keqing: Then I choose the second one, the perfume suitable for rich ladies. 】

[Ningguang: Haha, it's really the answer you can choose. 】

Since the alternative answers have been narrowed down to two, Keqing is not a hesitant person, so she naturally chose one immediately.

After all, this question can be regarded as their Liyue's main question in a sense, and they can't give the first place to answer to the contestants from other countries.

Keqing, who is decisive in her own actions, naturally answered the question after narrowing down the range of alternative answers.

And since she decided to answer the question, Keqing naturally had to choose an answer that she preferred.

In a sense, Keqing, whose family is engaged in real estate business, can also be regarded as a lady from a noble family, but other ladies from noble families learn needlework and the like, while she prefers to wield swords and roll up her sleeves to work personally.

But compared to the third option, the ointment suitable for mature women, when Keqing saw it, for some reason, the first thing that came to her mind was Ningguang's face, and she subconsciously avoided it.

Unfortunately, reality is not governed by personal will.

[System: Wrong answer. ]

[System: The punishment for Yuhengxing Keqing who answered the wrong option is——]

[Keqing: Wrong? Never mind. Punishment is inevitable. Let me see what my punishment is. ]

[Ying: Oh, Keqing is so cool. ]

[Keqing: I just accept reality easily and save time. ]

Keqing is very easy to let go. Since she made a wrong bet, she has to accept the punishment.

Although she looked a little disappointed, she just made a wrong answer to a question. It was not an unacceptable blow.

I just don't know what kind of punishment this screen will give me.

The punishment on this screen is also famous for its high and low difficulty, but one thing is recognized, that

All of them are punishments for the weaknesses of star users who answer questions incorrectly.

Either they output the pain points of star users who answer questions incorrectly, or they make star users embarrassed. It can be said that it is very targeted, just like the reward for answering questions correctly.

Look at the lady who answered incorrectly yesterday. Until now, she has not said a word in the discussion area. It is enough to see the intensity of this punishment.

[System: Play "Engraved Flying Beef Offal" live once in all Teyvat, and set up a stall in the most prosperous area of ​​Liyue Port to sell the engraved flying beef offal for three days. ]

[System: During the sales period, if someone requests a live performance, it shall not be refused. ]

[System: Considering the acceptance of the punished person himself, after the number of performances reaches three times a day, he can refuse to continue the performance. ]

[Keqing:? ? ? ]

[Keqing: Engraved Flying Beef Offal? What is this? If it is just a performance and selling beef offal, I can accept it. ]

Anyway, Keqing can do things like working like an ordinary miner and inspecting the living conditions of Liyue miners without blinking an eye. Now it's just a public performance of the "Engraved Flying Beef Offal" and selling beef offal like a hawker. In Keqing's opinion, there is nothing wrong with accepting it.

[System: Does the punished person accept the punishment, or choose to be exempted? ]

[Keqing: In this case (thinking), I accept it. ]

[System: Now playing "Engraved Flying Beef Offal", please watch carefully, the public performance will continue until the punished person successfully completes the "Engraved Flying Beef Offal" in the video. ]

[Ying: Oh my god, there are additional video tutorials? ]

[Ningguang: Haha, interesting, I am looking forward to the beef offal made by Yuhengxing herself. ]

[Keqing: You are such a person who never tires of fine food, will you also eat beef offal? ]

[Ningguang: Although I don't eat that kind of food now, if you make it, I will definitely support you. ]

[Beidou: Oh, this is really rare. ]

[Hutao: By the way, the reason why this beef offal is called Keji Feitian beef offal is not because it chose Keqing's Ke, right? ]

[Keqing: Then the producer of this video must not have known me well. Although I usually call myself Keqing, I also have a surname. ]

[System: Playback starts. ]

[Yanfei: Hmm? I always feel that it seems to be a little anxious. ]

[Hutao: Oh, anxious, anxious, he is anxious. ]

The screen that had originally gone black once again showed a picture, but this time the style of the video was completely different from the previous one.

[Ying: This, this is such an old-fashioned picture quality! ]

[Ying: I didn't expect it to be pixel style. I feel like it's another outrageous secondary creation. ]

Looking at the screen, it seems that the painting is not much better than the paintings made by the Liyue children. It is very simple, but the architectural style and character characteristics can be seen in the unique painting style. Although I don’t know what this so-called pixel style means, everyone can understand it now.

[Xiangling: Eh, is that me? ]

[Yaoyao: Well, although it’s a little unclear, the style and color of the clothes are all like Senior Sister Xiangling, and the hairstyle is also. ]

[Qiqi: Cute, like a small sparrow. ]

[Aping: Haha, I also think Xiangling is very cute like this, which reminds me of the past. ]

[Xiangling: Eh, is that so? Hehe. ]

[Keqing: Although I don’t want to say... But on the other side, lying on the table? The purple cat head on the stall, could it be me? ]

[Ying: Purple cat head, pfft... Hahahahaha. ]

[Keqing: Me, I just described the characteristics in the picture. I usually tie my hair up. ]

[Ying: That means, you sometimes wear your hair like the one on the screen? ]

[Keqing: Sometimes, sometimes...]

In the picture, in front of the pixel-style Liyue house, there is a purple cat head with squinting eyes lying on a small stall with a sign of Keji Niu Za and a three-link like coin collection logo, and the yellow-clothed girl walking over from the other side, if nothing unexpected happens, it should be Xiangling.

Xiangling came over with a clatter and said to Keqing, who opened her misty eyes when she noticed someone coming.

"Keqing, how is the beef offal shop business?"

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