The screen is full of surprises, but it is not the screen that thinks that the video played yesterday, no, the video played three days ago, made us too tense, so today's video will be a relaxing secondary creation? 】

【Wendy: Hey, not only that, he even personally pulled the protagonist of the video into the video to "relax". 】

【Dolly: This, this, if there is, there is, there is my video! Wouldn't it be possible to make an advertisement that can be broadcast throughout Teyvat without spending a single mora? 】

【Walnut: Good idea (eyes shining)! Choose me next! 】

【Yae Shenzi: Very good, for the prosperity of Yaetang's business, the next one is Miss Deep Sea Tongue Flounder. ]

[Xinhai: Rather than having a toy like me advertise your Yae-do, it would be better for you, the chief priest, to do it yourself. ]

[Yae-sama: That's too embarrassing. No, not even if I, the wise and beautiful Yae-sama, can do it. ]

[Xinhai: So I don't care, right? (tired). ]

[Qin: So there is such an operation (clapping), can this also help to revitalize Mondstadt's economy? ]

[Rich man: Well, we have to choose a good spokesperson. ]

[Funina: Why did you choose it? ]

[Funina: Can this screen still listen to you? ]

The few guys who were really tempted and wanted to put some ads in the video were silent for a while.

Indeed, if it is really an interesting and fun suggestion, or even an opinion that is purely out of goodwill, this screen may still adopt it.

But if you are selfish and want to use this screen to play videos every day to benefit yourself, these guys think it is unlikely.

However, these guys with God's Eyes are somewhat persistent, or simply paranoid. Now that they know that some things are impossible, it is not in line with their character if they don't try once.

——Except for the rich, he doesn't have God's Eyes.

[Question: Although the protagonist of this video, Aradaki Ichito, is childish, he is righteous and optimistic. Even if he is temporarily deprived of God's Eyes, his soul still shines brightly. May I ask, what was the first public event organized by such Aradaki Ichito in the name of the Aradaki faction after Inazuma abolished the isolation order? 】

[A. Violet Melon Club]

[B. Bug Fighting Club]

[C. Singing Song Club]

[D. Poetry Club]

[E. Drinking Competition Club]

[System: This question is of medium difficulty, and the answer method is to answer quickly. Users with three stars or above can answer the question. The countdown starts now, 5, 4...]

Seeing this question, especially the options listed in the alternative answers, even Inazuma people have many expressions like the old man on the subway mobile phone.

Poetry clubs are easy to say, but are fighting bugs and singing songs not so popular?

But this is still normal. After all, fighting bugs and singing songs are still very popular among the lower-class civilians of Inazuma. Even drinking competitions are not incomprehensible, but what is the Violet Melon Club?

As for the question, the lifting of the lockdown order in the future was a big deal for Inazuma a few days ago. After these three days of baptism, everyone can now look at it with a normal mind.

[Ying: Come on, this question is directly sent to the future. I thought today's video, which is so relaxing, would have some simple questions. ]

[Kaiya: Interesting. In fact, I feel that this is more suitable for fun questions, isn't it? ]

[Tinari: Hmm (thinking), it can maintain fun and challenge. The best thing is that this question does not reveal information or damage the reputation of a certain country's people. It is really wonderful. ]

[Seno: What is the reputation you are talking about? ]

[Tinari: ······Don't tell jokes here. In fact, it is the best way to protect the face of our Xumi people. ]

[Seno: Tinari, you can't do this. I haven't told a joke yet. ]

[Tinari: Ha, you, I don't understand? ! What you just did was obviously the prelude to a joke. ]

[Seno: ·······Tinari, you are a little extreme now. 】

【Kanoin Heizo: Ahem, by the way, this is the topic of our Inazuma main field, right? 】

【Kuki Shinobu: Ah, that should be the case. It says that the lockdown has been lifted, but...】

【Arataki Ichito: Hahahahahaha, it turns out that our Arataki faction will hold so many influential events in the future that can promote the reputation of our Arataki faction! 】

【Kyuki Shinobu: Anyway (covering his head), don't expect to get any clues from the boss. I guarantee that if you ask him which event he wants to hold the most, he will definitely say——】

【Arataki Ichito: Hahahahahaha, I want them all! 】

【Kyuki Shinobu: ······Boss, if you organize any event here, the funds of our Arataki faction will become a big problem. 】

【Arataki Ichito: Funds? Humph, I'll just work two more jobs when the time comes. 】

【Arataki Ichito: And I don't know why these two days, there are always people from the shogunate sending me Mora, hahaha, I guess they must be impressed by my heroic figure and took the initiative to pay tribute! 】

【Yae Shenzi: Hehe. 】

【Shadow: ??? ??? 】

【Ying: Although I don't understand, is this guy going to be in big trouble next? ]

[Yae Shenzi: Don't worry, at most it's just a 15-day free tour of Qinglai Island. At least he won't be allowed to go to Heguan. Isn't that great? ]

[Ying:...These two places are dangerous? ]

[Yae Shenzi: The scenery is beautiful and the landscape is beautiful, which fully highlights the wonders of nature. ]

[Ying: I understand. ]

Ara Taki Ichito, who didn't play a big role, was thrown to Qinglai Island by Lei Dianying for further study. The reason was that he didn't play his role as a royal servant well this time. It was definitely not because Ara Taki Ichito's words offended the palace chief and the Thunder God.

These two are big figures and are magnanimous. How could they be so petty?

[Ying: Forget it, we can only use our wisdom here to eliminate it. ]

[Lisa: Haha, I remember that on the first day when this screen just came out, we also answered questions in this way at the beginning. ]

[Ying: The following questions are too targeted. Wisdom cannot beat inside information. ]

[Kyuki Shinobu: Then as a member of the Aratake faction, I will help you rule out the option of poetry meeting. I think the boss and his people should not have that taste. ]

[Aratake Ito: Hey, Shinobu, what do you mean by not having that taste? ! ! ! ]

The star users in the discussion area silently recalled Aratake Ito's performance in the past few days. Even if they were in different places and had never met, at this moment, they all nodded in tacit understanding.

No matter how you look at it, poetry and this bold ghost hero are a bit unrelated. The styles are really incompatible.

[Kamisato Ayato: Haha, in this case, as the head of this term of the club, I will also provide some reference for everyone. 】

【Kamisato Ayato: The main responsibility of our company is to manage the internal festivals and ceremonies of Inazuma. If Ichito wants to hold some public activities, it must be approved and managed by our company. 】

【Kamisato Ayato: I think that among these activities, the Sumire Melon Society should not be approved by the company. At least we will suggest that Ichito change the name. 】

As the leader of the current Inazuma company, Kamisato Ayato is mainly responsible for this aspect. His words are still very important, so everyone silently excluded the "Sumire Melon Society", which makes people not know how to complain and don't want to know what it is.

——By the way, this activity can't be a group of people getting together and roasting sumire melons around a fire?

【Ying: Then I will also contribute a little. I will analyze it purely from the perspective of a player. 】

Hearing Ying say this, the audience who really want to understand the operating mechanism of the different world game all focused.

This is rare, knowledge from outside the world, even if it is not very useful, it is attractive enough.

[Ying: Although I still can't see the full picture of "Genshin Impact" these two days, it is undoubtedly a 12+ game. ]

Although everyone wants to complain about the plot of this 12+ game, sometimes it is too un-12+, but let's just listen to it at this time.

[Ying: According to my memory, a game that can be played by minors, especially when the age has been lowered to 12 years old, then this game should be able to control some more adult things. Well, at least it shouldn't appear in the open. ]

Halfway through, Ying remembered Miss Ying'er, the Liyue Car King in the previous video, and became a little unsure about his analysis, and quickly made a patch.

[Ying: According to my common sense, things like alcohol and cigarettes should not be accessible to players in the game. Don't look at my age. Maybe I can only buy juice in any bar in the game. 】

As for Huang and Ying, I won't mention them at all. After all, in this kind of card-drawing game, if you don't do a little

How can a little color, a little bit of the well-known edge, empty the players' wallets? Can it rely on knives and tears?

[Ying: So you can rule out the option of a drinking party. There may be wine in the game. After all, with the atmosphere of Mondstadt's big wine cellar, it is unlikely that there is no wine element, but this is an event, and players will definitely participate, so there can be no wine. ]

[Kavi: This eliminates three options. It feels much simpler than the previous medium-difficulty questions. ]

[Linnie: The question is simple, but the punishment and reward are still unknown. ]

As soon as Linnie said this, the discussion area fell into a strange silence. Seeing this, Jiuqi Shinobu sighed, let go of the struggling Aratake Ichito, and shrugged at his boss.

"Boss, it's time for you to take action."

Arataki Ichito was stunned for a moment, but soon laughed: "Hahaha, although I don't know what happened, but if I take action, no problem will be a problem!"

[Arataki Ichito: Humph, my Arataki faction is very tasteful. Those who slandered us before should be careful in the future. Don't let me see you in Hanamizaka! ]

[Kyuki Shinobu: Boss, it seems that I was the first one to say that you have no taste. ]

[Arataki Ichito: Huh? Uh, that, that's not important. In short, I choose the Fighting Insects Association! ]

[Arataki Ichito: I am the Arataki Ghost Bug Gladiator Ichito. I swear by my most beloved Miss Hina that the answer to this question is definitely the Fighting Insects Association! ]

[Goro: ······]

[System: Wrong answer. ]

[Ying: Wow, so straightforward, worthy of being Ichito. ]

[Arataki Ichito: No~~~~~~~~, Ms. Hina, I actually, actually betrayed Ms. Hina's trust! ! ! ]

[Goro: What does this have to do with Hina? ! ]

[Arataki Ichito: No, you don't understand, you don't understand Ms. Hina! ]

[Goro: ·······]

Goro is a little numb.

[System: The punishment for Arataki Tiandidou who answered the wrong option is——]

[Arataki Ichito: Humph, come on, as long as it's not as despicable as the last punishment, even if I have to eat beans for three meals a day, I can bear it! ]

[Kuki Shinobu: Boss, I don't think you need to provoke this Mr. Screen before punishing. It's not a good thing to provoke the existence of punishment. ]

[Arataki Ichito: Humph, I'm Arataki Tiandidou, and I don't have the word fear in my dictionary! 】

Jiuqi Shinobu rolled her eyes. Didn't she understand her boss? Except for being very reliable on major issues, she couldn't expect him to be reliable on such trivial matters.

Forget it. At present, although the punishment on this screen is sometimes terrible, it doesn't really threaten the personal safety of the punished. At most, it will lose face and suffer a little torture. This is a good thing for her boss.

After all, the boss's character will not be restrained at all if he is not frustrated.

[System: Aratake Ichito needs to return all the money and property that he has squeezed from others by various means before today to the original owner. ]

[System: Prompt 1, the returned property, no matter what state it was when Arataki Ito obtained it, needs to be returned in a brand new state, including but not limited to snacks that have been eaten, and toys that have been broken, which need to be purchased again...]

[System: Prompt 2, the returned property includes but is not limited to food, drinks, toys, Mora, equipment, building materials...]

[System: Prompt 3, Arataki Ito needs to complete the punishment within one month. If it fails to be completed, the one-year reward of animal bone ramen in Arataki Ito's account will be taken back to pay off the debt.]

[Arataki Ito: Hahahahaha, I'll take this level of punishment!]

[Yoya: Oh, how can I say this.]

[Shikanoin Heizo: You have the courage and responsibility (applause), Ito brother must persevere. ]

[Ying: How should I put it? This punishment is actually much better than the previous ones, and it is quite positive, but it is easy... @Jiuqi Shinobu, how is the financial situation of your Aratake faction? ]

[Jiuqi Shinobu: Three days of hunger. ]

[Ying: Well, it is still difficult. ]

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