Memories of the past few days flooded back.

Chen Lusi closed her eyes and sat on the bed, hearing the sound of rain inexplicably.

The faint sound of rain gradually became louder as time went by, and finally it even gave the illusion of raindrops hitting your face.

Chen Lusi's eyelids twitched, but he didn't open his eyes. This kind of illusion was also mentioned in the information.

He was mentally prepared.

This is one of the necessary stages. According to Xia Panqiu, this is the awakening of authority and the ability to sense the spirit through the memories of being lodged.

It is normal for the process to be accompanied by certain abnormalities.

As for the specific principle...

Probably because it is more idealistic.

Xia Panqiu didn't say much.


Be mentally prepared.

Chen Lusi didn't panic much. is indeed a bit exaggerated.

He was obviously in the room.

But the sound of rain lingered in his ears, accompanied by the illusion of raindrops constantly falling on his body... At a certain moment, Chen Lusi even felt that his clothes and hair were soaked.

But when he reached out and touched it, the clothes were dry.

It's just weird.

Fortunately, this situation did not last long.

It was at the critical point that Chen Lusi couldn't stand it anymore.

The heavy rain suddenly stopped.

It's like everything has been put on pause.


The tactile sensation in the original perception returns.

The wet feeling faded away.

It's like clearing away the fog.

In front of his eyes, where there was nothing at all, a little blue light suddenly appeared.

Even with his eyes closed, he could clearly 'see' the densely packed dust-like light spots around him.

It feels even weirder.

Chen Lusi turned his head in a circle, then slowly opened his eyes.

The hotel room came into view, but the dusty blue shimmer did not disappear. Instead, it filled every corner of the field of vision like particles in the air.

"Is this considered a success?"

Chen Lusi reached out and moved it in front of him, stirring the floating blue light.

Although it is used as a question.

But he knew it worked.

Because he could feel something subtle and similar to Qi in his body. Although it was not obvious, he could not detect it unless he felt it carefully.

at the same time.

It's amazing... After this meditation, Chen Lusi also understood his 'authority'.

He tried to trace the origins of this understanding.

But this thing was just like using chopsticks. There was no source at all. He couldn't remember how he learned this skill.

Anyway, when I need to use this skill, I already know it.

Can't find the source at all.

It's just that 'authority' is more exaggerated than using chopsticks, because he knows very well that he learned to use chopsticks when he was a child, but his memory is too long and he has forgotten it.

But a few minutes ago, he only had a concept of 'authority', but now he fully understood the principle of its operation.

Even the name is known.

It's really too exaggerated.


Chen Lusi raised his right arm to his eyes.

And under his gaze.

The dust-like blue light that filled the air began to pour into his right arm.

His fingers began to deform, entangled with each other and extended forward.

Eventually, it twisted into a thin, sharp blade.


His authority is not simply to turn the arm into a sword, but to use the external spirit to twist the original flesh and blood into a sword.

This is not limited to the arms, it can be done with all four limbs.

According to Chen Lusi's understanding, the effect of this authority is also very simple and crude, that is, 'cutting', cutting everything.

"A bit disgusting..."

Chen Lusi looked at the short knife on his wrist, although he understood the principle.

But I still feel uncomfortable.

Anyone who saw this scene would probably have the same feeling - weird.

He waved his hand to dispel the spirit that maintained the sword's form, allowing his palm to return to its original shape.


Although this process looks strange, it is not painful.

And the most important thing is that if you want to use this 'power', you don't have to use your own flesh and blood to transform it... In fact, you can also use blood to form a knife that can be held, although the effect will be weak and it is not as convenient as an arm.

But Chen Lusi felt that this was much easier to accept than limbs turning into blades.

He even suspected that it was not as convenient as turning his arm into a knife, but that little loli had instilled it in him.


You can do tricks by holding a knife with both hands, but can you do it by turning your arm into a knife? My arms can be broken for you...

After a little tinkering with the inexplicable authority.

Chen Lusi shook his head and turned his attention back to the blue shimmer floating around him.

He raised his hand again.

The glimmer of light around him was affected and began to converge towards the palm of his hand.

Until all the dim light in the room disappeared.

Thousands of brilliance gather at one point.

Chen Lusi looked at the small ball of light in his hand, which was composed of dense dots of light, and showed an interested expression.

This is the benefit brought by the power of slashing... it should be considered a benefit.

Because transforming flesh and blood requires external spirits, he has the ability to gather these external spirits.

According to Xia Panqiu's information, it seems that these spirits can only be exhaled and absorbed with breathing. He gathered them together and swallowed them hard. He was probably cheating.

Gently pinch the index finger and thumb together.

The light ball composed of light points was compressed and became the size of a marble.

Chen Lusi looked at the ball of light between his fingers, hesitated for a moment, opened his mouth and swallowed it.


The feeling of Qi in the body became extremely strong.

Slight discomfort, a bit like overeating.

Other than that, there is no more discomfort.

This is the adaptation period.

"That should be enough."

Chen Lusi felt the energy in his body, raised his left hand solemnly, and made a fist.

Then, with perfect accuracy, he made a "let's use fire fist on him" gesture towards the air.

In Chen Lusi's body, the spirit that had nowhere to go, followed his movements, as if it had found a place to go, and instantly seeped into the flesh and blood, followed by the surging blood, passed through the dense capillaries, and finally reached the hands.

at the same time.

Inside the hotel room.

Under Chen Lusi's attention.

His left hand, which was clenched into a fist, was suddenly covered with a layer of beating blue flames.

At first it was just a corner of the back of my hand.

But it soon spread to the entire fist.

Finally, blue fireworks surrounded his entire fist.


Chen Lusi looked at the blue fireworks on his fist that swayed slightly with the air-conditioned wind, and showed a happy smile.

But I was only happy for a few seconds.

Soon, the fuel ran out.

The spirit that Chen Lusi had just swallowed obviously couldn't sustain the 'Fire Fist' state for long.

As the sense of energy in the body disappeared, the fireworks on the fist also began to gradually dissipate, and soon disappeared without a trace.

This is one of the qualities of the spirit that can change its nature at will.

very funny.

But that's all.

Chen Lusi unclenched his fist, fell back, lay on the bed again, looked at the ceiling, and smiled again.

It's okay to use it for fun, but it's definitely crazy to use it for fighting.

Anyone who has been in a fight knows that no matter how many times you anticipate a fight, it usually ends up being an ugly scuffle.

Because the eyes can't keep up with the hands, the reaction can't keep up with the movements.

Many people can't even overcome the instinct to shoot and close their eyes, let alone dodge a swinging fist.

So what if your arm can turn into a knife? So what if your fist can burn?

Even so, Chen Lusi didn't think he could beat Xia Panqiu.

She can easily dodge the knife blade that is right in front of her.

Chen Lusi didn't think he could do it.

Facing the chop at that speed, the only thing he could do was to stand and take the chop.

Let alone counterattack.

This was also the reason why he didn't understand the meaning of this thing.

Because even if Xia Panqiu gave him a training plan, he would not be able to train in the same targeted manner as his opponent.

My eyes can't keep up, my reactions can't keep up.

Useful for hair.

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