How I Became The Strongest Sovereign

Chapter 136 - Weremen [1]

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There was a blur to my left. I turned in time to see three women launch themselves at me, eyes filled with fury. I flash step to the side, dodging their zooming bodies as they slid to a halt, their heads snapping towards me again. 

This time, I came for them with raw fists, punching my fist into one of their abdomens while rushing past the other two who could barely keep up with my movements. 

To my surprise, a large impactful kick slammed into the back of my head as I fell forwards. I groaned and rolled to my knees, dodging the punch aimed at my head. Three more women had appeared as I added the people up. Six.

One of them was on the ground, breathing heavily and wheezing as they all stopped and stared at me.

I put my hands up, stepping back. 

"Ladies, let's talk about this," I suggested.

They glanced at each other then back to me before yelling their battle cries in unison and charging at me.

Well, I tried.

It was like a choreographed tap dance. All I could hear was the clicking of their boots against the floor and the wind. I dodged every single blow from all 6 of them effortlessly.

One of them hugged my body from behind, trying to keep me still but I was basically just running with her on my back as I lifted her off her feet by just standing up straight. She dug her sharp nails into me and without thinking twice, I reached my hand onto the side of her shirt and threw her off of me and into a tree. I heard a loud crack before she went limp.

Another tried to grab me but I reeled my elbow back into her jaw. 

"Lights out." I teased, as her eyes rolled back and she fell onto the ground with a thud.

"Listen, I really don't want to continue-" I tried again but to no avail.

A fist missed my cheek from behind me. I grabbed her wrist, throwing her over my shoulder and accidentally breaking her arm. She cried out, cradling her deformed arm.

I stepped back, warily. 

Suddenly a pinch hit my neck and as my 6th sense was weak from the lack of energy, I didn't see it coming. My body started to sway as my peripheral vision blurred.

Shit. What was that?

A dart? I pulled it out of my neck. It must have had a tranquiliser on the tip. 

Pew! Pew!

Countless more darts made contact with my chest and I fell back.

I tried to stay standing but black dots started to take over my vision and soon my eyes rolled back and I felt myself hitting the floor with a thud.


I woke up to a knocking in my head. My eyebrows furrowed as I groaned, pushing the knuckles away from me and turning the other way,

"I SAID UP BOY!" A loud voice boomed into my ears and I immediately shot up, gasping. 

The same six women from before, stared back at me with annoyed expressions. I blinked a few times, adjusting to my surroundings. They sat around me and I felt as if the ground was moving. My head turned left and right, looking around to see we were surrounded by wood, meaning we were in some kind of box.

"Where am I?" I pushed my luck, looking at the quiet one with the arrow in the corner.

"A carriage," she replied shortly, her voice deep and rough. 

She was quite muscular with broad shoulders and jaw length hair. She had a scar which looked like a past cut, running down the corner of her mouth to her chin. A tattoo of an arrow took up the side of her upper arm and she didn't have the same uniform as the others, wearing nothing but a white T-shirt and jeans while the others wore armour. The girl looked much younger than the others. I'd say about 17 while the others looked around their mid 20s.

"Do not converse with him." One of the angrier women glared at the young girl. I recognised her as the woman I punched first.

The carriage ran over some rocks, making all of their heads sway in unison.

"Why are you angry at me?" she retaliated, putting her bow down beside her.

"We could've handled it-"

"You could've handled shit!" she yelled, causing the injured woman next to her to slap her across the face.

Well, damn.

"We promoted you to hunting duty because you were talented, DON'T let it get to your head. This will be reported, whether you helped or not."

So she was the one who shot me with the tranquiliser darts. I didn't even notice her.


"But NOTHING BAILEY!" The woman raised her hand, stopping the girl (Bailey) in her tracks.

I cleared my throat uncomfortably, looking at the mana cuffs on me and sitting up a bit more. I could get out but I needed a place to recharge without being chased and fought.

Bailey looked at me with soft eyes and I awkwardly looked back at her, pulling my lips into a half smile.

"You have good aim." I said quietly and they all looked at me with disapproving looks.

Nevermind then.


They snapped a strong collar around me. My body was swung into the cell as I let out a grunt from my wrist hitting the wall. 

"I will kill you." I glared over my shoulder, my tone darkening by every word, ominously.

The Female guard giggled, shutting the door with a bang and flirtatiously waving before strutting away with her nose held high.

'Ah, screw this,' Voadhailis huffed, as I dragged myself to the small corner of the room, covered in darkness.

This Anti-mana collar was made of a strong metal. Not only could I not use my mana completely but they were also sucking out my energy slowly with every second, so i probably couldn't break it. What kind of collar was this? It was dampening my mana completely.

This could be bad. I should've not let myself get caught.

The truth was from the beginning I could sense their faint pressences when I trained for the past week but I thought they were just magical beasts. I never guessed that they were of the Weremen race.

I looked at the bars with deep thoughts running past my mind. I hated cells.

*flashback to James, age 13*

"DIE YOU FILTHY RAT!" The guard threw me into the cell. My frail back hit the stone walls as I cried out.

I was so hungry. I curled into a ball, hugging myself as the door slammed shut, the loud sound of metal clanking against metal.

My stomach churned as a metallic taste stained my tongue. Blood. I drew blood from my lips forcefully, biting down on my urge to cry. The hunger ate my insides, leaving a hollow shell. I was desperate; I was so desperate. 

I didn't regret stealing that piece of bread from the bakery… I regret getting caught. Next time I wouldn't get caught. 

I dropped my head into my folded arms, creating a pocket of warmth in the light gap between my chest and feet.

I had no hope. The darkness smothered me in it's cold, bitter comfort as I fell into a deep sleep. I tried.. I tried really, really hard to just sleep; to shut my eyes and let go of all the pain I was feeling but everytime I peered into the darkness for some peace, I'd see myself dying all alone in the cold streets.

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