How I Became The Strongest Sovereign

Chapter 52 - Black Market

"You haven't even noticed but you have been exerting your mana pressure unknowingly. Mana Pressure is a force felt by all living things; it expresses the potency of one's mana and yours at the moment is rampant. I'm pretty sure it's because of your demon body but it's extremely strong. That's why most B rank and lower beasts have been avoiding this area." Gramps explained.

Damn! No wonder it was so hard to hunt beasts these days. They always ran away.

"Okay so how do I combat this issue though?" I queried the old geezer.

"That's easy. You need a limiter."

"What's that?"

"It's an artifact that can hide your mana pressure and hold back your power. We're going to town to buy one; we also need something to suppress that dimon side of you." Gramps smiled.

My eyes lit up at hearing the great news. I could finally get away from this hell hole.

"Don't get all excited you have to master this technique fi-"before Gramps could finish I shrouded my body in lightning mana. Gramps stepped back a few steps as the lightning rattled around me. It clearly looked like I was going out of control but it was the opposite. Within a couple seconds I had condensed the rampant mana.

[You have successfully learnt the skill 'Mana Skin']

[Your understanding of mana has increased]

[Mana skills are 25% easier to learn]

It must have been because of my previous life experience but this 'Mana skin' technique, it was extremely easy to learn; I had known about this skill for a while from the book I read a couple years ago, but I never thought I'd need it so I didn't learn it. The navy blue aura shrouded my body and slight ripples of lightning cackles sparked out.

Gramps was shocked, it was written all over his face.

"I knew about this skill before already. Don't act surprised, it was only a matter of applying what I already knew. Now let's go to town!"


Gramps and I strolled through town, both of us wore dark cloaks covering our bodies and faces. It really wasn't the best idea, the scorching heat really was unbearable and I was struggling to suppress my demon presence; I didn't want to get stopped by those metropolitan guards or whatever they were called, that would end badly. Raising awareness wasn't our plan right now.

Gramps even made me wear an eye patch to cover up my demon eye. People knew what the red hue resembled and it would get sticky if people found out.

"So Gramps, which shop are we going to?" I asked, wiping my forehead with my hand.

"Don't worry and just follow me."

The market really was busy even though it was still school time. From rich to poor, everyone was working hard. It was a nice feeling to be back in civilization.

Suddenly, a person about my height collided with my left shoulder and fell backwards on the floor. I didn't see their face and just apologised quickly before carrying on walking.

"Ow! Guards catch that peasant beggar!" I heard a voice shriek from behind me. Peasant? Beggar? I shook my head before exchanging looks with Gramps. Nobles. They'd never learn.

I looked back at the 'guards' who ran after me at the order of the young boy, and clicked my fingers; the two guards running towards me collapsed unconscious and dropped to the ground like rag dolls. I could see the shock in the noble kid's eyes. He was definitely born with a golden spoon in his mouth. Arrogant.

"I won't forget this! My father works in the Bank Of Vrimeon! He'll have you killed." the young boy shouted before brushing himself off and running in the direction of the bank. He looked 15ish atleast and he was still acting like a spoiled brat, and his father worked in the bank. What was he going to do?

Gramps chuckled at the irony, that boy's father worked at the bank and he was going to complain against the boss!

"Can we quickly visit the bank? I need to get rid of the dead beasts in my dimension ring." I spoke.

"Are you sure, you're not just curious how that noble kid will react after he sees you?" Gramps laughed.


"Okay then, Just a little amusement shouldn't hurt, but we have to be quick." Gramps jumped up and onto the roof of a building and started running without looking back.

I smiled before following him, bypassers watched as the two of us jumped from building to building.


The entrance of the bank looked the same and Tybalt came out bowing his head, when Gramps and I took off our hoods.

"Welcome back my lord." Tybalt greeted sincerely. Damn, his level had increased again, he was now at level 80. Elves were astonishing.

"It's nice to be back, you can carry on with your work; I'm only here for a short while so I don't want to cause a commotion."

Tybalt nodded respectfully, "Please at Least take one of my guards with you. He's still a trainee if you don't mind. He's part of my family from the Elven Kingdom of Elanor."

A young boy looking to be around my age, appeared from behind him with nervous eyes and bowed before standing straight. He had the same golden hair and blue eyes, but he was leaner and shorter. He was at least 5'6.

Tybalt must have wanted the young boy to talk to someone near his age, since all the people working at the bank were way older than him.

I smiled, "Sure. Lead the way."

Tybalt smiled back at me, showing gratitude and the nervous young elf rushed ahead of Gramps and I, "This way sirs." the young elf said while guiding us to the stairs.

"What's your name?" I asked calmly, trying to break the awkward atmosphere.

"Ah, my name is A-Allefin. I'm from the house of Aragorn in the Elanor Kingdom." he stuttered a little before introducing himself.

"So Allefin, what made you want to work at the bank?" Gramps asked this time.

"I was always cooped up at home, protected by guards, so I decided to do what my brother did and followed him here. Leaving home to gather experience in the human kingdom is always encouraged, so here I am. "

Brother? Did he mean Tybalt?

"So your brother is Tybalt?" I asked.

"Yes sir."

"So what rank is your family in the Elanor Kingdom?" Gramps questioned.

"We're in the lower upper rank, that's why many elven guards were sent to protect my brother and I. Many of the security forces of this bank are our guards."

Gramps nodded at the answer and his expression seemed firm. I knew what he was thinking. I read it in the book about the kingdoms. The Elven Kingdom of Elanor was the second most advanced kingdom in terms of technology after the Vrimeon Kingdom. Elves had massive mana reserves and most were caster mages, so they were formidable in the usage of mana.

Their society was split into upper, middle and lower ranks, and those ranks were also split into upper and lower sub categories. So Allefin's house (or family name) being lower upper rank was a huge feat.

Therefore, Allefin's and Tybalt's family were quite respected. If anything happened to them, it could complicate things. Maybe that's why Gramps was a bit serious but it didn't matter; I'd protect all my workers.

"We're here now, I'm not allowed to go any further. Take care, oh sorry I forgot to ask but what's your name young master?" Allefin asked, smiling.

"It's Zeref Amara and you can drop the honorifics. We're the same age."

I saw a gleam in his eyes at my words but I ignored the young elf's gaze and entered the third floor. The third floor of the bank was where my central office was situated along with where my assistant worked. There were of course highly intellectual workers here too.

"Long time no see Miss Rose." I said, shining her a gummy smile.

"Young master, it's been quite some time. It's nice to see you again. You've grown again in such a short time. I must tell you though, a lot of paperwork is waiting for your attention at your office; Sometimes it feels like I'm the owner of the bank and not you. I've been working so hard to fill in for your absence." Miss Rose rolled her eyes. She was an extremely trustworthy woman, that's why I promoted her as my assistant.

"Sorry about that, I'll definitely repay your hard work soon. Anyhow, I need access to the black market again."

"Mmh, I understand. I'll tell George to activate the portal." Miss Rose said before leaving the office and entering a different room. A few minutes later she arrived with a small button in her hand. She pressed the button and a blue portal appeared in front of us. We exchanged brief nods before Gramps and I hopped into the portal.

[You have entered a Blue portal]


The other side appeared, Gramps walked out first and I followed. The place we were in was the underground of the Vrimeon Kingdom. This was where all the illegal commerce occured from hiring assassins to selling beasts, which we were here for.

"Kill 2 people for the price of 1, flash sale!" a man in dirty clothing shouted.

"Selling Weremen blood from prices as cheap as 700 gold coins!" another fiend shouted,

This place was not attractive to the eyes in the least, the buildings were run down and the artificial sky was a cloudy gloom. It reminded me of a dystopian city I had visited in my previous life. The inhabitants here were worse, some hadn't even heard of what showering was, most had crooked teeth and warts all over their faces.

After a short time we arrived.

"Mister Amara, please this way." A dwarf spoke, dropping his cigarette on the ground then guiding us into the dusty shop, "So what can I help you with today?"

"I'm here to sell some beasts." I said in a poker face.

"Of course. Please touch your dimension ring with that ball there. All beasts will be extracted and valued." the dwarf stood on a stool behind the counter and pointed at a crystal ball.

I did as the dwarf said and touched my S grade dimension ring against the ball.

"OOooh! What a harvest! 1 S grade Beast, 26 A grade beasts, 32 B rank beasts, 16 C rank beasts."

I nodded at the statement. Gramps scoffed, folding his arms. He was clearly bored and wanted me to finish this quickly.

"That will be… 2300 platinum coins." the dwarf said.

"That's too low." Gramps intervened before I could open my mouth.

"B-but 2300 Platinum coins. Do you know the value of these coins?!" the dwarf retorted.

"I could buy your shop and this market tenfold. So shut up and pay at least 3000 platinum coins, or we're going to the shop across the street." I threatened with my poker face, I would not lose when it came down to business.

The dwarf's face twisted into an angry mess, but it paled and relaxed again after I released a little of my demonic aura.

"Okay I'll pay you 3000 platinum coins." the dwarf showed a saddened expression before dropping a sac of coins on the counter. We made the exchange and the sac of gold was transported to my dimension ring.

*Note: 1 Platinum coin is equivalent to $10,000*

"One more thing, do you have any limiters or power dampeners available?" I asked.

"What kind?"

"Something that can hide my demon aura and mana presence."

The ugly dwarf looked deep in thought before he spoke, "I think I have something for you. A new power dampener came in a couple days ago. It's also an eye patch, as that's your style. What are the chances?"

He disappeared before appearing again in a puff of smoke. A delicate dark box was held in his hands, "This was stolen directly from the demon kingdom. Try it on."

I opened the box and took off my bandage eye patch and the dwarf gulped at my red eye. I released my pressure after a long time of focusing and it felt like a burden lifted off my shoulders. The atmosphere became heavy with dense mana and the dwarf struggled to stay standing.

Now for the moment of truth. I put on the power dampener, limiter. It was a regular black eye patch, however it had some sort of symbol or crest at that centre; I didn't know if it was the crest of a demon's. I just didn't care.

[A power dampener has been activated]

[Mana presence will be limited]

[Demon Aura will be silenced]

Perfect! The atmosphere stopped shaking right after these notifications popped up. Just what I needed.

"How much?" I asked putting my poker face back on.

A gleam of mischief showed in the dwarf's eyes, "2000 platinum coins."

Was he crazy?

"Don't be daft. 1000 platinum coins at most."

"That's too low. 2500 platinum coins." he retorted.

I picked up bargaining in my old world, it was an important life skill. The aim was to bring the price down as much as possible. I treated it as a game. Business, commerce, it was all a game.

"1700 platinum coins and I'll spare your life." I decided to be a little dirty and activated 'almighty presence', the dwarf kneeled in front of me under the heavy pressure, his face twisted in a red anger and hatred, not even fear; that was new.


When the deal was done, I dropped the sac of coins on the counter and Gramps and I exited.

Now it was time to get back to my dull life of training. 3 more weeks.

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