The story is about the past, but the present is not the same.

Seeing this, it cannot be said that it has nothing to do with the video, but it can be said that there is no clue, and the information content is extremely large. People with some knowledge on the continent of Teyvat all cursed in their hearts.

Especially the Fontaine region where the film and television industry is very developed.

What is the script? These guys who usually have fun at the Opikle Opera House can be said to know it very well.

Now, in front of the existence represented behind this screen, their entire Teyvat's extremely real joys and sorrows are actually just a grand script?

This makes people feel angry and difficult to suppress.

[Ying: No escape, this "Genshin Impact" is either an anime or a game, but judging from the previous information, the possibility of a game is the greatest. ]

[Albedo: On the continent of Teyvat, people with the Eye of God are all called original gods, which means that they are qualified to become gods. The name of this work can be said to highlight the characteristics of the continent of Teyvat. ]

[Alice: Oh, Albedo is always so reassuring. ]

[Alice: Ah, Aunt Alice, I'm sorry, I was busy with an experimental test just now and didn't have time to greet you. ]

[Alice: It's okay, you usually have to be busy with alchemy and take care of Klee, it's really hard for you. ]

[Klee: Brother Albedo is a good person! ]

Albedo greeted a few people and then there was no sound again. I don't know if he was busy with the experiment or thinking about this question.

Everyone in the discussion area also turned their attention back to this question. After all, the rewards for the first two questions were items related to gods, and Teyvat was a world that walked with gods. Everyone also wanted to get items related to gods, and their enthusiasm increased.

[Xiaogong: This is the third question. I also want to get the reward for the question. ]

[Xiangling: I wonder if the reward will be novel ingredients or dishes. ]

[Navia: If it can reduce some of the financial burden...]

[Bennett: Although I don't have much hope of getting the answer right, but, um, if there is a reward that can change my luck. ]

[Alice: Damn it, there is no hint at all for this question. It is completely different from the previous questions in terms of difficulty. ]

[Klee: Klee doesn't know. ]

[Tinari: The key is, as I said before, there is a reward for the right answer and a penalty for the wrong answer. 】

【Keqing: The first two so-called welfare questions gave out two rewards related to gods. It is hard to imagine what prizes this question will give out, and the corresponding punishment is also...】

The ellipsis in Keqing's comment area made almost everyone suppress the urge to answer.

As for courage, to be honest, there is no shortage of self-machine characters or important characters who can speak in the current discussion area.

But the problem is that this question has no hints or ideas at all, and there is no clear punishment. At this moment, it is like a sword of Damocles, hanging over everyone's head, forcing them to be cautious.

After all, the reward is at the god level, so according to common sense, this punishment is also at the god level, at least according to the principle of equal value, it is also very likely to threaten life.

Of course, since it is said that it is almost everyone, it means that there are still people who are not in common sense.

[Aratake Ichito: Hahahahaha, it's time for me to show up. You bunch of cowards, go away and watch me perform. ]

[Kujo Sara: This idiot (headache), but since he is about to sacrifice for everyone and filter out a wrong answer, I will not arrest him this time. ]

[Kyuki Shinobu: Tsk, he chose a time when I am not around, it's too late. ]

[Aratake Ichito: Ah, stinky Tengu, you wait, wait until I get an incredible reward, I will definitely defeat you. ]

This person is so naive.

This is almost the unanimous opinion of all Teyvat people.

Even Lei Dianying, who is also in the discussion area, is thinking carefully about whether to hire this guy as a royal servant to eliminate wrong options in the questions.

[Aratake Ichito: Listen, the answer is Inazuma. How can they follow the script when I am here? ! Ahahahahahahahahaha!!! 】

This idiot really didn't disappoint everyone in terms of disappointing everyone's expectations.

Kujo Sara and

Kuki Shinobu put on a mask of pain.

[System: Wrong answer. ]

As expected, Arataki Ichito eliminated a wrong option.

[Arataki Ichito: Huh? Impossible, this is absolutely impossible, how could my answer be wrong. ]

[Arataki Ichito: Hey, is this thing broken! ]

[System: The punishment for Arataki Ichito who answered the wrong option is - in the next month, soy products will appear randomly in three meals a day according to a certain probability. ]

[Bennett: Huh? What kind of punishment is this? Soy products are delicious, and they are the best food to supplement the body besides meat. ]

[Xiangling: Well, as a chef, my intuition tells me that Mr. Ichito is allergic to beans? ]

[Tinari: Allergies are very deadly things, this is not a joke, if there is no good response, Arataki Ichito will be in danger in the future. ]

[Siegwen: Ah, that's not good. Mr. Ichito, you have to be responsible for your own health. Do you need emergency services? ]

[Hutao: Although I really hope to make a deal, I don't want the customer to use the discounted package right after I sell it. ]

[Baizhu: Don't worry, I will provide a recipe. Although it tastes a little bitter, it can ensure that it can save your life. ]

[Jiuqi Shinobu: Um, thank you everyone. As you said, our boss is a ghost. Although the ghosts are not really afraid of beans as in the legend, our boss is indeed severely allergic to beans. Thank you for your kindness. ]

After all, these important characters in Genshin Impact, except for a few, are good people in various senses, especially warm-hearted. They are the ones who help others when they encounter injustice.

Otherwise, why am I always dragged into all kinds of strange and bizarre events in the game?

At least half of them are thanks to these overly warm-hearted friends.

Of course, the yellow exclamation mark also has to bear some responsibility.

They will help out some passers-by who are not independently modeled.

Now that we really see the punishment that Ara Taki Ichito has received, which may even threaten his life, everyone is naturally eager to help.

[System: Now exclude answer C, please continue to answer, because user Ara Taki Ichito has eliminated the wrong option, the difficulty of this question has been reduced, and the subsequent rewards and penalties have also been reduced accordingly. ]

Seeing the system prompt, everyone nodded.

This is indeed, from four choices to three choices, especially for this kind of seemingly unthinkable problem, which is basically the difference between a quarter probability and a third probability, it is also reasonable that the corresponding rewards and penalties should be reduced.

Then the question is, who should be the next warrior or lucky person?

Before everyone can think clearly, the next person to answer the question, or the god, popped up.

[Nashida: I choose D, the answer is Xumi. ]

[System: The answer is correct, and the honorable five-star user Nashida is rewarded with a bucket of milk from the MC world. 】

【System: Any object in Teyvat who consumes a bucket of this rewarded milk at one time can remove any negative status. 】

That's it... the answer?

Whether it was a passerby user or a star user who could speak in the comment area, most of them were shocked.

But after seeing the person who answered correctly, everyone felt that it was somewhat natural.

After all, according to the previous conversation with the show-off water god, this Nashida should be the only god who actively responded to the water god's greetings and provocations.

In the minds of most Teyvat people, gods should be omnipotent, and only then are they called gods.

What's more, she is the grass god who controls wisdom among the seven rulers of the world, which is even less surprising.

By the way, what's going on with Xumi? Why does such a capable god have almost no sense of existence on weekdays?

Compared with the water goddess Fernina, who always loves to show off and is the hottest star in Fontaine in the past few hundred years, the reputation of the grass god named Nashida is simply a world apart. The difference is too huge.

In Xumi City, the great sage and several other sages looked at each other with complicated expressions, not knowing what to do now.

The immature god who could be ignored has now proved his wisdom in the entire Teyvat, which really embarrassed them, the guys who intended to create gods.

And this reward...

To be honest, I want it.

But the problem is that there is only one copy, and it is in the hands of the restrained god.

Although these sages think that the new grass god is not mature enough, not wise enough, and not strong enough, it is at least a

The demon gods, as the most knowledgeable people on this continent, dare not speculate on the power of a god like those ignorant mortals.

Now they dare to ignore the God of Grass through a layer of shield with added materials, but take the initiative to open the shield and snatch things from the hands of the god.

To be honest, the sages of this generation dare not be as brave as the sages of the generation five hundred years ago.

[Tinari: God of Grass...]

[Seno: God? ]

[Elhaisen: I should get off work. ]

[Kavi: Huh? Is this what you feel? ]

[Elhaisen: No one can stop me from getting off work on time. ]

[Ganyu: I still think that the work of the day should be done on the same day, and even a little advance should be made. ]

[Qin: That's right, there is so much work, it should be early-by the way, are we off topic? ]

[Lisa: As expected of the God of Wisdom, although I also analyzed that Xumi is the most likely answer, I still don't dare to make up my mind. ]

[Shikanoin Heizo: Eh, did anyone make the same guess as me? ]

[Tinari: Well, although it's a bit of hindsight, I also guessed Xumi. ]

[Ying: I also guessed Xumi, ah, if it wasn't for the so-called punishment, I would have answered the question first. ]

[Paimon: What? Traveler, you actually guessed it? Ah, what a pity, I still want the super delicious sweet flower stuffed chicken! ]

[Ying: Paimon, no one said that the reward given by this suspicious screen would be the super delicious sweet flower stuffed chicken. ]

[Paimon: But it's possible~, and even if it's not this reward, I can exchange the reward for a lot of Mora, and I can also exchange it for endless sweet flower stuffed chicken! ]

[Ying:... You little foodie, sometimes you think quite rationally. ]

[Amber: Eh, eh? Why did you all guess that it was Xumi? ]

[Chongyun: That's right, I have no idea at all. ]

[Cole: Ah, I suddenly feel so stupid. ]

[Albedo: Well, how should I put it? I think it's probably because of a not-so-convincing reasoning. ]

[Charlotte: Reasoning? (Takes out a notebook) Can you please explain it in detail? ]

[Albedo: It's very simple. According to what Miss Traveler said, if our world appears as a work in other worlds, then no matter how you think about it, according to common sense, developments beyond the script should not occur in the early stage of the plot. ]

[Ying: In addition, the kind-hearted elder brother ruled out Inazuma, who ranked third, so the possibility of Xumi is even higher. ]

[Alice: But nowadays, works always love to surprise. ]

[Yae Shinko: So everyone is not sure, it is really Sumire. After all, if they unexpectedly tear up the script at the very beginning, we can't do anything, right? ]

[Charlotte: Oh (taking notes), I see, I see, thank you for your answers! ]

[Nashida: Actually, I know more than you, so I made up my mind to answer. ]

[Dottore: Hum, I see, that's it. ]

[Columbia: Doctor, have you thought of anything? ]

[Doctor: It should be the World Tree. As the God of Grass, you are born with the ability to manipulate the World Tree. Although you are still very immature and may not be able to use this power well, it is indeed possible that this will change the "script" in the future. ]

[Tartaria: No, that, I want to ask first, how did you change your name? 】

[Doctor: Stupid, those of us with different titles, names, and code names can change our titles in the system. You have been on this screen for so long, don’t you have any active exploration? 】

I have your head!

You wait for me, sooner or later I will beat you into a pig head.

The doctor’s answer caused a wave of waves in the hearts of most Teyvatians.

No one expected that the Grass God, who has almost no sense of existence now and is the youngest of the seven rulers of the current generation, actually has such a heaven-defying power.

Rewriting the script, if you understand it roughly, does it mean that you can change the development of any event in Teyvatri at will, and others can’t detect it?

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