How come you have such strong superpowers?

Chapter 59 Exchange (Please read below)

Chen Lusi looked at the thick rope in Wu You's hand and confirmed that he was not joking.

He reached out and took it.

Then he raised the rope and put it around his neck.

The dark red stains on the thick white rope still remain.

If you look carefully, you can still see some skin and flesh and blood tissue.

However, it is not unacceptable that Chen Lusi is not mysophobic.

What's more, after seeing such a scene in a supermarket yesterday, it was really hard for him to feel disgusted with these stains.

After all, to a certain extent, this was the girl's last thought.


Chen Lusi tied a rope around his neck and looked at Wu You. Before he finished speaking... the rope suddenly tightened and strangled Chen Lusi's neck, causing him to groan.

"take it easy."

Wu You immediately reminded: "It will be fine in a while."

Chen Lusi nodded, choosing to believe Wu You and not rushing to pull the rope around his neck.

About five seconds later.

The rope that was strangling his neck was loosened and returned to normal.


Chen Lusi breathed a sigh of relief, then took off the rope around his neck, and continued the topic: "Then what?"

"Give it to me and I'll show you."

Wu You reached out and took the rope, then put it around his neck again.

Chen Lusi waited quietly.

Wu You tied the rope and walked back.

He walked very far, about two hundred meters, before stopping.

Then, he stretched out his hand to hold the rope, looked at Chen Lusi, and suddenly said loudly: "Exchange!"

The words just fell.

The feeling of weightlessness came over me suddenly.

Chen Lusi's eyes blurred, and he staggered a few steps to the side.

He shook his head, then looked at Wu You...and soon realized something was wrong.

The two men switched places.

He appeared in Wu You's place, and Wu You appeared in the place where he originally stood.

As for the rope, it also reached his neck.

The thick rope tightened suddenly.

Five seconds later.

And let go again.

Chen Lusi looked at the hemp rope around his neck, and then walked back to where Wu You and Xia Panqiu were.


Wu You and other Chen Lusi approached and immediately explained: "This is the effect I just tried. You can swap positions with others. The right to activate is in the hands of the person with the rope. The limit distance of the exchange is limited. Because time is limited, I haven't had time yet. Try...if you can ignore the distance, then you are really powerful!"

Chen Lusi was a little surprised and asked: "So... the condition of exchange is that both parties have actively used the rope?"

"No, you can exchange it even if the other party hasn't used it."

Wu You shook his head: "When Panqiu and I first tried it, she didn't put a rope on it beforehand, and I started it directly... In this case, we tried it, and the limit distance was two hundred meters. One hundred meters, even if you can see each other, you can't exchange them."

"And you just took the initiative to use the rope, and I walked a little further away. It's nearly three hundred meters, and we can still exchange."

"Of course, because the number of people in the experiment is limited, some details cannot be confirmed yet, and we need to try again."

"I see……"

Chen Lu thought for a moment and asked, "Does that mean we can use this to trap others?"

"It's possible, but I don't recommend it..."

Wu You said coquettishly: "I tried it just now. It's useless to put it on other places except the neck. In other words, in actual combat, if you really want to trap others, you have to hang yourself first... I don't think the enemy will just watch. If you can't hang the opponent up, it's just a change of position, which is basically meaningless."

Chen Lusi reacted: "Yes..."

"So the biggest function of this thing is the rapid dispatch of personnel during operations."

Wu You organized his words and said slowly: "For example, when we have to act separately and encounter an emergency and a certain member loses the ability to fight, for example, I can exchange with you in an emergency. Location!

On the one hand, it increases new strength and on the other hand, it protects injured teammates.

Or, we can find a thigh and put the rope around the other person's neck. If we are in danger, we can shake him... But this point also needs to be determined by how far the limit distance is. If it is too close, it will not work. "

Chen Lusi understood: "So, we need to put the rope around Miss Si Yujie's neck?"

"She can't... Although it is indeed a thigh, she can't leave Tiance Trading too far."

Wu You shook his head, then smiled and said: "I think it is more reliable for you to be the thigh..."

"You think too highly of me."

Chen Lusi smiled and just thought he was being polite.

Wu You didn't pay too much attention and asked instead: "Do you want to try it too? There were only two people just now and the sample was limited. Why don't you try it and see if you can exchange it with others?...Hold the rope when starting, and then think Just look at the other person's appearance or look at the other person and say "exchange."


Chen Lusi agreed, holding the rope with both hands, and then looked at Xia Panqiu, planning to try a short-distance exchange first.

Xia Panqiu noticed his gaze and turned her head.


Chen Lusi shouted directly.

The words just fell.

The feeling of weightlessness came over me suddenly.

But Chen Lusi was prepared this time and managed to maintain his balance.

"It was successful..."

Chen Lusi looked at Xia Panqiu who appeared on the other side with an interested expression.

Then, he walked to Xia Panqiu, reached out and took off the rope from her neck, preparing to go further away and try to exchange with Wu You again.

Xia Panqiu lowered his head and let Chen Lusi take off the rope.

Chen Lusi successfully took off the rope, then looked at Xia Panqiu's pretty short hair that was sticking up because of the rope, and reminded: "The hair is sticking up."


Xia Panqiu was startled for a moment, then seemed a little embarrassed. She turned around and lowered her head to straighten her short hair.

Chen Lusi looked back, put the rope on again, then looked at Wu You and continued the test.

The three of them spent a day... and finally tried out the extreme distance of swapping ropes.

If both parties to the exchange have actively used the rope, the limit distance of the exchange is ten kilometers.

And if it is just a temporary exchange, the limit distance of the exchange is two hundred meters.

for this result.

Wu You was a little disappointed.


Tiance Trading.

Wu You said with a pity look on his face: "If the extreme distance can exceed one hundred kilometers, then this thing will be invincible... What a pity."

"It's already great."

Si Yujie shook her head gently: "After all, it is a strange rumor in the city, not an ancient legend with traceable origins. If it can really achieve the effect you say, where can you put those precious faces that are so legendary?"

Wu You sighed: "Yes."

"So, do you want this antique?"

Si Yujie looked at Chen Lusi and Xia Panqiu beside her: "You have also tested the effect."

Chen Lusi glanced at Xia Panqiu and Wu You, and replied: "We discussed it and decided to keep it with us. In some cases, mutual exchange may have miraculous effects."


Si Yujie nodded: "Then I'll let you keep it... By the way, what's the name of this antique? I need to file it and give it a name."

"Does this also require a name?"

Chen Lusi was stunned for a moment, then continued: "How about you give it a random name? Or just call it Hanging Rope..."

Si Yujie: "..."

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