How I Became The Strongest Sovereign

Chapter 41 - A Tense Reunion

-Zeref's pov-

I waited outside the house, sitting on the porch with Sara, Ciara and Naz. Rosaline went inside to cook up some food because we were starving. My heart pounded in my chest, awaiting for Malia and Jace to return. Where were they? It was past midnight and they weren't at the arena. Ciara said they left to get popcorn but took too long so she went looking and found me.

The loud footsteps of someone approaching the gates lit up my ears in joy. Sara ran to the entrance but stopped in disappointment when it wasn't Malia.

"Mike…" my voice trailed in disappointment.

"I searched the school grounds. No sign of her or Jace." he sighed on the verge of tears.

"And Johan?" Ciara lifted her head up from Naz's shoulder. Mike slowly shook his head, hating to be the bearer of bad news.

We all sat in silence again as Mike joined us, sitting on the porch beside Ciara. I couldn't piece together anything. Malia and Jace went to get popcorn but never came back. Johan went to inform Mr Xanxus about my injury but he never came back. As soon as I had defeated the light contestant, another problem surfaced.

The gates swung open and everyone turned their head up in a synced motion. Jace limped through the gates, wrapped in bandages and a black eye. The unsettling feeling of fear fizzed up my insides, going crazy.

"JACE?!" I ran over to his side, helping him walk while everyone bombarded him with questions.

He lifted his hand, silencing us and leaving us thirsty for answers, awaiting to hear his words.

"Malia and I were attacked by some powerful fire pedo, called Ranveer. He was looking for Zeref and we may have pissed him off, so he beat me up and took Malia." Jace uttered looking down at the ground.

Naz raised her eyebrow in disbelief as Sara stayed silent next to her, looking at me with an unreadable expression. Ciara nudged Jace to keep going but it felt like everyones eyes had turned to me.

"Explain." Mike was the first to speak up but Jace raised his hand again.

"Wait, there is more. I woke up in the medical room because I was found by Mr Xanxus. Johan came in and I told them about Malia. They took it upon themselves to go and try to save her without you knowing. I told them not to but-"

"They still aren't here!" my voice echoed through the atmosphere, shocking everyone. Sara flinched away from me and into Naz's arms, terrified.

"You're one to raise your voice! Who is Ranveer?!" Mike questioned. He pushed my chest, inching closer to my face in fury. Ciara stepped in between us, trying to make reason but everything she was saying went in one ear and out the other.

Mike pushed Ciara aside and launched at me, throwing his fists everywhere in a fit of rage.

"STOP HE IS STILL INJURED!" Ciara yanked Mike off as Sara helped me back up.

Jace slowly sat down on the porch, gripping his stomach as he did so. Naz sat next to him, checking his wounds. He looked rough.

I panted, glaring at Mike. "I promise. I don't know who Ranveer is."

"YOU liar!" he screamed charging at me, pushing Ciara off him and launching a fit of swings at me. I dodged them with ease then caught his fists in my hands.

"Stop." I looked at him straight in the eyes coldly and fear enveloped his face. Sara pushed me further away from Mike, trying to calm me down while Ciara did the same to Mike.

Ciara glared at me. "Zeref, his SISTER was taken by someone who CLAIMED they knew you. Stop acting like what he is doing right now is-" she was interrupted by a growling Sara.

"Oh shut up! He said he doesn't know Ranveer! Stop choosing sides!" Sara shoved me behind her, baring her canines at Ciara.

"You're one to talk!" Ciara spat as they both lunged at each other.

"Shut it Ciara. You're irrelevant! Who even invited you?!" Sara added on, making Ciara angrier. They both hit each other continuously and Mike saw this as an opportunity to attack me again.

The darkness of the night looked peaceful but it couldn't hide the raw, pained yells of Mike; a brother who had lost his sister. It couldn't conceal the rage building up inside me as I roared in frustration; a tired and framed innocent. The loud screams of Sara and Ciara as they tried to rip each other apart for a fight that wasn't theirs. We were all too far engrossed in the mixed up emotions to realise that nothing would come out of us fighting over who was to blame.

"Everyone shut up!" Naz's mana activated as mist swirled at her feet, slowly engulfing her until she disappeared and reappeared in between us. "Jace is trying to speak." she sighed in disappointment.

Mike kissed his teeth in frustration then pushed me before walking away and standing next to Ciara. Sara was the first to get her claws out of the flesh in Ciara's arm as they detached themselves from one another. Sara stood next to me, huffing in annoyance and I… Well I was just too tired to even care how hard Mike hit me or how Ciara and Mike blamed me.

Why did all this have to happen? Should I have just given Blake the seat? Would my family and friends still have been safe?


I chose this path and I was going to stay on it. I was granted this opportunity and I had to become stronger. Much Stronger. To Protect, those who I loved and cared for and succeed.

"There is no reason in fighting. Just remember, Mr Xanxus knows how to track. They'll be here." Jace finally spoke in a dull tone. Everyone let out a collective sigh before he spoke again. "And Zeref, after I heal… I'm gonna kill you." His voice was blunt and sad.

Ciara sat next to him, Naz and Sara hugged next to the steps of the entrance and Mike just stood still, in tears.

I sat down leaning my head against the entrance door. The atmosphere was stiff and cold. Everyone was miserable and damaged.

This reminded me of the time I gave away land to the druids in exchange for Nina. They had kidnapped her during our wedding. The aftereffects and sadness still remained in my head. The disappointment I caused to my Kingdom for that. The countless losses.

Oh Nina… I'd give everything, to see you just one more time…


Finally a blue portal appeared in front of us and everyone's heads tilted in its direction. We all got up in anticipation.

The first person to exit the portal was a skinny hunched man, Xanxus! Next Johan and Malia followed behind.

"Malia!!" the girls screamed in unison running over to her and hugging her tightly. She gave a wry smile in response but I could tell she was a changed person.

Her mana had matured and was extremely pure and her eyes; they emitted a sense of change and maturity. Physically, her hair was rough and matted in dried blood. In fact, dried blood was all over her hairline and down her cheek too. Blood stained her shirt and she trembled at the warmth around her. What kind of suffering did she go through?

Jace stood next to me as we both watched it unfold. Of course, Mike barged everyone to the side, crying into the crook of Malia's bruised neck.

Ciara ran over to Johan as they enveloped each other in their embraces. Mr Xanxus rushed past our joyful reunion, mumbling about somebody needing healing. I waited until she got around to me. She hugged Jace but I noticed the slight trembling as she walked over to him.

Then it finally got to me. Her bright eyes dulled when they met mine. A few fleeting moments passed by.

I looked at her regretfully, "Welcome back." I said smiling.

I couldn't see it, but a slap went across my face leaving a bright red mark on my cheek. What speed and power. I looked back at Malia's hateful and furious eyes, confused. Did I do something wrong?

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