The special ability of the Beidou satellite is very suitable for observing long-distance targets.

Under the control of Lu Yuan.

Basically, as long as he was not indoors, Xia Houwen's every move could not escape Lu Yuan's satellite monitoring.

Including his guards, how to protect Xia Houwen when he was at work.

Where to go for a drink after get off work.

Lu Yuandu observed and recorded.


These things cannot be seen in one day.

While waiting for the game.

Lu Yuandu has been observing Qingcheng's movements.

It can be said that he has already figured out the movements of Xia Houwen and his bodyguards very closely.

Time soon came to the eighth day.

This morning.

Lu Yuan and others were informed that the top sixteen had been decided.

Except for Lu Yuan's team and the teams of five fourth-level forces.

A total of ten teams of third-level forces entered the competition for the top sixteen.

So they headed to the competition venue early in the morning.

If there are no surprises, the final champion will be decided today!

During this week, Xie Tian's level reached the ninth level of Starlight, and Su Ming's level also reached the ninth level of Starlight.

Yu You and Monkey are a bit worse, only at the seventh level of Starlight.

But even so.

Their true combat effectiveness has also reached a relatively high level.

As a healer, Lu Yun himself has little combat effectiveness. This is similar to other teams, so it can be ignored.

In general.

Just looking at the strength on paper, the team led by Lu Yuan...

It's okay to get into the quarterfinals if you're lucky, but it's basically impossible to reach the semifinals, or even higher.

But if we talk about real combat effectiveness.

That terrifying man, Lu Yuan, would probably challenge everyone easily!


The car arrived at the competition venue.

As soon as Lu Yuan and others got out of the car, they met several teams.

The teams looked unfamiliar.

Lu Yuan glanced at them casually and knew that these people were from the fourth level forces.

"You brat, what are you looking at?"

When Lu Yuan was observing other teams, there was a tall and mighty man who yelled at Lu Yuan fiercely.

Lu Yuan glanced at the strong man and said lightly: "What are you looking at?"

This reply directly made the strong man angry.

He was about to rush over and teach Lu Yuan a lesson.

A man holding a fan stretched out a hand to block the strong man: "A Biao, calm down. These people in front of you are the biggest dark horses this year. With the reputation of a first-level force, they have been recommended to the top ten." It’s a very strong team competing for the top six.”

"Hey, is this the first-level force team?"

"It seems to be called Huanhai City. Where is this city? I have never heard of it?"

"Let me tell you, there are no dark horses. It's just that those people from the third-level forces are so useless that even a first-level force can sit on their heads and shit, hahaha."


As soon as the man's words came out.

Others around him couldn't help laughing when they heard it.

As a fourth-level force, they have the right not to participate in the first round.

Therefore, they did not come to White Mist City a few days ago, but only came in the past day or two.

Just got here.

They heard about Lu Yuan, the dark horse.

Despite its status as a first-level city, it won the first stage championship.


In their eyes, Lu Yuan and others were able to win the championship.

That's because eight teams encountered accidents, causing the first round to end early.

Otherwise, after three days, I really don’t know who is number one.

Lu Yuan ignored everyone's ridicule.

His eyes were focused on the young man with a fan.

The number of this guy's superpowers has reached two, so he can be considered a genius.

But what surprised Lu Yuan the most was not the number of his powers.

But his level actually reached the first level of Haoyue! !

It's not just him.

The captain of the other team next to him also reached the Haoyue level.

If it weren't for the omniscient eye, Lu Yuan probably wouldn't have known about the hidden strength of these people.

This still has a great impact on the formation of troops.

As if Lu Yuan was looking at him, the fan man waved his fan to attract Lu Yuan's attention and said, "I wonder what you call me, brother?"

"Before asking others to call you, do you have to tell yourself your family name first?"

Lu Yuan asked with a smile.

He didn't change his attitude at all just because the other party was the heir to a fourth-level force.

When the fan man heard this, a glimmer of haze flashed in his eyes, but the haze just passed away. He showed a smile and said: "I'm sorry, I thought everyone should know my name, forget you guys." He came from the country."

"Oh, Pu Xin men, there are quite a few of them these days, especially some people who hold fans to pretend to be elegant, but in the eyes of outsiders, they are just well-dressed beasts."

Lu Yuan retorted without showing any signs of weakness.

These words directly made the fan man angry and released his energy instantly.

If there is any disagreement, they will launch an attack.

When Su Ming and others saw this situation, they immediately entered a fighting state.

The scene may break out into a scuffle.

At this time, Ke Yue walked out of the door and scolded in a cold tone: "This is White Mist City. Those who use force in private are sentenced to death. I see if any of you want to challenge the majesty of White Mist City!"

When the fan man heard this, he immediately calmed down.

He forced out a smile, bowed towards Ke Yue and said, "My nephew Zhou Tairan has met Mr. Ke."

With a lead.

Those people from the fourth level forces all said hello to Keyue.

Lu Yuan also said hello because he didn't want to expose his acquaintance with Keyue.

But he didn't bow like those people, but stood still and said hello with a smile.

Ke Yue nodded to Lu Yuan without leaving any trace, and then said: "Don't be too polite. The drawing ceremony for the quarterfinals is about to begin. Captain, follow me. The others will enter the arena first and wait."


Zhou Tairan and the other captain agreed and immediately followed Keye away.

As the captain, Lu Yuan naturally followed behind.

Zhou Tairan walked to Lu Yuan's side and said in a very small voice: "I hope the opponent will be you later. I will let you know what it means to be crazy. You must have crazy capital, and useless dogs should be shut down." Mouth, otherwise you may be stewed into dog meat!"

"Well, then why are you still talking? Aren't you contradicting yourself?"

Lu Yuan replied unceremoniously again.

This sentence directly made Zhou Tairan grit his teeth in anger...

As the heir to a fourth-level force, how could he ever be so angry?

If anyone dared to talk to him like this, he would have chopped him into pieces and fed him to the dogs! !

But now there is absolutely nothing that can be done against Lu Yuan.

This is very angry! !

So Zhou Tairan stopped asking for boredom, shut up and returned to the front.

The group walked for a few minutes and arrived at a conference room.

When Lu Yuan and others arrived, all sixteen captains were present.

Keyue took out a cardboard box from the space accessories and said: "Each person draws a number. You are not allowed to use special powers, otherwise it will be treated as a failure."

"Then, let's start drawing lots!"


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