"...you tm!!!"

Feng Zhen looked at Chen Lusi standing in front of him and was stunned for a long time. He didn't react until he felt a burning sensation on his cheek.


His face became distorted, like an evil ghost, and he raised his hand again.

Violent spiritual power burst out instantly.

A larger scale 'bomb' was launched.

Chen Lusi saw the spirit hovering in his palm, suddenly raised his right hand, and then moved it forward.

It's like drawing a curtain.

The surrounding spirits all rushed towards Feng Zhen's technique that was about to take shape.

Disorganized and violent spirits wander around.

The technique that was about to be formed by Feng Zhen was directly smashed into pieces.


Feng Zhen's eyes suddenly widened and she glanced at her unresponsive hand again, then raised her head slightly and looked at the expressionless Chen Lusi.

Chen Lusi kicked him directly on the head!


Feng Zhen fell to the ground again, her head hit the concrete floor hard, and light blue blood seeped out.

He was in a daze and had not yet reacted.

The next second.

Chen Lusi raised his right leg high, stepped on Feng Zhen's head, then pressed his head, crushed it hard, and said condescendingly:

"answer me."

"...Mirror Ghost! Mirror Ghost!!!"

Feng Zhen felt the severe pain on her cheek, like an explosive barrel about to explode, and she screamed and roared irrationally.

The mirror ghost finally reacted and disappeared.

The next second.

Countless car windows around him shattered, and they all flew towards Chen Lusi.

Chen Lusi turned sideways to avoid the dense glass fragments.

Feng Zhen seized the gap and immediately rolled to the side. Her spirit exploded instantly, she distanced herself, and then struggled to stand up.

He gently stroked the blood-stained side face, then grabbed the blood-stained hair, and finally looked at Chen Lusi and suddenly smiled.

"Hahaha...you useless boar who relies on foreign objects!"

"Let's see how many times your antiquities can be used!"

"I'm going to kill you! I'm going to dig out your heart! And then force that sow over there to eat it!! I'm going to kill you - I'm going to kill all of you!!"

The more Feng Zhen talked, the more crazy she became, and the more she talked, the more distorted her smile became.

He is really angry!

Chen Lusi didn't react when he heard this. He just took a deep breath and continued walking towards Feng Zhen.

When Feng Zhen saw this scene, she showed a cruel expression, moved her legs away, strode into a horse stance, and clasped her hands together fiercely.


He concentrated one-fifth of his body's spirit in his hands, roared angrily, and activated his signature technique again.


There is no sound.

There was no explosion.

Nothing happens.

This time, Chen Lusi didn't even raise his hand, and directly controlled the surrounding spirits to complete the disintegration technique.

He is already very skilled.

The promotion allowed him to expand his control range, and the experience half an hour ago gave him more sophisticated control.

He was still moving forward firmly towards Feng Zhen, when he passed the little girl.

He didn't even look at it, but kept walking.

The little girl glanced at Chen Lusi's profile, then carefully stepped aside and took the initiative to get out of the way.

"Why can't I release my authority! What kind of antiquity is this! What on earth have you done!!!"

Feng Zhen found that even if she mobilized one-fifth of the spirit in her body, she could not successfully activate the technique. She went completely crazy and asked angrily.

Chen Lusi looked at him with blue eyes, said nothing, and still walked leisurely.


Chen Lusi suddenly stepped on a piece of glass.

And the next second.

Having just flown over, the glass fragments scattered on the ground suddenly stretched out countless arms.

Those arms grabbed Chen Lusi's legs hard.

Chen Lusi stumbled and fell forward.

"Feng Zhen!!!" Mirror Ghost shouted immediately.

Feng Zhen reacted, stepped on her horse, clasped her hands together again, and once again channeled the spirit in her body.

Chen Lusi lay on the ground and raised his head slightly.

Still nothing happened.


"What the hell!!!!"

Feng Zhen found that her technique still failed to be released, and nervously began to scratch her hair like crazy.

He is indeed going crazy!

what exactly is it!

Chen Lusi temporarily withdrew his gaze, then looked back at the arm grabbing his calf.

Those hands seemed to notice Chen Lusi's gaze, trembled slightly, and subconsciously grabbed his calf harder.

Chen Lusi turned sideways slightly, exerted force on his waist, and suddenly kicked his right leg forward.

at the same time.

The slashing authority is activated.

His trouser legs split directly in the middle, his flesh and blood twisted, and the thin and thin blade shone with a cold light in the sunlight.

There was a flash of cold light.

Dozens of arms made of flesh and blood flew up.


Mirror Ghost also howled miserably because of the severe pain, and immediately released his other arms, letting go of Chen Lusi's leg.

The same thought occurred to him.

What the hell is this! ! !

Chen Lusi noticed that his hand had disappeared, and slowly stood up from the ground, then lightly patted the dust on his body and continued walking towards Feng Zhen.

The sole of his shoe stepped on Mirror Ghost's arm, making a tooth-piercing sound.

Feng Zhen was startled and finally reacted. She looked at Chen Lusi and raised her hand again.



"Boom!!! Go to hell!!!"

"Go to hell!!!!"

He tried again and again.

But the power technique that had just killed everyone was not successfully activated even once.

Feng Zhen went from angry at the beginning, to madness, and now, she is just furious.

He doesn't understand.

What kind of ancient artifact can do this?

He doesn't understand.

Why can't I activate my signature technique even once?

He doesn't understand.

A bleeder, a pig, a waste. Face yourself, why you are not dead yet.

He doesn't understand!

"Why don't you die!!!"

Thinking of this, Feng Zhen reached out to activate the authority again and roared angrily.

The spell still didn't take effect.

And a shadow suddenly appeared in front of him, blocking the sunlight.

Feng Zhen slowly raised her head and realized that Chen Lusi had already walked in front of her.


Feng Zhen looked at Chen Lusi's expressionless face, and huge fear instantly surrounded him.

His calves began to tremble, then his hands, then his lips, and then...his teeth trembled up and down.

"...Who the hell are you!? What the hell are you!?"

Under extreme fear.

Feng Zhen finally no longer thought about her invincible skills at the same level, but used the physical skills that she was not good at. She directly raised her fist, strengthened it and punched Chen Lusi.

Chen Lusi turned sideways lightly to avoid his fist, while opening his left hand.


A spiritual ball took shape instantly.

Chen Lusi took a step sideways, and then pushed hard into his abdomen with a palm.


Feng Zhen suddenly arched up and vomited out a large ball of sticky saliva. Before the pain in her stomach could be felt, the spirit that had been forced into her body erupted first.

A violent spirit began to course through his body.

Severe pain came.

Feng Zhen covered her abdomen and slowly knelt down on the ground.

But before his knees could touch the ground, a big hand suddenly appeared and grabbed his neck. Instead of letting him kneel down, he forcibly lifted him up.


Feng Zhen felt a strong sense of suffocation and immediately struggled.

But since the spirit in his body cannot be used, he is no better than ordinary people at this moment.

Chen Lusi's hand holding his neck remained motionless as she slowly lifted him up.

"Does it mean you are superior to others if you have ability?"

"Sow? Bastard?"

"You don't have it now, why don't you curse again?"

Chen Lusi pinched Feng Zhen's neck slowly and hard, looked at Feng Zhen whose face turned purple, and said softly.

Feng Zhen felt an increasingly strong sense of suffocation and struggled even more violently, kicking her feet off the ground wildly.

Chen Lusi looked at him calmly and raised his other hand slightly.

Flesh twisted.

The thin blade appears.

When Feng Zhen saw this scene, she realized something, immediately stopped struggling, and her eyes widened suddenly.

But before he could react.


Chen Lusi waved his left hand upward.

His entire left arm flew out.

A large amount of blue blood spurted out and splashed on Chen Lusi's face.

Feng Zhen opened her mouth wide, like a drowning fish, and her eyes seemed to bulge out.

The next second.

Snot and tears instantly covered his entire face.

Unable to cry out in pain.

He twitched wildly like a spasm, and his pants slowly became stained with yellow water stains.


When the mirror ghost in the distance saw this scene, he sat down on the ground.

This moment.

Everything is silent.

Only Chen Lusi's voice sounded.

He shook off the blood on the knife, then looked at Feng Zhen and said calmly:

"Tell me, if you want to become stronger, do you want to use it for this kind of thing?"

"Natural Selection?"

"Whoever has the big fist has the right to speak?"

"Then now there is someone stronger than you, what will you do?"

"Answer me! Bastard!"

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