How come you have such strong superpowers?

Chapter 61 The Source of Fear

this moment.

Chen Lusi felt that his blood vessels were about to burst.

not kidding.

He really felt... that his blood vessels were going to burst.

On arms, thighs, chest, even face...

There was a clear feeling of swelling in every part of my body.

Chen Lusi endured the pain and looked at his arm, and found that all the blood vessels on his arm had emerged.

And, it’s becoming more and more obvious.

It's like breaking through skin and flesh.

At the end.

Chen Lusi could even see the blood flowing in the blood vessels through the skin...

It's really too exaggerated...

Chen Lusi endured the pain and observed the blood vessels in his hands.

The blood vessels are becoming more and more obvious.

Blood is rushing inside.


It seems to have reached a certain tipping point.

The blood vessels stopped dilating.


Chen Lusi felt that the spirit in his body began to flow.

During the circulation process, some spirits actively attached to the blood.


Chen Lusi discovered that the red blood rushing in his veins was dyed with a hint of blue...

Dots of blue light spots were mixed in the blood, and began to rush and swim in the body along the blood vessels.

The pain began to lessen.

Chen Lusi took a deep breath, straightened up, then raised his hands and looked at the still obvious blood vessels up close.

There are more and more blue light spots.

In the blood vessels, the two colors red and blue are intertwined, which looks quite dreamy.

As more and more blue light spots attach to the blood, the blood vessels begin to recover.

Chen Lusi waited patiently for a while.


Promotion seems complete.

The swelling disappears.

The blood vessels completely returned to normal.

It seemed as if nothing had happened, and Chen Lusi had not changed much.


"I see."

Chen Lusi raised his hand and looked at the blood vessels under his skin, showing an expression of sudden realization.

If we talk about the incarnation stage, the space in his body that can accommodate the spirit is equivalent to a puddle.

The bleeding stage is the pond.


This is the most obvious change in perception after promotion.

Capacity varies.

Now the spirit is attached to the blood and has completely become a part of his body.

And then, the spirit will continue to seep into the blood until it fills every part of his body.

In addition, because the spirit is attached to the blood and constantly moves around the body, it can be mobilized more smoothly.

Activating the spell will be faster.

This is the change that Chen Lusi currently perceives.

As for whether there have been changes at a more subtle level.

Chen Lusi didn’t know.

What he is more interested in now is whether the range of his spiritual control has become wider after being promoted.

When Si Yujie launched the technique, he couldn't interrupt it at all.

If more external spirits could be controlled.

Maybe interrupt?

With this thought in mind, Chen Lusi stretched out his hand.


He just rubbed a spirit ball, and the area was in a vacuum period. If he could still gather spirit, the range would have become larger. If he couldn't, it would have remained unchanged.

easy to understand.

Chen Lusi looked at the palm of his hand and activated the "condensation" of reluctant arithmetic according to his habit.

At first.

Nothing happened.

But two seconds later.

Countless spirits suddenly flew from all directions!

Countless blue light points continued to pour into the room, illuminating the room like a bright star.

Finally, all the light spots merged into Chen Lusi's palm.

Chen Lusi raised his hand as if he was holding a galaxy.


Chen Lusi looked at the spirit ball spinning in his palm, a little stunned.

The scope has grown.

He was mentally prepared for this.

But he didn't would get that big.

All the spirits within half a kilometer were in his hands at the moment.

It was even difficult for him to control such a huge spirit...

Because this was the first time he controlled such an exaggerated spirit.


He just rubbed a spiritual ball.

There is a vacuum nearby.

Otherwise, plus the nearby part... the spirit ball would probably be out of control.

"...Will you die if you swallow this?"

Chen Lusi looked at the spiritual ball that was constantly spinning in his palm, and at a certain moment, he suddenly had the adventurous idea of ​​swallowing it.

What would happen if you swallowed such an exaggerated amount?

It's really curious.

But soon, he shook his head and gave up his bold idea.

Let’s not talk about anything else.

He couldn't compress such a huge spirit into a size that he could swallow... How to swallow it?

And even if it can be compressed, if you really swallow it, you are just kidding your body... The previous amount, if you swallowed it hard, you would feel like you are going to die. What should you do if you swallow it now and it is really full?

Even if he came back from the dead once, he wouldn't want to play like this.

He did this out of his wits.

Chen Lusi dismissed the bold ideas in his mind. It would definitely not work if he swallowed them... Then what can he do with the expanded control range?

He began to think.

However, for a while, besides enhancing the 'disintegration' technique, Chen Lusi really couldn't think of any other uses.

"……never mind."

Chen Lu thought for a while and realized that he really had no good idea, so he had to give up first.

He looked at the huge spiritual ball in his hand and prepared to disperse it first.

After all, you can't eat or play with's not a problem to hold it all the time.

But just when he was about to do so, he looked at the spirit ball in his hand, suddenly thought of something, and paused.


That night.

Chen Lusi had insomnia and played with the spirit ball.

He lay on the sofa and tossed and turned for nearly two hours before falling asleep.

And on the other side of the city.

Sun Rensheng does not have the same troubles as Chen Lusi.

He fell asleep very quickly that night and slept extremely well.

At least that was the case for the first half of the night.

As for the second half of the night.

As Chen Lusi fell asleep.

Sun Rensheng's originally peaceful face suddenly became distorted, and his body twitched crazily.

This situation lasted until morning.

the next day.

Early in the morning.


Sun Rensheng woke up again and sat up suddenly, covered in sweat.

Even the clothes were soaked with sweat.

He had another nightmare.

This time, no one strangled him...but in the dream, someone was holding him down and stuffing things into his mouth.

He struggled desperately.

But no matter how hard he struggled, the man still held him firmly.

Like a god.

He calls heaven and earth to respond, and calls earth and earth to be ineffective.

All I can do is howl.

"...What a pussy."

Sun Rensheng shook his head, then looked at his pants, his expression even darker.

A dream.

Is it really that scary?

He covered himself with the air-conditioning quilt again, then showed a fierce expression and began to run through the people he knew in his mind one by one.

He wanted to identify possible targets for him.

But after thinking about it for a while, he couldn't find a suitable target.

Because he was sure...those people had no reason to deal with him.

So, what is this?

Sun Rensheng pondered.

at this time.

The mobile phone beside the bed suddenly vibrated.

Sun Rensheng came to his senses, picked up the phone, looked at it, and then answered the call.

"How many dead people do you control now?"

The person on the other end of the phone asked hoarsely: "Can we get it together within half a month?"

When Sun Rensheng heard the familiar voice, he temporarily put aside his doubts and replied: "Yes, as long as you give enough money."

"Then get ready."

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