"what's on your mind?"

Lin Ying didn't hear the reply and turned her head in confusion.

Chen Lusi said expressionlessly: "I was wondering if I got you two sisters confused."

"It's not that exaggerated."

Hearing this, Lin Ying smiled gently and said, "It's not like you haven't seen my underwear, and I haven't exposed anything... I just think it's a bit silly to be on guard against you. After so many years, whatever is going to happen has already happened." ”

Chen Lusi continued to help her blow dry her hair and replied: "It's better to be on guard."

Lin Ying tilted her head slightly and asked directly: "Are you greedy for my body?"

Chen Lusi was too lazy to talk to her.

Lin Ying didn't mind. She curled up a pair of slender and round white jade legs, hugged her knees and sat on the sofa. While feeling the warm wind whistling behind her head, she said, "It's nice to have someone blowing your hair."

Chen Lusi said nothing.

Lin Ying moved back and said gently: "What are you thinking about?"

Chen Lusi fiddled with her long, silky hair and said, "I'm thinking, you keep asking me what I'm thinking about. Isn't the power and ability to read minds?"

"Of course not, otherwise I wouldn't ask you."

Lin Ying smiled and explained: "My power ability is called 'verbal control', which is similar to Wu You's 'voice imprint', but his 'voice imprint' is two-way, and he can vaguely detect it The voice of the other party can also be reflected on others, achieving a certain guiding effect.

My authority and ability are one-way. I cannot hear other people's voices, but I can achieve strong hypnosis and control effects through words. "

Chen Lusi was a little curious: "Oh? How far can it be achieved?"

"Do you want to know?"

Lin Ying suddenly turned her head, opened her beautiful jewel-like eyes and looked at Chen Lusi.

Because she had just taken a bath, her beautiful and stunning face was slightly red, and her fair skin had a healthy pink feel, which was very touching.

Chen Lusi was really curious. He hesitated for a moment and said, "Don't do anything excessive..."

But the words were not finished.

His mind was disconnected.

on the sofa.

Lin Ying turned around completely, curled up her long white legs, and knelt down in front of Chen Lusi. Looking at him with a somewhat frozen expression, she raised her hand and suddenly whispered: "Right hand."

Chen Lusi subconsciously raised his right hand and placed it on her palm.

"Left hand."




"A vicious look."

Lin Ying kept using words to control Chen Lusi, and Chen Lusi did everything.

She looked at Chen Lusi, whose expression was constantly changing, and the smile gradually spread in her eyes. After hesitating for a moment, she continued: "Lick my hand."

Chen Lu Sizhen lowered his head and licked it.

Lin Ying's face turned red. Seeing that Chen Lusi was about to lose control, she gave the last command: "Line like a dog and bark."

"Woof woof woof... Damn, what did you do?"

Chen Lusi just barked twice and suddenly came back to his senses.

He held the hair dryer and glared at Lin Ying who was kneeling in front of him: "Why do I bark like a dog!?"

"Don't you want to know what I can do?"

Lin Ying put her hands behind her back, straightened her waist, and looked at Chen Lusi.

"So you want me to bark like a dog, right?"

Chen Lusi said angrily: "Turn back, your hair hasn't been completely dried yet."

"It's too much trouble. There's only a little left, so just blow it like this."

Lin Ying shook her head and refused.

Chen Lusi had no choice but to move forward and help her blow her long hair face to face.

The movements are a bit awkward.

Lin Ying didn't feel much discomfort. She held Chen Lusi's waist, pressed her forehead against his shoulder, and let him play with his hair.

Chen Lusi smelled the faint fragrance coming from her body and continued to ask: "Besides barking like a dog, what else did you ask me to do?"

"I won't tell you."

"...Then where did you get your authority? Are you in danger?"

"I also got the ability when I was sweeping graves... I didn't encounter any danger, otherwise I wouldn't be sitting here."

"What about going on a mission?"

"Basically, I won't encounter any danger. I'm not considered a combatant, at most I'm considered a support staff."

"Wu You should be considered a support staff, right? He almost gave an explanation when he went out..."

"Then how about I transfer to you?"

Lin Ying raised her head when she heard this, looked at Chen Lusi who was close at hand, blinked her eyes, and asked, "Will you protect me?"

Chen Lusi looked at her and nodded: "Yes."

"Then I will tell Xia Yue in two days and ask him to find other spiritual empowerers."

Lin Ying smiled and said: "But I have to go back to Jiangchang City tomorrow. After all, you have to stay in Pengcheng during this period. Lin Wan is about to take the college entrance examination, and it will probably take a while for Xia Yue to find a replacement. It might take a month or two."

"I know...head down."

Chen Lusi said he understood, motioned Lin Ying to lower his head, and started to think about other things at the same time.

The two lingered for half an hour.

The hair is finally blow-dried.

"Okay." Chen Lusi put away the hair dryer.


Lin Ying thanked her, then combed her long hair and raised her head: "Does it look good?"


Chen Lusi responded.

Next, Lin Ying knelt down in front of Chen Lusi, combed several hairstyles with her hands, and asked him every time if they looked good.

Chen Lusi always says it looks good.

Played for about ten minutes.

Lin Ying was a little tired and then put down her hand: "What are you going to do next?"

"I don't know, what about you?" Chen Lu thought for a while and asked.

"Sleep. I couldn't sleep at all last night while sitting in the chair in the hospital. I was a little sleepy."

"No dinner?"

"It's almost five o'clock in the afternoon."

"then you go."

Chen Lusi leaned on the back of the sofa: "I just want to kill some time."

"Then I'll go to bed first."

Lin Ying stood up from the sofa and stretched, showing off her mature, plump and graceful lines.

"There is the key to the house in the drawer over there. You can stay here during this period and go to bed early."

She put down her hand and reached out to rub Chen Lusi's hair while explaining.

Chen Lusi ducked away in disgust.

Lin Ying leaned forward to rub it, and after successfully rubbing it, she turned around and returned to the room.

A door is heard.

Chen Lusi breathed a sigh of relief, lay down on the sofa and started playing with his mobile phone.

Time passes slowly.

At around ten o'clock in the evening, Chen Lusi became confused and fell into a deep sleep.

the next day.

When he woke up, Lin Ying had left.

Chen Lusi lifted off the thin quilt on his body and picked up the mobile phone next to him.

Two new messages.

The first is from Lin Ying.

[I slept for thirteen hours, a full thirteen hours... Is it amazing? Fool. 】

Chen Lusi yawned.

She has moved towards maturity, but still retains a girlish look.

This sentence couldn't be more appropriate for Lin Ying.

Regardless of her figure or temperament, she actually has the feeling of a gentle big sister.

But inadvertently, we can get a glimpse of her figure when she was eighteen years old.

It's really amazing.

Chen Lu thought for a moment, replied to Lin Ying, and then clicked on the second message.

The second message comes from Wu You.

[Brother, you are not in the hospital at all! Where are you! ? 】

Chen Lusi looked at the second message and sighed.

Is it finally here?

Question session after the event.

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