The most recognizable standard wind-eroded sandstone landform in the video, the audience of Xumi, especially a certain Mr. Dafeng Disciplinary Officer who was dressed very coolly, immediately recognized that this was the territory of Xumi, and the travelers were flying and looking for treasure chests here, which means -

[Senuo: Well, this should be the image of the travelers when they have arrived in Xumi. ]

[Tinari: Yes, it is the desert, my most painful desert (dizzy). ]

[Kelai: After all, the master's body structure is indeed not adapted to the desert. ]

[Falushan: Hum, just that big tail, he basically has to say goodbye to desert-related research in this life. ]

[Leila: Desert... I heard that if you stargaze in the desert, you can see a clearer starry sky than in the rainforest. Great, I really want to try it. ]

[Naviette: I think it would be better if there were no deserts in this world. ]

[Funina: I was wondering, what would happen if all the water of Fontaine was directed into the desert? ]

[Nasi Da: Please don't do this. The balance of nature is sometimes very fragile. If all the water of Xumi is poured into the desert of Xumi, it would be as exciting as the encounter between the fire slime and the thunder slime. ]

[Ying: It appears, Nashi Da's wonderful metaphor. ]

[Kamisato Ayaka: So this is the desert? This is the first time I've seen it. ]

[Xiao Gong: Oh, it seems that adventuring outside is really hard. ]

[Ying: It's OK. I've adapted to it. And it's getting better and better recently. Long journeys, with dragons to pick me up, and local leaders to receive me when I arrive. I always feel that I'm getting further and further away from the adventures and trips in the game. ]

[Xinhai: I don't know why, but I always feel that I'll set foot in this desert one day... Am I crazy? ]

[Alice: Desert, by the way, I don't know how a friend of mine is doing in the desert? ]

In a small bottle, Idia, who was busy cleaning up the theme park decorations that she had accidentally messed up again, shuddered subconsciously when she saw Alice, who had helped her a lot and scared her a lot, saying this in the discussion area.

Others don't know what the salted fish pure water elf hiding in the bottle is thinking, and the song in the video is still going on.

"Pick a pure white flower,


No one has ever seen it withered and yellow,

Just like you are pure and strong."

The weather-beaten Ying smiled and hugged the crying little Paimeng, who was holding her tightly and not letting go, and gently patted Paimeng's back to comfort the little reserve.

Behind the two, the album symbolizing their memories of the journey continued to flip, and many moments of the past journey suddenly emerged on both sides.

There was the moment when Thomas introduced the two;

There was the dance posture of the girl who was bound by family and responsibility and showed her feelings for the first time;

There was the majesty of General Lei Dian standing in front of the castle tower with a sharp blade held high;

There was the divine cherry tree accompanying Ying to watch the cherry blossoms fall;

There was also a pure land with a wish to face the eternal gods.

Blossoming Cecilia flowers bloomed all around, and the albums around changed again.

There is the first meeting between Nashida and the traveler;

There is the illusory Dina Zedai watching Nelue's flower god dance with satisfaction;

There is the moment when the small auspicious grass king and the great kindness tree king disappear together;

There is Ying and Lanna Luo playing together in Huanalana for the Worry-free Festival;

There are also enemies who oppress the people of Xumi, Paimon and Nashida.

[Thoma: Oh, I didn't expect to see me again, ah, and the young lady. ]

[Kamisato Ayato: Haha, after all, you are a good brother who sacrificed yourself to introduce you to the general. ]

[Raiden General: Well, regardless of the method, the behavior of this matter is indeed good. ]

[Kamisato Aya: Was I... visiting the festival with the traveler? ]

[Kamisato Ayato: Oh, you are still wearing the festival mask. My good sister also has a good friend who can open her heart. 】

When Kamisato Ayato saw the photo of Ayahua wearing a festival mask, he didn't put on a fake smile for the first time. Instead, he was happy from the bottom of his heart that his sister had found a good friend with whom he could confide.

But he also thought of the fact that in the game "Genshin Impact", players can choose not only Ying as the protagonist, but also brother Sora as the protagonist, which means...

【Kamisato Ayato: Hey

Ah, our world is Ying, it's great that you are the traveler. 】

【Ying: Although I feel like you are escaping reality, there must be other world lines where my brother is the protagonist, then this is definitely not the friendship line, guess what line it will be? 】

【Kamisato Ayato: ···No, I don't want to think about that world line (mad)! 】

【Kamisato Ayaka: Brother (helpless). 】

【Yae Kamiko: Oh, in the photos of Inazuma, three out of five are related to Ying. 】

【Raiden General: I see, the traveler finally won the eye hunting order and the closed country order by winning the duel with me in front of the emperor? 】

【Ying: No (sweat), I think you are flattering me a bit. I feel that it is difficult to fight the demon with three elements. 】

Not to mention the winner of the demon war that can win a large area, it is impossible to win.

【Ying: That is... Shenying? Isshin Pure Land? Or...]

Even though the scene has reached Xumi's memory album, Lei Yingying's eyes are still imprinted with the previous scene of cherry blossoms falling like a long river under the sacred cherry tree.

For some reason, she felt very sad when she saw that scene.

"Really, is it you?"

[Dixia: Why is the figure of the young lady in the picture a little vague? ]

[Nashida: Well, I almost understand, it should be in a dream. ]

[Dixia: In the dream... Tsk, the bastard great sage, I remember he has been sent to the jungle to maintain the ecological environment, I must visit him one day when I have time. ]

[Tinari: Uh, just try not to make trouble. ]

[Buyer: I suddenly realized a problem. ]

[Nashida: Hmm? ]

[Buyer: If you really deleted me completely in the original destiny, then your existence will become very subtle, Buyer. ]

[Nashida: That's right. Deleting the Great Kindness Tree King is actually equivalent to deleting Nashida. After that, the only one who exists in the world will be the new Buyel. ]

[Ying: Wait, wait, you, no, the one with the nickname Buyel now is the Great Kindness Tree King? ]

[Buyer: That's right, my situation has eased a little, and because my existence is a little special, it seems that this screen has also pulled me into this discussion area. ]

[Ying: So what do you mean? ]

[Tinari: I see. I understand. ]

[Ying: What do you understand? ? ? ]

[Falusan: Well, I have also thought about it and understood it. If the existence of the Great Kindness Tree King was originally deleted, but the history of Xumi has not changed, then the existence of the Little Lucky Grass King must spread upward along the long river of time. ]

[Seno: In that case, the Little Lucky Grass King is not completely the Little Lucky Grass King. ]

[Elhaisen: In the final analysis, eliminating the Great Compassion Tree King actually eliminated the current Little Lucky Grass King together. In the end, it seems that the Little Lucky Grass King is still there, but it is a completely different Little Lucky Grass King. ]

At the very least, the original sage or something must not be Ying.

[Paimon: Feeling, it feels so confusing, as if I need to grow a brain. ]

[Ying: Well, I can barely understand... Well, I also understand why this screen was so dissatisfied with you Xumi before. ]

[Ying: It is absolutely a taboo in the game to almost wipe out the players' hard work and goodwill. ]

[Ying: Although it may not be done to this extent, in the original game, there are definitely twists and turns in the plot of Xumi. ]

After realizing what was originally going to happen, the audience of Xumi was scared.

"I look back at that Star-Picking Cliff,

The blue sea and mountains that I looked at at the beginning,

Your answer is still far away!

Before arriving——"

The day of the journey is over. Even in the wild, the tired traveler and the crying little Paimeng hugged each other and fell asleep in the desert.

Paimeng opened his eyes in his sleep and looked at Ying who was sleeping deeply happily. After confirming that the other party was fine, he fell asleep sweetly again.

[Kong: Although, sister, you have traveled to the Xumi Desert, aren't you familiar with the way of camping in the wild? ]

[Kong: At least there should be a warm tent and a bonfire for heating in the wild. ]

[Ying: Alas, who made me a poor sister who has no brother to want, and my brother will only send his own men to make trouble for me, his sister. ]

[Yuan Shang: In fact, we should have kept it a secret from His Royal Highness the Prince——]

[Kong: Has the toilet in Yuanxia Palace been unblocked? 】

【Xinhai: Abyssal Palace? ? ? What are you doing? 】

【Kong: Uh, friendly neighbor, you help me and I help you, the first large-scale

Mutual aid project, you deserve it. ]

[Yuan Shang: Yes, I came to Yuan Xia Palace to help out completely out of friendship and goodwill - to help the dragon lizards. ]

[Xin Hai: ... Goro, organize the people and the miko, and be on full alert in Yuan Xia Palace. You can ask the shogunate for help when necessary. ]

[Raiden General: The Abyss Cult is the mortal enemy of all civilizations. Kujo Sara, lead the troops to Yayun Island immediately and be ready to support at any time. ]

[Kujo Sara: As ordered, General. ]

[Sora: No (headache), I really didn't cause any trouble this time. ]

[Yuan Shang: I can prove this. His Royal Highness the Prince actually wanted to mess with me, but it's normal for me to exercise a little subjective initiative in Yuan Xia Palace, right? ]

[Sora: Wait? What did you do? ]

[Yuan Shang: A little surprise. ]

[Ying: Brother (covering his face), you really didn't disappoint us at all in terms of disappointing our expectations. ]

[Seno: Very good, this can be said to be a murder caused by a tent. ]

"I give you pure white flowers,


Blooming in the windy place,

Bathed in the scorching sun of September."

In their dreams, the Traveler and Paimon slid down freely, and their skirts were not completely lifted up to Newton's face. Photos full of memories of the journey flew in the sky.

There was Paimon wearing ridiculous costume glasses;

There were also the Traveler and Paimon standing on the edge of the desert looking at the waterfall;

There was the surprised look of Funina;

There was also Navia who was confronting Navilette;

And there was Linny who was winking.

[Linny: Oh, it's our turn. ]

[Linnet: According to the knowledge of the game in the other world that the traveler said, since the content of our Fontaine appeared in the video, this video should have been made after the end of our Fontaine chapter or during the process? ]

[Funina: Uh, uh, cough, you are worthy of being a traveler destined to run through Teyvat. You can make me, Funina de Fontaine, the embodiment of justice, show such a surprised expression. ]

[Navia: Are you sure you are not surprised by the magic of the great magician? ]

[Funina: Huh? I am the water god of Fontaine. How can I show a surprised expression because of a magic? ! ]

[Funina: Impossible, absolutely impossible! ]

[Naviette: Well, judging from the background of the photo, I should be near Baisong Town. ]

[Navia: Ha, I can guess what I would say to you at that time. ]

[Naviette: I'm sorry (expressionless). ]

[Navia:... Forget it, I already have my hope, I'm too lazy to argue with you. ]

[Paimon: Navia seems to have a lot of troubles too? ]

[Navia: After all, life won't always be smooth sailing. I'm actually fine. Now I see hope, and I have two new friends, Little Paimon and Ying. ]

[Paimon: Hehe. ]

[Leosili:... There are no pictures or characters of our Melo Petersburg at all. What do you mean? Could it be that we haven't appeared in the game yet? ]

[Ying: It's possible that we have appeared, but the deadline is tight and the boss didn't have time to draw it. ]

[Leosili: It's a bit regrettable. ]

[Sigwen: Oh, I thought my special milkshake could finally go to the world. ]

[Leosili: No, only this, it's impossible. 】

"Put it on you secretly,

Convey~what I dare not say.

On the road of wandering,

You are my only concern."

Cecilia flowers are blooming, and around these pure white flowers, the positions of the five photos are directly replaced by five characters that are now very familiar to the audience of Teyvat.

There is the frivolous and happy Wendy, who is waving to the camera;

Zhongli, who is toasting with a slightly serious and generous face;

Lei Dianying, who shows a smile that makes all the Inazuma people very unbelievable;

Nasida, who is gentle, cute and tolerant, as if she is the adjective of all the beautiful things in the world;

And the last one, with one hand on the side of her mouth, showing a slightly sarcastic, provocative and trashy expression, she is like a female ghost.

These are the five gods that everyone knows so far. Well, at least in the eyes of ordinary people, the five in the picture are the five gods that are confirmed on the screen or recognized by the people of Teyvat.

The appearance of various gods obviously created a small climax, especially making the audiences from the countries where these five gods were located cheer for a while.

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