How Come These Monsters Have Health Bars

Chapter 459: Lingling and the remnant, the strange monster

? ? ?

Li Jing.

Lingling's mouth made him a little confused.

He just wondered why Zu Lao and Quan Chang were more excited than the other when they saw Lingling. Although other people who knew Lingling's existence would be surprised, it was far more than that.

The seed of consonance in the hands of the survivors of the ancient **** of emotion, is it the pair of ancestor gods that Lingling gave them many years ago?

Just as he couldn't believe it, Quan Chang said respectfully.

"The Holy Spirit is wise. The entire branch of the ancient gods, including us and the ghost clan, are descendants of the Father God and the Mother God. Our family can reproduce so prosperously, thanks to the Holy Spirit's instigation. If it hadn't been for the Holy Spirit back then, for The direct descendants of the Father God and the Mother God solve the problem of infertility, and today's ancient **** survivors may only have the lineage of God and Man."


Li Jing.

With such a voice, Quan Chang called him a good guy.


Not only is the seed of consonance in the hands of the survivors of the ancient gods given by Lingling, but the descendants of the ancestors of the survivors of the ancient gods actually don't even have the ability to reproduce?

They were able to ignore the reproductive isolation and mess around, and create one wonderful race after another. Is it because Lingling solved the problem of infertility for them?


Being praised by Quan Chang, Lingling blinked her eyes in embarrassment, and then squeaked out.

"I do remember the matter of planting the tree of life. But I don't remember the fact that I can't reproduce..."

"According to the records in the classics, you, the Holy Spirit, responded to the request of God the Father and God the Mother while half asleep and half awake after drinking too much Yulu wine to get drunk."

Quan Chang responded sternly.

"Ah this..."

Lingling is embarrassed.

She really didn't remember this happening.

She was really confused at the beginning, otherwise she wouldn't have even sent out the tree of life.

Seeing Quan Chang knelt down there with reverence on his face, Lingling coughed lightly and babbled.

"Get up and talk first, don't kneel down. I don't know how many years ago it happened. I forgot about it a long time ago. You don't need to worry about it."

Before the words finished, Quan Chang raised his eyes and spoke seriously.

"The Holy Spirit has the gift of regeneration to our race, how can we forget it?"


Lingling was dumbfounded, she had no choice but to look at Li Jing, asking for help.

Li Jing was in a mess against the wind, he couldn't laugh or cry when he saw Lingling asking him for help.

Just about to say a few words to help, Quan Chang spoke up.

"Holy Spirit, according to the teachings of our ancestors, we and the remnants of the ancient gods have made great efforts to collect Yulu fine wine for preservation, and we only wait for the Holy Spirit to give it to the Holy Spirit to enjoy once again."

As soon as this remark came out, Lingling said "huh?", and her big eyes lit up.

Before she could speak, Chang Quan said regretfully.

"It's a pity that the congenital jade disc that gave birth to the mother goddess was destroyed in the disaster of the later generations. We have no chance to collect more jade dew nectar, and only the ones collected in the past are left."

Hearing Quan Chang's voice, he had a sense of empathy and showed pity, then swallowed his saliva and asked.

"The jade bi is gone, which means that the jade dew fine wine in your hands is the last leftover, can you really give it to me?"


Quan Chang responded, saying.

"The things were kept by the gods who were directly blessed by the Holy Spirit back then. After I got out, I immediately went to the current high priest of the gods to ask for the things..."

Before finishing speaking, Lingling made a sound.

"There's no need to wait, you and Li Jing go out now."

As she spoke, she turned her head and begged to look at someone.

Li Jing smiled when he saw this.

Lingling's small eyes full of longing, to be honest, he couldn't stand it.

Without thinking too much, he nodded and took Quan Chang away.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, he didn't bring Lingling with him.

Lingling obviously wouldn't want to go out when encountering a remnant of the ancient gods who had such a deep connection with her.

Although I don't know what the Yulu Qiongjiang mentioned by Quan Chang is, but it must be good to make Lingling so greedy.

And listen to what Quan Chang said.

Yulu Qiongjiang is produced from a special piece of jade bi.

In addition, one of the two ancestors of the ancient gods was born because of jade, and Zheng'er Bajing is a **** who popped out of the stone.

It's just that the jade biscuit has been destroyed now, and the existing fine wine has become a "superior product".

In short, first help Lingling bring the things over.

If there are questions later, there are many opportunities to ask her clearly.

Go back to the central hall of the ghost clan.

As soon as Quan Chang stood still, he looked over with a little dissatisfaction.

"The Holy Spirit is by your side, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Li Jing blinked at the sound, and spread his hands innocently.

"How do I know that you ancient **** survivors have such a deep relationship with her..."

Before he finished speaking, Quan Chang frowned.

"Haven't you been to the god-human temple and seen the murals that record the past glory of our ancient gods?"


Li Jing slowly put out a question mark and said strangely.

"In your family tree, is there Lingling?"

"I told you that it's not a genealogy, it's the glory of my family's past."

Quan Chang rolled his beautiful eyes and said.

"Since the glory is recorded, how can the Holy Spirit who brings us prosperity be missing?"


Li Jing took a deep breath and took out his phone to check.

The family tree that was photographed back then was saved in his mobile phone.

After finding the photo, he looked carefully, but couldn't find Lingling in the photo.

Just about to raise his eyes, Quan Chang probed over.

"On the collarbone of the mother god, you can zoom in and see."

Li Jing nodded subconsciously when he heard the sound, and followed suit.

Look at this.

TM really has...

On the clearly defined collarbone of the huge woman, the figure of an elf lay lying soundly asleep.

Because it is so small, it is easy to be ignored.

And in fact.

Due to the limited size of the mobile phone screen and the problem of photo pixels, if the ten-finger zoom is not targeted, the elf-like figure is not so much an independent existence as a small bump.

With this discovery, Li Jing suddenly didn't know what to say.

Seeing that someone was obviously negligent, he didn't know that the Holy Spirit existed on the mural, and Chang Quan didn't bite him.

To see the holy spirit, which is of special significance to the remnants of the ancient gods, is already a blessing for her.

Slightly pursing his lips, Quan Chang looked over directly.

"May I ask, how did you gain the favor of the Holy Spirit and even keep her by your side?"

"This, it's a long story."

Li Jing responded, saying.

"Probably just a chance encounter. I brought Lingling into the Small Universe Realm, and then she voluntarily stayed."

Such a vague response naturally did not satisfy Quan Chang.

But Li Jing didn't go into details, so she couldn't ask more questions.

After a moment of silence, she let out a foul breath.

"Treat her well, don't let her down."

After saying that sentence, Quan Chang turned around.

"Let's go, let's go out to find Quan Huai. I just saw Shen Min, and I have a lot of questions. Now my mother...grandfather is going through a catastrophe and she can't answer my questions. My successor is not in the clan, so I can only Ask Quan Huai to clarify the matter, and by the way, ask him where Shen Min has gone."

Li Jing nodded upon hearing this.

Why did Shen Min appear in the ghost clan? It would be a lie to say that he was not curious.

However, this incident probably has something to do with the invasion of alien civilizations. In the face of big right and wrong, the gods and humans who had been sealed did not deal with the ghost clan and chose to share the same hatred with the ghost clan, and even respect the ghost clan.


What is going on, you have to find Shen Wenyi or Bai Yu and other insiders to verify it.

Out of the central temple.

Quan Chang stopped and let out a roar to the sky.

After a while, Quan Huai, who had previously gone to arrange the Tianwang group and the expert team, arrived from the sky.

Standing still on the ground, he bowed slightly to Quan Chang.

Seeing this, Quan Chang shook his head and said.

"I am no longer the high priest of the ghost clan, you don't need to give me such courtesy."

Having said that, she roared and communicated with Quan Huai in the language of the remnants of the ancient gods.

I don't know what the two of them talked about. Quan Chang's expression was sometimes solemn and sometimes gloomy, and finally there was a trace of sadness on his face.

After a brief exchange.

Quan Huai looked over and nodded to Li Jing who couldn't understand the language of the survivors of the ancient gods, and then Yu Kong left.

Seeing this, Li Jing raised his head and watched him off, then turned to look at the silent Quan Chang.

"What did Quan Huai tell you?"

"It's pretty much clear."

Quan Chang whispered, said.

"The ones who invaded the Heavenly Sacred Realm are a group of humanoid demons. They have the ability to turn into nothingness and seize the bodies of the ancient gods' remnants. Over the past year or so, countless ancient gods' remnants have lost their lives, and most of them either died in the Those of the same clan who were seized either chose to blew themselves up because they were unwilling to be forcibly occupied by their bodies."

With that, she continued.

"More than half of our ghost clan has died. The rest of the clans, including the gods and humans, are not much better. If the ancestors of all clans, including my ghost clan ancestors, fought back the demons The situation may be more serious. But even so, most of the ancestors of all ethnic groups have died."

Li Jing frowned after hearing Quan Chang's report.

Humanoid monster?

Has the ability to turn into nothingness and seize the flesh for usurpation?


It's a bit weird!

If it is said that it is the seizing of the body, the survivors of the ancient gods should not be so embarrassed.

No matter what.

They are also descendants of the Old Gods.

Their strength is unquestionable, and in terms of species, they are far superior to ordinary aliens.

In addition, Yinwu has a fatal weakness. It is impossible for the remnants of the ancient gods not to know this, and it is impossible to counter it.

But they are so powerless in the face of that monster, it is really hard to imagine what kind of existence the other party will be.

Referring to the previous communication between the ghost woman and Quan Chang when she entered the secret realm, she called the monsters who invaded the Chongyuan Holy Realm alien civilizations.

But only this information, can only be used as a reference.

After sorting out his thoughts, Li Jing asked.

"How long has it been since the devil was repelled?"

"Two months, it may not be when there will be a comeback. All ethnic groups are currently taking strict precautions."

Quan Chang responded, saying.

"But it shouldn't matter for the time being. The alien invasion is mainly due to the problem that there is a space channel linking another space level. This should not have happened. Except for the big world, our Chongyuan Holy Land did not go to other spaces. The channel of the level. Now that the space channel has returned to normal and connected to the big world, the link with that space level should no longer exist."

As she spoke, she pursed her red lips lightly.

"Just to be on the safe side, I may have to entrust Long Yu's expert team and other experts who will come in later to confirm this matter. In the study of space channels, you have your own uniqueness in this world. Many of us ancient gods You can use science to explain things that cannot be explained.”

Li Jing nodded upon hearing this.

Currently he has limited information.

What can be referred to is what Quan Chang said, and I can't make any useful opinions.

At least Chang Chang's thinking is correct.

To confirm whether there are still problems in the space communication, it is certainly not wrong to rely on the power of space science experts in the world.

Even if he has mastered the rules of space, he can't understand many things at once.

At least he peeked at the space channel before, and he didn't see that the space channel entering and exiting the Chongyuan Holy Land was connected to other places other than the big world.

"So, what's the situation with the deities?"

Li Jing asked.

"It's a bit miserable over there."

Quan Chang sighed softly and said.

"After we left more than a year ago, the god-human race came out of the sealed space and occupied the space passage, trying to grasp the only way to enter and exit the Chongyuan Holy Land in the future. Therefore, when there is an alien invasion, the god-human race is the first to suffer. At that time The devils who came from across the world like to occupy the bodies of women, and most of the Deity-human women except Shenwen were killed in the first wave of attacks by the devils."

As she spoke, she sighed lightly.

"Nowadays, the reproduction and continuation of the god-human clan has become a big problem. As a last resort, the high priest Shen Wen chose to surrender to our ghost clan, seeking to continue the god-human clan under the protection of the ghost clan. There is nothing to say about this, so For us ancient **** survivors, preserving the heritage of the ethnic group is the top priority."

Hearing Quan Chang's statement, Li Jing grinned.

For the survivors of the ancient gods.

The pure-blooded women in the clan are the basis for the inheritance of the clan.

Only when women in the clan combine with other people can the pure-blood clansmen of the same race be born normally.

Unless a man is married to a woman of the same race, the birth is of mixed blood.

Almost all the pure-blooded women of the God-human tribe died, and only a few, including the high priest Shen Wen, were left, which faced the big problem of genocide.


Even leaving aside the lineage.

The combination of the remnants of the ancient gods and people seems to be not picky about any taste, but in fact there are no small restrictions in essence.

Including the god-human race, all the survivors of the ancient gods are the smaller the higher the realm, and they have the same physique as normal people at the seventh realm.

If it's too low, they are all giants with a height of tens or hundreds of meters.

If it is taller, it will be a legal loli like the ancestors of the ghost clan.

Physique itself is also a limitation for them in choosing a mate.

A giant who is tens of meters away from you can't come out with a whole descendant of a human being who is 1.8 meters away?

Then turn around.

Among the remnants of the ancient gods, like the gods, they can be said to be the bloodline of the ceiling. Is it possible for them to choose objects from other ethnic groups to create offspring?

The answer is undoubtedly no.

The reason is not bloodlines, but such a combination will not create descendants with better bloodlines, it will only stand still and may even regress.

The remnants of the ancient gods have the characteristic of combining with other species to obtain their natural abilities.

And other ancient **** survivors, including the ghost race, are just branches derived from the current god-human race, and they cannot make the god-human race progress.

Shaking his head secretly, Li Jing said.

"Should we go to Shen Min now or...?"

"Let's go now."

Quan Chang made a sound and said.

"She and her clan are now living in the ghost clan. With the current situation of the gods and humans, she is not allowed to go out unless there is a special need."

Li Jing was dumbfounded.

Not being allowed to go out is okay.

That being said, it is not easy for Shen Min...

This has the taste of not being allowed to go out unless the whole baby comes out.

Not long after.

Li Jing, led by Quan Chang, went to the back of the central hall, in front of a palace gate deep in the ghost clan's clan.

When we first arrived, Li Jing was my obedient person.

Quan Chang brought him here, this palace must be the place where Shen Min is currently living.

At a glance, there are two legitimate lolis who are smaller than the ancestors of the ghost clan and sit on both sides of the palace gate with closed eyes, as guards.

These two are legal loli.

The blood bar above the head is 11999.

The peak of the late eighth stage.

There are essence sources displayed behind the blood bars of both.

One is more than 1,000 essence sources, and the other is in the early 1,500s.

Although there are not many manifestations of this kind of essence, it also means that the two have initially comprehended the mystery of the rules, and it is relatively rare to have such an achievement before entering the Ninth Realm.

One of the two has no different characteristics, and its appearance is basically the same as that of a human being.

The other has wings on its back.

The former is estimated to be the ancestor of the God-human race who did not run away, and the latter is the ancestor of the Yi-human race.

These two act as gatekeepers for Shen Min, which is enough to show how high this "worth" is.

If the remnants of the ancient gods really paid enough attention to the continuation of the ethnic group, the ancestors of the two clans simply sat guarding the gate of the palace, for fear that something might happen to Shen Min!

The arrival of Li Jing and Quan Chang immediately attracted the attention of the two ancestors, and they opened their eyes one after another.

Entering the two of them, both eyes fixed on Li Jing.


The ancestor of the god-human clan frowned, looked at his eyes and then lost interest, closed his eyes and said.

"Humans, you are not welcome here, hurry up..."

Before he finished speaking, the ancestor of the Yiren tribe quickly pawed her, and lowered his voice excitedly.

"Old Hei! Are you blind or something? This man's strength is unfathomable, far above you and me!"


The patriarch of the Deity-human clan opened his eyes again with a question mark, and then looked over intently.

Seeing this, her expression immediately changed.

Seeing this, Li Jing's mouth twitched.

Seeing the hungry and thirsty expressions of the ancestors of the God-human race and the ancestors of the Wing-human race, he suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

The remnants of the ancient gods have some wonderful persistence in combining with the strong.

Li Jing is not interested in having cubs with two legal loli who have lived for tens of thousands of years, and he is not interested in contributing to the continuation of the god-human race and having a purely physical relationship with Shen Min.

Without hesitation, he made a decisive decision and threw a spiritual whisper at the two.

The ancestors of the God-human race and the ancestors of the Wing-human race were excited, and said without warning.


Even if the two are prepared, it is impossible to resist Li Jing who is already in the late stage of the Ninth Realm.

I saw the two of them froze, and their eyes became empty as they sat there blankly.


Quan Chang.

When she came to see the two ancestors, she was wondering in what capacity she was paying her respects.

Who knew that Li Jing would settle the two of them with a single disagreement?

But she also knew the reason.

After all, she is not blind.

When this pair saw Li Jing, it was like taking X medicine, even she felt that the sight of the two made one's scalp tingle.

Someone is frightened and forced to defend themselves.

Speaking of How strong is Li Jing now?

Even if it's the Ninth Realm, it's not enough to settle two ancestors who are at the peak of the late Eighth Realm with a single glance, right?

Turning her head to look at Li Jing who was sweating a little on his forehead, Quan Chang laughed and confirmed it.

"Are they supposed to be all right?"

"Of course, I didn't mean to hurt them."

Li Jing responded.

Quan Chang nodded, stepped forward and pushed the palace door open.

Just about to step into it, she frowned at her feet.


Li Jing followed behind with a question mark, and then sensed that there was a person hiding behind the wide-open palace gate. The aura was very familiar, and it was Shen Min who didn't run away.

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