How come you have such strong superpowers?

Chapter 32 The Spell to Interrupt the Spell

Of course Wu You didn't have a bad brain.

He was just too excited.

Somewhat incoherent.

Damn it!

This is a brand new cultivation method that he has never experienced before!

the other side.

Xia Panqiu also turned around, with some tears remaining in the corners of her eyes, and a hint of blush on her pretty face. It looked like she was having a hard time enduring the nausea.


Even so.

She still couldn't hide the shock in her beautiful eyes.

It's really possible...

Not only can you absorb it yourself.

It can also be absorbed by others.

What this means is self-evident.

Chen Lusi was a little lost in thought when he saw the expressions of the two people.

He thought of Lin Ying and felt a little regretful.

If I had known, I would have stuffed a few for her.

Wu You was excited for a while, then managed to collect his emotions, sat down again, and said excitedly: "It's really too buggy... Lu Si, our handyman team can't do without you!"


Chen Lusi didn't know how to reply, so he could only respond.

Tell the truth.

He still has only a partial understanding of the empowerer's practice system.

In addition, he has never experienced the normal process of absorbing spirits.

So it's really hard to empathize with Wu You.


Wu You also noticed this problem. He suppressed his excitement and explained: "Speaking of which, we haven't explained the 'spell' in detail to you. It's hard for you to understand what it means to be able to condense spirits... It's just right now When I get a chance, I’ll explain it to you.”

"I just mentioned that most of the spells can only be released by calling the spirit in the body, including the six basic spells, most of the compound spells, and spells developed based on authority.

And these techniques, in theory... have no upper limit. "

"Let me give you an example, you want to release a fireball."

As Wu You spoke, he opened his palm and gently lifted it up... a blue fire ball gradually formed in his palm.

As his arm moves, the size of the fireball gradually increases, starting from the size of a marble, gradually evolving to the size of a fist, until it becomes the size of a human head.

"If the spirit in my body is enough, this fireball can theoretically be rolled to infinity."

"Although it's actually impossible... but you understand, right? You can condense spirits and break through the upper limit faster than anyone else. It would take others half a year to breathe out and absorb spirits to condense a fireball the size of a fist, but you may only need a few seconds. sky."

"Also, under special circumstances, the 'spirit ball' you condensed can be used as some kind of emergency supplies, such as swallowing it before using a large-scale spell to forcibly increase the spiritual capacity in the body, increase the power of the spell, or consume spiritual energy in the body. Quickly replenish when exhausted.”

"You know what this means, right?"


When Chen Lusi heard this, he did not respond. Instead, he looked at the fireball in Wu You's hand, not knowing what he was thinking.


"What are the six basic spells? Are there compound spells and spells developed based on authority?"

Chen Lusi came back to his senses and looked at Wu You's face.

"You have used most of the six basic spells."

Wu You saw that Chen Lusi was not excited at all, and was inexplicably disappointed: "They are 'partial strengthening' to strengthen the body, 'changing characteristics' to transform spiritual characteristics, 'shaping' to change the spiritual form, and attaching the spirit to a weapon or body. The 'attachment' on the body, the 'armor' that wraps the body with the spirit and gives the spirit hardness, and the most important 'eyes' that play a protective role."

"Lu Hao's 'Invisible Blade' uses shaping, changing properties, and attachment. The fireball I just released also uses changing properties and shaping."

"The only thing you haven't used is 'armor'."

"But this technique, to put it bluntly, is actually an extension of the characteristic-changing technique, because these six basic techniques are more basic than some kind of teaching, in order to allow newcomers to understand the composition of the technique faster. And better protect yourself.”

"As for the compound technique, simply put, it uses a variety of basic techniques. The fireball I just released is a compound technique... Of course, it is a bit useless in actual combat. After all, the fireball will disappear if it is one meter away from the body."

"The above are the components of ordinary spells."

"Spells developed based on authority, literally...are unique spells developed based on their respective authority abilities. The power and effects of such spells vary greatly and are unique. Lu Hao's 'Invisible Blade' is one Classic example."

"You don't have the authority to control the blade, but you learned the 'Invisible Blade'... To be honest, it's really outrageous. I think Lu Hao won't be able to figure it out until he dies."

"By the way, is there room for improvement in the 'Invisible Blade' you learned? If so, you now have a signature technique."

Talking and talking.

Wu You thought of something and asked curiously,

Chen Lusi learned Lu Hao's 'Invisible Blade', but there was a small problem.

That is... he uses it very slowly, very slowly.

When he faced Lu Hao, he chose to talk trash because he wanted to buy time.

There is no way, it won’t be used without delaying time.

"It's not clear yet, I haven't tried it yet, but..."

Chen Lusi thought for a while after hearing this, then looked at Xia Panqiu who was very quiet today for some reason: "I can't use this Lu Hao's technique well, am I right?"

"What's not good?" Wu You was a little confused.


Chen Lusi didn't know how to answer.

Wu You frowned slightly and turned to look at Xia Panqiu.

Xia Panqiu hesitated for a moment and whispered: "...It's nothing. You are you and he is him."

Chen Lusi looked into her eyes and confirmed, "Are you sure?"

It would be really troublesome if Xia Panqiu felt bothered and came to test herself again.

After all, in her eyes, he still seemed to be wearing the hat of 'Lu Hao'.

Seeing Chen Lusi's expression, Xia Panqiu pursed her lips, lowered her head slightly, and said 'hmm'.

Complicated feelings.

Chen Lusi heard the exact answer, thought about it, and replied: "I'll try it later."

Wu Youyang nodded and said: "You can try to perfect it. Although his signature technique is not large in scale, it is really easy to use."

"Okay... By the way, I want to ask a question."

Chen Lusi thought of the scene where Wu You released the fireball just now, and asked: "In addition to the techniques that transform body functions, do most of the techniques involve the process of exposing the spirit and gathering them?"

"What do you mean?" Wu You didn't understand.

Chen Lusi explained: "For example, if you just released the fireball, don't you need to open your hand and let the spirit leave the body and hover in the palm of your hand? Do other spells also have this process?"

"Most spells have this process."

Wu You didn't know why he asked this, but he nodded anyway.

Chen Lusi hesitated for a moment: "Then what if... during this process, there is a large amount of external spiritual interference? Will it enhance the spell or interrupt it?"

Wu You didn't understand: "Huh?"

Chen Lusi realized that Wu You still didn't understand, and thought for a while: "Forget it, let's just try it... You can try rubbing the fireball again."

Wu You frowned slightly when he heard this, raised his hand, and tried to release the fireball again.

Chen Lusi stared at Wu You and saw the spirits hovering in his palm, about to form a ball. He immediately raised his hand and controlled the spirits around his palm.

Condensation, impact, release.

The condensed spirit orbs landed on Wu You's palm. After losing their restraints, they immediately began to wander around in disorder, directly smashing the spirit orbs that were about to form a ball in Wu You's hand into pieces.

Forget about the fireball.

The spirits released from Wu You's body lost control and returned to heaven and earth.


Wu You raised his hands and his eyes widened when he saw this scene.

He raised his arms, trying to control the spirits that had become disordered.

But it had little effect... The technique that had already begun to be released was forced to be interrupted.

This is going to be a battle...

Wu You thought of this and slowly raised his head to look at Chen Lusi, dumbfounded.

the other side.

Xia Panqiu wasn't much better, she opened her mouth slightly, her face full of shock.

When Chen Lusi saw this scene, he was equally surprised and said softly: "It seems possible... to interrupt the technique."

"A technique that interrupts the technique...ha!?"

When Wu You heard this, he muttered and repeated it, then stood up suddenly and yelled: "This is okay!!!!?"

"You guys are so noisy!"


The conference room door was pushed open.

The girl at the front desk stood at the door and complained.

The three of them looked at him together.

After the girl at the front desk complained, she noticed the expressions on Wu You and Xia Panqiu's faces, frowned, and asked in confusion: "What's wrong with you?"

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