How I Became The Strongest Sovereign

Chapter 107 - Prince Landon’s Mission II

Two days had passed and I taught all of them basic education like reading, writing, mathematical skills etc. The other had already started to go to school except for me, I stayed at the Elven Kingdom to continue with my work.

The Elves worked hard to learn everything on the first day. I must say they learn very efficiently, it took them 1 day to learn everything I wanted to teach them. On the second day I planned all the preparations like renting a big facility near the market, hiring Elven Guards and transferring the goods from the Blacksmith businesses.

I ended up having to do the negotiations whilst some of the other Elves accompanied me to see how to do business. All in all the 2 days were extremely productive and today was the big day; we were finally going to open up to the public for the first time. 

The marketing sector did their job well and spread the word of the unique business. We decided to go with a simple name: 'Elanor Armoury'.

"Today's the big day. Is everything ready?" I asked, holding my clipboard in my hand.

"Yes sir, everything is ready, our elves are on standby to guide customers and advise them. The Elves outside have already lined up around 50 customers." Hue G. Rection reported, standing by my side.

"Good. Open the shop and let the commerce begin." I smiled.

"Yes sir!" He said loudly, before finally opening the shutter and letting the swarm of elves enter.

This was definitely more than I imagined. It was like people had never seen an armour shop before. Was I missing something here? Could it be illegal to sell these types of products?

"Sir! There's so many people, we can't control them." Ben Dover cried out, pushing some of the elves to get in a line.

"Everyone listen up! Get in a single file line or else prices will go up by 50%!" I shouted, amplifying my voice with mana.

The dozen elves all looked at me, before hurriedly getting in a sensible line. That's more like it.


The lunch break was finally over and the elves began getting back to work. I spent a couple coins on getting them better clothing and now they all wore professional black suits. It was a perfect upgrade and made them look like professional salesmen.

"Tell the delivery sector to start delivering the goods to the respectful owners, before the orders become too much. How many orders have we received so far?" I asked, gulping down a glass of water.

"We've received 73 orders since we ordered and have made around 50 Gold coins and 700 silver coins." Rae Piste answered solemnly.

"Not bad, not bad. Go pass the message on to the delivery sector. Start delivering the goods."

"Yes sir, right away." Rae Piste replied before running away to pass the message on. The good thing about these elves were they were extremely hard working. When someone has seen and experienced life in poverty, they will do anything to bring their family and friends out of it. That's what brought a burning drive in these poor elves.

I laid back on my chair and closed my eyes. Nothing could go wrong right?

"Sir! There are some men outside beating up our workers! Please come." Ben Dover cried out, his head was all bloody and his clothes looked battered.

I got up immediately and followed him outside.

There seemed to be around 20 elves clad in silver armour. They all laughed amused, beating up the Elven workers and guards. I had a feeling something like this would happen.

"Sir, what should we do?" Ben Dover whispered.

"I want you to move the Elves inside and attend to your wounds first before you attend to theirs. I'll take care of these grunts." I ordered., putting my hands in my pockets.

He nodded respectfully, before moving.

"Oi! What do you think you're doing? Don't you know it's treason going against the Elven Kingdom." I said, cracking my neck left and right.

"Who's this punk? I'll just beat him up too." One of them laughed, charging towards me.

I grabbed his disgusting face in my hand and slammed him down on the ground. Cracks formed under his body like spiderwebs and people nearby gasped in shock.

"Who do you guys work for?" I asked, wiping my hand onto the unconscious Elf's clothes.

"Hahaha! Why should we tell you? Men get him!" The leader snickered, pointing at me. The rest of the Elven grunts attacked, charging towards me with their blades.

Why did these thick skulled idiots always have to take the hard way? I shook my head.

A barrage of swings and strikes all aimed towards me but I dodged them all successfully. My exquisite show of skills earned awes and praises from the crowd of elves watching from the side. 

I finally took out both my hands from my pockets and began my counter attack. I aimed for their pressure points, knocking them unconscious with simple attacks. It took a couple seconds for the dozen Grunts to be scattered all over the ground.

"Do I have to do everything myself?" The leader scratched his head, before charging towards me with a longsword in his hand.

"AArghhhh!! You're finished, you punk!" He shouted, swinging his longsword down at my head.


I stopped the blade with 2 fingers, then shattered it to pieces.

"Let's try this again. Who do you work for?" I asked, letting a trickle of killing intent loose.

He shook in fear immobile and slowly tried to step back but I grabbed him by his neck.

"Th-There's an armoury business further down in the East side of the market. Th-They hired us to destroy your business." He uttered, stuttering. I could smell piss as he spoke, I looked down to a yellow liquid dripping from his feet.


"What's the name of the business that hired you?" I asked.

"S-Star Armour and Weapons." He said, still stuttering out of fear.

I threw him against the wall, leaving a large crack on the spot of contact.

I turned around to go back inside but I felt a couple mana pressures pop up behind me. More people to fight. Great.

"Stop right there. Put your hands up, where I can see them!" A stern man's voice echoed behind me.

I sighed, before turning around to face the Elven Police.

"Please, can we talk ab-" I couldn't finish as one of them shot me in the chest with a wand. 

Being Nice really wasn't getting me anywhere. 

"Guards seize him!" The leader of the elves shouted.

'Get rid of these pests.' Voad scoffed in my head.

I released my deadly aura, making the ground under us shake like an earthquake had just occurred. People screamed and they all started to run away, evacuating the vicinity. Dark cumulonimbus clouds formed above us and loud thunderous noises erupted.

The Elven Police all froze in fear, pointing their weapons at me.

'It's been some time hasn't it." A familiar voice of a woman came from behind me. Why did people love popping up from behind?

Alfreda stood behind me with two iron gloves shrouding her fists. She was the woman I saved back in the Demon takeover along with her siblings: Michelle, Myshal And Pyshal.

I relaxed myself, restraining my mana pressure. The clouds above us started to dissipate. I had no reason to fight and kill dozens of Elves for no benefit.

'What are you doing? Just kill her already.' Voad spoke in my head.

'I can't. There's no point causing a massacre, we're in the Elven Kingdom, I'm trying to get on their good side dummy.'

"I'm sorry for these imbeciles' poor manners. You turds can leave, I'll handle the rest." Alfreda said strictly, causing some of them to shake away the fear from before. They all left immediately, not looking back.

"So what really happened here?" Alfreda asked. 

"It seems that some competitor business hired these goons to wreck up this business."

"Mmh. I understand, I'll take care of everything and report what happened here. There were rumours the Prince hired a cunning man to help rebuild the Kingdom but I didn't expect it to be you kid.

"Let's catch up sometime. You know where we live right?" She smiled, reaching in to hug me tightly. I couldn't dodge as she gripped me tightly with her monster grip.

When she finally let go, I could finally breathe again. She smiled at me one last time, before heading in the opposite direction.

'What a feisty one. Exactly my type of woman.' Voad spoke in a calm tone.

'Wait, don't tell me you're in love. The Mighty dragon of flames, in love. That's hilarious.'

'Oh shush. We have humanoid forms too, you know. Maybe I could raise the Dragon Race again with her.' He sighed.

'Whatever. You'll have to wait a couple years before that.' I laughed going back inside the shop.

At least the first day didn't go as bad as it could have gone. We made sales and were caught up with a battle.

'Star weapons and armour.' A competitor business huh. Things were getting interesting.

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