The little boy was so angry that he was so angry.

[Ying: Tsk, this little guy is completely rampant. ]

[Amber: Hehe, it fits the character of little Paimon~. ]

[Albedo: Well, I also want to study the principle of this tablecloth. ]

[Sugar: If you say some food that doesn't exist to this tablecloth, I wonder if it will appear... For example, a sixteen-fold large sweet flower. ]

[Lisa: Haha, such a good reward, let Paimon be happy for a while. ]

Although this gourmet tablecloth can be said to be the lowest value reward in Teyvat's universal values ​​among all the rewards that have appeared on the screen in the past few days.

After all, it is neither a god-related item, nor a conceptual prop, nor a chance to revive.

Mora, who was played by the Rock King, is actually much more precious than this "alchemical creation" in the minds of most viewers.

But even such a reward has allowed the audience of Teyvat to see the magic and generosity of this screen.

Although they have fully realized this point in these days.

Apart from anything else, after the words of Sucrose and Albedo in the discussion area, many alchemists on the continent who specialize in edible alchemical creations were enlightened, and then asked for information about the caravan to Mondstadt.

[Ying: Although I have seen the generosity of this screen, it is even more so today. The video is relaxed and the Q&A is relaxed. ]

[Funina: I have reservations. ]

[Alice: Oh, I didn't expect it to be like what this observatory said at the beginning of today. I thought it was sarcastic in the morning. ]

[Tinari: Today's videos are all relaxing, which is good, really good. No one is injured, there is no Cyno, and there is no cold jokes in the beautiful world. ]

[Seno: Tinari, where are you now? I think it is necessary to explain my joke to you in person.]

[Keqing: Although it is good to be relaxed, you will not be able to collect any useful information if you do so...]

[Ningguang: Keqing, you should also consider the acceptance of others. Everyone has been tense these two days, which is not a good thing.]

[Ying: Long live relaxation, long live joy, I hope it will be such a relaxing video and easy to get rewards in the future.]

[Kong: I felt that it could be very relaxing, but why do you say that, sister, I have a bad feeling...]

[Ying: Huh? Don't make me sound like I'm setting a flag——]

[System: Next, play the fifth video of today - the cruel truth that Sanbing has been deceived for hundreds of years! Dotole, you are really bad! ! ! ]

[Sanbing: ? ? ! ! ! ]

[Ying: ? ? ? ]

[Kong: So I told you long ago, don't jump like that. ]

Sitting on the throne of the Abyss, Kong shook his head with a look of pampering and helplessness.

While instructing several apostles and mages with high IQ to record the information of the next video, Kong continued to screen the documents such as illegal transactions and members' mental status within the cult.

He wanted to take a good look at which people bought his life photos.

Then throw them all to the Abyss Palace and accompany Abyss to fix the toilet.

[Young Master: Uh, although I have always said that I hope to see some videos of the winter, Mr. Observatory, you don't have to do this. ]

[Doctor: Haha, interesting. ]

[Servant: Not interesting at all. It was agreed that today's videos are all light-hearted? ]

[Clown: Dotorei, this should not be an interesting thing. What did you do to our companions? ]

[Rooster: Alas, I am tired of cleaning up the ass for you bastards every time. Forget it, destroy it. ]

[Puppet: Humph, boring. ]

[Girl: Oh, something interesting is going to happen~. ]

[Yae Godson: Looks like there's some fun to watch. ]

[Kamisato Ayato: I'm just afraid that this fun will involve Inazuma. ]

Kamisato Ayato's brain is still very good. From the few times in the past few days, when the Fatui executive and Yae Miyaji had bad interactions in the discussion area, he could tell that this executive named Sanbing had a close relationship with Inazuma.

Now there is a video claiming to reveal that the other party had been deceived for hundreds of years. If you think about it, you can roughly guess that this is probably going to involve a lot of Inazuma's affairs.

[Ying: It appears. The villain's whitewashing operation before entering the pond is too classic. ]

[Alice: Got it. I'm going to find some excuses to bear the guilt. ]

[Sanbing: Humph, boring, uninteresting. ]

[Xiao: ? ? ? ]

[Kong: Sister, next time before you decide on something, think about your past experiences. ]

[Paimon: ? ? ? ]

[Kong: Ying, every time she makes a conclusion about something with a very sure tone, it always surprises you. ]

[Ying: That's not my fault, it's just a technical adjustment! ]

Amid the noise in the discussion area, the buffering sign that had been rotating on the screen slowly stopped, and the video officially started.

To be honest, before the video started, many people actually had the idea that this might be a funny secondary creation video.

After all, we've been watching this screen for four days, and everyone is more or less used to the subtle connection and interpretation between the video name and the video content displayed on this screen.

The name of this video is - The cruel truth that Sanbing has been deceived for hundreds of years! Dotole, you are really bad!!!

In the eyes of some people, it is not impossible to interpret it from a funny perspective.

For example, Dotole, you are so bad (squeamish), you actually deceived Sanbing for so many years, so bad, so bad, so bad...

Damn, goosebumps.

Even if goosebumps appear, some people who don't want to see the infighting of the executives - mainly the members of the Fatui's lower-level vanguard - still try to explain it this way.

But the moment I saw the video screen, this idea almost disappeared.

Because this video is the quality of the real machine screen that the yellow-haired alien traveler called in the past two days.

In other words, this is the original plot in the game.

Sanbing, who had just escaped from Inazuma and arrived at the port of Omos on the Fatui's first speedboat in Teyvat, had a gloomy face.

Although he said that he was bored and uninteresting in the discussion area before, he actually cared about what this video was going to say.

Especially the time span of hundreds of years, which made him subconsciously think of the days when he was still a rookie hundreds of years ago and lived in Tadashi Sand.

Could it be about Niwa?

Is there any secret that he doesn't know about the second Niwa who betrayed him?

When he thought of this possibility, even though he had long abandoned the past and devoted himself to the Queen's plan that interested him, Sanbing still felt as if he was refreshed, and a feeling of anticipation that made him disgusted and disgusted rose up.

"Humph, it's ridiculous. At this point, do I still expect Niwa to betray me for some unexplainable reason?"

Sanbing smacked his lips, feeling very unhappy.

But hundreds of years ago... what does it have to do with Dotore?

With such doubts in his mind, Sanbing began to watch this video with a seriousness that was completely absent in the previous videos.

At the beginning of the video, the Sixth Seat Sanbing, the beloved executive officer of the Fatui, covered his face with one hand, lowered his head slightly in pain, and only his right eye was exposed from between his fingers. He looked at the camera fiercely, calling out affectionately with a tone full of hatred and disgust.


In this section, even the background music is particularly sad and miserable, which makes people feel the same.

It makes people think that at this moment, Sanbing suddenly realized from hundreds of years of lies that his past life was arranged by others, and it was a tragedy that went against his wishes.

In the camera, Sanbing's back kept shaking and flashing, coupled with Sanbing's desolate laughter, from the beginning, this video has a miserable tone.

[Ying: You lied to me again, didn't you say that today is a relaxing video to relax? What's the point of relaxing? ! ]

[Paimon: Didn't you know that this was a heavy video before? ]

[Ying: After all, I still have some hope that this will be a funny secondary creation video. ]

[Gongzi: Think about it, Traveler, I know that guy Sanbing is more extreme than me. Shouldn't the tragedy of us villains be the comedy of you messengers of justice? ]

[Ying:... No, you still don't understand the power that the screenwriters of game companies can burst out in order to issue knives, reversals, and whitewash. ]

[Gongji: Uh, Ajax, although it's a bit late now, don't you realize that your brother can actually see this video and discuss it? ]

[Gongzi:... Uh, Tok, actually my brother is rehearsing lines with other friends. After all, everyone has to perform some shows on this screen. ]

[Ying: Your brother? ]

[Gongzi: Yes, dear. ]

[Ying: Ah, yes, your brother's performance is really realistic, and his acting skills are online. ]

[Paimon: At this point, it's still a good time to pretend like this.

Don't you think it's a bit late? ]

[Alice: Tsk tsk tsk, little guy, you really don't understand. It's better not to break a child's fantasy easily. ]

Finally realized that his youngest brother was probably also watching this screen. The young master had achieved his performance target these days, and the task would be completed soon, and all the bills could be reimbursed. These reasons were worth being happy about, and his increasingly unrestrained speech finally calmed down a little.


Inside the screen, after a few miserable laughs, the scattered soldier looked up at the sky, gnashing his teeth, glaring, and shouting the name of his colleague in a voice that everyone could hear the hatred.

[Doctor: I'm here. ]

[Doctor: Haha, it's really exposed, but the data has been collected very completely, just the last point is missing. Although it's a bit of a pity, it can be regarded as a return on investment. ]

[Sanbing: ···Dotore, when did you calculate me? When I adjusted my body? Or when we cooperated with Xumi? ]

[Dottore: It will be earlier than that. Just watch this video quietly. I guess you will know it soon. ]

[Sanbing: Tsk. ]

At this time, Sanbing has not yet fully realized the seriousness of the matter. He just thinks that this is the same as the corporate culture of executives that Dotole has carried forward for hundreds of years, digging holes for each other.

Maybe there is something hidden in Niwa's matter?

Sanbing is a little unsure.

At this time, the camera on the screen turned, and the perspective changed from the sad Sanbing to a broken part of a blue jade-like tree trunk. On this broken tree trunk, there are countless fluorescent lights flowing, as if the information of the whole world is flowing here.

At the same time, the voice of the grass god Nashida also came from the screen leisurely.

"You already know what happened before:"

[Ying: No, we don't know. ]

[Paimon: Know? Know what? ]

[Alice: Tsk, I hate videos without a synopsis. ]

[Klee: Klee doesn't know. ]

[Xingqiu: Well, it seems like a lot of the pre-plots are missing. ]

[Tinari: No, shouldn't the focus here be Little Auspicious Grass King? ]

[Falushan: Just like the Traveler said before, after the Scattered Soldiers were defeated, they were whitewashed and joined Xumi? ]

[Laila: Hmm, it still feels a bit wrong. ]

[Kavi: Some information is missing. What happened after the Grass King and the Traveler defeated the Scattered Soldiers? Why do the enemies of Xumi feel like they are on our side? ]

[Paimon: Umm, umm, that's right, Nashida, are you talking in there? Where is this place? What's the situation with the Scattered Soldiers? ]

[Nashida: There are a lot of questions, little Paimon, I'll answer them one by one - if nothing unexpected happens, this should be the World Tree. ]

[Ying: Hmm? World Tree? But the World Tree we saw last night didn't look like this? ]

[Nashida: It's very simple, because the World Tree is so huge, what we see is always only a part of the World Tree, or in other words, the World Tree we see. ]

[Buyer: This is also the World Tree in the video now. It is a normal posture when querying the World Tree. I miss it so much. When I first had my own consciousness, I was not familiar with my power, and I was like this when I queried the World Tree. ]

[Kavi: That means... Sanbing is now in the query interface of the World Tree? Isn't this terrible? ]

[Nashida: Don't worry, if I guess correctly, this should be the time when Buyer was born after the disappearance of the Great Compassion Tree King and I. At this time, Sanbing has been defeated and may have become our collaborator. ]

[Buyer: I see, this Sanbing, um, is it an artificial demon god created? Or it was created using the dreams of the Sumeru people. No wonder, he should also have a certain ability to operate the World Tree. 】

Just Nashida's words, plus the fact that Sanbing was in the space of the World Tree, allowed Nashida and Buyer, the God of Wisdom, to analyze a lot of information.

It makes people wonder if they could analyze the cause and effect of this video if there was more known information.

As expected of the God of Wisdom.

"Qi Qi was picked up by Gui Mu and brought back to Tadingsha, where he lived with the people there."

"Later, the doctor disguised himself as a Fontaine craftsman... and caused a series of turmoil."

【Sanbing: !!! 】

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