How I Became The Strongest Sovereign

Chapter 30 - Sara Don’t Give Up!

"Could the female representative for Xanxus Academy and the respective representative of Royal Heir Prep please make their way to the stage!" A loud voice echoed throughout the hall and Sara crumbled to her knees. She was devastated by the looks of it.

"Why did I have to do this?" Sara started to weep, Naz crouched down to her level and reassured her.

"Come on you big cry baby get out there! Not like you're gonna win anyways but show some pride. You're a princess!" Malia smirked, making Sara wipe her tears and get up. She walked over to the stairs and disappeared out of sight.

"Hurry we need to cheer her on! Let's go to the spectator room." Naz said before running away. We all exchanged looks before following the overzealous girl.


-Sara's POV-

As I stepped out of the door, a loud cheer shook the atmosphere and my body began to shake under the pressure. I hated this. Not only did every of my steps leave me light headed, my body felt heavy like it was made out of lead. I stared at the girl I was facing, already situated at the centre of the huge stage. She was really grinning at me.

I just wanted to run away to some distant land and never turn back. I just wanted to cry and let these stupid feelings out!

"Sara! You got this! Cheer up and just do your best!" I could hear my friends shout at the top of their voices from the side lines. I smiled at them and planted my feet hard into the ground.

"Hey missy! I don't know why you're smiling but I'm going to rip you from limb to limb. Especially those hideous ears of yours!" the girl laughed like an evil hag. I grimaced at her disgusting face.

"Now that both contenders are in the ring. We will now go over the rules. Anything is allowed in this fight except weapons, the fight will stop once one of the contenders is unable to fight, if a contender surrenders or one of the contenders is out of bounds." I looked at the huge screen being broadcasted and my heartbeat quickened again and adrenaline rushed around my body. It was finally going to begin.

" 3...2...1...Commence!" the presenter's voice bellowed and a surge of cheers blew up the stadium.

My opponent covered the distance immediately, then disappeared from my sight. What did she do? A hook connected with the left side of my face and everything went dark, then with another punch there was light again. I didn't realise it till the 5th time but I was already on the ground taking a bloody beating.

I used my arms to guard my face but the girl wasn't stopping, her onslaught carried on, punch after punch, till my consciousness kept drifting in and out.

"Sara come on get up!" I heard a frantic scream coming from the side lines. It was Naz's voice.

I shook myself back to reality activating my beasts magic, my claws came out and I shook the crazy girl off me, then slashed at her abdomen, causing blood to splatter on my face. 'I'm going to win this!' is what I thought before a blinding light flashed in front of me, disorientating me. Then another sharp blow contacted my chin making me tumble backwards. She didn't stop there and continued her combo using her light magic to disorientate me again and again punching me and breaking me down, step by step.

I roared, releasing my fangs and backed up into a defensive stance, transforming into my black wolf and towering over her with my teeth on full display. She tried to take her height to an advantage and slid down low but my wolf was faster. She swung at my snout but I growled, biting her fists as she yanked it back to her side in a scream. I pounced on her but was shocked when she attacked my stomach.

A huge chunk of ground, slammed into me, sending me flying. I let out a shrill scream of pain in my head, which came out as a small whimper in my wolf form. My mind raced to find strength. I could feel my form slowly slipping. At this rate, I'd have to shift back in front of everyone against my will.

Another punch knocked my head to the floor.

"Get up you little b*tch!" she sneered before kicking my stomach inwards.

I held my focus on the little will I had left and tried to keep my wolf from force shifting me back to a human.

"Princess of dogs. Whimpering beneath my feet, begging for mercy." she scoffed before kicking into my rib. I felt the slight snap and my conscience faltered. My wolf had no energy to heal and I gave up completely, feeling my condition worsen. The fur on my ears fuzzed up and I closed my eyes.


-Zeref's POV-

"I'm going to kill that bitch!" Naz screamed, almost jumping out from her seat and onto the arena. Instinctively, Jace and I both held her down preventing her from moving.

"Don't worry. I'll make sure to get my revenge." I gritted my teeth, glaring at the floor. I couldn't bring myself to see what Jade was doing.

"This is brutal!" Ciara yelled out, booing.

"Yeah! She is going too far. I can't look!" Johan shut his eyes, cringing.

"NO! SARA!!!" Naz cried out, her mouth wide open, screaming. "STOP!" she cried out, collapsing into Jace's arms. Her chest heaved as she cried out Sara's name; her eyes red and swollen from her desperation. "PLEASE! STOP!" she climbed over her chair in a swift movement and ran to Mr Xanxus. "MAKE IT STOP! MAKE IT STOP YOU IDIOT!" she had his shirt scrunched in her fists and shook him vigorously. She cried and begged desperately and all the other headmasters looked at her in pity.

Malia got up next to me and made her way to the owner of the games. Before I could say anything, a large sound of a jaw cracking was sent through the air. Malia had punched him. The owner screamed out in pain, gripping his jaw in his hands in shock. Jace stood next to Malia, backing her up.

"Stop the  fucking game." Jace's voice dropped an octave lower. The man stood bewildered before scurrying to the centre of the arena with a bunch of guards. They ripped Jade off of Sara and carried Sara backstage. I didn't hesitate to rush past everyone and run to the nurse's room; not before hearing Naz drop to her knees in relief and crying

"It's okay. She will be fine." Ciara cooed. Jace and Malia ran behind me as we stormed down the hall to the nurse's office.

Outside the door, we spotted a smug Jade, trying to get into the room.

"You filthy rat!" Jace spoke behind me, running up to Jade and slamming her to the wall, forcing her back to collide with the hard bricks as he wrapped his hand around her throat.

"Sto-" Jade tried to speak but choked on her words.

"A bitch you say? Under your feet? BEGGING?!" he quoted her past words, tightening his grip on her neck and slightly lifting her up off her feet to meet his eye level.

"We will show you begging" Malia grinned, pushing Jace aside, gently. He let go of Jade and she instantly collapsed onto her knees, clutching her neck and coughing.

"Stop…" she coughed out, red from the lack of oxygen. She looked up at him, trying to compel him into her sick trap but Jace didn't falter. Malia scoffed and yanked her hair back as she let out a yelp.

"Guys-" I tried to warn but something in me wanted them to hurt her.

"AHHH! STOP!" she tried to free herself from Malia's deadly hold, thrashing and kicking.

"Beg me." Malia said softly although her eyes were ratting out her true intent.

"W-What?" she looked offended and her eyes filled with pride.

"I said beg me" she reiterated, yanking Jade's greasy hair harder.

"AHHH! Please! Please!" she cried out and with that, Malia let her go, satisfied. Jade scurried to her feet and left, not turning back.

"Well damn." I scoffed, nudging them both jokingly but to my surprise, they ignored me and stormed into the nurses room; me following closely.

"How is she?" Jace asked as soon as the nurse came into view.

"Is it serious?" Malia frowned, walking to the hospital bed, Sara was laying in. I walked to the bed and looked at Sara in her human form, dressed in a long hospital gown.

"She will heal. Her wolf form is pretty strong to take a beating like that." the nurse said, concern lacing her voice.

"Will she be ok for the next round?" Xanxus stormed in, biting his nails in angst.

"Surprisingly... yes. With the spell I have put on her and the fast healing of her wolf blood, she should be back to normal by tomorrow for the game."

A breath of relief was shared among us and I sighed sitting myself next to the sleeping Sara.

They were going to pay.

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