How I Became The Strongest Sovereign

Chapter 111 - School Monster

"Good Morning Class. Please take a seat and listen well. Today is a very special day as we will be covering an extremely crucial topic. This is the most important lesson all of you will receive this year, so I want you all to give your undivided lesson." Professor Severin began his 2 hour lecture making all of the students look at him in anticipation.

He was one of the nicer teachers that all the students liked to listen to. Even the rowdy kids shut up and listened when he spoke. His subject was also extremely interesting and everyday I used to learn something new from the mana manipulation subject.

"Firstly, please raise your hands up if you have a branched element." At his command about 85% of the students in the class hall raised their hands.

"Okay that seems to be the majority of the class. Now I want to ask you students something. Would you believe me if I told you there was a way to turn your branched element into a full element. 

"You could then learn further diverse spells instead of limited spells to your branched element. Would you?" He paused, letting us take in the philosophical question at hand.

Applebottom raised her hands up eagerly, shaking her hands vigorously.

"Yes Miss Applebottom."

"Sir, I thought it wasn't possible to change a branched element into a full element. All these years we've been taught that it's impossible. How is that possible?" She asked, pushing up her round spectacles.

"A very good question Miss Applebottom, 100 Merits will be rewarded. The real reason we haven't told you about this is, for this process to work you must reach a reasonable age preferably during adolescence. 

"If you guys began to experiment and begin this process It Could have ultimately led to your death." 

Everyone gulped at Professor Severin's serious tone.

"The real reason for some people being born with Branched elements are due to the fact that biologically humans are weak. We are born weak.

"When some of us first awaken our mana pools are unstable, we get branched elements because our bodies are too weak to handle a full element. Unlike demons who are born with strong bodies, they're able to awaken full elements.

"Once we reach an age of adolescence our bodies start to strengthen but our mana pools stay unstable. The trick is to fortify and rebuild our mana pools through a specific method of meditation. 

"This method that we will teach all of you will help to revitalize your mana pools with purer mana of your chosen element. Once you all reach mana pool stage 2 you will automatically be able to wield the full element.

"Do any of you have any questions?" He asked, scanning the large hall.

Professor Severin was returned with silence, making him carry on with the lecture.

"Good. Now If you will all follow me to a special facility. We have limited time. Make sure you all travel in single file lines and don't make too much noise; there are still others studying in the other classes." He ordered, moving towards the door.

We all got out of our seats and got into lines. We followed him into the corridor walking towards the special facility he was talking about.

"This lesson is going to be an important one. I can feel it in my bones." Jace whispered to me, "...but us 2 won't have to worry, especially you. I mean you have 4 full elements. You freak of nature."

I rolled my eyes.

"Oii! How did you forget me? You fool." Naz squealed from behind making Jace jump from behind.

"Forgot she existed. In a bit bro." Just like that he left and joined Naz at the back of the line, leaving me on my own. 

We all entered the special facility and gasped at the special devices surrounding us. The room was a cube box at least 40 metres by 40 metres in length and width. 

There were magic runes aligned intricately in patterns on the side of the walls and black pads spread across the floors. Small windows could be seen near the top to allow air in otherwise there were no signs of the outside world.

Magic runes were special tablets that had carvings storing mana. On their own they had no special effects but aligned and joined with others they formed special structures like force fields or just simple mana rich areas.

"This room is filled with magic runes provided to us by the alchemy association. The vast number of runes means that the mana in this facility is extremely potent and pure. 

"All I want you guys to do for the rest of the lesson is meditate. Please sit on the pads placed on the grounds." Professor Severin ordered, pointing at the pads placed equally from each other.

'Zeref. These runes, I can feel something odd from their makeup. Don't sit on those pads. They'll get information on what elements you have and maybe even about your demon aura. Just be aware.' Voad warned in my head. 

I had a bad feeling about the Alchemy Association. If it got Voad this edgy this was a bad sign. However, I did have the system, maybe it would block their attempt to infiltrate me.

One by one everyone began sitting on the pads except me. Colours popped up on top of their heads indicating what element they had, then a couple seconds later the colours disappeared.

"Mr Amara, please sit down." 

I rushed over to an empty one on the corner side and sat down on the pad.

[Foreign Entity is trying to infiltrate…]

[Foreign Entity has been rejected access]

Good. I sighed in relief, seeing that no colours flashed above my head.

"Now I want you guys to meditate normally, feel the energy siphoning through your body into your mana pool. Feel every particle moving through your meridians. 

"Guide the mana. Direct it to your mana pool and keep going until you reach a bottle neck. Once you've done that, keep going until you reach a metamorphosis.

"For the students that already have a solid mana pool carry on with your meditation and aim to reach a higher stage. Most of you here are still at mana pool stage 1, aim for the 2nd stage. 

"The top mages are ones with mana pool stages above 5. If you want a bright future, work harder!" Professor Severin's voice was loud and dominant, instructing us on the method that would strengthen us as mages.

Everyone began their meditation straight away absorbing the mana oozing out of the magic runes.

'Don't you feel that?'

'Feel what?' I asked Voadhailis, confused.

'That demon aura. There's a demon in this room and they're surprisingly strong.' he replied. 

I expanded my vision and senses. What the-


That weak boy, a weak reddish aura surrounded him, especially concentrated around his mana pool. How did he become a demon and how was he hiding in broad daylight without a limiter like me? How were his eyes still black?

I could sense the familiar demon aura around him. Demon Aura was the mana pressure demons gave off, it could be distinguished due to the reddish glow. The stronger the demon the more potent and red their demon aura, I had used it before a lot with my killing intent and mana pressure to intimidate my opponents.

Peter was amongst the weakest in our year and was bullied constantly. How did he gain this much strength in such a short time? Was I missing something here?

'Keep an eye on that kid. He might be a threat.' Voad warned. 

I nodded mentally agreeing with him for once, before beginning my meditation.

Things might have become complicated...


The lesson had finally ended and we were allowed to leave. One by one the students exited including Peter. I had to trail him and find some answers. 

I was about to follow him out but Jace jumped in front of me.

"Yoo. Sorry about before bro. I had to attend to Naz, you wanna grab some lunch with us?" He asked, bro hugging me.

"I'm good. You guys go on your couple date. I have to do something first." I said, moving his arm off my shoulder.

"See you at our table then." He said, walking off and joining up with Naz, who was patiently waiting for him by the corridor.

I took a left and walked straight down the corridor. This short disturbance caused me to lose sign of Peter. I had to find him as soon as possible, god knows how many people he could hurt with his power.

'He's on the East wing of the school. I can feel his demonic aura and it's rising continuously like he's going to burst at any moment. Run!' 

I listened to Voad's warning and picked up the pace. He was about 100 meters away and I sensed 7 other mana pressures. They were probably kids from our year, who were picking on him. 

Sh*t! What were they thinking?

Don't antagonize him!

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