How Should You Deal With The Immortality At The Beginning?

Chapter 100 Commission From The City Lord

"The city lord is looking for me?"

Lu Yuan subconsciously felt that there was nothing good going on.

But obviously.

The other party is not here to cause trouble for you.

Although he didn't open the door, Lu Yuan could already hear it from the sound.

The one knocking on the door was the old man from yesterday.

Think of this.

Lu Yuan got dressed and opened the door.

as expected.

It's the old man from yesterday.

[Name: Keyue, Gender: Male, Age: 67 years old, Identity: White Mist City Manager, no bounty record, Level: Haoyue Level 9, Superpower: Mirror Space, Level 35, Effect: Slight, the target is invincible to you Meaning, other...]

Because Lu Yuan wanted to know if this Ke Yue was hostile to him.

So the all-seeing eye shows a person without hostility.

It can be said that this omniscient eye is really awesome!

Seeing this, Lu Yuan also smiled and said: "It's an honor for me to meet the city lord. I also ask the old man to introduce him."

"Call me Mr. Ke."

Keyue said with a smile, and then took Lu Yuan out of the hotel.

As soon as you go out.

There is a luxury car waiting outside.

As soon as Lu Yuan got in the car, he saw a middle-aged man sitting in the car.

Didn't look long.

Another piece of information appeared in his mind.

[Name: Liang Yongyi, Gender: Male, Age: 45 years old, Identity: Ruler of White Mist City, no bounty record, Level: Shining Sun Level 9, number of powers 3, average level 35, the target is not hostile to you, others ...]

"The Lord of White Mist City!?"

Lu Yuan was obviously shocked by this information.

He had no idea that the Lord of White Mist City was actually in the car.

Fortunately, this guy is not hostile to me.

Otherwise, you’ll get slapped when you get in the car...

At this moment.

Keyue also got into the car and introduced Lu Yuan: "Little friend Lu, this gentleman is the ruler of our White Mist City."

"City Lord!?"

Lu Yuan pretended to jump in surprise, then quickly lowered his head and said, "It's an honor to see the true face of the city lord today!"

"Haha, you can pull me down."

Liang Yongyi gently held Lu Yuan's hand and said with a smile: "Do you think I didn't notice it? You might have recognized me the moment I got in the car."

Speaking of which.

Liang Yongyi asked in a curious tone: "I have never been to Huanhai City, and there is no portrait of me on the streets of Baiwu City. How did you recognize me?"

When Lu Yuan saw that his superb acting skills were seen through, he did not panic, but said with the same smile: "Actually, I don't know you, City Lord, but there is no one else who can instruct Mr. Ke to find me in this car, except you, City Lord, Who else could it be?”

"You boy, you are very clever."

Liang Yongyi smiled appreciatively, and then did not continue the topic, but asked: "Yesterday, your performance was very brave. It was completely unexpected that you came from the territory of a first-level force. I didn't know that Mr. Lu, you came from Huanhai City. where?"

Yesterday, after dealing with the death of Wei Lan and others.

Liang Yongyi sent someone to investigate Lu Yuan's information. He knew that Lu Yuan was not from the top ten families in Huanhai City, but because of the distance, there was no way to find out where Lu Yuan was from.

After hearing Liang Yongyi's words, Lu Yuan said directly without thinking: "To be honest, I was born in the untouchable area. I entered the main city area by chance. Now I have a cooperative relationship with the Su family in Huanhai City."


Lu Yuan's words shocked both Liang Yongyi and Ke Yue.

They didn't expect it at all.

Such a super genius was not trained by the ruler.

But an ordinary person who accidentally awakens a supernatural power? ? ?

The probability of this happening is simply lower than being killed by a meteor!

Seemingly aware of his gaffe, Liang Yongyi coughed twice and said, "That's really the child of destiny. I've been living in Baiwu City for more than 20 years, and I've never seen someone like you who rose from the ranks of untouchables." A strong man who grew up in the area.”

There was no concealment of his admiration for Lu Yuan in his eyes.

Lu Yuan looked at it and didn't know what he meant...

I just wanted to use my omniscient eye to see what he was thinking.

Liang Yongyi suddenly said: "I won't say much more. I am a person with a rather impatient temper. The purpose of talking to you this time is that I have a task I want to entrust you. I wonder if you have any intention to find out more about it? "

"You have a mission for me?"

Lu Yuan even doubted his ears.

A city lord with a fifth-level power must have many talented people under his command.

Why do you come to me to do this task? ? ?

Seemingly sensing Lu Yuan's doubts, Liang Yongyi further explained: "I know you must be thinking, I have so many talented people, why do I need you to do the task, because my people are not suitable."

"You mean...a new face is needed to complete this task?" Lu Yuan said clearly.

Liang Yongyi nodded appreciatively and continued: "You are right. The mission target knows my men well. If they are allowed to carry out the mission, the mission will most likely end in failure, so I need you. How can I help you?" Are you interested in finding out more?"

"If you are not interested, will the city lord kill people and silence them?"

Lu Yuan said something that was not what was asked.

When Liang Yongyi heard this, he was stunned for several seconds.

Then he laughed loudly and said: "Boy Lu, are you treating our Baiwu City as a bandit den? This is a commission, not an order. If I don't allow you to refuse, then why should I ask for your opinion?"

[The observation target did not lie and is still not hostile. 】

Lu Yuan looked at Liang Yongyi. After getting this information, he laughed twice and said, "That's true, but I have a question. I wonder if the city lord can help me solve it?"

"you say."

"Can I understand that the task you want to entrust me to do is not a death mission?"

"That's natural. I have no grievances with you. Why should I let you go on an impossible death mission?"

Speaking of which.

Liang Yongyi thought for a while and continued: "Of course, this mission itself is dangerous. If you are caught and not killed, I will find a way to save you privately. If you are killed directly, then I can only I promise to avenge you. After all, missions are always risky, do you understand?"

After hearing this, Lu Yuan nodded: "I understand, what about the mission reward?"


As soon as Liang Yongyi heard Lu Yuan ask about the reward, he knew that Lu Yuan was interested, and immediately said: "As long as you complete this task, you can ask for anything you want. If I can satisfy you, I will definitely satisfy you."

"That's okay."

Lu Yuan smiled and nodded, and said shockingly: "Then if I complete this task, I need you to help me conquer two third-level forces. If you can, I will accept your commission. If not, I will take it as your responsibility." I haven't been here."


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