How I Became The Strongest Sovereign

Chapter 125 - The Anomalous Dungeon II

The situation was worse than expected. 

We had arrived a bit too late and the trolls had already begun causing havoc and absorbing the citizens' mana.

"Jason, take your crew and help in evacuating the citizens to the North; kill any stray trolls that are near the evacuation site. I'll take care of the trolls' main force." I ordered. 

"Yes sir, come on team." Jason began moving straight away, as his group split up into small organised groups. 


A large boulder was hurled towards me. Leaping up, I imbued my fist with flame mana and decimated the large boulder into pieces with minimal effort.

Fire mana worked extremely effectively against trolls, so I planned to only use my fire element against them. I also couldn't show I was a Quad elemental to the other hunters, it would raise too much attention.

I zigzagged across the battlefield leaping from building to building.

'Voad, Cambio Forma!'

The 2 shortswords materialised in my hands and I spun them before throwing the sword in my right hand. It pierced into the large trolls chest with force, knocking it back a couple metres.


What?! I could understand what the troll said. 

'Yes. You're part Dragon remember now due to the Dragon DNA, which also makes you part magic beast. Therefore, the system probably updated itself.' Voadhailis answered. 

The trolls were different to the ones I had fought till now. These ones were smarter and could even utilise mana. Apart from that they still were colossal and hideous green things standing at 30 metres in height.

"GO TO HELL!" It yelled, conjuring 3 more boulders before hurling them at me. 



A reddish flame aura surrounded me as I rocketed towards the troll at a high speed.


The boulders were severed into dozens of fine pieces and using Gravity magic I compacted them into an even larger boulder with my other hand. 

"You can have this back." 

I pointed towards the Troll and the meteor sized boulder rocketed towards him immediately.

[You have used 500MP]


Whilst it was busy stopping the boulder's momentum pushing it back, I blitzed towards the troll running up its leg until I reached its chest. Gripping the shortsword that was still impaled in his chest, I cut through his flesh with the flame coated blade, leaving large chunks of Troll meat on the street grounds. 

[Congratulations! You have earned 8,000 EXP for killing a B rank beast!]

Jason and the others rushed behind me and stopped to admire the large carcass on the ground. 

"You're amazing! You took that mutated thing down by yours-"

"Get back!" I yelled, conjuring a wall of ice by putting both my hands on the ground. 


'Looks like they can use fire mana too. You might need to get serious with these guys.' Voad warned. 

"Is everyone okay?" I looked back at the party, as they started to recover from the shock.

"Sir! Look out!" One of the mage girls screamed.


[You have suffered 3087 Damage!]

I flew across the street, crashing through several houses. 

'What the hell was that? I couldn't sense it even when Seikuken was active.' I shook my head standing up and dusting off the rubble.

'S rank beasts. Zeref, this situation is worse than I anticipated.'

'What do you mean?'

'Take off your eye patch now and go save those fools. There's about 3 S rank level Humanoid beasts. How many life forms did they absorb?!' Voad's voice had a hint of worry and urgency that I had only heard before when the opponents were extremely strong, like the time Beelzebub had appeared in front of us back in the Elven Kingdom. 

I removed the eyepatch from my eye immediately and activated Lightning Aura straight away. Voad was right; there was 3 extremely powerful beasts with huge mana pressures. I opened my palms, and both Voadhailis's Claws flew to my hands. 

"AARGHHH!!" Screams of the Party members has started to engulf the streets.

Blitzing towards the first S rank beast, I managed to roundhouse kick its side sending it flying. The other 2 stood in wait, as if letting their friend take care of the Hunters for them.

They were both slender in figure and still had the green colour of a demon's but their faces ahd become more human like. 

"A strong one has appeared it seems. Oi Anos, prepare yourself." One of the humanoid S rank beasts ordered, taking his hands out of his pockets. 

I quickly peered back. 


Most of the party members had died or were extremely injured. I had to take this fight away from this place, so the town and these guys wouldn't get hurt.

'Voad, can I also speak beast tongue?'

'Yes. Just speak, The system will translate what you're saying and it will come out in the beast tongue.'

"Let's fight somewhere else." I uttered.

[Your words have been translated to the beast tongue]

"This demon can speak our language. Interesting." The strongest one spoke, looking at me like he was examining a weird specimen. 

"Wait sir. Aren't demons meant to have 2 red ey-"

"You measly F*cker!!!" The S rank beast from before jumped out from the rubble and rushed towards me.

'Looks like he had recovered from that kick from before.'

I dodged his barrage of punches and hits, throwing counters of my own. His skills were mediocre and he wasn't even imbuing his body with mana. That could only mean one thing and it was good for me. These guys probably only recently evolved to S rank. 

I vanished out of his sight momentarily, before teleporting back to in front of him with Lucifer's 'Switch' skill.

"Where did he-"

'Kuroi Hono!!'

"AAAARrghhhh!!!" The S rank troll beast roared in pain as black flames from my blade  had engulfed his body and begun burning his body to ashes.

"Black flames?! Anos."

"Yes Sir."

The other 2 S rank beasts exchanged quick words before charging towards me from both sides. What did they know about the black flames that made them attack me in urgency?

'You didn't know this?' Voad asked, with his raspy voice.

'Know what?'

'The symbolism of Black flames. It's dragon magic, the black flame is a type of fire that's been nicknamed the 'non perishable flame' due to its special ability. 

'It will continue to burn until there is nothing left to burn and of course your mana will continuously be absorbed until the victim is dead. Now focus on the fight! These 2 look more experienced.'

'Indra's Arrow.' 

I conjured a bolt of lightning hurling it at one of the S rank humanoid beasts and it successfully impaled its chest, sending it flying back, crashing into the church tower. 

The other had already reached me and punched my chest, imbuing his fist with darkness magic. His speed was unreal! 

"Darkness Pit!"

A large dark shadow cast under us and large spikes of darkness mana had potruded up cutting through my body, impaling me from all sides.

Air left my lungs as the excruciating pain shook every nerve in my body.

[You have suffered 15,266 damage!]

[The Darkness Mana's attribute is preventing 'self healing'.]

'Exploding flames.'

I flicked my wrists throwing 2 fire balls before leaping back 10 metres. As the smoke of the blast dissipated both of the S rank beasts walked towards me in unison. These 2 were definitely different from the other inexperienced one.

[You have earned 50,000 EXP for killing an S rank beast!]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

[You are now level 92]

[You have 80 Available Stat Points]

It seemed that the Black flames had finally killed the other S rank beast. Good.

I glanced over my HP, it was already down to less than half and my wounds were healing extremely slowly due to the Darkness Magic's attributes. My limbs felt heavy due to the countless holes still slowly healing.

"You put up a good fight! One eyed demon, but you're just not strong enough.' One of them cackled.

Just as he said that, the other cast Earth Magic that locked my body's movements in place. I was already unable to move well due to my injured body, this made it perfectly clear that I was unable to get out of what was coming next. Before I could get out, the other one raced towards me with a blade shrouded in darkness mana in his hands. 

[You have suffered 12,253 Damage!]

My heart…

For a moment my vision went dark before I shook myself back to reality. My HP may have been low but I had plenty of MP.

'Gravity Zone'

'Rapid healing'

'Almighty Presence!'

[MP is dropping rapidly!]

"Why can't I move and what is this immense pressure?!" One of them gritted through his teeth.

"You're now in my domain." My voice reverberated in layers, as my other eye glowed a yellow hue.. The reddish flames of Dragon magic leaked from my body with every step, creating craters and sparks with every step.

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