How I Became The Strongest Sovereign

Chapter 146 - Back To The Academy

-Zeref's POV-

A whole school year had passed by so quickly. I had missed half of it on missions, dungeons and training; my attendance was horrible. It was a new school year now. I now realised that life would just get harder every year and I'd have to be ready for whatever came my way.

Our year group stood in form lines outside, teachers taking attendance. Xanxus stood at the front of all the lines, waiting.

When they finished, all the teachers faced Xanxus.

"As some of you may know, this year is very special. You all have met the requirements of compulsory military training for the kingdom. As students of Xanxus academy, I expect you all to honour our school name and exceed with determination, innovation and confidence. I wish you all the best time at military training which will be starting in two days.

"Anyone not going without an approved reason will be put on the kingdom's red list and restricted of their civilian rights for a year, no matter their status. This is an order from the King." he finished, making eye contact with me. He nodded at me in acknowledgment before going into the building with his hands behind his back.

My teacher faced the line with a sigh. "The school day will end early for you! Please make your way home and pack your necessities."

It looked like every teacher had said the same as students started to move towards the gates. I scanned their faces, looking for Jace or Malia. They all looked either annoyed or scared. 

I heard military training was strict and traumatising, even if we were 14. This Kingdom was definitely weak on soldiers. This was a ruthless tactic to make the teenagers who were in their youth, stronger and more capable to fend the villages if it came to it. But it was stupid. 14 years old seemed unreasonable. 

Sara grabbed my arm through the crowd and I stopped walking, waiting for her to catch up. She stood next to me.

"I lost Malia in the crowd. She was right behind me." she turned back, her eyes hovering over the students.

I held her forearm, dragging her to the side of all the running students as we both stood under a tree.

"Zeref!" Jace called out, holding both Malia and Naz's hands while helping them through the crowd. They all met us under the tree, smiling.

"Where's Allefin?" I asked.

"He'll see us. Just wai-" Sara was interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Malia!" Soyeon waved at Malia while being dragged out of the gates by her brother who rolled his eyes. 

Malia laughed, waving back. "See you in two days!!" she flashed a big smile at her as the rest of us shook our heads.

"I still don't like her." Sara crossed her arms as Jace, Naz and I nodded in agreement.

We waited for another minute before Allefin found us, holding Leilani's arm and making sure no one bumped into her.

As soon as Leilani and Malia made eye contact, they both squealed, running into each other's embrace. 

"Omg Leilani!" Naz squealed, also running into their hug.

"What are you guys packing?" Leilani giggled as Sara side-hugged her.

"Definitely my favourite necklace." Sara nodded as Jace laughed at her stupidity.

"I don't know. Probably a bunch of hair ties and clothes I can be flexible in." Malia answered.

"Oh don't forget something warm guys." Naz reminded, looking at all of us with a warning to her eyes.

"Apparently wherever we're training is going to be cold." Allefin added in.

"I'm going to pack snacks and just borrow Zeref's clothes." Jace said proudly before I smacked his head.

"You'll drown in my clothes." I scoffed as he gasped.

"Fine, I'll borrow Allefin's." Jace put his arm around Allefin who dodged his arm and stood next to me.

"Nah, I'm good. No way I'm sharing my clothes with you." Allefin laughed.

"Ouch. Losers." Jace sulked.

"Okay, enough chatter. Let's get home before a teacher finds out we are still here." Leilani stopped the commotion, leaving. Allefin nodded at me before tailing after her.

"I'll see you guys in two days." Sara half smiled, high fiving Malia before also leaving.

Jace snaked his arm around Naz's waist, digging his nose into the crook of her neck. She giggled, trying to resist.

Malia and I exchanged a disgusted look as we both turned away.

"Oh, get a room." Malia fake gagged as I chuckled.

"We are being blinded." I added a dramatic sigh at the end as Jace groaned at our interruptions.

He finally let go.

"It's just two days. I'll see you guys at the entrance of our school in two days." Naz smiled, pulling away from Jace and waving at Malia and I.

"Bye Naz," Malia and I said in unison, looking at each other with a 'stop copying me' expression.

She giggled before leaving through the gates and walking away.

Jace turned to us with a pout.

"Look at you. Love-sick." Malia mocked, crossing her arms and bumping his shoulder while walking towards the gate.

I copied her, making the same expression. "Makes us sick." I bumped into his shoulder jokingly, following after Malia like a baby duckling.

"YOU GUYS ARE JUST JEALOUS!" Jace screamed after us, running to catch up.

"Ahhhh run! He's chasing us!" I looked back before sprinting past the gates.

"Ahhhhh!" Malia laughed, running with me.


"I'M LIVING A LONG LIFE!" Malia screamed back, not turning around.

"VERY LONG!" I yelled over the wind rushing past my ears.



I stood in my room, my clothes on the bed as I mindlessly stared into nothing. I didn't know what to pack.


"MALIAAA!" Jace yelled from his room.

"WHAAAT?!" she screamed back.

"COME HELP ME!!!" he yelled again.

I heard the swing of a door and a bang. I decided to go to Jace's room since I didn't know what to pack either. I swung my door open, walking into Jace's room as the door was already open.

When I arrived, Jace and Malia were sitting on a suitcase, trying to zip it.

"What are you guys doing?" I sighed, smacking my head. 

Jace bounced on the suitcase, trying to push it down.

"Zeref, come sit." he said as Malia pulled on the zip.

"No thanks. I came to see what you're packing." I chuckled, watching them both struggle.

"SNACKS! A LOT OF SNACKS! And a bag of necessities like my toothbrush and a set of clothes."

I shook my head. What an idiot.

"YES!" Malia smiled triumphantly as she zipped it up. The suitcase looked like it was about to burst but Jace didn't care, jumping up as they both high fived each other. 

I stood there with my arms crossed. 

"Fine. I'll help you pack." Malia sighed, taking my arm and leading me to my room.

I cheered unenthusiastically, letting her lead me to my cupboard.

She swung it open, pulling out different pieces of clothes and pairing them up while I watched her back. She was still so short in my eyes. 

Her hair now fell down to just above her hips as they curled like big waves; so silky and smooth. She tiptoed, stretching her arms up to reach my top shelf. Her fingers were tall and slender but she barely touched the shirt she wanted with her fingertips.

I stepped behind her, resting my hand on her waist while grabbing the shirt for her. She looked up at me before I smiled, sliding my hand up her arm and putting the shirt in her hands. Smiling back, she blushed while moving around me and putting the shirt down on my bed.

My eyes followed her as a smirk danced upon my lips. She sighed, dropping the clothes in her hands and stopping. 

"What?" her soft voice filled my ears with joy. She turned to me, her eyes looking straight into mine.

I shrugged, letting out a small laugh. She rolled her eyes at my sudden childishness as I walked towards her.

"Take care of yourself at the camp." I whispered, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear and out of her face.

She nodded, gulping.

"You too. Don't get into trouble." she looked up. My face hovered over hers as her eyes twinkled at me.

"HAS ANYONE SEEN MY SKIRT?!" Mike yelled, peeking into my room as Malia and I jumped apart.

Does this guy ever knock?!

He groaned, leaving the door open while going into Jace's.

"Where is it? Have you seen it? It's my favourite handmade pink sparkle extra puffy fluffy skirt." he questioned Jace.

"Have you seen my f*ck? I can't find it." Jace sarcastically replied.

"Tsk, sad. Looks like I have no fucks to give. I lost my last one." he continued.

"YOU TOOK IT DIDN'T YOU?!" Mike roared.

Malia looked at me as we both knew what was about to happen.

"OW!" Jace groaned as a loud thud shook through the walls.

I ran out of my room and into Jace's, followed by Malia.

"What the he-" Malia scoffed in disbelief.

Jace and Mike wrestled on the floor and Jace had him in a good headlock.




"Stop! The both of you!" Malia tried but their voices drowned hers out.

"YOU STINK LIKE MY UNCLE'S ASHES!" Jace yelled, whacking Mike's head.

"AHHH-" Mike screamed while the door opened again.

"I heard someone looking for a skirt. Here, I found it under the sofa." Xanxus threw the skirt at the fighting boys as they both ignored him.

"MIKE! JACE! IT'S HERE!" I yelled, holding it up in my hands with an annoyed face.

They both looked at me in sync.

"So you had it the whole time?!" Jace and Mike said in unison.

"Wha- no! Xanxus just-" I couldn't finish as they both scrambled up off the floor with murderous glares.

"Zeref, run." Malia looked at me as I dashed with Jace and Mike on my tail.

"Take the bloody skirt!" I yelled, throwing it behind me.

Mike tried to grab it but Xanxus came out of nowhere, catching it with ease.

"Give that. It's mine!" Mike jumped up, trying to snatch it out of Xanxus' hands.

"I'll pay you for it. Name the price. Any." he gripped onto it desperately as they both pulled on it.

"Psht, what kids. Could never be me." Jace crossed his arm, standing with Malia who shook her head at him.

"I want it! Please!!!" Xanxus whined like a child.

Oh my-

I headed back to my room, grabbing Malia's arm to come with me.

"Let's finish our packing."

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