How I Became The Strongest Sovereign

Chapter 87 - The Elven Kingdom Of Elanor

"We're finally here!!!" Jace yelled, looking at the entrance to the Elven Kingdom.

We had been travelling non - stop for 2 days and we had finally arrived. 

The group followed the pathway to the entrance of the large gates. Many merchants and traders from all races except the demon kind, stood in line as the Elven guards waiting at the end did security searches.

"We'll easily pass through here, no need to worry. As zeref said, We need to go to the Landlord's court to check up on details about the bank's seized land first. So we'll go there straight away.

"For accomodation, I'll bring you guys as guests to the Aragorn household." Allefin smiled.

"Cool! So is your family rich?" Naz's eyes gleamed, making Jace uncomfortable.

"Yeah pretty much." Allefin laughed, scratching his head.

"Allefin is right, we'll check up in the Landlord's hall first. Then we can-" 

"Explore and take a break for the day. We barely slept," Malia cut me off yawning and stretching, "And I'm dying for a shower."

"I agree. You guys reek, especially Jace." Naz pinched her nose pointing at him.

"What did you say you cave troll?" Jace retorted back.

"It's alright bro, chill out." I laughed, grabbing Jace's shoulder then immediately retracting back.

"Gosh you really do stink." I laughed, fist bumping Naz.

Jace scoffed, folding his arms.

"Please, you two smell like ground rat droppings." Malia smirked, causing Jace to snicker. They both stood up simultaneously with their hands in their pockets. "Now go shower." she added.

"Guys it's our turn next." Allefin hinted, tilting his head towards the security personnel.

"Isn't that a bit harsh?" Jace said, pointing at the guard's treatment.

"You think you could sneak in here!" The elven Guard raised his hand and swung down causing a loud slap to echo.

"Please, I have children that I need to feed. I beg you. Please let us in." The poor woman begged. I gritted my teeth, holding myself back.

"Hahaha. Take her to the back. Tell the men we're gonna have fun tonight as for the kids, kill them all." The guard snarled laughing sinisterly before raising his hand again for another slap..

Malia was going to move but I gripped her wrist.

"What are you doing?!" Malia snapped at me, "Can't you see that's wrong."

"It's not our place to do anything, we have no authority here. We can't just step in and kill whoever we want." I let go of her wrist, when I saw she understood.

"But I can." Allefin activated his branched lightning element and sped past us. 

He appeared in front of the Elven Guard exercising his mana pressure. I smiled at his demonstration.

"We should help him." Jace spoke up, the anger showing on his face.

"Let him handle it." I put my arm in front of them to stop them from running behind him.

Allefin was a high ranking noble elf, while the others were mere humans including me. If we caused trouble here, it wouldn't end well.

"I, Allefin Aragorn, command you to stand down." Allefin ordered. The guards all kneeled at his sight as they knew his high status. 

"What's happened here?" Allefin asked, deactivating his lightning spell.

"Young master, this human lady wants to stay in the Elven Kingdom without a visa. It's against the law to let her enter." The lead guard answered.

"Let her return to where she came from, if I ever hear that you're treating guests so disgustingly, I'll get you fired. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir."

"Thank you, young lord." The woman fell grabbing Allefin's feet.

"Please, miss. Leave this place, no one is allowed to stay in the Kingdom without a visa or permanent residence. I'm greatly sorry." Allefin helped her up.

The guards all stood up and nodded at Allefin before doing a check up on him.

"Please proceed young master." The guard let him enter through the gates.

Allefin waved at us, "See you on the other side!"

"Okay we're next I guess." Jace said as he pushed me to get checked first.

The poor woman had already walked away taking her children back down the path.

"Hands to your side." The guard ordered and I raised my arms up, so I looked like a 'T'.

He had some sort of baton that scanned my body.

"Okay he's clear. Move on." He said, before he hushed me to get lost.

I walked past the guard and tried to enter through the large entrance but some sort of forcefield was holding me back. I tried several times but the forcefield wouldn't budge. It felt like a solid wall was in front of me.

Sh*t! I was gathering attention. I felt the gazes of the soldiers on me.

"Hurry up and enter or is it that you can't?" I could hear the unsheathing of blades at the lead guard's question. 

Why the hell couldn't I enter? Could it be some sort of barrier to prevent demons from entering? This was bad.

Then an idea popped into my head, I pulled out the limiter bracelet I duplicated from the amusement park and wore it. Immediately my stats were dampened further and so were my mana pressure and demon aura.

I stepped forward and this time there was still a resistance like I was walking in water but after my whole body passed the barrier 

"He's with me!" Allefin laughed awkwardly, putting his arm over my shoulders. I was taller than him so it looked funny.

"He's a bit sick, so he gets dizzy and can't walk properly at times." Allefin explained. Nice thinking!

"Oh okay, if you say so, young master?" The guards let their guard down again and did their check-ups on the rest of the group.

"Allefin why'd you lie?" I asked.

"Because, otherwise they'd think you're a demon because you couldn't walk through the anti-demon barrier. They'd capture you up and torture you till you die. Us elves are mortal enemies of demons, I thought you knew that." Allefin answered, moving his arm away.

"Nice improvising skills." I smiled.

What would happen if someone actually found out I was a demon? Could I escape before I'm captured?


I waited for the rest of the group to come together before Allefin guided us to the Landlord's Court.

I watched as hundreds of elves traded their goods with merchants in carriages. From the bustling market atmosphere to the luscious greenery everywhere, it reminded me of my old world.

After a 10 minute walk we arrived.

"We're here." Allefin said, pointing at the huge building.

It had remnants of my old world's roman architecture. Large pillars stood 100 metres high and a red carpet led people through 2 large doors inside. It was similar to the Bank's structure.

"You guys wait outside, Allefin and I will quickly get a report about our land." 

Everyone nodded at my words and we both set off, walking up the long flight of stairs. The red carpet stretched all the way to the reception.

I entered with my right foot but felt the same resistance as trying to move underwater.

"Why are you walking so slowly?" Allefin asked.

"My legs are hurting." I said, finally stepping through the force field and walking normally.

"Hello, gentlemen, how may I help you?" The elf behind the counter spoke, writing something with his quill.

"My name is Zeref Amara. I'm here on behalf of the Vrimeon Bank; I need the report of the land that was seized."

"Oh yes. I've already had it prepared for you, here it is." The elf handed us a large file, "If there's anything else I can help you with please tell me."

"No, that's fine." 

Allefin and I reached the exit but the anti-demon barrier stopped me from leaving. What the f*ck man! Did I have to keep putting on dampeners?!

I quickly pulled out the last duplicate I had left and wore the dampener on my right hand this time. Gosh did I feel weak.

This must have been how Jace felt. My stats were all in their 30's now and my MP was capped at 2000. If I had to fight now, I was sure to be dead.

Allefin gave me a strange look before he looked away. Did he suspect me? I continued walking until we made it outside. 

It turned out  every time I left an anti-demon protected facility, the extra dampeners I wore were losing their effects for some reason. In addition, only having the eyepatch wasn't helping either, I couldn't even enter or leave. This was terrible. I had to stay away from those types of places.


"Allefin welcome home!" An elf woman opened the door and hugged Allefin straight away. She had blonde hair like him and blue eyes. She wore a nicely stitched blue dress.

"Oh my god! My little Allefin has brought some friends. Please come in! I'm so happy!" I figured out that this woman was his mother. She shrieked in joy and let us in one by one. 

I was scared their house would have an anti - demon barrier but surprisingly it didn't to my relief. If I came across one more my cover would blow. 

On second thoughts, maybe moving to the elven Kingdom wasn't such a good idea. I'd rather not get captured.

We were forced to sit down and have small talk with Allefin's intrigued parents. They told us how Allefin had never brought friends home and how lonely his childhood was and a lot of other random boring stuff that I didn't pay attention to. I just needed a good night's rest so I could retrieve the land tomorrow.

"That's enough about us. What about you guys? Tell us more about yourselves." Allefin's mother smiled at us, making me miss my mother.

"I'll go first then!" Jace said excitedly, "My name is Jace and I'm Zeref's friend."

I spat out my drink, making everyone look at me; I grabbed a handkerchief and wiped myself. What kind of introduction is that? I laughed internally at Jace's stupidity.

"I'm Naz and I'm also Zeref's friend." Naz smiled, locking her arm around Jace's. Was being my friend something to boast about?

"And you, are you also Zeref's friend, whoever he is." The father scoffed, pointing at Malia. I could tell he was a proud man but he was trying to be nice to his son's friends. Allefin really must've been a loner.

"Sup." Malia scoffed at them, half waving before letting her hand drop to her side. 

Okay that was a worse introduction than Jace and Naz. I have seen Malia introduce herself before. She used her formal voice which showed off her nobility. The more I looked at Malia, the more I started realising the similarity of Malia and Nina's actions.

Allefin's mother looked at her strangely, her eyes gleaming slightly at her noble demeanour; she looked interested in her.

Everyone's gazes finally faced me.

"It's a pleasure to meet you both. My name is Zeref Amara and I'm the owner of the Bank of Vrimeon, where your son works."

"Oh my god! I've heard a lot about you from my eldest son Tybalt and even Allefin. It's a pleasure. You've accomplished so much at such a young age, it's astonishing." The father stood up and even towered over me at 6'4, he was definitely a monster.

I stood up too and shook his hand firmly. 

"You've got a firm grip." he smiled, before letting go and we all sat down again. I could see him shake his hand after, did I grip his hand that hard?

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